1,345 research outputs found

    The Lutz-Kelker bias in trigonometric parallaxes

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    The theoretical prediction that trigonometric parallaxes suffer from a statistical effect, has become topical again now that the results of the Hipparcos satellite have become available. This statistical effect, the so-called Lutz-Kelker bias, causes measured parallaxes to be too large. This has the implication that inferred distances, and hence inferred luminosities are too small. Published analytic calculations of the Lutz-Kelker bias indicate that the inferred luminosity of an object is, on average, 30% too small when the error in the parallax is only 17.5%. Yet, this bias has never been determined empirically. In this paper we investigate whether there is such a bias by comparing the best Hipparcos parallaxes which ground-based measurements. We find that there is indeed a large bias affecting parallaxes, with an average and scatter comparable to predictions. We propose a simple method to correct for the LK bias, and apply it successfully to a sub-sample of our stars. We then analyze the sample of 26 `best' Cepheids used by Feast & Catchpole (1997) to derive the zero-point of the fundamental mode pulsators and leads to a distance modulus to the Large Magellanic Cloud - based on Cepheid parallaxes- of 18.56 +/- 0.08, consistent with previous estimates.Comment: MNRAS Letters in press; 6 pages LaTeX, 6 ps figure

    Рациональный компромисс целей субъектов дистанционного образования

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    На базе системной методологии исследованы механизмы согласования деятельности субъектов в дистанционном образовании для нахождения рационального компромисса целей субъектов обучения, учебных заведений и агентов рынка труда. На схемах взаимосвязей компонентов системы образования в процессе обучения и на схеме взаимодействия учебных заведений проиллюстрированы преимущества такого подхода. Предложена математическая постановка задачи обеспечения рационального компромисса целей. Разработан алгоритм ее решения.На основі системної методології досліджено механізми погодження діяльності суб’єктів у дистанційній освіті з метою знаходження раціонального компромісу цілей суб’єктів навчання, навчальних закладів та агентів ринку праці. На схемах взаємозв’язків компонентів системи освіти у процесі навчання та на схемі взаємодії навчальних закладів проілюстровано переваги такого підходу. Запропоновано математичну модель задачі знаходження раціонального компромісу цілей та наведено алгоритм її розв’язку.Coordination mechanisms for agents purposes in the distance education have been studied on the basis of system methodology. The finding of rational compromise for purposes of learners, educational institutions and labour market agents is proposed. Benefits of the approach are illustrated by the scheme of education system components interconnection during the learning process and the scheme of educational institutions interaction. A mathematical model and an algorithm for finding the rational compromise of purposes are given

    Herschel imaging and spectroscopy of the nebula around the luminous blue variable star WRAY 15-751

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    We have obtained far-infrared Herschel PACS imaging and spectroscopic observations of the nebular environment of the luminous blue variable WRAY 15-751. These images clearly show that the main, dusty nebula is a shell of radius 0.5 pc and width 0.35 pc extending outside the H-alpha nebula. They also reveal a second, bigger and fainter dust nebula, observed for the first time. Both nebulae lie in an empty cavity, likely the remnant of the O-star wind bubble formed when the star was on the main sequence. The kinematic ages of the nebulae are about 20000 and 80000 years and each nebula contains about 0.05 Msun of dust. Modeling of the inner nebula indicates a Fe-rich dust. The far-infrared spectrum of the main nebula revealed forbidden emission lines coming from ionized and neutral gas. Our study shows that the main nebula consists of a shell of ionized gas surrounded by a thin photodissociation region illuminated by an "average" early-B star. The derived abundance ratios N/O=1.0+/-0.4 and C/O=0.4+/-0.2 indicate a mild N/O enrichment. We estimate that the inner shell contains 1.7+/-0.6 Msun of gas. Assuming a similar dust-to-gas ratio for the outer nebula, the total mass ejected by WRAY 15-751 amounts to 4+/-2 Msun. The measured abundances, masses and kinematic ages of the nebulae were used to constrain the evolution of the star and the epoch at which the nebulae were ejected. Our results point to an ejection of the nebulae during the RSG evolutionary phase of an ~ 40 Msun star. The presence of multiple shells around the star suggests that the mass-loss was not a continuous ejection but rather a series of episodes of extreme mass-loss. Our measurements are compatible with the recent evolutionary tracks computed for an 40 Msun star with little rotation. They support the O-BSG-RSG-YSG-LBV filiation and the idea that high-luminosity and low-luminosity LBVs follow different evolutionary paths.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Terminal velocities of luminous, early-type SMC stars

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    Ultraviolet spectra from the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) are used to determine terminal velocities for 11 O and B-type giants and supergiants in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) from the Si IV and C IV resonance lines. Using archival data from observations with the Goddard High-Resolution Spectrograph and the International Ultraviolet Explorer telescope, terminal velocities are obtained for a further five B-type supergiants. We discuss the metallicity dependence of stellar terminal velocities, finding no evidence for a significant scaling between Galactic and SMC metallicities for Teff < 30,000 K, consistent with the predictions of radiation driven wind theory for supergiant stars. A comparison of the v/vescv_\infty / v_{esc} ratio between the SMC and Galactic samples, while consistent with the above statement, emphasizes that the uncertainties in the distances to galactic O-stars are a serious obstacle to a detailed comparison with theory. For the SMC sample there is considerable scatter in this ratio at a given effective temperature, perhaps indicative of uncertainties in stellar masses.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, accepted by ApJ; minor revisions prior to acceptanc

    Mid-IR period-magnitude relations for AGB stars

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    Asymptotic Giant Branch variables are found to obey period-luminosity relations in the mid-IR similar to those seen at K_S (2.14 microns), even at 24 microns where emission from circumstellar dust is expected to be dominant. Their loci in the M, logP diagrams are essentially the same for the LMC and for NGC6522 in spite of different ages and metallicities. There is no systematic trend of slope with wavelength. The offsets of the apparent magnitude vs. logP relations imply a difference between the two fields of 3.8 in distance modulus. The colours of the variables confirm that a principal period with log P > 1.75 is a necessary condition for detectable mass-loss. At the longest observed wavelength, 24 microns, many semi-regular variables have dust shells comparable in luminosity to those around Miras. There is a clear bifurcation in LMC colour-magnitude diagrams involving 24 micron magnitudes.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Evolution and Nucleosynthesis of Zero Metal Intermediate Mass Stars

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    New stellar models with mass ranging between 4 and 8 Mo, Z=0 and Y=0.23 are presented. The models have been evolved from the pre Main Sequence up to the Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB). At variance with previous claims, we find that these updated stellar models do experience thermal pulses in the AGB phase. In particular we show that: a) in models with mass larger than 6 Mo, the second dredge up is able to raise the CNO abundance in the envelope enough to allow a "normal" AGB evolution, in the sense that the thermal pulses and the third dredge up settle on; b) in models of lower mass, the efficiency of the CNO cycle in the H-burning shell is controlled by the carbon produced locally via the 3alpha reactions. Nevertheless the He-burning shell becomes thermally unstable after the early AGB. The expansion of the overlying layers induced by these weak He-shell flashes is not sufficient by itself to allow a deep penetration of the convective envelope. However, immediately after that, the maximum luminosity of the He flash is attained and a convective shell systematically forms at the base of the H-rich envelope. The innermost part of this convective shell probably overlaps the underlying C-rich region left by the inter-shell convection during the thermal pulse, so that fresh carbon is dredged up in a "hot" H-rich environment and a H flash occurs. This flash favours the expansion of the outermost layers already started by the weak thermal pulse and a deeper penetration of the convective envelope takes place. Then, the carbon abundance in the envelope rises to a level high enough that the further evolution of these models closely resembles that of more metal rich AGB stars. These stars provide an important source of primary carbon and nitrogen.Comment: 28 pages, 5 tables and 17 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    The Herschel view of the nebula around the luminous blue variable star AG Carinae

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    Far-infrared Herschel PACS imaging and spectroscopic observations of the nebula around the luminous blue variable (LBV) star AG Car have been obtained along with optical imaging in the Halpha+[NII] filter. In the infrared light, the nebula appears as a clumpy ring shell that extends up to 1.2 pc with an inner radius of 0.4 pc. It coincides with the Halpha nebula, but extends further out. Dust modeling of the nebula was performed and indicates the presence of large grains. The dust mass is estimated to be ~ 0.2 Msun. The infrared spectrum of the nebula consists of forbidden emission lines over a dust continuum. Apart from ionized gas, these lines also indicate the existence of neutral gas in a photodissociation region that surrounds the ionized region. The abundance ratios point towards enrichment by processed material. The total mass of the nebula ejected from the central star amounts to ~ 15 Msun, assuming a dust-to-gas ratio typical of LBVs. The abundances and the mass-loss rate were used to constrain the evolutionary path of the central star and the epoch at which the nebula was ejected, with the help of available evolutionary models. This suggests an ejection during a cool LBV phase for a star of ~ 55 Msun with little rotation.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Use of tunable nanopore blockade rates to investigate colloidal dispersions

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    Tunable nanopores in elastomeric membranes have been used to study the dependence of ionic current blockade rate on the concentration and electrophoretic mobility of particles in aqueous suspensions. A range of nanoparticle sizes, materials and surface functionalities has been tested. Using pressure-driven flow through a pore, the blockade rate for 100 nm carboxylated polystyrene particles was found to be linearly proportional to both transmembrane pressure (controlled between 0 and 1.8 kPa) and particle concentration (between 7 x 10^8 and 4.5 x 10^10 mL^-1). This result can be accurately modelled using Nernst-Planck transport theory. Using only an applied potential across a pore, the blockade rates for carboxylic acid and amine coated 500 nm and 200 nm silica particles were found to correspond to changes in their mobility as a function of the solution pH. Scanning electron microscopy and confocal microscopy have been used to visualise changes in the tunable nanopore geometry in three dimensions as a function of applied mechanical strain. The pores observed were conical in shape, and changes in pore size were consistent with ionic current measurements. A zone of inelastic deformation adjacent to the pore has been identified as critical in the tuning process