433 research outputs found

    Parametric study of modern airship productivity

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    A method for estimating the specific productivity of both hybrid and fully buoyant airships is developed. Various methods of estimating structural weight of deltoid hybrids are discussed and a derived weight estimating relationship is presented. Specific productivity is used as a figure of merit in a parametric study of fully buoyant ellipsoidal and deltoid hybrid semi-buoyant vehicles. The sensitivity of results as a function of assumptions is also determined. No airship configurations were found to have superior specific productivity to transport airplanes

    High probability of comorbidities in bronchial asthma in Germany

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    Clinical experience has shown that allergic and non-allergic respiratory, metabolic, mental, and cardiovascular disorders sometimes coexist with bronchial asthma. However, no study has been carried out that calculates the chance of manifestation of these disorders with bronchial asthma in Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. Using ICD10 diagnoses from health care institutions, the present study systematically analyzed the co-prevalence and odds ratios of comorbidities in the asthma population in Germany. The odds ratios were adjusted for age and sex for all comorbidities for patients with asthma vs. without asthma. Bronchial asthma was strongly associated with allergic and with a lesser extent to non-allergic comorbidities: OR 7.02 (95% CI:6.83–7.22) for allergic rhinitis; OR 4.98 (95%CI:4.67–5.32) allergic conjunctivitis; OR 2.41 (95%CI:2.33–2.52) atopic dermatitis; OR 2.47 (95%CI:2.16–2.82) food allergy, and OR 1.69 (95%CI:1.61–1.78) drug allergy. Interestingly, increased ORs were found for respiratory diseases: 2.06 (95%CI:1.64–2.58) vocal dysfunction; 1.83 (95%CI:1.74–1.92) pneumonia; 1.78 (95%CI:1.73–1.84) sinusitis; 1.71 (95%CI:1.65–1.78) rhinopharyngitis; 2.55 (95%CI:2.03–3.19) obstructive sleep apnea; 1.42 (95%CI:1.25–1.61) pulmonary embolism, and 3.75 (95%CI:1.64–8.53) bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. Asthmatics also suffer from psychiatric, metabolic, cardiac or other comorbidities. Myocardial infarction (OR 0.86, 95%CI:0.79–0.94) did not coexist with asthma. Based on the calculated chances of manifestation for these comorbidities, especially allergic and respiratory, to a lesser extent also metabolic, cardiovascular, and mental disorders should be taken into consideration in the diagnostic and treatment strategy of bronchial asthma

    Stereotactic body radiation therapy for melanoma and renal cell carcinoma: impact of single fraction equivalent dose on local control

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Melanoma and renal cell carcinoma (RCC) are traditionally considered less radioresponsive than other histologies. Whereas stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) involves radiation dose intensification via escalation, we hypothesize SBRT might result in similar high local control rates as previously published on metastases of varying histologies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The records of patients with metastatic melanoma (n = 17 patients, 28 lesions) or RCC (n = 13 patients, 25 lesions) treated with SBRT were reviewed. Local control (LC) was defined pathologically by negative biopsy or radiographically by lack of tumor enlargement on CT or stable/declining standardized uptake value (SUV) on PET scan. The SBRT dose regimen was converted to the single fraction equivalent dose (SFED) to characterize the dose-control relationship using a logistic tumor control probability (TCP) model. Additionally, the kinetics of decline in maximum SUV (SUV<sub>max</sub>) were analyzed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The SBRT regimen was 40-50 Gy/5 fractions (n = 23) or 42-60 Gy/3 fractions (n = 30) delivered to lung (n = 39), liver (n = 11) and bone (n = 3) metastases. Median follow-up for patients alive at the time of analysis was 28.0 months (range, 4-68). The actuarial LC was 88% at 18 months. On univariate analysis, higher dose per fraction (p < 0.01) and higher SFED (p = 0.06) were correlated with better LC, as was the biologic effective dose (BED, p < 0.05). The actuarial rate of LC at 24 months was 100% for SFED ≄45 Gy v 54% for SFED <45 Gy. TCP modeling indicated that to achieve ≄90% 2 yr LC in a 3 fraction regimen, a prescription dose of at least 48 Gy is required. In 9 patients followed with PET scans, the mean pre-SBRT SUV<sub>max </sub>was 7.9 and declined with an estimated half-life of 3.8 months to a post-treatment plateau of approximately 3.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>An aggressive SBRT regimen with SFED ≄ 45 Gy is effective for controlling metastatic melanoma and RCC. The SFED metric appeared to be as robust as the BED in characterizing dose-response, though additional studies are needed. The LC rates achieved are comparable to those obtained with SBRT for other histologies, suggesting a dominant mechanism of in vivo tumor ablation that overrides intrinsic differences in cellular radiosensitivity between histologic subtypes.</p

    ifo Konjunkturprognose 2007/2008: Aufschwung mit niedrigerem Tempo

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    Die Weltwirtschaft befindet sich im vierten Jahr eines konjunkturellen Aufschwungs und expandierte auch im FrĂŒhjahr 2007 krĂ€ftig. Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt legte infolge der gĂŒnstigen Ertragslage der Unternehmen, höherer Aktienkurse und der zwar zuletzt gestiegenen, aber immer noch vergleichsweise niedrigen langfristigen Zinsen dynamisch zu. Und auch im Prognosezeitraum wird die Expansion der Weltwirtschaft schwungvoll bleiben, sich jedoch etwas abflachen. In der Eurozone setzt sich der Aufschwung zunĂ€chst schwungvoll fort, verliert aber im nĂ€chsten Jahr etwas an Dynamik. In den IndustrielĂ€ndern wird das Bruttoinlandsprodukt im Jahr 2007 um 2,5% und im Jahr 2008 um 2,8% zunehmen. Der Welthandel wird in diesem Jahr um 7,5% und im nĂ€chsten Jahr um 8,0% expandieren. In Deutschland hat sich der Aufschwung nach der Jahreswende trotz der Erhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer fortgesetzt. Saisonbereinigt ist die gesamtwirtschaftliche Produktion im ersten Quartal mit einer laufenden Jahresrate von 2,1% gestiegen, zuvor hatte das Expansionstempo allerdings noch bei 4,0% gelegen. Im Prognosezeitraum dĂŒrfte sich der konjunkturelle Aufschwung fortsetzen, dabei aber nicht mehr die hohe Dynamik des vergangenen Jahres erreichen. Die gesamtwirtschaftliche Produktion wird im laufenden Jahr um 2,6% expandieren; arbeitstĂ€glich bereinigt um 2,8%. Im Jahr 2008 tritt der konjunkturelle Aufschwung in seine SpĂ€tphase ein.Weltkonjunktur, Konjunkturprognose, Wirtschaftslage, Wirtschaftswachstum, Deutschland, Welt

    ifo Konjunkturprognose 2007: Konjunkturelle AuftriebskrÀfte bleiben stark

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    Am 14. Dezember 2006 stellte das ifo Institut im Rahmen seines vorweihnachtlichen PressegesprĂ€chs seine Prognose fĂŒr die Jahre 2007 und 2008 vor. Die deutsche Wirtschaft befindet sich zum Jahresende 2006 in einem krĂ€ftigen Aufschwung, der Anfang 2005 begonnen hat. Treibende Kraft des Booms ist weiterhin die Auslandsnachfrage, die trotz der diesjĂ€hrigen krĂ€ftigen Aufwertung des Euro gegenĂŒber dem US-Dollar erneut erheblich zugelegt hat. Die Exporte dĂŒrften im Jahresdurchschnitt 2006 um 10,5% gestiegen sein, das ist der grĂ¶ĂŸte Zuwachs seit dem Jahr 2000. Anders als im Jahr 2005 ist nunmehr aber auch die Binnenkonjunktur in Schwung gekommen. Die Investitionen in Bauten und AusrĂŒstungen wurden im laufenden Jahr recht zĂŒgig ausgeweitet. Der private Konsum, mit einem Anteil von 59% am nominalen BIP die gewichtigste Verwendungskomponente, vermochte im laufenden Jahr zum ersten Mal seit dem Jahr 2001 wieder etwas zuzulegen. Alles in allem dĂŒrfte die gesamtwirtschaftliche Produktion im Jahresdurchschnitt 2006 um 2,5% expandiert sein, nach 0,9% im Vorjahr. Nach Ausschaltung dieser Kalenderschwankung ist die Zuwachsrate der Produktion im laufenden Jahr sogar auf 2,7% zu veranschlagen. Der Aufschwung hat zugleich auch zu einem deutlichen RĂŒckgang der Arbeitslosigkeit gefĂŒhrt. Im Jahresdurchschnitt 2006 dĂŒrfte die Zahl der Arbeitslosen um gut 360 000 gesunken sein. Im kommenden Jahr wird die Konjunktur durch die massive Erhöhung von Steuern und Abgaben zunĂ€chst erheblich gedĂ€mpft; gleichwohl wird sich dann aber der Aufschwung fortsetzen. Die Investitionsdynamik bei den AusrĂŒstungen und im Wirtschaftsbau wird 2007 recht krĂ€ftig bleiben. Alles in allem wird das reale Bruttoinlandsprodukt im Jahr 2007 um 1,9% expandieren, kalenderbereinigt um 2,0%. Bei alledem wird sich die Lage auf dem Arbeitsmarkt weiter bessern.Weltkonjunktur, Konjunkturprognose, Wirtschaftslage, Wirtschaftswachstum, GeschĂ€ftsklima, Deutschland, Welt

    Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis after Pemetrexed and Cisplatin for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in a Patient with Sharp Syndrome

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    Background: Pemetrexed is an antifolate drug approved for maintenance and second-line therapy, and, in combination with cisplatin, for first-line treatment of advanced nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer. The side-effect profile includes fatigue, hematological and gastrointestinal toxicity, an increase in hepatic enzymes, sensory neuropathy, and pulmonary and cutaneous toxicity in various degrees. Case Report: We present the case of a 58-year-old woman with history of Sharp's syndrome and adenocarcinoma of the lung, who developed toxic epidermal necrolysis after the first cycle of pemetrexed, including erythema, bullae, extensive skin denudation, subsequent systemic inflammation and severe deterioration in general condition. The generalized skin lesions occurred primarily in the previous radiation field and responded to immunosuppressive treatment with prednisone. Conclusion: Although skin toxicity is a well-known side effect of pemetrexed, severe skin reactions after pemetrexed administration are rare. Caution should be applied in cases in which pemetrexed is given subsequent to radiation therapy, especially in patients with pre-existing skin diseases

    Ambient vibration tests of a cross-laminated timber building

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    Cross-laminated timber has, in the last 6 years, been used for the first time to form shear walls and cores in multi-storey buildings of seven storeys or more. Such buildings can have low mass in comparison to conventional structural forms. This low mass means that, as cross-laminated timber is used for taller buildings still, their dynamic movement under wind load is likely to be a key design parameter. An understanding of dynamic lateral stiffness and damping, which has so far been insufficiently researched, will be vital to the effective design for wind-induced vibration. In this study, an ambient vibration method is used to identify the dynamic properties of a seven-storey cross-laminated timber building in situ. The random decrement method is used, along with the Ibrahim time domain method, to extract the modal properties of the structure from the acceleration measured under ambient conditions. The results show that this output-only modal analysis method can be used to extract modal information from such a building, and that information is compared with a simple structural model. Measurements on two occasions during construction show the effect of non-structural elements on the modal properties of the structure

    Ultrathin Polydopamine Films with Phospholipid Nanodiscs Containing a Glycophorin A Domain

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    Cellular membranes have long served as an inspiration for nanomaterial research. The preparation of ultrathin polydopamine (PDA) films with integrated protein pores containing phospholipids and an embedded domain of a membrane protein glycophorin A as simplified cell membrane mimics is reported. Large area, ultrathin PDA films are obtained by electropolymerization on gold surfaces with 10–18 nm thickness and dimensions of up to 2.5 cm2. The films are transferred from gold to various other substrates such as nylon mesh, silicon, or substrates containing holes in the micrometer range, and they remain intact even after transfer. The novel transfer technique gives access to freestanding PDA films that remain stable even at the air interfaces with elastic moduli of ≈6–12 GPa, which are higher than any other PDA films reported before. As the PDA film thickness is within the range of cellular membranes, monodisperse protein nanopores, so-called “nanodiscs,” are integrated as functional entities. These nanodisc-containing PDA films can serve as semi-permeable films, in which the embedded pores control material transport. In the future, these simplified cell membrane mimics may offer structural investigations of the embedded membrane proteins to receive an improved understanding of protein-mediated transport processes in cellular membranes
