69 research outputs found

    Knots: Attractive Places with High Path Tortuosity in Mouse Open Field Exploration

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    When introduced into a novel environment, mammals establish in it a preferred place marked by the highest number of visits and highest cumulative time spent in it. Examination of exploratory behavior in reference to this “home base” highlights important features of its organization. It might therefore be fruitful to search for other types of marked places in mouse exploratory behavior and examine their influence on overall behavior

    Behavioral Sequence Analysis Reveals a Novel Role for ß2* Nicotinic Receptors in Exploration

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    Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are widely expressed throughout the central nervous system and modulate neuronal function in most mammalian brain structures. The contribution of defined nAChR subunits to a specific behavior is thus difficult to assess. Mice deleted for ß2-containing nAChRs (ß2−/−) have been shown to be hyperactive in an open-field paradigm, without determining the origin of this hyperactivity. We here develop a quantitative description of mouse behavior in the open field based upon first order Markov and variable length Markov chain analysis focusing on the time-organized sequence that behaviors are composed of. This description reveals that this hyperactivity is the consequence of the absence of specific inactive states or “stops”. These stops are associated with a scanning of the environment in wild-type mice (WT), and they affect the way that animals organize their sequence of behaviors when compared with stops without scanning. They characterize a specific “decision moment” that is reduced in ß2−/− mutant mice, suggesting an important role of ß2-nAChRs in the strategy used by animals to explore an environment and collect information in order to organize their behavior. This integrated analysis of the displacement of an animal in a simple environment offers new insights, specifically into the contribution of nAChRs to higher brain functions and more generally into the principles that organize sequences of behaviors in animals

    Analysis of the Trajectory of Drosophila melanogaster in a Circular Open Field Arena

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    BACKGROUND: Obtaining a complete phenotypic characterization of a freely moving organism is a difficult task, yet such a description is desired in many neuroethological studies. Many metrics currently used in the literature to describe locomotor and exploratory behavior are typically based on average quantities or subjectively chosen spatial and temporal thresholds. All of these measures are relatively coarse-grained in the time domain. It is advantageous, however, to employ metrics based on the entire trajectory that an organism takes while exploring its environment. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To characterize the locomotor behavior of Drosophila melanogaster, we used a video tracking system to record the trajectory of a single fly walking in a circular open field arena. The fly was tracked for two hours. Here, we present techniques with which to analyze the motion of the fly in this paradigm, and we discuss the methods of calculation. The measures we introduce are based on spatial and temporal probability distributions and utilize the entire time-series trajectory of the fly, thus emphasizing the dynamic nature of locomotor behavior. Marginal and joint probability distributions of speed, position, segment duration, path curvature, and reorientation angle are examined and related to the observed behavior. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The measures discussed in this paper provide a detailed profile of the behavior of a single fly and highlight the interaction of the fly with the environment. Such measures may serve as useful tools in any behavioral study in which the movement of a fly is an important variable and can be incorporated easily into many setups, facilitating high-throughput phenotypic characterization

    Optimisation of induction conditions for a bacterial strain producing proinsulin aspart

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    Diabetes poses a serious threat to the health of people around the world. Therefore, in 2021, the World Health Organisation launched the Global Diabetes Compact, an initiative aimed at improving the management and prevention of diabetes. The rapid growth in the number of diabetic patients has increased the need for insulin. Rapid-acting human insulin analogues, including insulin aspart, improve the efficacy of insulin therapy. Methods for insulin aspart production include its biosynthesis in the proinsulin form in Escherichia coli. However, the yield of the recombinant protein largely depends on the optimisation of the production process.The aim of the study was to optimise the induction conditions for an E. coli strain expressing recombinant proinsulin aspart through applying the Design of Experiment (DoE) approach to enhance bacterial cell productivity.Materials and methods. The study focused on a strain of E. coli producing proinsulin aspart. The authors planned the experiment using MODDE software and the reduced face-centred central composite design (CCF) enabling the assessment of factor interactions and the creation of design spaces. The authors carried out fermentations of the producing strain in a 5 L Biostat® B bioreactor and measured proinsulin aspart concentrations by capillary gel electrophoresis. The results were analysed using GraphPad Prism 6.Results. Using the DoE approach, the authors optimised the conditions for the growth of the producer strain and the biosynthesis of proinsulin aspart. Based on data from response surface plots for wet biomass concentration, specific productivity, and volumetric productivity, as well as plotted models, the authors established design spaces for the induction of proinsulin aspart expression in E. coli. The plotted models demonstrated high predictive power and high reproducibility of the results. The authors successfully validated the induction process for the synthesis of proinsulin aspart in a bioreactor under optimised conditions. The volumetric productivity of the strain producing proinsulin aspart increased from 3.06±0.16 g/L (conventional conditions) to 4.93±0.80 g/L (optimised conditions).Conclusions. The authors achieved a 60% increase in the volumetric yield of proinsulin aspart. The study results may be used to intensify the industrial production of insulin aspart

    Mouse Cognition-Related Behavior in the Open-Field: Emergence of Places of Attraction

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    Spatial memory is often studied in the Morris Water Maze, where the animal's spatial orientation has been shown to be mainly shaped by distal visual cues. Cognition-related behavior has also been described along “well-trodden paths”—spatial habits established by animals in the wild and in captivity reflecting a form of spatial memory. In the present study we combine the study of Open Field behavior with the study of behavior on well-trodden paths, revealing a form of locational memory that appears to correlate with spatial memory. The tracked path of the mouse is used to examine the dynamics of visiting behavior to locations. A visit is defined as either progressing through a location or stopping there, where progressing and stopping are computationally defined. We then estimate the probability of stopping at a location as a function of the number of previous visits to that location, i.e., we measure the effect of visiting history to a location on stopping in it. This can be regarded as an estimate of the familiarity of the mouse with locations. The recently wild-derived inbred strain CZECHII shows the highest effect of visiting history on stopping, C57 inbred mice show a lower effect, and DBA mice show no effect. We employ a rarely used, bottom-to-top computational approach, starting from simple kinematics of movement and gradually building our way up until we end with (emergent) locational memory. The effect of visiting history to a location on stopping in it can be regarded as an estimate of the familiarity of the mouse with locations, implying memory of these locations. We show that the magnitude of this estimate is strain-specific, implying a genetic influence. The dynamics of this process reveal that locations along the mouse's trodden path gradually become places of attraction, where the mouse stops habitually

    Оптимизация условий индукции синтеза проинсулина аспарт в клетках бактериального штамма-продуцента

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    Diabetes poses a serious threat to the health of people around the world. Therefore, in 2021, the World Health Organisation launched the Global Diabetes Compact, an initiative aimed at improving the management and prevention of diabetes. The rapid growth in the number of diabetic patients has increased the need for insulin. Rapid-acting human insulin analogues, including insulin aspart, improve the efficacy of insulin therapy. Methods for insulin aspart production include its biosynthesis in the proinsulin form in Escherichia coli. However, the yield of the recombinant protein largely depends on the optimisation of the production process.The aim of the study was to optimise the induction conditions for an E. coli strain expressing recombinant proinsulin aspart through applying the Design of Experiment (DoE) approach to enhance bacterial cell productivity.Materials and methods. The study focused on a strain of E. coli producing proinsulin aspart. The authors planned the experiment using MODDE software and the reduced face-centred central composite design (CCF) enabling the assessment of factor interactions and the creation of design spaces. The authors carried out fermentations of the producing strain in a 5 L Biostat® B bioreactor and measured proinsulin aspart concentrations by capillary gel electrophoresis. The results were analysed using GraphPad Prism 6.Results. Using the DoE approach, the authors optimised the conditions for the growth of the producer strain and the biosynthesis of proinsulin aspart. Based on data from response surface plots for wet biomass concentration, specific productivity, and volumetric productivity, as well as plotted models, the authors established design spaces for the induction of proinsulin aspart expression in E. coli. The plotted models demonstrated high predictive power and high reproducibility of the results. The authors successfully validated the induction process for the synthesis of proinsulin aspart in a bioreactor under optimised conditions. The volumetric productivity of the strain producing proinsulin aspart increased from 3.06±0.16 g/L (conventional conditions) to 4.93±0.80 g/L (optimised conditions).Conclusions. The authors achieved a 60% increase in the volumetric yield of proinsulin aspart. The study results may be used to intensify the industrial production of insulin aspart.Сахарный диабет несет серьезную угрозу здоровью людей во всем мире, в связи с чем в 2021 г. Всемирная организация здравоохранения учредила Глобальный пакт по борьбе с диабетом — инициативу, направленную на обеспечение улучшений в области лечения и профилактики диабета. Быстрый рост числа больных диабетом увеличивает потребность в инсулине. Применение аналогов инсулина человека ультракороткого действия, в том числе инсулина аспарт, способствует повышению эффективности инсулинотерапии. Одним из способов получения инсулина аспарт является его биосинтез в виде проинсулина в клетках Escherichia coli, однако выход рекомбинантного белка в значительной степени определяется оптимизацией процесса производства.Цель работы: оптимизация условий индукции синтеза рекомбинантного проинсулина аспарт в клетках штамма-продуцента E. coli с помощью подхода математического планирования эксперимента (Design of Experiment, DoE) для повышения продуктивности.Материалы и методы: использовали штамм-продуцент проинсулина аспарт на основе клеток E. coli. Эксперимент планировали с помощью программного обеспечения MODDE с использованием дизайна, который позволяет оценить взаимодействие факторов и в дальнейшем построить проектные поля (reduced central composite design, face-centred, CCF). Культивирование штамма-продуцента проводили в биореакторе Biostat® объемом 5,0 л. Определение концентрации проинсулина аспарт осуществляли методом капиллярного гель-электрофореза. Обработку результатов выполняли с помощью программы GraphPad Prism 6.Результаты: проведена оптимизация условий роста штамма-продуцента и биосинтеза проинсулина аспарт с применением подхода DoE. На основании данных графиков поверхности отклика (для параметров — концентрация влажной биомассы, удельная продуктивность и объемная продуктивность) и построенных моделей были определены проектные поля процесса индукции проинсулина аспарт в клетках штамма-продуцента E. coli. Показано, что построенные модели характеризуются высокой прогностической способностью и высокой воспроизводимостью полученных результатов. Проведена успешная валидация процесса индукции синтеза проинсулина аспарт в оптимизированных условиях в биореакторе. Значение показателя объемной продуктивности штамма-продуцента проинсулина аспарт увеличено с 3,06±0,16 г/л (стандартные условия) до 4,93±0,80 г/л (оптимизированные условия).Выводы: достигнуто увеличение объемной продуктивности штамма-продуцента проинсулина аспарт на 60%. Полученные результаты исследования могут быть использованы для интенсификации промышленного производства инсулина аспарт

    Chronic Toxoplasma Infection Modifies the Structure and the Risk of Host Behavior

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    The intracellular parasite Toxoplasma has an indirect life cycle, in which felids are the definitive host. It has been suggested that this parasite developed mechanisms for enhancing its transmission rate to felids by inducing behavioral modifications in the intermediate rodent host. For example, Toxoplasma-infected rodents display a reduction in the innate fear of predator odor. However, animals with Toxoplasma infection acquired in the wild are more often caught in traps, suggesting that there are manipulations of intermediate host behavior beyond those that increase predation by felids. We investigated the behavioral modifications of Toxoplasma-infected mice in environments with exposed versus non-exposed areas, and found that chronically infected mice with brain cysts display a plethora of behavioral alterations. Using principal component analysis, we discovered that most of the behavioral differences observed in cyst-containing animals reflected changes in the microstructure of exploratory behavior and risk/unconditioned fear. We next examined whether these behavioral changes were related to the presence and distribution of parasitic cysts in the brain of chronically infected mice. We found no strong cyst tropism for any particular brain area but found that the distribution of Toxoplasma cysts in the brain of infected animals was not random, and that particular combinations of cyst localizations changed risk/unconditioned fear in the host. These results suggest that brain cysts in animals chronically infected with Toxoplasma alter the fine structure of exploratory behavior and risk/unconditioned fear, which may result in greater capture probability of infected rodents. These data also raise the possibility that selective pressures acted on Toxoplasma to broaden its transmission between intermediate predator hosts, in addition to felid definitive hosts

    Modulation of the peripheral blood transcriptome by the ingestion of probiotic yoghurt and acidified milk in healthy, young men

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    The metabolic health benefits of fermented milks have already been investigated using clinical biomarkers but the development of transcriptomic analytics in blood offers an alternative approach that may help to sensitively characterise such effects. We aimed to assess the effects of probiotic yoghurt intake, compared to non-fermented, acidified milk intake, on clinical biomarkers and gene expression in peripheral blood. To this end, a randomised, crossover study was conducted in fourteen healthy, young men to test the two dairy products. For a subset of seven subjects, RNA sequencing was used to measure gene expression in blood collected during postprandial tests and after two weeks daily intake. We found that the postprandial response in insulin was different for probiotic yoghurt as compared to that of acidified milk. Moreover changes in several clinical biomarkers were associated with changes in the expression of genes representing six metabolic genesets. Assessment of the postprandial effects of each dairy product on gene expression by geneset enrichment analysis revealed significant, similar modulation of inflammatory and glycolytic genes after both probiotic yoghurt and acidified milk intake, although distinct kinetic characteristics of the modulation differentiated the dairy products. The aryl hydrocarbon receptor was a major contributor to the down-regulation of the inflammatory genesets and was also positively associated with changes in circulating insulin at 2h after yoghurt intake (p = 0.05). Daily intake of the dairy products showed little effect on the fasting blood transcriptome. Probiotic yoghurt and acidified milk appear to affect similar gene pathways during the postprandial phase but differences in the timing and the extent of this modulation may lead to different physiological consequences. The functional relevance of these differences in gene expression is supported by their associations with circulating biomarkers