815 research outputs found

    Influence of growth regulating chemicals on growth and flowering in Jasmine (Jasminum sambac.Ait.)

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    Jasmine is an important commercial flower crop in Tamil Nadu. The crop has a main floweringseason during March to October and an off-season from November to February. During thisoff-season, flowering is very poor or there is no flowering in many growing areas. In recentyears, growth regulators are valuable in floriculture for manipulating growth and flowering ofmany crops and hence and attempt has been made to induce flowering during off season usinggrowth regulators in Jasmine in the Floriculture unit of the Department of Horticulture, Facultyof Agriculture, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu during November, 2016 to February, 2017.The treatment comprises of three concentrations of each of two growth promoting substancesviz., NAA and GA3 and two growth retardants (Cycocel and Maleic Hydrazide). The experimentwas laid out in randomized block design with three replications. Among the various treatments,application of NAA @ 75 ppm (T6) recorded the highest plant height (130.6 cm and 178.5 cm at90 and 180 DAP respectively), number of primary shoots (21.68 and 35.68 at 90 and 180 DAPrespectively), number of nodes (9.86 and 15.89 cm at 90 and 180 DAP respectively) and numberof leaves (1250.0 and 2689.5 at 90 and 180 DAP respectively). Earliness in flowering (26.38DAP) and maximum duration of flowering (171.00 days) was noticed in (GA3@ 150 ppm T3).From the above studies, it is inferred that application of GA3 @ 150 ppm could be recommendedfor enhanced growth and higher flower yield in Jasminum sambac

    Effect of sprigging density and foliar nitrogen on the growth of Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon L. Pers. x Cynodon transvaalensis)

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    Turf grasses have been utilized by humans to enhance their environment for more than 10centuries. Aesthetically, lawns enhance the quality of life, contribute to social harmony andcommunity pride, increase property values and compliment other landscape plants. The beautyof any garden largely depends on the greenness of the lawn. The first and foremost criteria fora well establishment and a satisfactory lawn are selection of suitable grass species and methodsof its establishment. Hence, an experiment was laid out to study the effect of different spriggingdensity and foliar nitrogen on the growth and establishment of bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylonL. Pers. x Cynodon transvaalensis) in floriculture unit of the Department of Horticulture, Facultyof Agriculture, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu during the year 2013-2015. Bermuda grasssprigs were planted in different spacing levels and foliar spray of urea with twelve treatmentcombinations comprising of different levels viz., 10 x 10 cm with 1%, 1.5% and 2%; 15 x 15 cmwith 1%, 1.5% and 2%; 20 x 20 cm with 1%, 1.5% and 2%; 25 x 25 cm with 1%, 1.5% and2%, in factorial randomized block design with three replications. From the results, it wasfound that the earliest spread and ground cover were observed in planting sprigs at closerspacing of 10 x 10 cm in combination with foliar application of nitrogen in the form of urea as2 % for two times at seven and fifteen days after planting


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    Availability of fresh water is meager in expansion of gardening in all the countries. In many gardens, farm ponds are utilized for irrigation without analyzing the quality of the water. Alternative sources like ponds can be used for irrigation, but salinity will be a problem. Keeping this in mind an experiment was laid out in completely randomized design with three replications. Salinity was induced by adding NaCl of four different concentrations viz., 0.4 , 0.8, 1.2 and 1.6 % and was irrigated on alternative days on two ornamental flowering annuals viz., Zinnia and Petunia. Twenty days old seedlings were subjected to treatments as per the schedule with a control. Phenological observations viz., plant height, number of branches, number of leaves, earliness in flowering, number of flowers, flower diameter are observed at Initial, 40 and 55 days after sowing. From the results, it was found that plant growth reduced with the elevated NaCl concentration. Saline treated plants had earlier blooming upto 1.2%  and with the incaresed salinity levels, the plants falied to initiate flowering and started withering

    Intramuscular hemangioma of the masseter muscle: a case report

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    Intramuscular hemangiomas are uncommon neoplasm's arising most frequently in the masseter and trapezius muscle. Due to it's location it is often mistaken for a parotid swelling and rarely is an accurate pre-operative diagnosis achieved clinically. The intra masseteric location also poses special problem in terms of proximity to the facial nerve and the post operative flattening following excision of the masseter muscle. A case of intramuscular hemangioma in a 17 year old girl is presented. Inadequacy of computed tomography scan and cytology in achieving a pre-operative diagnosis and also the treatment modalities are reviewed here. An estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor study has been done to verify the hormonal basis of this tumour

    Investigation of keratinase activity by thermo-alkanophilic Nocardiopsis sp. SD6 isolated from feather waste soil / Subhasish Saha... [et. al.]

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    The aim of the study was to isolate keratinolytic actinobacteria from feather waste soil, poultry farm soil in Tiruchirappalli and Nammakkal District, Tamil Nadu, India and their keratinase activity were investigated by feather degradation. Totally 91 isolates were obtained from feather waste soil and poultry waste soil samples. Among the 91 isolates, 32 positive isolates were selected after grown on modified starch casein agar (SCA) medium with additional casein. All 32 proteolytic isolates were subjected for casein hydrolysis and four significant isolates were selected based on their growth on basal liquid medium containing chicken feather. The isolate SD6 was tentatively identified one of the best among 4 isolates. The isolate SD6 was characterized by morphological, biochemical and molecular property inducing 16s rRNA analysis based and has been identified as Nocardiopsis sp. SD6 (JF907189). The isolate was grown on modified starch casein broth (SCB). Supernatant from centrifuged culture was examined for protease and keratinase activity. The optimum temperature and pH for enzyme activity for both proteolytic and keratinolytic was found at 50°C, pH 8 respectively. Extracellular keratinase enzyme was separated from the culture supernatant by centrifugation and precipitated with ammonium sulphate (80% saturation) and followed by dialysis using dialysis membrane 150. Native PAGE was performed with the enzyme sample and visible bands were observed after de-staining. Zymogram gel electrophoresis was employed to identify the keratinase enzymes band and three bands in the gel were found with positive keratinase activity

    Surveillance of multidrug resistant bacteria pathogens from female infertility cases

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    Antibiotic resistance is a public health problem of increasing magnitude. Female reproductive system is vulnerable to a number of diseases. Diseased condition results in infertility, menstrual irregularity, pregnancy loss, and in association with pregnancy, morbidity to both the mother and child increases. In the present work, the bacteria pathogens were isolated from the endometrial sample of 50 female infertility cases among which 42 cases were positive for the pathogens. This study reveals that Escherichia coli was the most dominant, followed by Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus sp., and Enterobacter. The isolates were characterized and its susceptibility against important antibiotics were performed. Highest sensitivity was observed with gatifloxacin, imipenam and piperacillin and tazobactum. Thus, according to this study, these antibiotics can be recommended against multi drug resistant bacteria pathogens.Keywords: Multidrug resistance, female infertility, bacteria pathogensAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(26), pp. 4129-413

    Probiotic Effect of Lactobacillus Isolates Against Bacterial Pathogens in Fresh Water Fish

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    A total of 59 Lactobacillus isolates were isolated from 5 different fresh water fish such as Cat fish ( Clarias orientalis) , Hari fish (Anguilla sp), Rohu fish ( Labeo rohita), Jillabe fish (Oreochromis sp) and Gende fish ( Punitus carnaticus). Among the 59 isolates only 4 Lactobacillus isolates were selected for further study. Based on morphological and biochemical characteristics, the isolates were identified as Lactobacillus sp. The pathogen were isolated from infected cat fishes, characterized and identified as Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Aeromonas sp and Aeromonas salmonicida. The Lactobacillus isolates were screened for antagonistic activity against Aeromonas, Vibrio sp. by agar diffusion assay. Among the 4 isolates, Lactobacilli RLD2 showed significant antagonistic activity against Aeromonas and Vibrio sp alone. and was further evaluated by standard plate count assay for the viability of pathogen. The isolate was multiplied and the fish feed was supplement with Lactobacillus isolates. The results reveal that the size, weight of the fish was statically increased in comparison to that of control fish. The present study concluded that the Lactobacillus isolates could be used as probiotic bacteria in aquaculture, to manage aeromonasis

    Energy-Efficient End-to-End Security for Software Defined Vehicular Networks

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    One of the most promising application areas of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs). VANETs are largely used by Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) to provide smart and safe road transport. To reduce the network burden, Software Defined Networks (SDNs) acts as a remote controller. Motivated by the need for greener IIoT solutions, this paper proposes an energy-efficient end-to-end security solution for Software Defined Vehicular Networks (SDVN). Besides SDN’s flexible network management, network performance, and energy-efficient end-toend security scheme plays a significant role in providing green IIoT services. Thus, the proposed SDVN provides lightweight end-to-end security. The end-to-end security objective is handled in two levels: i) In RSU-based Group Authentication (RGA) scheme, each vehicle in the RSU range receives a group id-key pair for secure communication and ii) In private-Collaborative Intrusion Detection System (p-CIDS), SDVN detects the potential intrusions inside the VANET architecture using collaborative learning that guarantees privacy through a fusion of differential privacy and homomorphic encryption schemes. The SDVN is simulated in NS2 & MATLAB, and results show increased energy efficiency with lower communication and storage overhead than existing frameworks. In addition, the p-CIDS detects the intruder with an accuracy of 96.81% in the SDV
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