5,827 research outputs found
El discurso narrativo y su representaci?n mediante el c?mic, una propuesta did?ctica para promover la lectura y la escritura en el grado cuarto del Gimnasio Santa Roc?o
118 p. Recurso Electr?nicoA partir de la observaci?n realizada en la instituci?n, se tom? como poblaci?n el grado
cuarto donde se encontr? falencias en cuanto a la comprensi?n lectora y producci?n
escrita. Se implement? la investigaci?n ?EL DISCURSO NARRATIVO Y SU
GIMNASIO SANTA ROC?O? para fortalecer la comprensi?n lectora a partir de la lectura
de textos narrativos cortos que posibilit? la creaci?n de comics.
Para su implementaci?n se elaboraron talleres con actividades l?dicas donde los
estudiantes leyeron textos, identificaron personajes, crearon y expusieron sus propios
comics para ser incluidos en el libro ?mis creaciones?. Para este proceso se tuvo en
cuenta la investigaci?n cualitativa y el dise?o Investigaci?n Acci?n Participativa.
De acuerdo con lo anterior se fundamenta en la normatividad emanada por las pol?ticas
gubernamentales en: Ley general de educaci?n, lineamientos y est?ndares curriculares;
al igual que te?ricos como Amaya (2002), C?rdenas (2004), Baena (1996), Ni?o (1985),
Piaget (1973) y Ausubel (1983) que fortalecieron la conceptualizaci?n del lenguaje, la
lectura, la escritura, el texto narrativo, el comic, los aspectos psicol?gicos y pedag?gicos
que sirvieron como base para el desarrollo metodol?gico.
En este orden de ideas se logr? que los estudiantes desarrollaran la competencia lectora,
la creaci?n de textos propios a partir de vivencias y experiencias de la cotidianidad
involucrado el comic como estrategia did?ctica que potencio la comprensi?n y producci?n
Palabras clave: Lectura, escritura, texto narrativos y comic.From the done observation at Gimnasio Santa Rocio, placed in Villa del Rio
neighbourhood in the seventh district of Bosa.
Some students of grade fourth were taken, which shawed some difficulties in reading
comprehension and written production implemented an investigation called the narrative
speech and its representation throught comics, a didactic proporsal to promote reading
and writing in grade fourth in Gimnasio Santa Rocio aiming reinforcing reading
comprehension from short narrative texts (fables and tales) those allowed to create
For its implementation some workshops and ludic activities were implemented; where
students read text, identified characters, created and introduced their own comics to be
included into the book ?My creations?. For this process it was taken into account the
qualitative investigation and the participatory action research design.
According to that, it is based in the rules issued by the government policies in general law
of education (Ley general de Educaci?n), Curricular Guidelines (Lineamientos
Curriculares) same as some theorist such as Amaya (2002), C?rdenas (2004), Baena
(1996), Ni?o (1985), Vygotsky (1997), Piaget (1973) and Ausubel (1983) who strengthen
the conceptualization of language, reading, writing, narrative text, comic, physiological
and pedagogical aspects that were useful as a base for methodological development.
In that order of ideas was achieved that students would develop the reading competence,
the creations of own texts from experiences of everyday life involving comic as a didactic
strategy that strength comprehension and textual production.
Keywords: Reading, writing, narrative text (tales and fables) and comic
Molecular and biochemical mechanisms of acaricide resistance in common cattle tick Rhipicephalus microplus
P?ginas 72-81Recurso Electr?nicoLa garrapata com?n de los bovinos, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, considerada uno de los problemas parasitarios m?s importantes en ?reas tropicales y subtropicales del mundo, desde hace algunas d?cadas ha venido desarrollando resistencia a los acaricidas que se emplean para su control, que se han vuelto ineficaces. La resistencia, que es de car?cter gen?tico, preadaptativo, originada en mutaciones del ADN, requiere el estudio de los genes relacionados con su manifestaci?n y que en R. microplus generan, principalmente, dos tipos de respuesta fisiol?gica, como el aumento en la detoxificaci?n enzim?tica y la insensibilidad en el sitio blanco. Esta revisi?n busca describir los mecanismos de acci?n de los acaricidas empleados com?nmente para controlar esta garrapata y las alteraciones gen?ticas y moleculares que interfieren en la acci?n de estos compuestos qu?micos, cuya identificaci?n posibilitar?a el ajuste de los planes de control a fin de reducir el grado de selecci?n hacia los mecanismos de resistencia.ABSTRACT. The common cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, considered one of the most important parasitic problems in tropical and subtropical areas of the world,
for the last few decades has developed resistance to acaricides used for control, rendering them ineffective. The resistance, which is genetic in nature, preadaptative and originated from DNA mutations, requires the study of the genes that are related with their manifestation in R. microplus, where it generates mainly two types of physiological response such as an, increased enzymatic detoxification and insensitivity at the target site. This review aims to describ the mechanisms of action of acaricides commonly employed to control this ticks and finally the genetic and molecular alterations that interfere with the action of these chemicals and whose identification allows to adjust control programs to reduce the degree of acaricide resistance
Comparison of the effect of locking vs standard screws on the mechanical properties of bone-plate constructs in a comminuted diaphyseal fracture model
The purpose of this study was to compare the mechanical properties of bone-plate constructs with locking compression plates (LCP) used either with standard screws or with locking screws on an experimental model of comminuted fracture
La m?sica como estrategia dinamizadora para facilitar los procesos de aprendizaje en la educaci?n inicial
65 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoEl proyecto titulado la m?sica como estrategia dinamizadora para facilitar los procesos de aprendizaje en el nivel de transici?n de la Instituci?n Educativa Santa Teresa de Jes?s, se desarroll? con el ?nimo de dar soluci?n a las situaciones que se presentan respecto a la falta de motivaci?n e inter?s de los infantes en las actividades escolares, pues estas son rutinarias. Durante la ejecuci?n de este proyecto se hizo hincapi? en la importancia que tiene el implementar la m?sica como estrategia dinamizadora para despertar el inter?s, la motivaci?n y potencializar los procesos de aprendizaje en los infantes, la cual fortalece las dimensiones del desarrollo y potencializa las inteligencias m?ltiples, la creatividad, adem?s del gran aporte que esta le brinda al individuo desde todos sus ?mbitos de formaci?n. La preocupaci?n por la falta de motivaci?n e inter?s en los ni?os, fue lo que origin? la necesidad de implementar el presente proyecto, con el objetivo de despertar el gusto y el disfrute a trav?s de la m?sica como estrategia pedag?gica para dinamizar sus procesos de aprendizaje. Por ende este proyecto refleja el desarrollo del proceso de investigaci?n formativa, desde el enfoque metodol?gico etnogr?fico y de investigaci?n, el cual dio lugar a plantear una estrategia de intervenci?n siendo ben?fico para el desarrollo educativo en las ni?as de preescolar de la Instituci?n Educativa Santa Teresa de Jes?s.ABSTRACT. The project titled ?The Music? as a revitalizing strategy; intended to facilitate the learning process in a transition level in the educational institution Santa Teresa de Jesus. This project aims to give alternative solutions to no motivation or lack of interest in scholar activities done by children. This project emphasizes in the music as a revitalizing strategy to arouse the interest and motivation in learning process. Music, also strengthens dimensions of development, potentiates multiple intelligences, creativity and many other learning areas. The concern about the lack of motivation and interest of children, led to the need to implement this project. This project aims to arouse the enjoyment of scholar activities, through the music as a pedagogical strategy to boost their learning processes. Therefore this project reflects the development of formative research, from ethnographic research and methodological approach. This project proposes an intervention strategy that shows benefits for educational development in preschool girls of educational institution Santa Teresa de Jes?s.INTRODUCCI?N 13
4.2.1 La m?sica seg?n Willems, Orff, Kodally 23
4.2.2 Aprendizaje Significativo seg?n Ausbel 26
5.1.1 Descripci?n Fase 1: Caracterizaci?n. 40
5.1.2 Descripci?n Fase 2: Intervenci?n 41
5.2.1 Validez y confiabilidad 43
5.3.1 Fase 1 Caracterizaci?n de las pr?cticas que se ejercen y de los discursos que circulan sobre la educaci?n de los ni?os y ni?as menores de 7 a?os 44
5.3.2 Fase 2. Los sentidos pedag?gicos de los proyectos de intervenci?n 44
6.2.1 Actividades integradoras para directivos y docentes. 47
6.2.2 Actividades integradoras para padres y familia. 48
6.2.3 Actividades integradoras para ni?as en el PPA. 50
Similar plasma lipidomic profile in people living with HIV treated with a darunavir-based or an integrase inhibitor-based antiretroviral therapy
Cardiovascular disease is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in people living with HIV (PLWH), who commonly experience lipid disturbances. The aim of this study was to determine whether the plasma lipidomic profile differs between PLWH receiving a darunavir-based ART and those receiving integrase inhibitor-based ART. This was a cross-sectional study of unselected patients for whom metabolomic analysis was performed using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Data for the two subgroups were compared by calculating the log2 of the fold change for each metabolite and then grouping these into the main lipid families. Sixty-two PLWH aged 49.3 +/- 8.6 years (82% men) were included: 12 patients (19.4%) had hypertension, 8 (12.9%) had type 2 diabetes, 25 (41.0%) had dyslipidaemia and 9 (14.5%) were taking statins, without significant differences in all these variables between the two groups. Twenty-five (40.3%) received darunavir-based ART and 37 (59.7%) integrase inhibitor-based ART. Although the differences were not statistically significant, patients treated with darunavir-based ART had higher concentrations of total cholesterol (211 mg/dL vs 194 mg/dL), LDL-cholesterol (132 mg/dL vs 117 mg/dL) and triglycerides (155 mg/dL vs 122 mg/dL), and lower HDL-cholesterol concentration (50 mg/dL vs 52 mg/dL). The main lipid families and metabolites differed slightly between groups (log2-fold change; P-value): ceramides (-0.07; 0.49), phosphatidylinositols (-0.05; 0.63), diacylglycerols (0.10; 0.64), phosphatidylethanolamines (0.03; 0.78), triacylglycerols (0.27; 0.18) and lysophosphatidylethanolamines (0.03; 0.83). In the integrase inhibitor-based group, the use of tenofovir alafenamide fumarate significantly increases the majority of lipid fractions, when compared with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. The lipidomic profile did not differ between PLWH treated with darunavir-based or integrase inhibitor-based ART. This was especially true for ceramides, which are involved in cardiovascular disease. Further studies are needed to study the impact of ART in lipidomic profile
Earnings and wealth inequality and income taxation: quantifying the tradeoffs of switching to a proportional income tax in the U.S.
This paper quantifies the steady-state aggregate, distributional, and mobility effects of switching the U.S. to a proportional income tax system.Income tax
Rindler Particles and Classical Radiation
We describe the quantum and classical radiation by a uniformly accelerating
point source in terms of the elementary processes of absorption and emission of
Rindler scalar photons of the Fulling-Davies-Unruh bath observed by a
co-accelerating observer.To this end we compute the emission rate by a DeWitt
detector of a Minkowski scalar particle with defined transverse momentum per
unit of proper time of the source and we show that it corresponds to the
induced absorption or spontaneous and induced emission of Rindler photons from
the thermal bath. We then take what could be called the inert limit of the
DeWitt detector by considering the limit of zero gap energy. As suggested by
DeWitt, we identify in this limit the detector with a classical point source
and verify the consistency of our computation with the classical result.
Finally, we study the behavior of the emission rate in D space-time dimensions
in connection with the so called apparent statistics inversion.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure
Transtibial amputee gait efficiency : energy storage and return versus solid ankle cushioned heel prosthetic feet
Energy storage and return (ESR) feet have long been assumed to promote metabolically efficient amputee gait. However, despite being prescribed for approximately thirty years, there is limited evidence that they achieve this desired function. Here, we report a meta-analysis of data from ten studies which met our selection criteria to determine whether amputee walking with ESR feet is more efficient than with conventional solid ankle cushioned heel (SACH) feet. Additionally, the data were tested for a relationship with walking speed; since it has been suggested ESR feet might perform better at higher speeds. The raw data are highly variable due to differences in study protocols; therefore we normalised the data and found a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001) between ESR and SACH feet. However, the magnitude of this difference is small, with the cost of transport (COT) with ESR feet being 97.3% of the cost with SACH feet. No relationship between ESR COT and speed was found (p = 0.191). In the authors’ opinion, these results suggest that ESR feet are not effective at improving amputee COT to a clinically relevant degree. We hypothesise this is due to limited push-off at the end of stance compared with able-bodied ankles
Principales dispositivos tecnol?gicos que intervienen en el proceso de aprendizaje en los alumnos de grado d?cimo de la instituci?n educativa San Bernardo del municipio de Ibagu?
40 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEn este art?culo se presentan los resultados de una investigaci?n adelantada con estudiantes de d?cimo grado de la Instituci?n Educativa San Bernardo ubicada en la zona rural del municipio de Ibagu?. El objetivo era determinar si los dispositivos tecnol?gicos usados por alguno(as) estudiantes incid?an en su proceso de aprendizaje. El enfoque metodol?gico que se utiliz? fue de car?cter mixto; Desde una perspectiva cualitativa, se recurri? a la entrevista semiestructurada, observaciones a la poblaci?n seleccionada, y desde la cuantitativa, a la encuesta de tipo abierta; el muestreo es probabil?stico no intencional, con 20 estudiantes entre los 15 y 18 a?os. Tambi?n, participaron algunos docentes que orientan diferentes ?reas en este grado. En los resultados encontrados se evidencia que en la poblaci?n seleccionada la mayor?a de los estudiantes hacen uso de los dispositivos tecnol?gicos en horas de clase; Adem?s, el manejo que le hacen a estos equipos es de forma inapropiada en (Redes sociales, juegos, chat y llamadas) causando distracci?n en sus actividades acad?micas. La investigaci?n permiti? concluir que son m?ltiples los factores que inducen a los estudiantes a utilizar tales dispositivos en el aula de clase; entre ellos, el poco inter?s de los estudiante por los aprendizajes te?ricos, la escasa motivaci?n por parte del docente al momento de desarrollar sus clases dado que privilegia las clases magistrales, por su parte, los docentes expresan el precario inter?s de los estudiante por formarse acad?micamente.In this article shows the results of an advanced research with 10 grade high school from San Bernardo educational institution of Ibagu? (Instituci?n eductiva San Bernardo del municipio de Ibagu?). The main goal was to determine if technological devices used for some students would influence in their learning process. The methodological focus that was used is about mixed character; from a qualitative perspective, it is used to half-estructured interview, observations to the target population from this research, and since the cuantitative character one, to the open type survey; the sampling is probabilistic sampling is unintentional, with a population of 20 students between 15 and 18 years old.
In other hand, some teachers have been population participant who lead different subjects in that grade of high school. In the found results it may show that in the chosen populace the majority of students make use of technological devices in time class; In addition, the usages which make to those devices is in an inappropriate way in social media, games, chat and calls causing distraction in their academic activities.
Keywords: Technological devices, learning process, school performance
Caracterizaci?n sociodemogr?fica, nutricional y cl?nica de los casos de desnutrici?n aguda moderada y severa en ni?os y ni?as menores de 5 a?os , en el departamento del Tolima para el a?o 2016
150 p. Recurso Electr?nicoIntroducci?n: la desnutrici?n aguda genera efectos para la salud en la primera infancia, encontr?ndose ligada al crecimiento y desarrollo. El Tolima ha reportado 16 casos a la semana epidemiol?gica 9 del 2016. (6)
Objetivo: describir las caracter?sticas sociodemogr?ficas, nutricionales y cl?nicas en menores de 5 a?os con desnutrici?n aguda moderada y severa en el Tolima, enero a diciembre de 2016.
Dise?os y m?todos: se realiz? un estudio descriptivo con informaci?n reportada al SIVIGILA en el Tolima durante el 2016. Utilizando fuentes de datos secundarias, analizadas con programas Excel y SPSS versi?n 22.
Resultados: De 565 datos, se depuraron y aceptaron 233 datos, encontr?ndose (65,2%) desnutrici?n aguda moderada y severa (34,8%). Mayor frecuencia sexo masculino (53,2%), (57,1%) en cabecera municipal, r?gimen subsidiado (87,3%), el (96,6%) pertenecen a otros grupos poblacionales y la pertenencia ?tnica m?s reportada fueron ind?genas (8,6%). Para las variables sociodemogr?ficas de los cuidadores se hall? que en m?s del 90% son mujeres, superan los 18 a?os (94,4%), el (48,1%) tienen nivel de escolaridad primaria y estrato socioecon?mico 1 (80,2%). Los ni?os con nacimiento a t?rmino presentaron deficiente peso al nacer (32,9%), los que nacieron a pret?rmino evidenciaron bajo peso al nacer (5%). El (92%) inscritos al programa de control de crecimiento y desarrollo y (87,6%) esquema de vacunaci?n completo. Se present? una mayor incidencia en la desnutrici?n aguda moderada, el sexo masculino y los municipios de Guamo y Flandes. Los signos cl?nicos en desnutrici?n aguda moderada son (24,9%) delgadez visible, anemia (15%), lesiones de cabello (7,3%) e hiperpigmentaci?n (6,4%), y en la desnutrici?n aguda severa la piel reseca (9,4%).
Palabras claves: Desnutrici?n aguda.Introduction: Acute malnutrition generates health effects in early childhood, being linked to growth and development. Tolima has reported 16 cases in the 9th epidemiological week of 2016. (6) Objective: To describe the socio-demographic, nutritional and clinical characteristics in children under 5 years of age with moderate and severe acute malnutrition in Tolima, from January to December, 2016. Design and Methods: A descriptive study was carried out with information reported to SIVIGILA in Tolima during 2016. Using secondary data sources, analyzed with Excel and SPSS programs, version 22. Results: From 565 data, 233 data were depurated and accepted, finding (65.2%) moderate acute malnutrition and (34.8%) severe malnutrition. The highest frequency was males (53.2%), (57.1%) in the main town of the municipality, subsidized regime (87.3%), (96.6%) belong to other population groups. The most reported ethnic group was indigenous population (8.6%). For the socio-demographic variables of caregivers, it was found that over 90% are women who exceed 18 years of age (94.4%); (48.1%) have primary education level and (80.2 %) socioeconomic stratum 1. Children born to term with low birth weight (32.9%); and those born to preterm with low birth weight (5%). (92%) of those enrolled in the growth and development control program, (87.6%) complete vaccination scheme. There was a greater incidence in moderate acute malnutrition, in male, in the municipalities of Guamo and Flandes. The clinical signs of moderate acute malnutrition are visible thinness (24.9%), anemia (15%), hair injuries (7.3%) and hyperpigmentation (6.4%), and in severe acute malnutrition, dry skin (9.4%). Keywords: Acute malnutrition
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