126 research outputs found

    Aplicativo com análise de rentabilidade para sistemas de produção de florestas cultivadas e de grãos.

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    Análise de rentabilidade de cultivos agrícolas e reflorestamento: um aplicativo de fácil uso.

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    Neste capítulo apresentam-se conceitos e elementos básicos para o planejamento de uma propriedade agrícola, com exemplos oriundos da realidade rural. Para facilitar a tomada de decisões sobre o que plantar, quando existem diversas alternativas, apresenta-se um aplicativo simples de computador denominado Planejamento Agroflorestal- Planagroflor ". Ensina-se como usá-lo, assim como mostra-se um exemplo prático considerando uma propriedade que integra a produção de grãos e reflorestamento para fins produtivos. Esse aplicativo permite ao seu usuário perceber as implicações futuras de decisões tomadas no presente. Isso mostra que o planejamento deve orientar o agricultor para atividades de maior lucro

    Beam dynamics studies in SPIRAL II LINAC

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    ACCInternational audienceThe proposed LINAG driver for the SPIRAL 2 project aims to accelerate a 5-mA D+ beam up to 20 A.MeV and 1-mA beam for q/A=1/3 up to 14.5 A.MeV. It is acontinuous wave regime (cw), designed for maximum efficiency in the transmission of intense beams. It consists of an injector (two ECR sources + a Radio Frequency Quadrupole) followed by a superconducting section based on an array of independently phased cavities. This paper presents beams dynamics studies associated to the LINAG driver. End-to-end simulations (low-energy beam lines, RFQ, medium-energy beam line, SC linac) are shown

    Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum lam.)-ruminant relation.

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    Italian ryegrass is the annual cool season forage species more cultivated for grazing in southern Brazil. Its interesting forage charac-teristics, in addition to the reduced production of native pasture species during low temperatures period (Autumn-Winter) justify its large scale utilization. However, the lack of knowledge of annual ryegrass morphophysiologic characteris-tics, as well as the grazing behavior of animals, may result in animal and vegetal production gain below the real productive potential. Research data results, up to the present time, show that the adequate management of this grass species suggests defoliation periods between 300 and 500 GD and dry matter availability between 8 and 18% of animal live weight, which allow greater animal and plant production. Dry matter offer near 8% of live weight (PV) favor animal performance per area, whereas forage offer close to 18% of animal live weight favor the individual animal performance, independently of the grazing system utilized. Other factors of important impact on morpho-physiologic characteristics of the pasture and animal grazing behavior are discussed in this paper, to serve as guideline for the management of animals, in Italian ryegrass pastures and furnish subsides to future research.O azevém anual é a espécie forrageira de estação fria mais cultivada para pastejo no Sul do Brasil. Suas interessantes características forrageiras aliadas à reduzida produção da maior parte das espécies nativas durante o período de baixas temperaturas justificam a utilização em larga escala. Entretanto, o desconhecimento de suas características morfofisiológicas, bem como do hábito de pastejo dos animais, podem resultar em ganhos de produto animal e vegetal muito inferior ao potencial produtivo. Conforme a produção literária até o presente momento, o adequado manejo desta gramínea deve ter períodos entre desfolhas de 300 a 500 GD e ofertas de matéria seca entre 8 e 18% do peso corporal dos animais, as quais possibilitam maiores produções, tanto vegetal como animal. As ofertas próximas a 8% PV favorecem o desempenho animal por área; enquanto que, as ofertas próximas a 18% PV, o desempenho individual, independe do sistema de pastoreio adotado. Outros fatores de importante impacto nas características morfofisiológicas da pastagem e no comportamento dos animais em pastejo são abordados no presente artigo para de orientar o manejo dos animais em azevém anual e fornecer subsídios para futuras pesquisas

    Theoretical study and experimental result of the RF coupler prototypes of Spiral2

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    JACoW web site THPCH160International audienceSpiral2 is a 40 MeV-5mA deuterons and a 14.5 MeV/u-1mA heavy ions superconducting linac under construction at GANIL. The RF couplers have to provide 12 kW CW power to the cavities at 88 MHz for an accelerating field of 6.5 MV/m. Two solutions corresponding to two different technologies have been designed and two prototypes have been built. We present the technical proposals ans issues as well as the results (manufacturing, test at low and high power, multipacting...) leading to the final choice

    Land cover evolution of small farms: the Transamazon highway.

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    The dynamics of land use change in both the mid and long-run were determined for a sample of 132 small farmers located along the Transamazon Highway. On average, four deforestation events occurred after arrival on the property. The average area of deforested land was 10 hectares for each event, totaling 40 of the 50 hectares allowed by law for a typical size plot of 100 hectares. It was observed that small farmers along the Transamazon Highway employ diversified systems of land use including annual crops, perennials and cattle; these show a temporal sequence in accord with household domestic cycles. These results suggest that pasture conversion in Amazon by small farmers is due to domestic dynamics cycle in addition to others variables

    The GUINEVERE Project for Accelerator Driven System Physics

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    paper 9414International audienceThe GUINEVERE project is part of the EUROTRANS Integrated Project of the 6th EURATOM Framework Programme. It is mainly devoted to ADS on-line reactivity monitoring validation, sub-criticality determination and operational procedures (loading, start-up, shut-down, ...) as a follow-up of the MUSE experiments. The project consists in coupling a fast lead core, set-up in the VENUS reactor at SCK*CEN Mol (B), with a GENEPI neutron source under construction by CNRS. To accommodate the accelerator in a vertical coupling configuration, the VENUS building is being heightened. The fast core will be loaded with enriched Uranium and will be moderated and reflected with solid lead (zero power experiment). For the purpose of the experimental programme, the neutron source has to be operated not only in pulsed mode but also in continuous mode to investigate the current-to-flux reactivity indicator in representative conditions of a powerful ADS. In this latter mode it is also required to make short beam interruptions to have access to the neutron population decrease as a function of time: from this spectrum it will be possible to apply different analysis techniques such as "prompt decay" fitting techniques and "source jerk" techniques. Beam interruptions will be repeated at a programmable frequency to improve time spectra statistics. Different sub-criticality levels (keff=0.99, 0.97, 0.95, ...) will be investigated in order to obtain a full set of data points for the final overall validation of the methodology. This paper describes the status of the experimental facility assembling, and the foreseen experimental programme to be started
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