1,105 research outputs found

    On the usefulness of finding charts Or the runaway carbon stars of the Blanco & McCarthy field 37

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    We have been recently faced with the problem of cross--identifying stars recorded in historical catalogues with those extracted from recent fully digitized surveys (such as DENIS and 2MASS). Positions mentioned in the old catalogues are frequently of poor precision, but are generally accompanied by finding charts where the interesting objects are flagged. Those finding charts are sometimes our only link with the accumulated knowledge of past literature. While checking the identification of some of these objects in several catalogues, we had the surprise to discover a number of discrepancies in recent works.The main reason for these discrepancies was generally the blind application of the smallest difference in position as the criterion to identify sources from one historical catalogue to those in more recent surveys. In this paper we give examples of such misidentifications, and show how we were able to find and correct them.We present modern procedures to discover and solve cross--identification problems, such as loading digitized images of the sky through the Aladin service at CDS, and overlaying entries from historical catalogues and modern surveys. We conclude that the use of good finding charts still remains the ultimate (though time--consuming) tool to ascertain cross--identifications in difficult cases.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, accepted by A&

    Three aspects of red giant studies in the Magellanic Clouds

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    There are three important aspects concerning the study of the red giant and in particular of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars in the Magellanic Clouds. These are: the surface distribution, the luminosity function and the variability. The spatial distribution of AGB stars is an efficient tool to study the structure of the galaxies and their metalicity by analysing the ratio between carbon- and oxygen-rich AGB stars. The shape of the luminosity function carries informations about the star formation rate in the Clouds and it can be mathematically related to their history. Most AGB stars vary their magnitude in a few to several hundred years time; the one epoch DENIS magnitudes for both Large and Small Magellanic Cloud AGB stars outline the same relations as a function of period.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, invited talk, to be published in: Mass-Losing Pulsating Stars and their Circumstellar Matter, Y. Nakada & M. Honma (eds) Kluwer ASSL serie

    The VMC survey - XVII : The proper motions of the Small Magellanic Cloud and the Milky Way globular cluster 47 Tucanae

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    In this study we use multi-epoch near-infrared observations from the VISTA survey of the Magellanic Cloud system (VMC) to measure the proper motion of different stellar populations in a tile of 1.5 deg sq. in size in the direction of the Galactic globular cluster 47 Tuc. We obtain the proper motion of the cluster itself, of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), and of the field Milky Way stars. Stars of the three main stellar components are selected from their spatial distribution and their distribution in colour-magnitude diagrams. Their average coordinate displacement is computed from the difference between multiple Ks-band observations for stars as faint as Ks=19 mag. Proper motions are derived from the slope of the best-fitting line among 10 VMC epochs over a time baseline of ~1 yr. Background galaxies are used to calibrate the absolute astrometric reference frame. The resulting absolute proper motion of 47 Tuc is (mu_alpha cos(delta), mu_delta)=(+7.26+/-0.03, -1.25+/-0.03) mas/yr. This measurement refers to about 35000 sources distributed between 10 and 60 arcmin from the cluster centre. For the SMC we obtain (mu_alpha cos(delta), mu_delta)=(+1.16+/-0.07, -0.81+/-0.07) mas/yr from about 5250 red clump and red giant branch stars. The absolute proper motion of the Milky Way population in the line-of-sight (l =305.9, b =-44.9) of this VISTA tile is (mu_alpha cos(delta), mu_delta)=(+10.22+/-0.14, -1.27+/-0.12) mas/yr and results from about 4000 sources. Systematic uncertainties associated to the astrometric reference system are 0.18 mas/yr. Thanks to the proper motion we detect 47 Tuc stars beyond its tidal radius.Peer reviewe

    Imaging of the Stellar Population of IC10 with Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics and the Hubble Space Telescope

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    We present adaptive optics (AO) images of the central starburst region of the dwarf irregular galaxy IC10. The Keck 2 telescope laser guide star was used to achieve near diffraction-limited performance at H and K' (Strehls of 18% and 32%, respectively). The images are centered on the putative Wolf-Rayet (W-R) object [MAC92]24. We combine our AO images with F814W data from HST. By comparing the K' vs. [F814W]-K' color-magnitude diagram (CMD) with theoretical isochrones, we find that the stellar population is best represented by at least two bursts of star formation, one ~ 10 Myr ago and one much older (150-500 Myr). Young, blue stars are concentrated in the vicinity of [MAC92]24. This population represents an OB association with a half-light radius of about 3 pc. We resolve the W-R object [MAC92]24 into at least six blue stars. Four of these components have near-IR colors and luminosities that make them robust WN star candidates. By matching the location of C-stars in the CMD with those in the SMC we derive a distance modulus for IC10 of about 24.5 mag. and a foreground reddening of E(B-V) = 0.95. We find a more precise distance by locating the tip of the giant branch in the F814W, H, and K' luminosity functions. We find a weighted mean distance modulus of 24.48 +/- 0.08. The systematic error in this measurement, due to a possible difference in the properties of the RGB populations in IC10 and the SMC, is +/- 0.16 mag.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, ApJ in pres

    Possible Detection of OVI from the LMC Superbubble N70

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    We present FUSE observations toward four stars in the LMC superbubble N70 and compare these spectra to those of four comparison targets located in nearby field and diffuse regions. The N70 sight lines show OVI 1032 absorption that is consistently stronger than the comparison sight lines by ~60%. We attribute the excess column density (logN_OVI=14.03 cm^-2) to hot gas within N70, potentially the first detection of OVI associated with a superbubble. In a survey of 12 LMC sight lines, Howk et al. (2002a) concluded that there was no correlation between ISM morphology and N_OVI. We present a reanalysis of their measurements combined with our own and find a clear difference between the superbubble and field samples. The five superbubbles probed to date with FUSE show a consistently higher mean N_OVI than the 12 non-superbubble sight lines, though both samples show equivalent scatter from halo variability. Possible ionization mechanisms for N70 are discussed, and we conclude that the observed OVI could be the product of thermal conduction at the interface between the hot, X-ray emitting gas inside the superbubble and the cooler, photoionized material making up the shell seen prominently in Halpha. We calculate the total hydrogen density n_H implied by our OVI measurements and find a value consistent with expectations. Finally, we discuss emission-line observations of OVI from N70.Comment: 9 pages in emulateapj style. Accepted to Ap

    Evolution and appearance of Be stars in SMC clusters

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    Star clusters are privileged laboratories for studying the evolution of massive stars (OB stars). One particularly interesting question concerns the phases, during which the classical Be stars occur, which unlike HAe/Be stars, are not pre-main sequence objects, nor supergiants. Rather, they are extremely rapidly rotating B-type stars with a circumstellar decretion disk formed by episodic ejections of matter from the central star. To study the impact of mass, metallicity, and age on the Be phase, we observed SMC open clusters with two different techniques: 1) with the ESO-WFI in its slitless mode, which allowed us to find the brighter Be and other emission-line stars in 84 SMC open clusters 2) with the VLT-FLAMES multi-fiber spectrograph in order to determine accurately the evolutionary phases of Be stars in the Be-star rich SMC open cluster NGC 330. Based on a comparison to the Milky Way, a model of Be stellar evolution / appearance as a function of metallicity and mass / spectral type is developed, involving the fractional critical rotation rate as a key parameter.Comment: Proceedings of the IAUS266 of the GA200

    New quasars behind the Magellanic Clouds. Spectroscopic confirmation of near-infrared selected candidates

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    Context. Quasi-stellar objects (quasars) located behind nearby galaxies provide an excellent absolute reference system for astrometric studies, but they are difficult to identify because of fore- and background contamination. Deep wide-field, high angular resolution surveys spanning the entire area of nearby galaxies are needed to obtain a complete census of such quasars. Aims. We embarked on a program to expand the quasar reference system behind the Large and the Small Magellanic Clouds, the Magellanic Bridge, and the Magellanic Stream that connects the Clouds with the Milky Way. Methods. Hundreds of quasar candidates were selected based on their near-infrared colors and variability properties from the ongoing public ESO VISTA Magellanic Clouds survey. A subset of 49 objects was followed up with optical spectroscopy. Results. We confirmed the quasar nature of 37 objects (34 new identifications): four are low redshift objects, three are probably stars, and the remaining three lack prominent spectral features for a secure classification. The bona fide quasars, identified from their broad emisison lines, are located as follows: 10 behind the LMC, 13 behind the SMC, and 14 behind the Bridge. The quasars span a redshift range from z ~ 0.5 to z ~ 4.1. Conclusions. Upon completion the VMC survey is expected to yield a total of ~1500 quasars with Y< 19.32 mag, J< 19.09 mag, and Ks< 18.04 mag

    The 2nd to 4th century explosive activity of Vesuvius: new data on the timing of the upward migration of the post-A.D. 79 magma chamber

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    ber (SMM), the eruption cycle occurred at Vesuvius (Italy) in the period between the A.D. 79 plinian and the A.D. 472 subplinan eruptions. Historical accounts report only sporadic, poorly reliable descriptions of the volcanic activity in this period, during which a stratified sequence of ash and lapilli beds, up to 150 cm thick, with a total volume estimated around 0.15 km3, was widely dispersed on the outer slopes of the volcano. Stratigraphic studies and component analyses suggest that activity was characterized by mixed hydromagmatic and magmatic processes. The eruption style has been interpreted as repeated alternations of continuous and prolonged ash emission activity intercalated with short-lived, violent strombolian phases. Analyses of the bulk rock composition reveal that during the entire eruption cycle, magma maintained an homogeneous phonotephritic composition. In addition, the general trends of major and trace elements depicted by the products of the A.D. 79 and A.D. 472 eruptions converge to the SMM composition, suggesting a common mafic endmember for these eruptions. The volatile content measured in pyroxene-hosted melt inclusions indicates two main values of crystallization pressures, around 220 and 70 MPa, roughly corresponding to the previously estimated depth of the magma reservoirs of the A.D. 79 and A.D. 472 eruptions, respectively. The study of SMM eruption cycle may thus contribute to understand the processes governing the volcano reawakening immediately after a plinian event, and the timing and modalities which govern the migration of the magma reservoir
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