748 research outputs found

    Predictors of nomophobia and online identity : the contribution of nostalgia to phone and online attachment

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    The presence of smartphones in everyday life has become so frequent that people cannot spend a day without checking their phones. This recent addition is defined as nomophobia, the dependency on mobile phones and the need to be constantly online, as a way to ensure one’s online presence, i.e. self-sense of online identity. However, what predicts such a need? Based on theoretical reasoning, I suggest that nostalgia, or the self-selection of positive content from the past, is associated with this dependency. Although brands began to develop content that evokes old memories, i.e. nostalgia, to link consumers with positive content from the past, it is still missing to understand the relation between nostalgia and nomophobia/online identity. In this sense, the present dissertation investigated if nostalgia predicts nomophobia/online identity and, subsequently, if this relationship is moderated by age and gender. To this end, six hypotheses, testing the relationship between nostalgia and nomophobia/online identity and their potential moderators, were elaborated. Results showed that higher levels of nostalgia translated into higher levels of nomophobia and online identity. This may be explained by the sense of continuity that nostalgia promotes. However, this relationship is not moderated by age or gender. This means that a sense of self-continuity might be a similar need across individuals. Learning this, digital marketers and brands with online presence will be able to improve their campaigns with nostalgic content, contributing to extend consumers’ online identity.A presença de smartphones no dia-a-dia dos indivíduos tornou-se tão frequente que estes não conseguem passar um dia sem verificar os seus telemóveis. Essa adição recente é definida como nomofobia, a dependência de smartphones e a necessidade de estar constantemente online, de modo a garantir a presença online, ou seja, o senso de identidade online. No entanto, o que prevê tal necessidade? Com base no raciocínio teórico, sugiro que a nostalgia, ou a auto-seleção de conteúdo positivo do passado, esteja associada a essa dependência. Embora as marcas tenham começado a desenvolver conteúdo que evoca memórias antigas, ou seja, nostalgia, para vincular os consumidores a conteúdo positivo do passado, ainda falta entender a relação entre nostalgia e nomofobia/identidade online. Nesse sentido, a presente dissertação investigou se a nostalgia prediz a nomofobia e identidade online e, posteriormente, se essa relação é moderada pela idade e género. Para tal, foram elaboradas seis hipóteses, tendo como objetivo testar a relação entre nostalgia e nomofobia/identidade online e os seus possíveis moderadores. Os resultados mostraram que níveis mais altos de nostalgia se traduzem em níveis mais altos de nomofobia e identidade online. Tal poderá ser explicado pelo senso de continuidade que a nostalgia promove. Contudo, esta relação não é moderada nem pela idade, nem pelo género. Assim sendo, o senso de auto-continuidade pode ser uma necessidade semelhante entre indivíduos. Aprendendo isso, profissionais de marketing digital e marcas com presença online poderão melhorar as suas campanhas com conteúdo nostálgico, contribuindo para aumentar a identidade online dos consumidores


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    The understanding of adsorption mechanisms of compounds utilized in many medications and prescription drugs represents an important step for the development of different separation processes of such substances. The adsorption kinetic study of such chemical compounds through the application of new models permits a better comprehension of the involved mechanisms, leading to the estimation of important parameters that will be incorporated in the equipment design. In this work a kinetic model of irreversible adsorption is implemented, which is dependent on both solute and site concentrations. It showed to be very effective correlating the simulated results with the adsorption experiments of salicylic acid through three adsorbents in different temperature conditions. The application of an inverse problem approach, with the minimization of the squared residues cost function, was successful in determining the kinetic parameters. The increase in the kinetic constants obtained with the temperature increase was followed by a reduction in the adsorption capacity of the adsorbents. Thermodynamic parameters were also estimated, leading to the comprehension about the equilibrium states of the adsorption systems considered

    Hybrid scoto/seesaw: flavour and dark matter

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    We propose a model based on the interplay between the type-II seesaw and scotogenic neutrino mass generation mechanisms. The setup features a Z8\mathbb{Z}_8 discrete flavour symmetry which is broken down to a residual Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 responsible for stabilising dark matter. A singlet scalar field is introduced to implement spontaneous CP violation. The effective neutrino mass matrix two-texture zero structure leads to sharp neutrino sector predictions. We analyse the constraints imposed on the model by current and future charged lepton flavour violation experiments. This framework provides two viable dark matter candidates, scalar or fermion. We investigate the scalar dark matter scenario considering relic density, direct-detection and collider constraints.Comment: 8 LaTeX pages; 4 figures. Contribution to the Proceedings of the 8th Symposium on Prospects in the Physics of Discrete Symmetries (DISCRETE 2022), 7-11 November 2022, Baden-Baden, German

    Automated methods for image detection of cultural heritage: Overviews and perspectives

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    Remote sensing data covering large geographical areas can be easily accessed and are being acquired with greater frequency. The massive volume of data requires an automated image analysis system. By taking advantage of the increasing availability of data using computer vision, we can design specific systems to automate data analysis and detection of archaeological objects. In the past decade, there has been a rise in the use of automated methods to assist in the identification of archaeological sites in remote sensing imagery. These applications offer an important contribution to non-intrusive archaeological exploration, helping to reduce the traditional human workload and time by signalling areas with a higher probability of presenting archaeological sites for exploration. This survey describes the state of the art of existing automated image analysis methods in archaeology and highlights the improvements thus achieved in the detection of archaeological monuments and areas of interest in landscape-scale satellite and aerial imagery. It also presents a discussion of the benefits and limitations of automatic detection of archaeological structures, proposing new approaches and possibilities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Distribution of polymorphisms IL4 -590 C/T and IL4 RP2 in the human populations of Madeira, Azores, Portugal, Cape

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    Abstract: The IL4 gene is located on chromosome 5q23.3-31.2. Polymorphisms within this cytokine gene, like the derivative allele T of IL4-590, have been reported as being associated to elevated IgE serum levels and asthma. In the present work, the allelic and genotypic frequency of the IL4-590 and IL4 RP2 polymorphisms was carried out in 599 individuals from Madeira, Azores, Portugal mainland, Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau and in a sample of 101 asthmatics from Madeira population. In all populations the polymorphisms were in LD and presented a significant dissimilar allelic and genotypic distribution (p<0.05) except between mainland Portugal and Madeira when compared to Azores. Significant differences regarding both loci were found between Madeira population and the group of asthmatics. Genotype 183183TT frequency is higher for African populations while 253253CC prevails in Caucasian populations. The existence of a Hardy-Weinberg Disequilibrium in Guinea-Bissau population not observed in neutral markers leads to the hypothesis of natural selection occurring in these loci probably associated to a rapid population growth an hypothesis strengthened by neutral STRs D5S818 and CSF1PO gene diversity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Representing Kernels of Perturbations of Toeplitz Operators by Backward Shift-Invariant Subspaces

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    It is well known the kernel of a Toeplitz operator is nearly invariant under the backward shift S∗. This paper shows that kernels of finite rank perturbations of Toeplitz operators are nearly S∗-invariant with finite defect. This enables us to apply a recent theorem by Chalendar–Gallardo–Partington to represent the kernel in terms of backward shift-invariant subspaces, which we identify in several important cases

    Ação inibidora de óleos essenciais sobre o crescimento micelial de Botrytis cinerea.

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    Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi testar diferentes óleos essenciais no controle de B. cinerea

    Relationship between periparturient diseases, metabolic markers and the dynamics of hair cortisol concentrations in dairy cows

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    Hair cortisol concentration (HCC) might represent a promising marker for retrospective welfare assessment of dairy cows. The objective of the study was to explore the dynamics of HCC in diseased and healthy cows from eight-week ante partum (AP) to eight-week post partum (PP). Twenty-four pregnant cows were followed from drying off to week eight PP. Tail hair was used to measure cortisol at five different time points. The occurrence of peripartum diseases, lameness and the body condition score (BCS) were monitored on a weekly basis. Blood β-hydroxybutyric acid, non-esterified fatty acids, calcium and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) concentrations were measured. The temperature-humidity index (THI) was continuously recorded. The median values of HCC in all cows were 0.4, 0.3, 0.6, 0.8 and 0.5 pg/mg at weeks eight, four AP, calving, weeks four, eight PP, respectively. There was no association between HCC and the occurrence of peripartum diseases (P ≥ 0.05). A positive correlation between HCC and BCS loss (P < 0.01) and THI (P < 0.05) was observed. The occurrence of peripartum diseases was associated with low IGF-1 during the study period but no relationship was found between cortisol and IGF-1 levels (P ≥ 0.05). Brown Swiss cows showed higher HCC (P < 0.01) at weeks eight, four AP, and week four PP and lower average milk yield (P < 0.05) than Holstein–Friesian cows. In conclusion, HCC was not a suitable marker for peripartum diseases but it could reflect a stress response, which is linked to BCS loss, heat stress and breed

    Alocação estratégica igualmente ponderada e fundos balanceados

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    Results and contribution of the article: Equally weighted strategic allocation portfolios have higher cumulative returns than selected balanced funds. However, the average returns are not always statistically greater than those of funds and the statistical significance of a portfolio changes according to the sub-period analyzed. Fixed-income portfolios were the only ones to outperform funds more frequently. Funds, in turn, fail in active management and perform worse than portfolios weighted according to their declared passive allocation. Equally weighted portfolios only outperformed balanced funds because they deviated from their investment policy. Transaction costs and different portfolio rebalancing frequencies do not change the conclusions.Resultados e contribuições: carteiras de alocação estratégica apresentam retornos acumulados mais elevados do que fundos balanceados selecionados. Contudo, os retornos médios nem sempre são estatisticamente maiores do que os dos fundos e a significância estatística de uma carteira muda conforme o subperíodo analisado. Carteiras somente com renda fixa foram as que superaram os fundos com mais frequência. Os fundos, por sua vez, fracassam na gestão ativa e se saem pior do que carteiras ponderadas segundo a política de alocação que eles declaram. As carteiras igualmente ponderadas só superaram os fundos balanceados porque eles se desviaram de sua política de investimentos. Os custos de transação e diferentes frequências de rebalanceamento das carteiras não mudam as conclusões
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