190 research outputs found

    Spin entanglement, decoherence and Bohm's EPR paradox

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    We obtain criteria for entanglement and the EPR paradox for spin-entangled particles and analyse the effects of decoherence caused by absorption and state purity errors. For a two qubit photonic state, entanglement can occur for all transmission efficiencies. In this case, the state preparation purity must be above a threshold value. However, Bohm’s spin EPR paradox can be achieved only above a critical level of loss. We calculate a required efficiency of 58%, which appears achievable with current quantum optical technologies. For a macroscopic number of particles prepared in a correlated state, spin entanglement and the EPR paradox can be demonstrated using our criteria for efficiencies η > 1/3 and η > 2/3 respectively. This indicates a surprising insensitivity to loss decoherence, in a macroscopic system of ultra-cold atoms or photons

    Strong Quantum Spin Correlations Observed in Atomic Spin Mixing

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    We have observed sub-Poissonian spin correlations generated by collisionally induced spin mixing in a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate. We measure a quantum noise reduction of -7 dB (-10 dB corrected for detection noise) below the standard quantum limit (SQL) for the corresponding coherent spin states. The spin fluctuations are detected as atom number differences in the spin states using fluorescent imaging that achieves a detection noise floor of 8 atoms per spin component for a probe time of 100 ÎĽ\mus.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Rydberg excitation of a single trapped ion

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    We demonstrate excitation of a single trapped cold 40^{40}Ca+^+ ion to Rydberg levels by laser radiation in the vacuum-ultraviolet at 122 nm wavelength. Observed resonances are identified as 3d2^2D3/2_{3/2} to 51 F, 52 F and 3d2^2D5/2_{5/2} to 64F. We model the lineshape and our results imply a large state-dependent coupling to the trapping potential. Rydberg ions are of great interest for future applications in quantum computing and simulation, in which large dipolar interactions are combined with the superb experimental control offered by Paul traps.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations via dissociation of a molecular Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Recent experimental measurements of atomic intensity correlations through atom shot noise suggest that atomic quadrature phase correlations may soon be measured with a similar precision. We propose a test of local realism with mesoscopic numbers of massive particles based on such measurements. Using dissociation of a Bose-Einstein condensate of diatomic molecules into bosonic atoms, we demonstrate that strongly entangled atomic beams may be produced which possess Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) correlations in field quadratures, in direct analogy to the position and momentum correlations originally considered by EPR.Comment: Final published version (corrections in Ref. [32], updated references

    Towards Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen quantum channel multiplexing

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    A single broadband squeezed field constitutes a quantum communication resource that is sufficient for the realization of a large number N of quantum channels based on distributed Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) entangled states. Each channel can serve as a resource for, e.g. independent quantum key distribution or teleportation protocols. N-fold channel multiplexing can be realized by accessing 2N squeezed modes at different Fourier frequencies. We report on the experimental implementation of the N=1 case through the interference of two squeezed states, extracted from a single broadband squeezed field, and demonstrate all techniques required for multiplexing (N>1). Quantum channel frequency multiplexing can be used to optimize the exploitation of a broadband squeezed field in a quantum information task. For instance, it is useful if the bandwidth of the squeezed field is larger than the bandwidth of the homodyne detectors. This is currently a typical situation in many experiments with squeezed and two-mode squeezed entangled light.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. In the new version we cite recent experimental work bei Mehmet et al., arxiv0909.5386, in order to clarify the motivation of our work and its possible applicatio

    Outcoupling from a Bose-Einstein condensate with squeezed light to produce entangled atom laser beams

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    We examine the properties of an atom laser produced by outcoupling from a Bose-Einstein condensate with squeezed light. We model the multimode dynamics of the output field and show that a significant amount of squeezing can be transfered from an optical mode to a propagating atom laser beam. We use this to demonstrate that two-mode squeezing can be used to produce twin atom laser beams with continuous variable entanglement in amplitude and phase.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    Quantum Communication with an Accelerated Partner

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    An unsolved problem in relativistic quantum information research is how to model efficient, directional quantum communication between localised parties in a fully quantum field theoretical framework. We propose a tractable approach to this problem based on solving the Heisenberg evolution of localized field observables. We illustrate our approach by analysing, and obtaining approximate analytical solutions to, the problem of communicating coherent states between an inertial sender, Alice and an accelerated receiver, Rob. We use these results to determine the efficiency with which continuous variable quantum key distribution could be carried out over such a communication channel.Comment: Additional explanatory text and typo in Eq.17 correcte

    A detector for continuous measurement of ultra-cold atoms in real time

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    We present the first detector capable of recording high-bandwidth real time atom number density measurements of a Bose Einstein condensate. Based on a two-color Mach-Zehnder interferometer, our detector has a response time that is six orders of magnitude faster than current detectors based on CCD cameras while still operating at the shot-noise limit. With this minimally destructive system it may be possible to implement feedback to stabilize a Bose-Einstein condensate or an atom laser.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, submitted to optics letter

    Generating entanglement of photon-number states with coherent light via cross-Kerr nonlinearity

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    We propose a scheme for generating entangled states of light fields. This scheme only requires the cross-Kerr nonlinear interaction between coherent light-beams, followed by a homodyne detection. Therefore, this scheme is within the reach of current technology. We study in detail the generation of the entangled states between two modes, and that among three modes. In addition to the Bell states between two modes and the W states among three modes, we find plentiful new kinds of entangled states. Finally, the scheme can be extend to generate the entangled states among more than three modes.Comment: 2 figure

    Quantum projection noise limited interferometry with coherent atoms in a Ramsey type setup

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    Every measurement of the population in an uncorrelated ensemble of two-level systems is limited by what is known as the quantum projection noise limit. Here, we present quantum projection noise limited performance of a Ramsey type interferometer using freely propagating coherent atoms. The experimental setup is based on an electro-optic modulator in an inherently stable Sagnac interferometer, optically coupling the two interfering atomic states via a two-photon Raman transition. Going beyond the quantum projection noise limit requires the use of reduced quantum uncertainty (squeezed) states. The experiment described demonstrates atom interferometry at the fundamental noise level and allows the observation of possible squeezing effects in an atom laser, potentially leading to improved sensitivity in atom interferometers.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, published in Phys. Rev.
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