145 research outputs found

    A Case Report on Ayurvedic Management of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [ADHD] in Children

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    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD is the most common neurobehavioral disorder of childhood. It interferes with social, academic and occupational functioning and it is characterized by in-attention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. In Ayurveda, disorders related to psychiatric and behavioral disturbances are discussed under the chapter of Unmada. So, according to the sign and symptoms it can be co-related with Unmada. The present case was carried out in Kaumarabhritya OPD & IPD of Government Ayurveda Medical College & Teaching Hospital, Shivamogga, Karnataka with an aim to assess the efficacy of Ayurvedic treatment protocol in the management of ADHD in children. Ayurvedic treatment like Kosthashodhana, Basti, Shirodhara and Nasya were followed and assessment was done before and after treatment and during follow ups. The given treatment was found to be effective in management of ADHD

    ORKG-Leaderboards: a systematic workflow for mining leaderboards as a knowledge graph

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    The purpose of this work is to describe the orkg-Leaderboard software designed to extract leaderboards defined as task–dataset–metric tuples automatically from large collections of empirical research papers in artificial intelligence (AI). The software can support both the main workflows of scholarly publishing, viz. as LaTeX files or as PDF files. Furthermore, the system is integrated with the open research knowledge graph (ORKG) platform, which fosters the machine-actionable publishing of scholarly findings. Thus, the systemsss output, when integrated within the ORKG’s supported Semantic Web infrastructure of representing machine-actionable ‘resources’ on the Web, enables: (1) broadly, the integration of empirical results of researchers across the world, thus enabling transparency in empirical research with the potential to also being complete contingent on the underlying data source(s) of publications; and (2) specifically, enables researchers to track the progress in AI with an overview of the state-of-the-art across the most common AI tasks and their corresponding datasets via dynamic ORKG frontend views leveraging tables and visualization charts over the machine-actionable data. Our best model achieves performances above 90% F1 on the leaderboard extraction task, thus proving orkg-Leaderboards a practically viable tool for real-world usage. Going forward, in a sense, orkg-Leaderboards transforms the leaderboard extraction task to an automated digitalization task, which has been, for a long time in the community, a crowdsourced endeavor

    Evaluating BERT-based scientific relation classifiers for scholarly knowledge graph construction on digital library collections

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    The rapid growth of research publications has placed great demands on digital libraries (DL) for advanced information management technologies. To cater to these demands, techniques relying on knowledge-graph structures are being advocated. In such graph-based pipelines, inferring semantic relations between related scientific concepts is a crucial step. Recently, BERT-based pre-trained models have been popularly explored for automatic relation classification. Despite significant progress, most of them were evaluated in different scenarios, which limits their comparability. Furthermore, existing methods are primarily evaluated on clean texts, which ignores the digitization context of early scholarly publications in terms of machine scanning and optical character recognition (OCR). In such cases, the texts may contain OCR noise, in turn creating uncertainty about existing classifiers’ performances. To address these limitations, we started by creating OCR-noisy texts based on three clean corpora. Given these parallel corpora, we conducted a thorough empirical evaluation of eight Bert-based classification models by focusing on three factors: (1) Bert variants; (2) classification strategies; and, (3) OCR noise impacts. Experiments on clean data show that the domain-specific pre-trained Bert is the best variant to identify scientific relations. The strategy of predicting a single relation each time outperforms the one simultaneously identifying multiple relations in general. The optimal classifier’s performance can decline by around 10% to 20% in F-score on the noisy corpora. Insights discussed in this study can help DL stakeholders select techniques for building optimal knowledge-graph-based systems


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    Objectives: Hypertension is the most insidious ailment in primary care with its management being a daily affair. The avail of antihypertensive medications has affirmed their efficacy in blood pressure alleviation. Yet, the methodical choice of medication with which treatment ought to commence at the precise blood pressure threshold and maintained at a target level was undiscerned. Consequently, the Eighth Joint National Committee grants an evidence-based tool, which was employed in the appraisal of professional's adherence to joint national committee 8 guidelines. Methods: A prospective, observational study was governed. Aggregate patients with hypertension with/without diabetes mellitus (DM) and/ or chronic kidney failure admitted in general medicine and the dialysis unit of the tertiary health care hospital, for 4 months were enrolled. The rationality of antihypertensive medications and target blood pressure was noted. Results: Patients matriculated to 125, 90 males and 35 females. Average age perceived was between 51 and 60 years, with the length of stay 14.39 (standard deviation [SD]±1.52) and 9.3 (SD±0.46) days in the respective unit. The gross medication endorsed represents 1085 medications, incorporating 337 antihypertensive medications. The optimal choice of an antihypertensive medicine was clonidine and amlodipine. Adherence in the populace with lone hypertension was cent percent, trailed by hypertension with DM 82.35% and minimal in hypertension with chronic kidney disease. Conclusion: 86-medication compiled adherence to the guidelines (25.52%). Rationality of medication depicts 25.6% were rational and 73.6% distinguish as non-rational, amid a demise of a sole victim. A significant high-grade defiance of health-care practitioners to the Eighth Joint National Committee guidelines was evidenced from our study

    Easy Semantification of Bioassays

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    Biological data and knowledge bases increasingly rely on Semantic Web technologies and the use of knowledge graphs for data integration, retrieval and federated queries. We propose a solution for automatically semantifying biological assays. Our solution contrasts the problem of automated semantification as labeling versus clustering where the two methods are on opposite ends of the method complexity spectrum. Characteristically modeling our problem, we find the clustering solution significantly outperforms a deep neural network state-of-the-art labeling approach. This novel contribution is based on two factors: 1) a learning objective closely modeled after the data outperforms an alternative approach with sophisticated semantic modeling; 2) automatically semantifying biological assays achieves a high performance F1 of nearly 83%, which to our knowledge is the first reported standardized evaluation of the task offering a strong benchmark model

    Impact of COVID-19 research: a study on predicting influential scholarly documents using machine learning and a domain-independent knowledge graph

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    Multiple studies have investigated bibliometric features and uncategorized scholarly documents for the influential scholarly document prediction task. In this paper, we describe our work that attempts to go beyond bibliometric metadata to predict influential scholarly documents. Furthermore, this work also examines the influential scholarly document prediction task over categorized scholarly documents. We also introduce a new approach to enhance the document representation method with a domain-independent knowledge graph to find the influential scholarly document using categorized scholarly content. As the input collection, we use the WHO corpus with scholarly documents on the theme of COVID-19. This study examines different document representation methods for machine learning, including TF-IDF, BOW, and embedding-based language models (BERT). The TF-IDF document representation method works better than others. From various machine learning methods tested, logistic regression outperformed the other for scholarly document category classification, and the random forest algorithm obtained the best results for influential scholarly document prediction, with the help of a domain-independent knowledge graph, specifically DBpedia, to enhance the document representation method for predicting influential scholarly documents with categorical scholarly content. In this case, our study combines state-of-the-art machine learning methods with the BOW document representation method. We also enhance the BOW document representation with the direct type (RDF type) and unqualified relation from DBpedia. From this experiment, we did not find any impact of the enhanced document representation for the scholarly document category classification. We found an effect in the influential scholarly document prediction with categorical data

    Pattern-Based Acquisition of Scientific Entities from Scholarly Article Titles

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    We describe a rule-based approach for the automatic acquisition of salient scientific entities from Computational Linguistics (CL) scholarly article titles. Two observations motivated the approach: (i) noting salient aspects of an article’s contribution in its title; and (ii) pattern regularities capturing the salient terms that could be expressed in a set of rules. Only those lexico-syntactic patterns were selected that were easily recognizable, occurred frequently, and positionally indicated a scientific entity type. The rules were developed on a collection of 50,237 CL titles covering all articles in the ACL Anthology. In total, 19,799 research problems, 18,111 solutions, 20,033 resources, 1,059 languages, 6,878 tools, and 21,687 methods were extracted at an average precision of 75%
