117 research outputs found
Editorial: Change and Continuity
The short editorial introduces the new volume and provides information on the new composition of the board of editors. Starting from this issue, the main responsibility for editing the two journals "Moneta e Credito" and "PSL Quarterly Review" shifts from Alessandro Roncaglia to Carlo DâIppoliti. Roncaglia, chairman of Economia Civile, which publishes both journals, remains on the board as co-editor. The present introduction explains the main reasons for this change, and shortly recalls the recent history of the Review
Introduction: Time for a New Debate on Europe
This short editorial note introduces the current issue of the Review with the aim of opening a debate on Europe after the Brexit. Even if many saw the euro as a step towards political integration, there is now confusion and uncertainty over the final aims and objectives of the EU. Increasing popular hostility against the EU makes the current set-up one with which we will have to live for a while, before Treaty changes will be possible again. Alas, the current set-up is a union made up of sovereign countries competing under common uniform rules, rather than cooperating under flexible arrangements.
The debate on Europe must proceed in parallel with discussion on the other regions of the world, both for the impact that the latter have on the EU, and for the global consequences of the dire predicament of Europe, which is the largest economic area in the world. In the coming issues, the Review will continue to contribute to the global discussion on all areas of the world; as much as Eurobonds have been expunged from the dictionary, âdecouplingâ can hardly remain in it
Un cambiamento nella continuitĂ
The short editorial introduces the new volume and provides information on the new composition of the board of editors. Starting from this issue, the main responsibility for editing the two journals Moneta e Credito and PSL Quarterly Review shifts from Alessandro Roncaglia to Carlo DâIppoliti. Roncaglia, chairman of Economia Civile, which publishes both journals, remains on the board as co-editor. The present introduction explains the main reasons for this change, and shortly recalls the recent history of the review
Deformed Exponentials and Applications to Finance
We illustrate some financial applications of the Tsallis and Kaniadakis deformed exponential. The minimization of the corresponding deformed divergence is discussed as a criterion to select a pricing measure in the valuation problems of incomplete markets. Moreover, heavy-tailed models for price processes are proposed, which generalized the well-known Black and Scholes mode
Uncovering the missing link between precarity and populist voting
Over the last decade, the economist Guy Standing has written on the emergence of a new class of citizens â the âprecariatâ â who lack economic security and stable occupational identities. But can the concept of precarity also help explain the success of populist parties? Drawing on a new study, Lorenza Antonucci, Carlo DâIppoliti, Laszlo Horvath and AndrĂ© Krouwel assess how precarity affects support for populist parties in France and the Netherlands
LâUnione Europea e lâeuro: crescere o perire
Il lavoro considera lâimpatto dellâattuale crisi causatadal Covid-19 sullâUnione Europea. La risposta di politica economica eÌ stata, rispetto alla crisi dei debiti pubblici, di ben diversa natura. Rimane ora il compito di rimediare ad alcune carenze nellâarchitettura istituzionale dellâUnione, e di completare il processo di unificazione, soprattutto tramite la costituzione di una fiscalitaÌ comune. Lâalternativa eÌ il perdurare degli squilibri economici e sociali che hanno attanagliato soprattutto lâarea dellâeuro sin da prima della crisi, e il rischio di fallimento dellâintera Unione
The Impact of the economic Crisis on the Situation of Women and men and on Gender Equality Policies
Analizza l'impatto della crisi economica sul mercato del lavoro dei diversi paesi membri privilegiando una prospettiva di genere. Analizza altresi' l'effetto della crisi e delle politiche di austeritĂ su alcuni aspetti della coesione sociale, immigrazione e povertĂ in particolare. Utilizza sia dati statistici aggregati che microdati (tratti dalle indagini Survey of ncome and Living Conditions e Labour Force Survey) adottando una varietĂ di tecniche statistiche
Local Heat Stroke Prevention Plans in Japan: Characteristics and Elements for Public Health Adaptation to Climate Change
The adverse health effects from hot weather and heat waves represent significant public health risks in vulnerable areas worldwide. Rising temperatures due to climate change are aggravating these risks in a context of fast urbanization, population growth and societal ageing. However, environmental heat-related health effects are largely preventable through adequate preparedness and responses. Public health adaptation to climate change will often require the implementation of heat wave warning systems and targeted preventive activities at different levels. While several national governments have established such systems at the country level, municipalities do not generally play a major role in the prevention of heat disorders. This paper analyzes selected examples of locally operated heat-health prevention plans in Japan. The analysis of these plans highlights their strengths, but also the need of local institutions for assistance to make the transition towards an effective public health management of high temperatures and heat waves. It can also provide useful elements for municipal governments in vulnerable areas, both in planning their climate change and health adaptation activities or to better protect their communities against current health effects from heat
Air Pollution ExposureâA Trigger for Myocardial Infarction?
The association between ambient air pollution exposure and hospitalization for cardiovascular events has been reported in several studies with conflicting results. A case-crossover design was used to investigate the effects of air pollution in 660 first-time myocardial infarction cases in Stockholm in 1993â1994, interviewed shortly after diagnosis using a standard protocol. Air pollution data came from central urban background monitors. No associations were observed between the risk for onset of myocardial infarction and two-hour or 24-hour air pollution exposure. No evidence of susceptible subgroups was found. This study provides no support that moderately elevated air pollution levels trigger first-time myocardial infarction
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