2,040 research outputs found

    Speedy Techniques to Evaluate Seismic Site Effects in Particular Geomorphologic Conditions: Faults, Cavities, Landslides and Topographic Irregularities

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    The ground motion that can be recorded at the free surface of a terrain is the final result of a series of phenomena that can be grouped into three fundamental typologies: the source mechanism, the seismic wave propagation till the bedrock interface below the investigated site and the site effects (Fig. 1). The first two features define the kind of seismic input whereas the third represents all modifications that can occur as a consequence of the interaction between seismic waves and local characteristics of the investigated site. The physical and mechanical properties of terrains as well as their morphologic and stratigraphic features appreciably affect the characteristics of the ground motion observed at the surface. The whole process of modifications undergone by a given seismic input in terms of amplitude, frequency content and duration, as a consequence of local characteristics, is generally termed the “local seismic response”. It is indeed well known that the spectral composition of a seismic event is modified first during the source-bedrock path (attenuation function), and second, when the seismic input interacts with the soft terrains layered between the bedrock and the free surface (Fig. 1a). This latter effect, significantly changes the spectral content so that it is extremely important for estimating the final input to which all structures built in the study area will be subjected.peer-reviewe

    Intrinsic electric field effects on few-particle interactions in coupled GaN quantum dots

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    We study the multi-exciton optical spectrum of vertically coupled GaN/AlN quantum dots with a realistic three-dimensional direct-diagonalization approach for the description of few-particle Coulomb-correlated states. We present a detailed analysis of the fundamental properties of few-particle/exciton interactions peculiar of nitride materials. The giant intrinsic electric fields and the high electron/hole effective masses give rise to different effects compared to GaAs-based quantum dots: intrinsic exciton-exciton coupling, non-molecular character of coupled dot exciton wavefunction, strong dependence of the oscillator strength on the dot height, large ground state energy shift for dots separated by different barriers. Some of these effects make GaN/AlN quantum dots interesting candidates in quantum information processing.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Las poblaciones Nor-pirenaicas de Megabunus diadema (Fabricius, 1779) (Aracnidos: Opiliones) se caracterizan por una proporción de machos altamente sesgada

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    Megabunus diadema (Fabricius, 1779) is an Atlantic and European harvestman species characterized by a discontinuous distribution from Scandinavia to the Iberian Peninsula. With very few male individuals ever observed in the field until now, the biological uniqueness of the species lies in its reproduction mode, hitherto regarded as asexual, facultative parthenogenesis. Based on a large sample of 741 sexed individuals, the study indicates a sex ratio much higher than what was formerly known, equal to 65.58% of males. Locally varying from 0 to 100% (median 75.5% of males), the sex ratio depends indeed on the altitude and the phenological cycle: the proportion of males decreases with increasing altitude and increases gradually during the spring to reach a plateau in summer. By describing populations locally dominated by male individuals and providing new information on the spatial and temporal patterns of tertiary sex ratio, we question the currently admitted reproduction mode of the species which could be normally sexual, at least locally, rather than asexual. A distribution map of the species on the northern slope of the Pyrenees is provided for the first time. Our study also complements the distribution for the southern slopes of the Pyrenees and the rest of the Iberian Peninsula published recently by Merino-Sáinz et al. (2013).Megabunus diadema (Fabricius 1779) es una especie de opilión Atlántica y Europea, caracterizada por una distribución discontinua desde Escandinavia a la Península Ibérica. La singularidad biológica de la especie se encuentra en el modo de reproducción, la partenogénesis facultativa, hasta ahora considerada como asexual. De hecho, hasta el momento se han observado muy pocos individuos masculinos en el campo. Los resultados de este estudio muestran, sobre una amplia muestra (741 individuos sexuados), que la proporción de sexo masculino es muy superior a lo conocido hasta ahora (65%). Localmente este porcentaje puede variar entre 0 y 100% (mediana del 75,5% para los machos). Los resultados muestran que la proporción de sexos depende de la altitud y del ciclo fenológico: la proporción de machos disminuye con la altitud y aumenta gradualmente durante la primavera hasta llegar a una meseta en verano. Para describir las poblaciones dominadas localmente por individuos masculinos y proporcionar nueva información sobre los patrones espaciales y temporales de la proporción de sexos en poblaciones adultas, cuestionamos el modo de reproducción actualmente admitido de la especie que podría ser normalmente sexual, al menos localmente, en lugar de asexual. Se proporciona, por primera vez, un mapa de distribución de la especie en la vertiente norte de los Pirineos. Nuestro estudio también complementa el estudio publicado recientemente por Merino-Sáinz et al. (2013) sobre su distribución en la vertiente sur de los Pirineos y en el resto de la Península Ibérica

    North Pyrenean populations of <em>Megabunus diadema</em> (Fabricius, 1779) (Arachnida: Opiliones) are characterized by highly male-biased sex ratios

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    <em>Megabunus diadema</em> (Fabricius, 1779) is an Atlantic and European harvestman species characterized by a discontinuous distribution from Scandinavia to the Iberian Peninsula. With very few male individuals ever observed in the field until now, the biological uniqueness of the species lies in its reproduction mode, hitherto regarded as asexual, facultative parthenogenesis. Based on a large sample of 741 sexed individuals, the study indicates a sex ratio much higher than what was formerly known, equal to 65.58% of males. Locally varying from 0 to 100% (median 75.5% of males), the sex ratio depends indeed on the altitude and the phenological cycle: the proportion of males decreases with increasing altitude and increases gradually during the spring to reach a plateau in summer. By describing populations locally dominated by male individuals and providing new information on the spatial and temporal patterns of tertiary sex ratio, we question the currently admitted reproduction mode of the species which could be normally sexual, at least locally, rather than asexual. A distribution map of the species on the northern slope of the Pyrenees is provided for the first time. Our study also complements the distribution for the southern slopes of the Pyrenees and the rest of the Iberian Peninsula published recently by Merino-Sáinz et al. (2013).<br><br><em>Megabunus diadema</em> (Fabricius 1779) es una especie de opilión Atlántica y Europea, caracterizada por una distribución discontinua desde Escandinavia a la Península Ibérica. La singularidad biológica de la especie se encuentra en el modo de reproducción, la partenogénesis facultativa, hasta ahora considerada como asexual. De hecho, hasta el momento se han observado muy pocos individuos masculinos en el campo. Los resultados de este estudio muestran, sobre una amplia muestra (741 individuos sexuados), que la proporción de sexo masculino es muy superior a lo conocido hasta ahora (65%). Localmente este porcentaje puede variar entre 0 y 100% (mediana del 75,5% para los machos). Los resultados muestran que la proporción de sexos depende de la altitud y del ciclo fenológico: la proporción de machos disminuye con la altitud y aumenta gradualmente durante la primavera hasta llegar a una meseta en verano. Para describir las poblaciones dominadas localmente por individuos masculinos y proporcionar nueva información sobre los patrones espaciales y temporales de la proporción de sexos en poblaciones adultas, cuestionamos el modo de reproducción actualmente admitido de la especie que podría ser normalmente sexual, al menos localmente, en lugar de asexual. Se proporciona, por primera vez, un mapa de distribución de la especie en la vertiente norte de los Pirineos. Nuestro estudio también complementa el estudio publicado recientemente por Merino-Sáinz et al. (2013) sobre su distribución en la vertiente sur de los Pirineos y en el resto de la Península Ibérica

    Timing of Millisecond Pulsars in NGC 6752: Evidence for a High Mass-to-Light Ratio in the Cluster Core

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    Using pulse timing observations we have obtained precise parameters, including positions with about 20 mas accuracy, of five millisecond pulsars in NGC 6752. Three of them, located relatively close to the cluster center, have line-of-sight accelerations larger than the maximum value predicted by the central mass density derived from optical observation, providing dynamical evidence for a central mass-to-light ratio >~ 10, much higher than for any other globular cluster. It is likely that the other two millisecond pulsars have been ejected out of the core to their present locations at 1.4 and 3.3 half-mass radii, respectively, suggesting unusual non-thermal dynamics in the cluster core.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letter. 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Excursion Sets and Non-Gaussian Void Statistics

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    Primordial non-Gaussianity (NG) affects the large scale structure (LSS) of the universe by leaving an imprint on the distribution of matter at late times. Much attention has been focused on using the distribution of collapsed objects (i.e. dark matter halos and the galaxies and galaxy clusters that reside in them) to probe primordial NG. An equally interesting and complementary probe however is the abundance of extended underdense regions or voids in the LSS. The calculation of the abundance of voids using the excursion set formalism in the presence of primordial NG is subject to the same technical issues as the one for halos, which were discussed e.g. in arXiv:1005.1203. However, unlike the excursion set problem for halos which involved random walks in the presence of one barrier δc\delta_c, the void excursion set problem involves two barriers δv\delta_v and δc\delta_c. This leads to a new complication introduced by what is called the "void-in-cloud" effect discussed in the literature, which is unique to the case of voids. We explore a path integral approach which allows us to carefully account for all these issues, leading to a rigorous derivation of the effects of primordial NG on void abundances. The void-in-cloud issue in particular makes the calculation conceptually rather different from the one for halos. However, we show that its final effect can be described by a simple yet accurate approximation. Our final void abundance function is valid on larger scales than the expressions of other authors, while being broadly in agreement with those expressions on smaller scales.Comment: 28 pages (18+appendices), 7 figures; v2 -- minor changes in sec 3.2, version published in PR

    Discovery of a Young Radio Pulsar in a Relativistic Binary Orbit

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    We report on the discovery of PSR J1141-6545, a radio pulsar in an eccentric, relativistic 5-hr binary orbit. The pulsar shows no evidence for being recycled, having pulse period P = 394 ms, characteristic age tau_c = 1.4 x 10^6 yr, and inferred surface magnetic dipole field strength B = 1.3 x 10^12 G. From the mass function and measured rate of periastron advance, we determine the total mass in the system to be (2.300 +/- 0.012) solar masses, assuming that the periastron advance is purely relativistic. Under the same assumption, we constrain the pulsar's mass to be M_p < 1.348 solar masses and the companion's mass to be M_c > 0.968 solar masses (both 99% confidence). Given the total system mass and the distribution of measured neutron star masses, the companion is probably a massive white dwarf which formed prior to the birth of the pulsar. Optical observations can test this hypothesis.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for Publication in Ap

    Quantitative seismic risk evaluation and mapping: cases of schools and residential facilities in Lisbon and Algarve

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    This contribution deals with activities within the framework of an EC-project, entitled "UPStrat-MAFA (Urban prevention strategies using macroseismic and fault sources)", emphasising the inventory, vulnerability and seismic risk of buildings. The cases considered deal with elementary and non-elementary public schools as well as the residential building stock in Lisbon and Algarve in mainland Portugal. A new concept of global disruption measures is introduced and discussed, with the objective of providing a systematic way to quantify earthquake impact in urban areas. This approach provides civil protection, the authorities and local decision makers with a new tool judged to be valuable in prioritizing mitigation measures and responses.Co-financed by the EU - Civil Protection Financial Instrument, in the framework the European project ”Urban disaster Prevention Strategies using MAcroseismic Fields and FAult Sources (Acronym: UPStrat-MAFA, Grant Agreement N. 23031/2011/613486/SUB/A5). http://ec.europa.eu/echo/funding/cp_projects2011_en.htmPublishedLisbon - Portugal4.1. Metodologie sismologiche per l'ingegneria sismicaope

    Sentinel-2 time series analysis for monitoring multi-taxon biodiversity in mountain beech forests

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    Biodiversity monitoring represents a major challenge to supporting proper forest ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation. The latter is indeed shifting in recent years from single-species to multi-taxon approaches. However, multi-taxonomic studies are quite rare due to the effort required for performing field surveys. In this context, remote sensing is a powerful tool, continuously providing consistent and open access data at a different range of spatial and temporal scales. In particular, the Sentinel-2 (S2) mission has great potential to produce reliable proxies for biological diversity. In beech forests of two Italian National Parks, we sampled the beetle fauna, breeding birds, and epiphytic lichens. First, we calculated Shannon's entropy and Simpson's diversity. Then, to produce variables for biodiversity assessment, we exploited S2 data acquired in the 4 years 2017-2021. S2 images were used to construct spectral bands and photosynthetic indices time series, from which 91 harmonic metrics were derived. For each taxon and multi-taxon community, we assessed the correlation with S2 harmonic metrics, biodiversity indices, and forest structural variables. Then, to assess the potential of the harmonic metrics in predicting species diversity in terms of Shannon's and Simpson's biodiversity indices, we also fit a random forests model between each diversity index and the best 10 harmonic metrics (in terms of absolute correlation, that is, the magnitude of the correlation) for each taxon. The models' performance was evaluated via the relative root mean squared error (RMSE%). Overall, 241 beetle, 27 bird, and 59 lichen species were recorded. The diversity indices were higher for the multi-taxon community than for the single taxa. They were generally higher in the CVDA site than in GSML, except for the bird community. The highest correlation values between S2 data and biodiversity indices were recorded in CVDA for multi-taxon and beetle communities (| r| = 0.52 and 0.38, respectively), and in GSML for lichen and beetle communities (| r| = 0.34 and 0.26, respectively). RMSE% ranged between 2.53 and 9.99, and between 8.1 and 16.8 for the Simpson and Shannon index, respectively. The most important variables are phase and RMSE of red-Edge bands for bird and lichen communities, while RMSE and time of tassel cap and from EVI indices for beetles and multi-taxon diversity. Our results demonstrate that S2 data can be used for identifying potential biodiversity hotspots, showing that the herein presented harmonic metrics are informative for several taxa inhabiting wood, giving concrete support to cost-effective biodiversity monitoring and nature-based forest management in complex mountain systems

    Geraniol Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Geraniol is an acyclic monoterpene alcohol with well-known anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties which has shown eubiotic activity towards gut microbiota (GM) in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Methods: Fifty-six IBS patients diagnosed according to Rome III criteria were enrolled in an interventional, prospective, multicentric, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. In the treatment arm, patients received a low-absorbable geraniol food supplement (LAGS) once daily for four weeks. Results: Patients treated with LAGS showed a significant reduction in their IBS symptoms severity score (IBS-SSS) compared to the placebo (195 vs. 265, p = 0.001). The rate of responders according to IBS-SSS (reduction ≥ 50 points) was significantly higher in the geraniol vs placebo group (52.0% vs. 16.7%, p = 0.009) mainly due to the IBS mixed subtype. There were notable differences in the microbiota composition after geraniol administration, particularly a significant decrease in a genus of Ruminococcaceae, Oscillospira (p = 0.01), a decreasing trend for the Erysipelotrichaceae and Clostridiaceae families (p = 0.1), and an increasing trend for other Ruminococcaceae taxa, specifically Faecalibacterium (p = 0.09). The main circulating proinflammatory cytokines showed no differences between placebo and geraniol arms. Conclusion: LAGS was effective in treating overall IBS symptoms, together with an improvement in the gut microbiota profile, especially for the IBS mixed subtype