Quantitative seismic risk evaluation and mapping: cases of schools and residential facilities in Lisbon and Algarve


This contribution deals with activities within the framework of an EC-project, entitled "UPStrat-MAFA (Urban prevention strategies using macroseismic and fault sources)", emphasising the inventory, vulnerability and seismic risk of buildings. The cases considered deal with elementary and non-elementary public schools as well as the residential building stock in Lisbon and Algarve in mainland Portugal. A new concept of global disruption measures is introduced and discussed, with the objective of providing a systematic way to quantify earthquake impact in urban areas. This approach provides civil protection, the authorities and local decision makers with a new tool judged to be valuable in prioritizing mitigation measures and responses.Co-financed by the EU - Civil Protection Financial Instrument, in the framework the European project ”Urban disaster Prevention Strategies using MAcroseismic Fields and FAult Sources (Acronym: UPStrat-MAFA, Grant Agreement N. 23031/2011/613486/SUB/A5). http://ec.europa.eu/echo/funding/cp_projects2011_en.htmPublishedLisbon - Portugal4.1. Metodologie sismologiche per l'ingegneria sismicaope

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