53 research outputs found

    Revival of Philozoon Geddes for host-specialized dinoflagellates, ‘zooxanthellae’, in animals from coastal temperate zones of northern and southern hemispheres

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    The dinoflagellate family Symbiodiniaceae comprises numerous genera and species with large differences in diversity, ecology and geographic distribution. An evolutionarily divergent lineage common in temperate symbiotic cnidarians and designated in the literature by several informal names including ‘temperate–A’, AI, Phylotype A® (A-prime) and ‘Mediterranean A’, is here assigned to the genus Philozoon. This genus was proposed by Geddes (1882) in one of the earliest papers that recognized ‘yellow cells’ as distinct biological entities separate from their animal and protist hosts. Using phylogenetic data from nuclear (rDNA), chloroplast (cp23S) and mitochondrial genes (cob and cox1), as well as morphology (cell size), ecological traits (host affinity) and geographic distributions, we emend the genus Philozoon Geddes and two of its species, P. medusarum and P. actiniarum, and describe six new species. Each symbiont species exhibits high host fidelity for particular species of sea anemone, soft coral, stony coral and a rhizostome jellyfish. Philozoon is most closely related to Symbiodinium (formerly Clade A), but, unlike its tropical counterpart, occurs in hosts in shallow temperate marine habitats in northern and southern hemispheres including the Mediterranean Sea, north-eastern Atlantic Ocean, eastern Australia, New Zealand and Chile. The existence of a species-diverse lineage adapted to cnidarian hosts living in high latitude habitats with inherently wide fluctuations in temperature calls further attention to the ecological and biogeographic reach of the Symbiodiniaceae

    De-installation of the multi-organic dysfunction syndrome by associating the mitochondrial microcirculatory recruitment with multiple organ support therapy in extracorporeal life support organization

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    World Academy of Medical Sciences (WAMS), Netherland, Fundeni Institute, Bucharest, Romania, Institute of Scientific Research in the field of Mother and Child Health Care, Republic of Moldova, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu”, Republic of Moldova, State Medical University of Samara, The Russian Federation, Aretaieion University Hospital, Athens, Medical School, National, and Kapodistrian The University of Athens, Greece, Odesa National Medicine University, Ukraine, Private Hospital Medical Institution “Via - Intosana”, Republic of Moldova, Medicine University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Al VI-lea Congres Național de Obstetrică și Ginecologie cu participare internațională, 13-15 septembrie 2018, Chișinău, Republica MoldovaIntroduction: The installation of macro-circulation centralization in MODS triggering in critical obstetric states caused by intravascular coagulation, HELLP, shock, SIRS, septicemia, CARS, embolism of the pulmonary artery, cerebral and other, – microcirculation will also be seriously damaged, as the reduction in blood flow perfusion affects the venous return to eliminate the waste of cellular metabolism, where a marker of tissue hypoxia is the increase in carbon dioxide. Objective: The mitochondrial microcirculatory recruitment with multiple organ support therapy in extracorporeal life support. Material and methods: This is a retrospective study over 35 years, in a lot of critical situations in obstetrics. Results: This disorder generates microcirculatory - mitochondrial distress syndrome, mitochondrial energy collapse, which can be recovered by microcirculation – mitochondrial recruitment to optimize systemic perfusion pressure (SPP), in turn, dependent on mean blood pressure and capillary resistance. Microcirculation - mitochondrial recruitment decentralizes macrocirculation benefits microcirculation in the capillary-cell metabolic area. In cases of manifestation respiratory-pulmonary CO2 ↑ (ARDS), confirmed ↓ PaO2/FiO2 ↓300 to Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (Berlin definition, 2012), thus also aggravates the microcirculatory-mitochondrial distress syndrome, mitochondrial collapse and the recruitment of the microcirculatory-mitochondrial is supplemented with multi-organ support therapy (MOST). 1. Alveolar recruitment through respiratory support in specific ventilation modes, predominantly APRV, with permissive hypercapnia at a normal pH. 2) MOST - extracorporeal with technical support. Extracorporeal Life Support Organization – ELSO. 3) Modeling of extra-vascular pulmonary fluid; 4) Th4 - Th5 thoracic epidural block. Conclusion: The absence of decreasing of the pCO2 tissue hypoxia marker at the A-V difference after microcirculatory - mitochondrial recruitment, rejects the necrosis /apoptosis, cellular hypo-(an)ergic and proves the mitochondrial eu-energetic metabolic remodeling with the elimination of the hypo (an) ergic mitochondria performed by clearance lysosomal (mitophagy), thus demonstrating eu-ergic mitochondria with the normalization of mitochondrial uniporter-Ca ++ and mitochondrial permeability pore transition, which productively inactivate the toxic forms of oxygen and nitrogen.Rezumat. Instalarea centralizării macro-circulaĆŁiei Ăźn declanƟarea MODS Ăźn stări critice de obstetrică cauzate de coagularea intravasculară, HELLP, Ɵoc, SIRS, septicemie, CARS, embolie a arterei pulmonare, cerebrală Ɵi altele; - microcirculaĆŁia va fi de asemenea grav afectată, iar perfuzia fluxului sanguin afectează revenirea venoasă pentru a elimina deƟeurile de metabolism celular, unde un marker al hipoxiei tisulare este creƟterea dioxidului de carbon, la diferenĆŁa A-V. Această tulburare generează sindromul detresei microcirculator – mitocondriale (MMDs), colapsul energetic mitocondrial, care poate fi de-instalat (recuperat) prin recrutarea microcirculator - mitocondrială odată cu optimizarea presiunii de perfuzie sistemică, Ăźn dependenƣă de tensiunea arterială medie Ɵi rezistenĆŁa capilară. Recrutarea microcirculator - mitocondrială descentralizează macrocirculaĆŁia Ɵi ameliorează microcrculaĆŁia Ăźn spaĆŁiul metabolic capilar-celulă. În cazurile de manifestare a ↑CO2-dependent respirator-pulmonar, confirmat ↓ PaO2 / FiO2 ↓ 300 pentru ARDS, sindromul de detresă respiratorie acută (definiĆŁia de la Berlin, 2012), agravează de asemenea, Ɵi sindromul detresei microcirculator-mitocondriale, colapsul mitocondrial iar recrutarea microcirculator - mitocondrială este suplimentată cu terapia de sprijin multi-organ (MOST). 1. Recrutarea alveolară prin suport respirator Ăźn moduri de ventilaĆŁie specifice preponderent APRV, cu hipercapnie permisivă la un pH normal. 2) MOST - extracorporal cu suport tehnic Ăźn managmentul vital prin sprijin extracorporeal - ELSO. 3) modelarea fluidului pulmonar extra-vascular; 4) Blocul epidural T4-Th5 toracic. Reducerea markerului hipoxiei tisulare pCO2 la diferenĆŁa A-V după recuperarea microcirculator - mitocondrială, respinge necroza / apoptoza, hipo-(an)ergicul celular Ɵi dovedeƟte remodelarea metabolică eu-energetică mitocondrială prin eliminarea hipo (an) mitocondriilor ergice efectuate prin clearance-ul lizozomal (mitofagie), demonstrĂąnd astfel mitocondriile eu-ergice cu normalizarea tranziĆŁiei porilor permeabilităƣii mitocondriale Ɵi canalului uniporter-Ca ++ , care inactivează productiv formele toxice de oxigen Ɵi azot

    Parallel algebraic multilevel Schwarz preconditioners for a class of elliptic PDE systems

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    Algebraic multilevel preconditioners for algebraic problems arising from the discretization of a class of systems of coupled elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs) are presented. These preconditioners are based on modifications of Schwarz methods and of the smoothed aggregation technique, where the coarsening strategy and the restriction and prolongation operators are defined using a point-based approach with a primary matrix corresponding to a single PDE. The preconditioners are implemented in a parallel computing framework and are tested on two representative PDE systems. The results of the numerical experiments show the effectiveness and the scalability of the proposed methods. A convergence theory for the twolevel case is presented

    Impact of internet of things (IoT) in disaster management: a task-technology fit perspective

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    YesDisaster management aims to mitigate the potential damage from the disasters, ensure immediate and suitable assistance to the victims, and attain effective and rapid recovery. These objectives require a planned and effective rescue operation post such disasters. Different types of information about the impact of the disaster are, hence, required for planning an effective and immediate relief operation. The IoT technology available today is quite mature and has the potential to be very useful in disaster situations. This paper analyzes the requirements for planning rescue operation for such natural disasters and proposes an IoT based solution to cater the identified requirements. The proposed solution is further validated using the task-technology fit (TTF) approach for analyzing the significance of the adoption of IoT technology for disaster management. Results from the exploratory study established the core dimensions of the task requirements and the TTF constructs. Results from the confirmatory factor analysis using PLS path modelling, further, suggest that both task requirements and IoT technology have significant impact on the IoT TTF in the disaster management scenario. This paper makes significant contributions in the development of appropriate constructs for modeling TTF for IoT Technology in the context of disaster management


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    The diffusion of ISO 9001:2000 certification and adoption of mobility charter led the companies of Local Public Transport (LPT) for carrying out surveys of Passenger Satisfaction (PS). However, often, the data analysis is limited to the application of descriptive and explorative statistical techniques. In this way, the collected data are used in inefficient way and information that are transferred to the company management are not sufficient to make decisions. A good analysis strategy requires the use of a combination of parametric and nonparametric techniques. In this paper we propose the combined application of Rasch Analysis and Simple Components analysis based on the RV coefficient (SCA-RV)

    A new approach for modal study of instantaneous real world emissions by three-way contingency table analysis with ordered categories.

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    The aim of this paper is to evaluate the NOx emissions trough an accurate analysis of vehicle driving behaviour. For this purpose, a three-way contingency table will be carried out, crossing the NOx emissions, the speed and the acceleration. This contingency table will be analysed by the partition of Marcotorchino index. To complement the survey Ordered Non-Symmetric Non-Symmetric Correspondence Analysis (ONSCA) will be applied

    Redescription of Pelagia benovici into a new jellyfish genus, Mawia, gen. nov., and its phylogenetic position within Pelagiidae (Cnidaria : Scyphozoa : Semaeostomeae)

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    This study provides new and additional data on morphology and a phylogenetic analysis of the recently described species Pelagia benovici Piraino, Aglieri, Scorrano & Boero, 2014 from the Northern Adriatic (Mediterranean Sea). Comprehensive morphological analyses of diagnostic characters, of which the most significant are marginal tentacles anatomy, basal pillars, gonad pattern, subgenital ostia and exumbrellar sensory pits, revealed significant differences from the currently known genera Sanderia, Chrysaora and Pelagia in the family Pelagiidae. A phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial genes (COI, 16S rRNA, 12S rRNA) and nuclear ribosomal genes (28S rRNA, ITS1/ITS2 regions), together with cladistic analysis of morphological characters, positioned Pelagia benovici as a sister taxon with Sanderia malayensis, and both share a common ancestor with Chrysaora hysoscella. Pelagia benovici does not share a direct common ancestor with the genus Pelagia, and thus we propose it should not belong to this genus. Therefore, a new genus Mawia, gen. nov. (Semaeostomeae : Pelagiidae) is described, and Pelagia benovici is renamed as Mawia benovici, comb, nov
