79 research outputs found

    Joseph Lanner

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    Joseph Lanner (1801-18439 is one of the most important and outstanding composers of dance music in the so called "Biedermeier" (the period after the "Wiener Kongress", 1st half of the 19th century). He invented the form of the Viennese waltz and founded a tradition, which was successfully carried on by the Strauß-family. Although Lanner wrote more than three hundred compositions until now there is no list of works existing, which describes the existing sources. After more than five years of recherché this list of works is now completed. The first part gives an introduction and describes some of the attributes of Lanners compositions. A short biography is followed by chapters about the development of dance in Vienna at the beginning of the 19th century, a list of other dance music composers of that time, an overview of the forms Lanner used in his dances, but also specific themes such as instrumentation, a list of the most important halls where Lanner performed e.g. The second part is the list of works, ordered by works with Opus-number and works without. For every composition the user will find full information's about the instruments which are required in the composition, the existing editions including autographs, copies and music in print (as well as information's in which Viennese libraries these scores are available), information's about first performances and the person to whom the dance was dedicated, and references of newspapers or books in which the work is mentioned. At the beginning there are the incipients printed (for Ländler and waltz including first and second theme), which allows musicians all over the world to recognize a certain dance by the melody. In the appendices all works are listed once more by alphabetical order, furthermore you will find a list of all persons to whom a dance was dedicated and a short list of works of Lanners son, August. This list of works of the compositions of Lanner fulfils all criteria a modern list of works requires

    Life (low voice or medium voice and piano)

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    In this paper we describe the design and implementation of a multi-purpose object-oriented authoring system for interactive virtual environments and presentations, semi-interactive 3D visualization, and non-interactive photo-realistic animations. Its main design criteria are reusability and flexibility, especially in the support of a wide range of input and output formats. Input data may be provided from any type of event-oriented simulation system as well as from an interactive scene modeling tool. The primary output system is a Java-based VRML browser, but a concept of output driver channels allows the use of other rendering systems, such as off-line renderers for the production of photo-realistic video streams. Objects used in the system consist of both geometry and behavior, where the latter is defined in C++ and/or Java. Objects are provided in different abstraction levels and are stored in an animation element library for reuse in different application scenarios

    \u3ci\u3eCivil Society, Conflict and Violence\u3c/i\u3e

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    Editors: Wolfgang Dörner and Regina A. List Chapter 6, The Law, Security and Civil Society Freedoms, co-authored by Brett Kyle, UNO faculty member. This book looks at the role that civil society organizations play in dealing with conflict and violence. The authors argue that in most of the prevalent conceptualizations the conflict dimension of civil society is either downplayed or inadequately addressed. They contend that the ability to deal with conflict is at the heart of organized civil society; in the political process, one of civil society\u27s key functions is to express and mediate between different interests, thus contributing to political decision-making. The chapters draw on detailed, empirical data from the CIVICUS Civil Society Index - a unique comparative data-set drawn from 25 countries, which has not previously been made publicly available. It examines the different ways violence has been manifested in civil societies, the meaning of violent protest and the impact of security legislation that might hinder the mediating efforts of civil society. The book offers a sophisticated comparison between conflict and post-conflict countries and an analysis of the role of civil society in conflict resolution, reconciliation and transitional justice.https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/facultybooks/1307/thumbnail.jp

    Second life, Avatare, Cyberwelt - Gibt es ein zweites Leben? : Bamberger Hegelwoche 2008

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    Bamberger Hegelwoche 2008. Mit Einführungen von Roland Simon-Schaefer sowie einer Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema "Identität und Religion - gibt es ein zweites Leben?" Ach, Sie sind neu hier? Dann bestimmen Sie bitte zunächst einmal Ihre Identität! Heute vielleicht mal rothaarige Medienspezialistin, reich und verliebt? – Der „Newbie“ im Multiplayer-Game kreiert sich eine Wunschversion des Ich und lädt sie hoch. Das neue Leben lebt dann zwar ein Avatar für ihn, aber immerhin. Der Traum von einem anderen Leben ist so alt wie die Menschheit. Neu sind heute die nahezu unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten der Selbstverwirklichung und Kommunikation in den virtuellen Welten des Internet. Mit bald elf Millionen registrierten Nutzern allein im 3-D-Online-Spiel Second Life ist der Cyberspace schon ziemlich voll. Steckt dahinter die Sehnsucht nach einer anderen Identität? Oder nach einer Antwort auf die großen Fragen: Wer bin ich? Und wodurch? Wie virtuell ist das wirkliche Leben geworden – und wieviel wirkliches Leben steckt im virtuellen

    Alterations in myocardial tissue factor expression and cellular localization in dilated cardiomyopathy

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    ObjectivesWe investigated the myocardial localization and expression of tissue factor (TF) and alternatively spliced human tissue factor (asHTF) in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM).BackgroundTissue factor is expressed in cardiac muscle and may play a role in maintaining myocardial structure.MethodsMyocardial biopsies were obtained from patients with a normal or mildly impaired ejection fraction (EF) (≥50%) and moderate to severely reduced EF (<50%). Explanted DCM hearts were also examined. Myocardial TF expression level was assessed by real-time polymerase chain reaction, TF protein by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and localization by immunohistochemistry.ResultsWe report the identification of asHTF in the human myocardium: it was located in cardiomyocytes and endothelial cells. Quantification of myocardial TF messenger ribonucleic acid in DCM revealed a decrease in the TF/glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) ratio (1.76 × 10−1± 6.08 × 10−2for EF ≥50% [n = 19] vs. 1.06 × 10−1± 5.26 × 10−2for EF <50% [n = 27]; p < 0.001) and asHTF/GAPDH ratio (13.91 × 10−5± 11.20 × 10−5for EF ≥50% vs. 7.17 × 10−5± 3.82 × 10−5for EF <50%; p = 0.014). Tissue factor isoform expression level was also decreased in explanted DCM hearts (p < 0.01; n = 12). Total TF protein was reduced by 26% in DCM (p < 0.05). The TF/GAPDH ratio correlated positively with the EF (r = 0.504, p < 0.0001). Immunohistochemistry showed TF localized to the sarcolemma and Z-bands of the cardiomyocytes in patients with normal EF, whereas TF was found in the cardiomyocytic cytosol around the nucleus in DCM.ConclusionsTissue factor was down-regulated in the myocardium of DCM patients. The reduction in TF expression and change in localization may influence cell-to-cell contact stability and contractility, thereby contributing to cardiac dysfunction in DCM

    Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (third edition)

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    The third edition of Flow Cytometry Guidelines provides the key aspects to consider when performing flow cytometry experiments and includes comprehensive sections describing phenotypes and functional assays of all major human and murine immune cell subsets. Notably, the Guidelines contain helpful tables highlighting phenotypes and key differences between human and murine cells. Another useful feature of this edition is the flow cytometry analysis of clinical samples with examples of flow cytometry applications in the context of autoimmune diseases, cancers as well as acute and chronic infectious diseases. Furthermore, there are sections detailing tips, tricks and pitfalls to avoid. All sections are written and peer‐reviewed by leading flow cytometry experts and immunologists, making this edition an essential and state‐of‐the‐art handbook for basic and clinical researchers.DFG, 389687267, Kompartimentalisierung, Aufrechterhaltung und Reaktivierung humaner Gedächtnis-T-Lymphozyten aus Knochenmark und peripherem BlutDFG, 80750187, SFB 841: Leberentzündungen: Infektion, Immunregulation und KonsequenzenEC/H2020/800924/EU/International Cancer Research Fellowships - 2/iCARE-2DFG, 252623821, Die Rolle von follikulären T-Helferzellen in T-Helferzell-Differenzierung, Funktion und PlastizitätDFG, 390873048, EXC 2151: ImmunoSensation2 - the immune sensory syste

    Joseph Lanner

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    Joseph Lanner (1801-18439 is one of the most important and outstanding composers of dance music in the so called "Biedermeier" (the period after the "Wiener Kongress", 1st half of the 19th century). He invented the form of the Viennese waltz and founded a tradition, which was successfully carried on by the Strauß-family. Although Lanner wrote more than three hundred compositions until now there is no list of works existing, which describes the existing sources. After more than five years of recherché this list of works is now completed. The first part gives an introduction and describes some of the attributes of Lanners compositions. A short biography is followed by chapters about the development of dance in Vienna at the beginning of the 19th century, a list of other dance music composers of that time, an overview of the forms Lanner used in his dances, but also specific themes such as instrumentation, a list of the most important halls where Lanner performed e.g. The second part is the list of works, ordered by works with Opus-number and works without. For every composition the user will find full information's about the instruments which are required in the composition, the existing editions including autographs, copies and music in print (as well as information's in which Viennese libraries these scores are available), information's about first performances and the person to whom the dance was dedicated, and references of newspapers or books in which the work is mentioned. At the beginning there are the incipients printed (for Ländler and waltz including first and second theme), which allows musicians all over the world to recognize a certain dance by the melody. In the appendices all works are listed once more by alphabetical order, furthermore you will find a list of all persons to whom a dance was dedicated and a short list of works of Lanners son, August. This list of works of the compositions of Lanner fulfils all criteria a modern list of works requires.Joseph Lanner (1801-1843) zählt zu den bedeutendsten Tanzmusikkomponisten des Biedermeiers, er gilt als der Vater des "Wiener Walzers", damit schuf er eine Tradition, auf der vor allem die Strauß-Söhne aufbauen konnten. Obwohl Lanner weit über dreihundert Kompositionen schuf, existiert bis heute kein wissenschaftliches Werkverzeichnis, welches seine zahlreichen Tänze und Bearbeitungen auflistet und mit den Mittel quellenkritischer Forschung dem Benutzer aufbereitet. Diese Lücke konnte - nach über fünfjähriger Recherchetätigkeit - mit dem vorliegenden Werk geschlossen werden. Im ersten Teil wird eine ausführliche Einleitung in die besonderen Eigenheiten der Lannerschen Kompositionen geboten. Nach einem kurz gehaltenen biographischen Überblick folgen wichtige fachspezifische Erläuterungen zu den Themen "Entwicklung des Gesellschaftstanzes in Wien", ein Überblick über die zeitgleich mit Lanner wirkenden Tanzkomponisten, eine Besprechung der von Lanner verwendeten Tanzformen, aber auch Auflistungen der wichtigsten Tanzlokale, in denen Lanner wirkte, diese werden ergänzt durch praktische Hinweise zu den Instrumenten, die Lanner verwendete, zu seinen Konzertauftritten, aber auch zu musikästhetischen Fragestellungen, welche sich in Zusammenhang mit seinem umfangreichen Oeuvre ergeben. Es folgt - in zwei Teilen - das eigentliche Werkverzeichnis. Im ersten Teil werden die gedruckten Werke mit Opuszahl, im zweiten alle weiteren Werke beschrieben. Neben den unerlässlichen Quellenhinweisen zu den vorhandenen Materialien inklusive Bibliothekssignaturen der Wiener Musiksammlungen werden alle historischen Ausgaben - vom Autograph bis zu den mannigfachen Bearbeitungen - mit Datums- und Titelangabe angeführt, hinzu kommen Datierungen der Entstehung und der ersten Aufführungen. Literaturangaben (auch der wichtigsten Wiener Zeitungen) beschließen die einzelnen Werkauflistungen. Jedes Werk ist zudem über Incipits auch dem Musiker, welcher bestimmte Themen und Melodien sucht, erschlossen. Für alle Tänze und Bearbeitungen werden die relevanten Notenincipits am Beginn angegeben. Eine genaue Besetzungsliste der verwendeten Instrumente erlaubt Dirigenten und Tanzmusikorchestern einen raschen Überblick über die Erfordernisse einer Aufführung. Der Anhang bietet neben einer alphabetischen Auflistung aller Werke weitere praktische Informationen, u.a. eine Liste aller Widmungsträger sowie in Kurzform eine Auflistung der Werke von Joseph Lanners Sohn, August. Alle für den Leser erforderlichen Erläuterungen zur Benutzung (inklusive Abkürzungen etc.) sind vorhanden, so dass das vorliegende Werkverzeichnis alle seitens der Musikwissenschaft geforderten Kriterien erfüllt