192 research outputs found

    Pamuk İpliğine Bağlı Hayatta Bir Umut Olmak: Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Birinci Sınıf Öğrencileri İçin İlk Yardım Eğitimi Projesi

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    Aim: In this study, theoretical and applied education is given to thevolunteer first class university students. At the end of theeducation, it is aimed to give first aider certification which hasinternational validity and to open first aid education center withinthe university.Materials and Methods: In the first step of the study, 78 of the firstyear volunteer School of Health students are given a book aboutfirst aid. They were requested to study that book during summertime. A test was applied when the schools are open and a pre-testwas applied to the 53 students who were found successful. A 16hours long education about “Basic First Aid” was given. The posttest was re-applied after the education. Consequentially they aretested with written and an oral exam on “Basic First Aid Training”.Results: The results of the test after education is also comparedbetween the group of successful students and students whofailed.When successful and failed students were evaluated amongthemselves and together with the same questions before and aftereducation, the difference in all questions after education isstatistically significant (p< 0.001).Conclusion: “First Aid Staff Certificate” with both national and aninternational validity was given to the thirty-one succesfull studentsand first aid education center was established within the university.Amaç: Bu çalışmada; gönüllü üniversite birinci sınıf öğrencilerine ilkyardım konusunda teorik ve uygulamalı eğitim ve eğitim sonunda başarılı olanlara uluslararası geçerliliği olan ilkyardımcı sertifikası verilmesi ile üniversite bünyesine ilkyardım eğitim merkezi açılması amaçlandı. Materyal ve Metot: Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında, Sağlık Yüksekokulu gönüllü birinci sınıf öğrencilerinden 78’ine ilkyardım kitabı gönderildi ve yaz dönemi kendilerinden kitaba çalışılması istendi. Okul açıldığında ilkyardım konusunda bir sınav yapıldı ve başarılı olan 53 öğrenciye ön test uygulandı ve 16 saat “Temel İlkyardım Eğitimine” alındı. Eğitim sonrasında tekrar son test uygulandı. Bulgular: Eğitimden sonra, başarılı ve başarısız öğrenciler arasında test sonuçları karşılaştırıldı. Başarılı ve başarısız öğrenciler kendi aralarında ve eğitimden önce ve sonra aynı sorularla değerlendirildiğinde, tüm sorularda eğitimden sonra istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark izlendi (p<0.001) Sonuç: Hem uluslararası hem de ulusal geçerlil37. Abella BS, Alvarado JP, Myklebust H, Edelson DP, Barry A, O'Hearn N, et al..Quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation during in-hospital cardiac arrest. JAMA. 2005;293:305-10 38. Harvey PR, Higenbottam CV, Owen A, Hulme J, Bion JF. Peer-led training and assessment in basic life support for healthcare students: synthesis of literature review and fifteen years practical experience. Resuscitation. 2012;83(7):894-9. 39. Patidar AB, Sharma A. Attitude of School Children towards Basic Life Support in Punjab, India. Int J Health Sci Res. 2014;4(5):193–01iği olan bir “İlk Yardımcı Sertifikası” başarılı olan 31 öğrenciye verildi ve üniversite bünyesinde ilkyardım eğitim merkezi açıldı

    On the fundamental equations of electromagnetoelastic media in variational form with an application to shell/laminae equations

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    AbstractThe fundamental equations of elasticity with extensions to electromagnetic effects are expressed in differential form for a regular region of materials, and the uniqueness of solutions is examined. Alternatively, the fundamental equations are stated as the Euler–Lagrange equations of a unified variational principle, which operates on all the field variables. The variational principle is deduced from a general principle of physics by modifying it through an involutory transformation. Then, a system of two-dimensional shear deformation equations is derived in differential and fully variational forms for the high frequency waves and vibrations of a functionally graded shell. Also, a theorem is given, which states the conditions sufficient for the uniqueness in solutions of the shell equations. On the basis of a discrete layer modeling, the governing equations are obtained for the motions of a curved laminae made of any numbers of functionally graded distinct layers, whenever the displacements and the electric and magnetic potentials of a layer are taken to vary linearly across its thickness. The resulting equations in differential and fully variational, invariant forms account for various types of waves and coupled vibrations of one and two dimensional structural elements as well. The invariant form makes it possible to express the equations in a particular coordinate system most suitable to the geometry of shell (plate) or laminae. The results are shown to be compatible with and to recover some of earlier equations of plane and curved elements for special material, geometry and/or effects

    Spatial distribution of construction firms in Istanbul

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    In the restructuring of the cities today, economic growth and its reflective trend multi-centred, urban development pattern made business enterprises shifted its locational choice in a decentralized way. As the focus of this paper, construction firms expended their market areas as well. The present study investigates the spatial distribution of construction firms according to the variables of socio-economic characteristics of districts and total construction sizes within the concept of multi-centre development in Istanbul. The paper describes the growth of the city and the construction firms through time according to the concentric zones and districts, firstly. Then descriptive figures and results of regression analysis are given by taking the number of construction firms as dependent variable and population, income per capita, average household size and amount of construction activity as the independent variables. Main hypothesis of this paper is that socio-economic indicators and total size of construction in building permits can explain the variance of number of construction firms in Istanbul district. Overall results from the multiple regression model indicate that the role of socio-economic indicators and total size of construction in building permits on the distribution of construction firms is proved on a large scale in the study. The spatial distribution of the construction firms has been figured out that the sub-central, peripheral districts of Istanbul have sustained the significant role in a way that responds to the construction supply, and housing sub-markets. However, the intense construction trends in the periphery reveal a fact that these firms preserve the location of their management offices in the sub-centre with relatively higher economic attraction, in central districts

    On the fundamental equations of piezoelasticity of quasicrystal media

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    AbstractThe three-dimensional fundamental equations of elasticity of quasicrystals with extension to quasi-static electric effect are expresses in both differential and variational invariant forms for a regular region of quasicrystal material. The principle of conservation of energy is stated for the regular region and the constitutive relations are obtained for the piezoelasticity of material. A theorem is proved for the uniqueness in solutions of the fundamental equations by means of the energy argument. The sufficient boundary and initial conditions are enumerated for the uniqueness. Hamilton’s principle is stated for the regular region and a three-field variational principle is obtained under some constraint conditions. The constraint conditions, which are generally undesirable in computation, are removed by applying an involutory transformation. Then, a unified variational principle is obtained for the regular region, with one or more fixed internal surface of discontinuity. The variational principle operating on all the field variables generates all the fundamental equations of piezoelasticity of quasicrystals under the symmetry conditions of the phonon stress tensor and the initial conditions. The resulting equations, which are expressible in any system of coordinates and may be used through simultaneous approximation upon all the field variables in a direct method of solutions, pave the way to the study of important dislocation, fracture and interface problems of both elasticity and piezoelasticity of quasicrystal materials

    İstanbul’da Kütüphane Sistemi Planlaması

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    İstanbul hızla büyüyen bir kent olup, gelişen alanlarda alt yapı ve sosyal hizmet kurumlarının planlanmasına ivedi gereksinim vardır. Kütüphaneler, kırsal alanlardan kente göç eden kişilerin eğitimi, kültürel gelişimi ve kent yaşamına uyum sağlamaları açısından önem taşımakta­dırlar. Ayrıca, büyük kentlerde bilgi ağlarına erişim ekonomik gelişim açısından bir gerekliliğe dönüşmüş olup, bu tüm ülkeler için geçerlidir. İstanbul’da kütüphaneler nüfus yoğunluğu ile oranlı bir dağılım göstermemektedir. Bu makale İstanbul için bir kütüphane sistemi plan­lanmasını öngören bir proje ile ilgilidir

    Physical and economical restructuring of central business districts (CBD); sample: Eskişehir

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    Bu &ccedil;alışmada, kent i&ccedil;inde &ouml;nemli bir konuma sahip merkezi iş alanının (MİA) oluşumunu ve gelişimini etkileyen fakt&ouml;rler ve bunlar arasındaki ilişkiler genel olarak irdelenmiştir. MİA dokularının, fonksiyonel ve mekansal olarak tekrar canlandırılarak, kullanım ve değişim değerlerinin artırılmasıyla birlikte, &ccedil;ağdaş gereksinimlere cevap verebilecek hale getirilmesi gereklidir. &Ouml;zellikle gelişmiş &uuml;lkelerdeki hem fiziksel, hem de ekonomik y&ouml;nden uygulanan yeniden yapılanma projeleri ve sonu&ccedil;ları bunu ortaya koymaktadır. &Ccedil;alışma kapsamında; &ldquo;Merkezi İş Alanlarının fiziksel ve ekonomik olarak yeniden yapılanması: Eskişehir &Ouml;rneği&rdquo; &uuml;zerinde yapılan araştırmalar değerlendirilerek elde edilen sonu&ccedil;ların, geleceğe y&ouml;nelik şehir planlama &ccedil;alışmaları ile stratejik politika ve alınacak &ouml;nlemler a&ccedil;ısından, yararlı ve yol g&ouml;sterici olabileceği d&uuml;ş&uuml;n&uuml;lmektedir.The factors and their interrelations that affect the existence and development of central business districts (CBD) as important items in the city are generally examined in the approach that is brought into being by this study. As it is known, cost of the product and competitive environment have a pretty effective role in terms of city population, economy, social and city economic infra-structure that have important effects on the development of central business districts and their inner commercial activities. Consequently, this causes city economy and physical appearance to wear out and become outdated with social change. Within the process of rapid urbanization, the effect of the physical growth of urban spaces in CBD is researched in this study. The restructuring of CBD according to their physical and economical contents is analyzed in the case of Eskisehir. The results of this analysis are considered to be guide and useful for the future city planning in terms of strategic policy and proper measures. By analyzing spatial progress of CBD in certain period that have a multi-varied structure with service sectors like management, supervision, commerce, social and cultural activities as a reflection of city of Eskisehir socio-economic base, to point out directions of the progress, factors and their effects that cause the progress and to make the decisions of progress in the city-land of Eskisehir for next 30 year term are aimed