121 research outputs found

    Síndrome poliuria-polidipsia : ¿Como abordaría el diagnóstico?

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    El síndrome poliuria-polidipsia (PU/PD) es una entidad clínica que se presenta como signo predominante de numerosos procesos del perro y del gato. Tras un recuerdo fisiológico de los factores reguladores de la homeostasis del agua, presentamos las distintas etiologías responsables del síndrome PU/PD y los mecanismos fisiopatológicos implicados. Posteriormente se indican las pruebas laboratoriales más adecuadas para el diagnóstico y se recomienda una sistemática para abordar el diagnóstico diferencial. Terminamos exponiendo 8 casos clínicos en los que se plantean las historias, exploración y pruebas laboratoriales, discutiéndose finalmente el diagnóstico de los mismos.The polyuria-polydipsia syndrorne (PU/PD) is a clinical picture that is present in a lot of diseases of dog and cat. Firstly we study a physiologycal revision of mechanisms that control the homeostasis of the water, and after we describe the different causes of its physiopathology. The laboratory test more adecuated for the diagnosis are indicated and so the best way to do the differential diagnosis. Eventually we finish with clinical history, symptonms and laboratory findings are studied to arrive a diagnosis

    Glucose uptake in Prochlorococcus: diversity of kinetics and effects on the metabolism

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    We have previously shown that Prochlorococcus sp. SS120 strain takes up glucose by using a multiphasic transporter encoded by the Pro1404 gene. Here, we studied the glucose uptake kinetics in multiple Prochlorococcus strains from different ecotypes, observing diverse values for the Ks constants (15–126.60 nM) and the uptake rates (0.48–6.36 pmol min-1 mg prot-1). Multiphasic kinetics was observed in all studied strains, except for TAK9803-2. Pro1404 gene expression studies during the 21st Atlantic Meridional Transect cruise showed positive correlation with glucose concentrations in the ocean. This suggests that the Pro1404 transporter has been subjected to diversification along the Prochlorococcus evolution, in a process probably driven by the glucose availabilities at the different niches it inhabits. The glucose uptake mechanism seems to be a primary transporter. Glucose addition induced detectable transcriptomic and proteomic changes in Prochlorococcus SS120, but photosynthetic efficiency was unaffected. Our studies indicate that glucose is actively taken up by Prochlorococcus, but its uptake does not significantly alter the trophic ways of this cyanobacterium, which continues performing photosynthesis. Therefore Prochlorococcus seems to remain acting as a fundamentally phototrophic organism, capable of using glucose as an extra resource of carbon and energy when available in the environment

    Oxysterol-induced soluble endoglin release and its involvement in hypertension

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    [Background]: Ischemia in the placenta is considered the base of the pathogenesis of preeclampsia, a pregnancy-specific syndrome in which soluble endoglin (sEng) is a prognostic marker and plays a pathogenic role. Here, we investigated the effects of hypoxia and the downstream pathways in the release of sEng. [Methods and Results]: Under hypoxic conditions, the trophoblast-like cell line JAR showed an increase in sEng parallel to an elevated formation of reactive oxygen species. Because reactive oxygen species are related to the formation of oxysterols, we assessed the effect of 22-(R)-hydroxycholesterol, a natural ligand of the liver X receptor (LXR), and the LXR synthetic agonist T0901317. Treatment of JAR cells or human placental explants with 22-(R)-hydroxycholesterol or T0901317 resulted in a clear increase in sEng that was dependent on LXR. These LXR agonists induced an increased matrix metalloproteinase-14 expression and activity and a significant reduction of its endogenous inhibitor, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-3. In addition, mice treated with LXR agonists underwent an increase in the plasma sEng levels, concomitant with an increase in arterial pressure. Moreover, transgenic mice overexpressing sEng displayed high blood pressure. Finally, administration of an endoglin peptide containing the consensus matrix metalloproteinase-14 cleavage site G-L prevented the oxysterol-dependent increase in arterial pressure and sEng levels in mice. [Conclusions]: These studies provide a clue to the involvement of the LXR pathway in sEng release and its pathogenic role in vascular disorders such as preeclampsia. © 2012 American Heart Association, Inc.This work was supported by grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain (SAF2010-61827 to Dr Bernabeu, SAF2011-29244 to Dr Castrillo, and SAF2010-15881 to Dr Lopez-Novoa), Genoma España (MEICA; Dr Bernabeu), Instituto Reina Sofía de Investigación Nefrológica (FRIAT; Dr Lopez-Novoa), Junta de Castilla and Leon (Excellence Group Grant GR-100 to Dr Lopez-Novoa), Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Raras (CIBERER; Dr Bernabeu), and Red de Investigación Cooperativa en Enfermedades Renales (REDINREN; Dr Lopez-Novoa). CIBERER and REDINREN are initiatives of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III of Spain supported by European Regional Development Funds (FEDER). The cardiovascular phenotyping unit, including the telemetry equipment, has been acquired with the support of FEDER. Dr Llano is recipient of a Ramón y Cajal Research contract.Peer Reviewe

    Assessment of an oral Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccine and an inactivated M. bovis preparation for wild boar in terms of adverse reactions, vaccine strain survival, and uptake by nontarget species

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    Wildlife vaccination is increasingly being considered as an option for tuberculosis control. We combined data from laboratory trials and an ongoing field trial to assess the risk of an oral Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccine and a prototype heat-inactivated Mycobacterium bovis preparation for Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa). We studied adverse reactions, BCG survival, BCG excretion, and bait uptake by nontarget species. No adverse reactions were observed after administration of BCG (n = 27) or inactivated M. bovis (n = 21). BCG was not found at necropsy (175 to 300 days postvaccination [n = 27]). No BCG excretion was detected in fecal samples (n = 162) or in urine or nasal, oral, or fecal swab samples at 258 days postvaccination (n = 29). In the field, we found no evidence of loss of BCG viability in baits collected after 36 h (temperature range, 11°C to 41°C). Camera trapping showed that wild boar (39%) and birds (56%) were the most frequent visitors to bait stations (selective feeders). Wild boar activity patterns were nocturnal, while diurnal activities were recorded for all bird species. We found large proportions of chewed capsules (29%) (likely ingestion of the vaccine) and lost baits (39%) (presumably consumed), and the proportion of chewed capsules showed a positive correlation with the presence of wild boar. Both results suggest proper bait consumption (68%). These results indicate that BCG vaccination in wild boar is safe and that, while bait consumption by other species is possible, this can be minimized by using selective cages and strict timing of bait deployment.This is a contribution to Plan Nacional I+D+i AGL2011-30041 from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), Spain, and FEDER and to EU FP7 grant WildTBvac. B.B.-B. and I.D.-D. were supported by MINECO grants BES-2009-017401 and BES-2012-052490, respectively. J.A.B. was supported by MICINN grant FPU12/00980.Peer Reviewe

    Dating violence and associated factors among male and female adolescents in Spain

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    Background: Dating Violence (DV) is a public health problem that is on the rise. In this paper, we aim to analyse different factors associated with DV victimization among female and male adolescents in Spain, considering socioeconomic circumstances, sexual orientation and the presence of different attitudes and experiences related to violence. Methods: Cross-sectional data from a convenience sample of 640 ever-partnered adolescents aged 13 to 17 at schools in the cities of Alicante (n = 359, 50.1% girls) and Terrassa (n = 281, 51.9%) in the context of an educational intervention to promote healthy relationships. We calculated the prevalence of different forms of DV (physical, sexual and control and fear) and carried out multivariate regression models by sex. Results: 5.5% of girls and 8.7% of boys declared having suffered lifetime physical and/or sexual violence, while 22% of girls and 20.5% of boys reported control and/or fear victimization. The likelihood of DV was higher among migrants and those with foreign-born parents (aPR girls = 2.1 CI95%: 1.1-3.9; aPR boys = 1.9: CI95%: 1.0-3.6); prior experiences of abuse (aPR girls = 1.6; CI95%: 1.0-2.6; aPR boys = 1.7; CI95%: 1.1-2.6); and those who showed higher levels of machismo (aPR girls = 1.0; CI95%: 1.0-1.1; aPR boys = 1.0; CI95%: 1.0-1.1). In girls, DV increased among those who reported lesbian/bisexual orientation and poor relationship with teachers. Conclusions: DV is socially patterned and increases among LGB adolescents (especially in the case of girls), migrants, and those with foreign-born parents, and adolescents who reported prior experiences of violence in childhood. Future DV prevention programs should consider social inequalities in the likelihood of DV and by reinforcing adolescents' abilities to recognize social support sources and reject machismo and violence.The project was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and the Carlos III Institute (Ref. PI18/00590 and PI18/00544) in 2019 and 2021. This study has also been conducted within the grant received from Instituto de Salud Carlos III & FEDER of which VP is recipient of Predoctora Contract for Training in Health Research (PFIS) grant from European Social Found (FSE) (FI19/00201).S

    Dating Violence and Associated Factors Among Male and Female Adolescents in Spain

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    Background: Dating Violence (DV) is a public health problem that is on the rise. In this paper, we aim to analyse different factors associated with DV victimization among female and male adolescents in Spain, considering socioeconomic circumstances, sexual orientation and the presence of different attitudes and experiences related to violence. Methods: Cross-sectional data from a convenience sample of 640 ever-partnered adolescents aged 13 to 17 at schools in the cities of Alicante (n=359, 50.1% girls) and Terrassa (n=281, 51.9%) in the context of an educational intervention to promote healthy relationships. We calculated the prevalence of different forms of DV (physical, sexual and control and fear) and carried out multivariate regression models by sex. Results: 5.5% of girls and 8.7% of boys declared having suffered lifetime physical and/or sexual violence, while 22% of girls and 20.5% of boys reported control and/or fear victimization. The likelihood of DV was higher among migrants and those with foreign-born parents (aPR girls=2.1 CI95%: 1.1-3.9; aPR boys= 1.9: CI95%: 1.0-3.6); prior experiences of abuse (aPR girls= 1.6; CI95%: 1.0-2.6; aPR boys= 1.7; CI95%: 1.1-2.6); and those who showed higher levels of machismo (aPR girls= 1.0; CI95%: 1.0-1.1; aPR boys= 1.0; CI95%: 1.0-1.1). In girls, DV increased among those who reported lesbian/bisexual orientation and poor relationship with teachers. Conclusions: DV is socially patterned and increases among LGB adolescents, migrants, and those with foreign-born parents. Future DV prevention programs should reinforce adolescents’ abilities to recognize social support sources and reject machismo and violence.This study was funded by the multi-centre project "Promotion of Protective Assets Against Gender Violence in Adolescence and Preadolescence" (Ref. PI18/00590 and PI18/00544) of the Carlos III Institute of Health, as an intermediary body of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF)

    Los Aljezares archaeological site (Alicante, Spain) and the MIS 6/5 open-air settlement in the Iberian Peninsula

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    The record of open-air Middle Palaeolithic sites in the Iberian Peninsula—specifically in the Mediterranean basin—is scarce, hampering the interpretation of the landscape use strategies developed by Neanderthals in this area. In this work, we present Los Aljezares, a new Middle Palaeolithic site found in Pleistocene fluvio-lacustrine deposits in the sedimentary basin of the Vinalopó River. A U/Th age (132 ± 10 ka) from associated carbonate deposits allows us to attribute the site to the uppermost part of the Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene (marine isotope stage 6/5). To date, a total of two levels of human occupation have been identified in which the density of lithic remains is low compared with cave and rock shelter sites in the region. The first results of technology and use-wear, raw material procurement and geological data indicate a settlement in Los Aljezares along a territory characterised by ephemeral channels and their associated palustrine and lacustrine zones. This palaeoenvironmental setting provided biotic and abiotic resources in a transit area between inland and coastal locations.The research has been funded through the following research projects: El pasado lejano: aproximación a la conducta y la ocupación del territorio en el paleolítico valenciano (PROMETEO/2017/060), Estudio del registro climático reciente preservado en depósitos cuaternarios: el caso de Los Aljezares (Aspe, Alicante) y su relación con los depósitos del Medio y Bajo Vinalopó (GRE17-02), Caracterización tecnológica y funcional de los elementos líticos apuntados durante el Paleolítico medio en la región central del mediterráneo ibérico (GV/2021/054) and Síntesis del Paleolítico medio y superior en Valencia y Murcia: aspectos cronológicos, paleoambientales, económicos y culturales (HAR2017-85153-P)

    Morphosedimentary characterization of the Capbreton submarine canyon system, Bay of Biscay (Cantabrian Sea)

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    Various studies have been carried out to the declaration of new marine protected areas for their importance for habitats, according to the Natura 2000 Network. One of these sites is a sector of the Capbreton Submarine Canyon System, located in front of the Basque Country coast, in the Bay of Biscay (North Atlantic). During the Intemares_CapBreton 0619 and 0620 surveys; bathymetric, backscatter, high-resolution parametric data and samples of sediments, rocks and benthic communities from the seabed were acquired. The study was completed by recording video transects with the underwater vehicle ROTV Politolana from the IEO. The processing and analysis of the geophysical information has allowed obtaining a detailed bathymetry grid of 10 × 10 m, from which the first morphosedimentary characterization of the system of tributary canyons to the E-W trending main canyon and its interfluves has been made. One of the main features of this canyon system is the presence of a large pockmark field on adjacent platforms between canyons, located between 500 and 1000 m water depth. Within this field, pockmarks are shown as circular to elliptical depressions, most likely related to gas rich-fluid emissions to the subsurface.Versión del edito