59 research outputs found

    The implementation of universal design content on computer engineering and architecture in Spain

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    En base a la legislación vigente, y por tanto, a la obligación que las universidades españolas tienen de enseñar contenidos relacionados con el diseño universal o diseño para todos en aquellas titulaciones que se relacionen con la participación de todos los ciudadanos en la sociedad, este tr abajo tiene como objetivo fundamental hacer un análisis de cómo se está llevando a cabo este proceso en las titulaciones de ingeniería informática y arquitectura. Para ello, se ha contado con una muestra total de 159 guías docentes de asignaturas de ambas titulaciones de todas las universidades españolas. Los principales resultados del estudio demuestran que menos de la mitad de universidades estaría enseñando contenidos relacionados con el diseño universal y que existen un total de 59 titulaciones en las que se imparten contenidos relacionados con el diseño universal, aunque con diferencias significativas entre arquitectura e ingeniería informática. Finalmente, los autores discuten sobre la necesidad de cumplir la legislación vigente universitaria en la inc lusión de contenidos relacionados con el diseño para todas las personas

    A set of 750 words in Spanish characterized in two survival-related dimensions: avoiding death and locating nourishment

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    [EN]With the aim of finding quantitative indicators of the survival relevance for a set of concrete concepts, a subjective rating task was administered to a large sample of college students (N = 300). In the rating task, participants used a five-point scale to rate 750 concepts in one of two survival-relevant dimensions, providing their own judgment about the relevance of each concept in a situation in which either avoiding death (AD) or obtaining food (OF) was of importance. The subjective ratings showed high stability and reliability and showed varied patterns of association to potentially relevant concept-defining variables, with corre lational analyses showing both commonalities and differences between the two rated dimensions. Regression analyses indicated that, while not likely to modulate word accessibility, survival ratings were related to certain conceptual properties that could be especially sensitive for threat detection. The collected data set provides normative information that can be of use in manipulating and controlling verbal stimuli in future research focusing on adaptive properties of episodic memory and other aspects of the human cognitive system. The complete norms are available for downloading at Open Science Framework (https://osf.io/sf9mb/)

    Subjective age-of-acquisition norms for 7,039 Spanish words

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    [EN]Subjective estimations of age of acquisition (AoA) for a large pool of Spanish words were collected from college students in Spain. The average score for each word (based on 50 individual responses, on a scale from 1 to 11) was taken as an AoA indicator, and normative values for a total of 7,039 single words are provided as supplemental materials. Beyond its in trinsic value as a standalone corpus, the largest of its kind for Spanish, the value of the database is enhanced by the fact that it contains most of the words that are currently included in other normative studies, allowing for a more complete characteriza tion of the lexical stimuli that are usually employed in studies with Spanish-speaking participants. The norms are available for downloading as supplemental materials with this article

    Subjective age-of-acquisition norms for 4,640 verbs in Spanish

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    [EN]Many studies have shown that how words are processed in a variety of language-related tasks is affected by their age of acquisition (AoA). Most AoA norms have been collected for nouns, a fact that limits the extent to which verb stimuli can be adequately manipulated and controlled in empirical studies. With the aim of increasing the number of verbs with AoA values in Spanish, 900 college students were recruited to provide subjective estimates for a total of 4,640 infinitive and reflexive forms. An AoA score for each verb was obtained by averaging the responses of the participants, and these norms were included, together with additional quantitative information (standard deviations, ranges, and z scores), in a database that can be downloaded with this article as supplemental materials

    Oral frequency norms for 67,979 Spanish words

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    Electronic supplementary material: The online version of this article (doi:10.3758/s13428-011-0062-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.[EN]Frequency of occurrence is an important attribute of lexical units, and one that is widely used in psycholog ical research and theorization. Although printed frequency norms have long been available for Spanish, and subtitle based norms have more recently been published, oral frequency norms have not been systematically compiled for a representative set of words. In this study, a corpus of over three million units, representing present-day use of the language in Spain, was used to derive a frequency count of spoken words. The corpus consisted of 913 separate documents that contained transcriptions of oral recordings obtained in a wide variety of situations, mostly radio and television programs. The resulting database, containing absolute and relative frequency values for 67,979 orally produced words, is presented. Validity analyses showed significant correlations of oral frequency with other frequency measures and suggest that oral frequency can predict some types of lexical processing with the same or higher levels of precision, when contrasted with text- or subtitle-based frequencies. In conclusion, we discuss ways in which these oral frequency norms can be put to use

    Absence of posture-dependent and posture-congruent memory effects on the recall of action sentences

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    [EN]In two experiments with large samples of participants, we explored contextual memory effects associated with body posture, which was considered a physical and proprioceptive context and, therefore, potentially relevant to the encoding and retrieval of information. In Experiment 1 (N = 128), we studied the effect of context dependence on memory by manip ulating the body posture adopted by the participants during the incidental encoding and sub sequent recall of a series of action sentences not intrinsically associated with particular body postures (e.g., “to put on a pair of glasses”, “to look at a postcard”). Memory perfor mance was not affected by context manipulation, as reflected by the absence of significant differences between remembering while in the posture adopted at study or in a different pos ture. Experiment 2 (N = 85) was designed to analyze context congruency memory effects, and for that purpose we manipulated the participants’ body posture during the recall of sen tences that described actions usually performed in body postures that were congruent or incongruent with the posture of the participants (e.g., recalling the sentence “to travel by taxi” while sitting or while standing). A content-neutral posture (lying) was used for the inci dental encoding phase. Memory performance was not affected by contextual congruency at the time of recall, as evidenced by the lack of significant differences between recalling in a posture congruent with the content to be recalled and recalling in an alternative posture. Bayesian analyses supported the strength of null findings in the two experiments, adding to the evidence that, when taken together, the results in this study clearly failed to show con textual memory effects of body posture on the recall of action-related verbal statements

    Normative ratings for 536 action-related sentences in Spanish

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    [EN]Familiarity, emotionality, motor activity, memorability, and vividness of visual imagery ratings, on 7- point scales, were collected for 536 Spanish action-related sentences, including a corpus of 439 phrases originally normed in Swedish, German, and Croatian (Arar & Molander, 1996; Molander & Arar, 1998; Molander, Arar, Mavrinac, & Janig, 1999) and 97 new sentences describing actions usually performed using different body postures and face or hand movements. These norms constitute the only available set of ratings for action sentences in Spanish including those dimensions to date, and they allow for the design of studies aimed at empirically exploring the relationship between action, language, and cognition with well-controlled materials in Spanish-speaking samples of participants

    Experiencia de aprendizaxe interdisciplinar entre estudantes de terapia ocupacional e odontoloxía, no deseño de sistemas de comunicación alternativos

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    [Resumo] Contextualización: O proxecto, interdisciplinar e interuniversitario, foi proposto por docentes de terapia ocupacional e odontoloxía das universidades da Coruña e Salamanca. Contemplou a elaboración de cinco unidades didácticas, baseadas na aprendizaxe colaborativa, presentando aquí a unidade adicada á comunicación cos doentes. Metodoloxía: Concretáronse obxectivos e resultados de aprendizaxe, metodoloxías e forma de aplicación da unidade. Na planificación tivéronse en conta aspectos relacionados coa valoración, e uso dos SAAC, e a aplicación dos principios do Deseño Universal no proceso comunicativo. Realizáronse tres sesións teórico–prácticas, complementadas co traballo non presencial. Desenvolvemento: A primeira sesión está dirixida aos alumnos do Grado en Odontoloxía que, a través de varios casos propostos, deberían detectar e determinar as dificultades na comunicación, que poderían acontecer na consulta odontolóxica. O resultado do traballo é transmitido posteriormente aos alumnos de terapia ocupacional, sendo o punto de partida da segunda sesión. Os estudantes de TO consideran estes supostos para o deseño de solucións aos problemas plantexados, elaborando propostas co uso dos SAAC e aplicación do deseño para todas as persoas. A derradeira sesión é a posta en común dos traballos dos alumnos de ambas titulacións, nunha clase conxunta e presencial, cun compoñente virtual. Invítase ós estudantes a razoar, deseñar e elaborar solucións de accesibilidade e deseño universal, para aplicar no entorno físico dun centro de odontoloxía e nos seus materiais, baseadas no uso de pictogramas. A avaliación dos alumnos basease no emprego de rúbricas (hetero-avaliación) e de listados de comprobación (auto-avaliación).[Abstract] Background: The project, interdisciplinary and interuniversity, has been proposed by professors of occupational therapy and odontology at the universities of A Coruña and Salamanca. It included the development of five didactic units, based on collaborative learning. The unit focused to communication with patients is presented in this communication. Method: Professors determined learning goals and results, as well as the methodologies and the way to apply the unit. Factors related to AAC’s assessment and use, and the application of Universal Design Principles during communicative process were taken into account in planning. Three practical theoretical sessions were held, complementing the non-contact work. Development: The first session is directed to students of Odontology Bachelor, who, through few case studies, have to detect and determine the difficult in communication that could be appear during dental consultation. The finished work, then, is transmitted to students of Occupational Therapy, being the start point to second session. Occupational therapy’s students consider that work to design solutions to solve the detected problems. To do that, they indicate proposals about AAC’s use and application of Universal Design. The last session is dedicated to the sharing of students’ works, during a joined lesson attendance, with a virtual component. Students participate in rezoning, designing and creating solutions to promote accessibility and universal design, and to apply it in a dentistry clinic and in its material resources, based on pictograms’s use. The students’ assessment contemplates the use of rubrics (heteroevaluation), and of Checklists (Self- Assessment