1,107 research outputs found

    El proceso monitorio europeo

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    El proceso monitorio europeo es el primer procedimiento europeo uniforme en materia de tutela del crédito. Tiene por finalidad armonizar los ordenamientos procesales nacionales de los distintos Estados miembros de la Unión Europea. A través de este proceso el acreedor puede obtener rápidamente un requerimiento europeo de pago que, ante la falta de oposición del deudor, sea ejecutable en cualquier Estado miembro del Reglamento (CE) nº 18962006. Su ámbito de aplicación se circunscribe a los asuntos transfronterizos en materia civil y mercantil para el cobro de créditos de carácter dinerario, de importe determinado, vencidos y exigibles en el momento en que se presente la petición de requerimiento europeo de pago y sin límite de cuantía. Así, ofrece ventajas en la simplificación, agilización y reducción de los costes de los litigios. Asimismo, no es necesaria la declaración de ejecutividad para que el requerimiento europeo de pago sea reconocido y ejecutado en cualquier Estado miembro.Grado en Derech

    Training students in science education in elementary teacher education degree

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    Partimos de la hipótesis que enseñar ciencias mediante una metodología de indagación, tanto en la formación de maestros como en la escuela primaria, permitirá una mejor comprensión de las ideas científicas y de la forma en que los científicos estudian el mundo natural. Sin embargo, consideramos que para que los estudiantes de magisterio consigan aprender esta metodología, es necesario superar visiones tradicionales sobre la enseñanza de las ciencias y los déficits de formación en contenidos científicos y, además, la utilicen durante su formación. En este trabajo presentamos una propuesta curricular en esta dirección, formada por tres disciplinas para el grado en maestro de Primaria, que funcionan escalonadamente hasta llegar al desarrollo y uso de la indagación. Los resultados obtenidos con su implementación parecen mostrar que las estrategias adoptadas son efectivas para conseguir cambios positivos en la imagen de ciencia, en la percepción de la importancia de enseñar ciencias de forma significativa en primaria y en la intención de aplicar metodologías que incentiven a los niños a cuestionarse y a indagar sobre los fenómenos naturales.We start from the assumption that teaching science by inquiry, both in the training of pre-service teachers and in primary school, will allow a better understanding of science and the nature of science. Nevertheless, students arrive to the degree with traditional visions about science teaching, deficits in scientific content and naive views about the nature of science, that have to be overcome in order to learn the teaching and learning by inquiry. In this sense, we present a proposal integrated of three disciplines in the Primary Teacher degree, thought as stages that would help students to achieve the knowledge necessary to develop and use the inquiry. The results obtained seem to show that the strategies adopted are effective to achieve positive changes in their image of science, in their perception of the importance of teaching science significantly in primary school and its intention to apply methodologies that encourage children to question and to investigate natural phenomena.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Proyecto: La indagación en la enseñanza de las ciencias en primaria: Estudio de la viabilidad de su introducción en las escuelas, Convocatoria: Retos de Investigación Edu2013-46167-

    CFD simulation of a novel anaerobic-anoxic reactor for biological nutrient removal: model construction, validation and hydrodynamic analysis based on OpenFOAM®

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    AnoxAn is a novel multi-environment reactor for biological nutrient removal (BNR) from wastewater. Although its biological efficacy has been demonstrated on a pilot scale, hydrodynamics is observed to significantly affect the performance of AnoxAn. To study its complex hydraulic behaviour, a model based on Computational Fluid Dynamics 3D (CFD) is constructed using the OpenFOAM® open source toolbox and validated by experimental tests of Residence Time Distribution (RTD). Reactor elements represent a key factor in the modelling process. In this sense, the impeller of the anoxic zone is modelled as a flat disk, and the baffle after the anoxic zone as a porous media. According to CFD model simulations, stagnant, short-circuit zones and mixing quality are established and quantified. Finally, the influence on the hydrodynamics of reactor elements is also evaluated. The results of this detailed hydrodynamic analysis will form the basis for the design and optimization of scalable AnoxAn configurations.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Future changes in land and atmospheric variables: An analysis of their couplings in the Iberian Peninsula

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    This work investigates climate--projections over a transitional region between dry and wet climates, the Iberian Peninsula (IP). With this purpose, the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, driven CCSM4 and MPI-ESM-LR GCMs previously bias-corrected, was used. Simulations were carried out for two periods, 1980-2014 and 2071-2100, and under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. The analysis focused on changes in land-surface processes, their causes, and the potential impact on the climate system. To achieve this, seasonal projected changes of land-surface (soil moisture and surface evapotranspiration) and atmospheric variables involved in the hydrologic (precipitation and runoff) and energy balance (temperature and solar incoming radiation) were investigated. The results reveal that the IP is likely to experience a soil dryness by the end of the 21st century, particularly during summer and fall, more apparent in the southern IP, and stronger under the RCP8.5. However, such trends would have different implications throughout the year and directly affect the surface evapotranspiration. Moreover, soil-drying trends are mainly associated with reductions in the large-scale precipitation during spring, summer, and fall and by enhanced evapotranspiration particularly in spring over the northwestern IP. In addition, the results show notably changes in soil conditions at high altitude, particularly during winter, which may alter the land-atmosphere processes that currently occur in these regions. In this context, noteworthy changes in the climate system are expected, leading to adverse impacts on water resources and temperature. The results highlight the complex and nonlinear nature of land-atmosphere interactions in regions such as the IP, which is a tremendous challenge for adequately developing mitigation and adaptation strategies to anthropogenic climate change

    Integrated sensitivity analysis of a macroscale hydrologic model in the north of the Iberian Peninsula

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    Process-based hydrologic models allow to identify the behavior of a basin providing a mathematical description of the hydrologic processes underlying the runoff mechanisms that govern the streamflow generation. This study focuses on a macroscale application of the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model over 31 headwater subwatersheds belonging to the Duero River Basin, located in the Iberian Peninsula, through a three-part approach: (1) the calibration and validation of the VIC model for all the subwatersheds; (2) an integrated sensitivity analysis concerning the soil parameters chosen for the calibration, and (3) an assessment of equifinality and the efficiency of the calibration algorithm. The calibration and validation processes showed good results for most of the subwatersheds in a computationally efficient way using the Shuffled-Complex-Evolution algorithm. The sensitivity measures were obtained with the Standardized Regression Coefficients method through a post-process of the outputs of a Monte Carlo simulation carried out for 10 000 parameter samples for each subwatershed. This allowed to quantify the sensitivity of the water balance components to the selected parameters for the calibration and understanding the strong dependencies between them. The final assessment of the equifinality hypothesis manifested that there are many parameter samples with performances as good as the optimum, calculated using the calibration algorithm. For almost all the analyzed subwatersheds the calibration algorithm resulted efficient, reaching the optimal fit. Both the Monte Carlo simulation and the use of a calibration algorithm will be of interest for other feasible applications of the VIC model in other river basins.Comment: Published in Journal of Hydrolog

    Citizen Science for Scientific Literacy and the Attainment of Sustainable Development Goals in Formal Education

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    Curricular integration in formal teaching of citizen science can bring to the classroom aspects of scientific literacy that encourage the involvement of citizens. In particular, these include non-epistemic aspects related to the sociology of science (which are often not transferred to the classroom). Furthermore, this practice raises awareness among students, and encourages them to become participants in the attainment of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This article describes a proposal for the integration of a citizen science project into the secondary education curriculum that can be reproduced in any educational center. Eighty-three secondary school pupils (14–15 years old) took part in this research at a city-center school in Northern Spain. A questionnaire based on validated studies was created and used to analyze the changes in attitudes of pupils towards science and technology and their improvement in scientific literacy in terms of scientific processes and scientific situations. The results indicate a significant improvement in the attitudes towards science and technology among the participating learners, as well as a better understanding of scientific processes and situations. Likewise, the results reflect how the implementation of the citizen science project contributes to the SDGsConsejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León through the Dirección General de Innovación y Equidad Educativa, grant number EDUCYL2018_04 under the project «Igualdad de género en las materias científico-tecnológicas: análisis comparativo estudiantes STEM»

    Understanding the Drought Phenomenon in the Iberian Peninsula

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    The analysis and understanding of drought phenomenon are essential for the management of hydrological resources. Drought indices are commonly used to predict these extreme events, being their suitability partly due to the use of climate fields at an adequate spatiotemporal resolution. This work aims to examine spatiotemporal patterns of drought over the Iberian Peninsula (IP), which is a region especially vulnerable to drought phenomenon. For this, climate data from a simulation completed with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model have been used. The spatiotemporal patterns of drought over the period 1980–2014 were examined using the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) at the 3- and the 12-month time scales, and they were compared with other drought-related variables such as the surface evapotranspiration (SFCEVP), soil moisture (SM), and runoff. The results evidence that WRF is a valuable tool for characterizing droughts over the IP, providing large amounts of climate data at an adequate spatial resolution. Drought events seem to be more severe in regard to their duration over southern IP. Moreover, a good agreement between the SPEI at 3-month time scale with the SM and the SFCEVP is found. Additionally, the annual runoff evolves similarly to the SPEI at 12-month time scale

    Tropical Pacific SST influence on seasonal streamflow variability in Ecuador

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    This study presents a basin wide assessment about the spatio-temporal variability of streamflows in Ecuador for the period 1979-2015. The influence of the tropical Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) on stremaflow variariability from February to April (FMA) period, as the months showing maximum stramflow for the wet season in Ecuador, and from the June to August (JJA), correspondign to the dry season, was analysed. First, a long-term trend analysis was carried out by applying the Sen's slope estimator and the Mann-Kendall test to monthly streamflow data from 45 gaging stations located in different basins across Ecuador. While the coastal region showed the highest generalized positive trends from July to January, the results for the Pacific Andean area suggested a strengthening of the seasonality, presenting an overall increase in the streamflow for all months except August, September and October, which showed negative trends. Second, a singular-value decomposition (SVD) was applied in order to find the main coupled variability patterns between the FMA streamflow and the quasi-coetaneous SST (December-February, DJF) and between the JJA streamflow and the coetaneous SST. The results revealed two main coupled modes for DJF SST/FMA streamflow, the first associated with the canonical El Ni\~no and the second with El Ni\~no Modoki. The latter exerted a major influence on FMA streamflow over most of Ecuador. For JJA streamflow, however, the pattern associated with the traditional El Ni\~no was even more relevant. These results establish the foundations for streamflow modelling in Ecuador based on the Pacific SST, showing the strong response of the streamflows to different types of El Ni\~no event

    Оценка виртуализированной экологии саморегулируемого обучения для дидактики естественных наук во время кризиса COVID-19

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    Los modelos de enseñanza-aprendizaje universitarios están siendo afectados por la crisis originada por la COVID-19. Para atender a esta crisis desencadenada se diseñó de urgencia una propuesta de ecología de aprendizaje autorregulado virtualizada durante el confinamiento de 2020 en la asignatura de Ciencias de la Naturaleza y su Didáctica I del Grado en Maestro de Educación Primaria. En este artículo se describe esta ecología de aprendizaje: los materiales elaborados, los contextos diseñados y la utilización de estrategias de enseñanza- aprendizaje basadas en el aprendizaje autorregulado, tanto durante la docencia virtual como durante la tutorización del alumnado. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la ecología de aprendizaje autorregulado a través de la apreciación del alumnado con respecto a su motivación hacia la asignatura, su opinión sobre la calidad de los materiales y sobre la evaluación, la percepción del alumnado de la motivación del profesorado hacia la asignatura y respecto a la carga de trabajo de la asignatura, así como la satisfacción general de la labor docente. La información se recabó utilizando el Cuestionario de opinión del alumnado sobre la calidad de la docencia realizado por la Universidad de Burgos. Todos los ítems fueron bien valorados, por lo que la experiencia puede sentar las bases para la implementación de ecologías de aprendizaje que puedan extrapolarse a otras titulaciones universitarias y contextos diferentes al aquí implementado.University teaching-learning models are being affected by the crisis caused by COVID-19. To address this unleashed crisis, a virtualized self-regulated learning ecology proposal was urgently designed in the subject of Natural Sciences and its Didactics I, of the Degree in Primary Education Teacher, during the confinement of 2020. In this article it is described this learning ecology: the materials produced, the designed environments and the use of teaching-learning strategies based on self-regulated learning, both in virtual teaching and in student tutoring. The objective of this study is to analyze the ecology of self-regulated learning through the students’ appreciation regarding their motivation towards the subject, their opinion on the quality of the materials and on the evaluation, the students’ perception of the teacher’s motivation towards the subject and with respect to the workload of the subject, as well as the general satisfaction of the teaching work. The information was collected using the Student Opinion Questionnaire on the quality of teaching carried out by the University of Burgos. All the items were well valued, so the experience can lay the foundations for the implementation of learning ecologies that can be extrapolated to other university degrees and contexts other than the one implemented here.大学教学模式正在遭受新冠疫情危机的影响。为了解决这一危机,在 2020 年的隔离期间, 我们紧急设计了一项虚拟化的自我调节学习生态提案,其针对对象为小学师范本科学位 关于自然科学教学法 I的课程。本文描述了该学习生态:在进行虚拟教学和对学生辅导期 间所制作的材料、设计的环境以及对基于自我调节学习的教学策略的使用。本研究的目的 是通过学生对学习动机的评价、对教材质量和评估的看法以及学生对老师教学动机的看 法和其在该科目上的工作量和总体满意度来分析自主学习的生态。这些信息是通过对布尔戈斯大学教学质量的学生意见问卷收集的。所有项目都得到了很好的评价,因此该经验 可以为学习生态的实施奠定基础,并将其推行至其他大学学位和不同环境中。Университетские модели преподавания-обучения испытывают влияние кризиса, вызванного COVID-19. Для преодоления этого кризиса, предложение по виртуализи- рованной саморегулируемой экологии обучения было срочно разработано во время заключения 2020 года по предмету «Естественные науки и их дидактика I степени в начальном образовании». В данной статье описывается эта экология обучения: раз- работанные материалы, созданные контексты и использование стратегий преподава- ния-обучения, основанных на саморегулируемом обучении, как во время виртуаль- ного обучения, так и во время репетиторства студентов. Цель данного исследования - проанализировать экологию саморегулируемого обучения через оценку студентами своей мотивации к предмету, их мнение о качестве материалов и об оценке, воспри- ятие студентами мотивации преподавателей к предмету и в отношении нагрузки по предмету, а также общую удовлетворенность преподавательской работой. Инфор- мация была собрана с помощью Анкеты мнения студентов о качестве преподавания в Университете Бургоса. Все предметы получили хорошие оценки, поэтому данный опыт может заложить основы для внедрения экологий обучения, которые можно экс- траполировать на другие университетские степени и контексты, отличные от реали- зованного здесь.Proyecto de innovación de código UV-SFPIE_PID20-1350001 concedido por el Vicerectorat d’Ocupació i Programes Formatius i el Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa de la Universitat de ValènciaInnovation project UV-SFPIE_ PID20-1350001 granted by the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Employment and Training Programmes and the Permanent Training and Educational Innovation Service of the University of Valencia

    Avaliação do impacto social de um projeto não formal de educação científica

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    FECYT (Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología), referencias: FCT-15-9835; FCT-16-10972 y FCT-17-1221