1,083 research outputs found

    Faccionalismo y trabajo colectivo durante la Edad del Cobre peninsular

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    Este trabajo presenta un modelo político para la interpretación de los grandes poblados de la Edad del Cobre en la Península Ibérica. Considera que la competencia entre facciones en sociedades segmentarias genera las condiciones para el auge de procesos de agregación, y es a su vez la base de su debilidad, situación que frecuentemente provoca la fisión de los grupos. El momento clave para la consolidación del poder de los líderes faccionales es el momento inicial de movilización de trabajo colectivo. Caso de no consolidarse, la competencia entre facciones y el desarrollo de los intereses familiares multiplica los frentes de resistencia. El modelo se aplica al registro arqueológico regional y local del Alto Guadalquivir. Finalmente se sugiere que la dinámica de agregación a gran escala únicamente puede darse en aquellos lugares en los que exista suficiente población, recursos potenciales y la tecnología suficiente para su explotación y mantenimiento. Sin embargo, para explicar la variabilidad observada durante el Calcolítico de la Península Ibérica se requiere incorporar factores políticos.This contribution presents a political model for interpreting the large Copper Age settlements of the Iberian Peninsula. It considers that factional competition within segmentary societies creates conditions that both promote aggregational processes and undermine them (frequently leading to group fission). The critical moment when factional leaders may consolidate their power is the initial mobilization of a collective workforce. If such consolidation fails to take place, factional competition and the development of household interests multiplies the fronts on which resistance to leaders can take place. This model is applied to the archaeological record of the Upper Guadalquivir. The results of this analysis suggest that the dynamics of large-scale aggregation only can develop in places were there exists a sufficiently large population, abundant potential resources, and the technology by which resources and population can be exploited and maintained. A model that will explain the variability observed in the Iberian Copper Age must also consider political factors, however

    Los libros de Francisco Alvarez Alcalá en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

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    Este articulo trata de describir y analizar la biblioteca privada del Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía Francisco Álvarez Alcalá legada a la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid durante el siglo XIX. Esta colección se compone de obras que tratan exclusivamente de medicina, cirugía y ciencias auxiliares. Se analizan las características bibliográficas de la colección, su situación actual y como ésta ha contribuido a enriquecer los fondos bibliográficos de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. [ABSTRACT]This article attempts to describe and analyze the private library of Doctor of Medicine and Surgery Francisco Álvarez Alcalá bequeathed to the Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid during the nineteenth century. This collection consists of works that deal exclusively in medical, surgical and ancillary sciences. We analyze the bibliographic characteristics of the collection, its current situation and how it has contributed to enrich the Library of the Complutense University of Madrid

    Computing the Component-Labeling and the Adjacency Tree of a Binary Digital Image in Near Logarithmic-Time

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    Connected component labeling (CCL) of binary images is one of the fundamental operations in real time applications. The adjacency tree (AdjT) of the connected components offers a region-based representation where each node represents a region which is surrounded by another region of the opposite color. In this paper, a fully parallel algorithm for computing the CCL and AdjT of a binary digital image is described and implemented, without the need of using any geometric information. The time complexity order for an image of m × n pixels under the assumption that a processing element exists for each pixel is near O(log(m+ n)). Results for a multicore processor show a very good scalability until the so-called memory bandwidth bottleneck is reached. The inherent parallelism of our approach points to the direction that even better results will be obtained in other less classical computing architectures.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2016-81030-PMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2012-37868-C04-0

    Structure of recent sedimentary units in the Galician continental shelf

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    [Resumen] Los 'perfiles·· de sísmica de reflexión de alta resolución en la plataforma continental gallega nos permiten conocer la estratigrafía de los sedimentos holocenos. De techo a muro se distinguen: - Un nivel superior de limos holocenos marinos con interestratificaciones de arena. - Un reflector basal que aflora hacia~·ra zona Inedia y externa de la plataforma continental y formado por varias superficies erosionales debidas a lo reducido de los aportes sedimentarios en ese punto. - Un basamento acústico de naturaleza ígnea y metamórfica con una fuerte respuesta sísmica. La plataforma se caracteriza por el desarrollo de dos cuerpos de arena limosa que se extiende hacia mar abierto desde la zona interior de plataforma hacia el sur y una superficie de progradaci6n en la zona externa de la plataforma. El mapa de isopacas demuestra que los sedimentos marinos holocenos forman ... generalmente un lecho contínuo que alcanza su máximo espesor delante de las rías.[Abstract] High-resolution seismic reflection profiles of Galician Continental Shelf show the shallow seismic stratigraphy of Holocene sediments. Three acoustic units can be distinguished from top bottom: - a continuous upper layer of Holocene marine muds with interstratifications of sand. - a basal reflector which outcrops towards the middle and outer continental shelf, forming several erosional surfaces due to reduced sediment supply. - an acoustic basement, of igneous and metarnorphic nature; with strong seismic response. The shelf is characterized by the development of two bodies of sandy mud that extends offshore from the inner shelf toward the south and a progradation surface on the outer shelf. The isopac map shows that the Holocene marine sediments generally form a continuous layer that reachs a maximum thickness in front of the «rias»

    Time for action. The chronology of mining events at Casa Montero (Madrid, Spain)

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    We present the radiocarbon dates for twelve charcoal samples covering the complete area of the mine fi eld of Casa Montero (Madrid, Spain), a site with more than 4000 plotted shafts. The χ2 test shows that eleven of them are statistically identical, with a 65% probability that all mining episodes occurred between 5337 and 5218 cal BC, a time span of approximately four generations. We test this probable hypothesis against other archaeological evidence and conclude that the comparatively large scale mining actions at Casa Montero would have necessarily required the mobilization of several small scale Early Neolithic groups into a succession of collective actions, probably performed in a seasonal manner. Neolithic fl int mining in Europe was not a long term technical solution to a practical need, but an extraordinarily meaningful and timely -historically contingent- social activity. In order to understand mining actions in these terms, we would require a reevaluation of the statistical variability and meaning of series of radiocarbon dates already obtained at many other fl int mines. When we do so, we might observe that, as in the case of Casa Montero, many of these radiocarbon dates actually represent sets of short term highly active ‘generational’ mining episodes separated in time

    Advances, problems and perspectives in the study of social inequality in Iberian Late Prehistory

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    This paper attempts a general assessment of the contributions included in this volume. We examine three main kinds of problems related to the research on social inequality in Iberian Late Prehistory. These are theoretical, empirical and interpretative. Among the first, we comment upon the very definition of social inequality, the taxonomical categories employed in social evolution, as well as the main factors causing inequality, with special attention to labour force mobilisation. Among the second, we highlight some weaknesses of the Iberian archaeological record for the investigation of the subject matter, such as the limitations of the absolute chronology or the settlement record. Finally, we discuss the propositions that have been put forward to understand the forms that social inequality took among Neolithic, Copper and Bronze Age communities, concluding that Iberian archaeologists would much benefit from a comparative perspective.Peer reviewe

    Generating Second Order (Co)homological Information within AT-Model Context

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    In this paper we design a new family of relations between (co)homology classes, working with coefficients in a field and starting from an AT-model (Algebraic Topological Model) AT(C) of a finite cell complex C These relations are induced by elementary relations of type “to be in the (co)boundary of” between cells. This high-order connectivity information is embedded into a graph-based representation model, called Second Order AT-Region-Incidence Graph (or AT-RIG) of C. This graph, having as nodes the different homology classes of C, is in turn, computed from two generalized abstract cell complexes, called primal and dual AT-segmentations of C. The respective cells of these two complexes are connected regions (set of cells) of the original cell complex C, which are specified by the integral operator of AT(C). In this work in progress, we successfully use this model (a) in experiments for discriminating topologically different 3D digital objects, having the same Euler characteristic and (b) in designing a parallel algorithm for computing potentially significant (co)homological information of 3D digital objects.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2016-81030-PMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2012-37868-C04-0

    Homological Region Adjacency Tree for a 3D Binary Digital Image via HSF Model

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    Given a 3D binary digital image I, we define and compute an edge-weighted tree, called Homological Region Tree (or Hom-Tree, for short). It coincides, as unweighted graph, with the classical Region Adjacency Tree of black 6-connected components (CCs) and white 26- connected components of I. In addition, we define the weight of an edge (R, S) as the number of tunnels that the CCs R and S “share”. The Hom-Tree structure is still an isotopic invariant of I. Thus, it provides information about how the different homology groups interact between them, while preserving the duality of black and white CCs. An experimentation with a set of synthetic images showing different shapes and different complexity of connected component nesting is performed for numerically validating the method.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2016-81030-

    Enhanced Parallel Generation of Tree Structures for the Recognition of 3D Images

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    Segmentations of a digital object based on a connectivity criterion at n-xel or sub-n-xel level are useful tools in image topological analysis and recognition. Working with cell complex analogous of digital objects, an example of this kind of segmentation is that obtained from the combinatorial representation so called Homological Spanning Forest (HSF, for short) which, informally, classifies the cells of the complex as belonging to regions containing the maximal number of cells sharing the same homological (algebraic homology with coefficient in a field) information. We design here a parallel method for computing a HSF (using homology with coefficients in Z/2Z) of a 3D digital object. If this object is included in a 3D image of m1 × m2 × m3 voxels, its theoretical time complexity order is near O(log(m1 + m2 + m3)), under the assumption that a processing element is available for each voxel. A prototype implementation validating our results has been written and several synthetic, random and medical tridimensional images have been used for testing. The experiments allow us to assert that the number of iterations in which the homological information is found varies only to a small extent from the theoretical computational time.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2016-81030-

    El ruido marino antropogénico como factor de estrés ambiental y sus efectos sobre el ecosistema marino: Búsqueda de biomarcadores

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    En las últimas décadas, la intensificación del tráfico marítimo, la urbanización de las zonas costeras, el aumento de las explotaciones de petróleo y gas natural y los avances en ingeniería, que han permitido la construcción de todo tipo de infraestructuras costeras, han generado un enorme incremento de los niveles de ruido en el océano. En 2011, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) reconoce el ruido antropogénico como contaminante global. Desde entonces, la contaminación acústica marina se ha convertido en una preocupación a nivel mundial, ya que, además de afectar al bienestar y la supervivencia de los organismos marinos, puede comprometer los recursos pesqueros y la seguridad alimentaria del ser humano. Los niveles de exposición sonora generados por las actividades humanas causan estrés en las especies animales marinas, que inducen alteraciones en el comportamiento y a nivel fisiológico, que pueden conducir incluso a la muerte. El impacto del ruido en mamíferos marinos y peces ha sido ampliamente estudiado, pero la literatura científica existente sobre especies de invertebrados, tortugas marinas y aves (pingüinos) es muy reducida. En este trabajo se ha analizado la literatura científica publicada en los últimos diez años (2013-2023) en la que se estudian los efectos adversos de la contaminación acústica en estas especies menos estudiadas, aunque prácticamente todos los estudios encontrados se han realizado en invertebrados. Las respuestas biológicas estudiadas han sido clasificadas en conductuales, fisiológicas, bioquímicas, moleculares y de mortalidad. A partir de ellas, se han identificado en las especies marinas posibles biomarcadores que reflejen el estrés acústico al que se encuentran sometidas y que puedan ser utilizados como medidas de monitorización del riesgo ambiental, de cara al diseño de estrategias de mitigación y gestión ambiental del ruido en los océanos.In recent decades, the intensification of maritime traffic, the development of coastal areas, the increase in oil and gas exploitation and advances in engineering which have allowed the construction of all types of maritime infrastructures, have hugely increased the noise levels in the ocean. In 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) recognized the anthropogenic noise as a global pollutant. Ever since, marine noise pollution has become a worldwide concern due to its implication in animal well-being and survival, furthermore it could compromise fishing resources and human food security. Sound exposure levels generated by human activities cause stress in marine animal species, inducing behavioural and physiological impairments, which can lead to death. The impact of noise in marine mammals and fishes has been widely studied. However, the scientific literature about invertebrate species, sea turtles and birds (penguins) is really limited. In the present study, it has been analysed the scientific literature published in the last ten years (2013-2023) studying detrimental effects of noise pollution on these less studied species, although almost all papers found studied invertebrate species. Biological responses studied have been classified into behavioural, physiological, biochemical, molecular and mortality responses. From this responses, potential biomarkers have been identified in the species. They can be used as a measure of the acoustic stress to which they are subjected for environmental risk monitoring tools and for the design of mitigation strategies and ocean noise pollution management