169 research outputs found

    Privilegia selectiora militiae Sancti Iuliani de Pereiro (hodie de Alcantara) cisterci esis ordinis a Summis Pontificibus hactenus concessa

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    Carece de preliminares legalesCopia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Sign.: A-T6, V4Port. con esc. calc

    Establishment of callus from Opuntia robusta Wendl., a wild and medicinal cactus, for phenolic compounds production

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    In this work, a protocol for the establishment of callus cultures from Opuntia robusta, a wild and medicinal cactus, was developed. The effects of plant growth regulators and culture media composition on callus development were evaluated.The best response was observed on Murashige and Skoog medium added with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, benzyladenine, biotin, casein hydrolysate and proline. The exposure of O. robusta callus to jasmonic acid increased 1.3-fold and 3-fold total phenolic acids and flavonoids concentration, respectively. The in vitro culture from O. robusta could be a new approach for the obtainment of metabolites with pharmaceutical and/or nutraceutical value.Keywords: Callus, flavonoids, jasmonic acid, wild Opuntia, phenolsAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(21), pp. 3204-320

    Radial and tangential migration of telencephalic somatostatin neurons originated from the mouse diagonal area

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    The telencephalic subpallium is the source of various GABAergic interneuron cohorts that invade the pallium via tangential migration. Based on genoarchitectonic studies, the subpallium has been subdivided into four major domains: striatum, pallidum, diagonal area and preoptic area (Puelles et al. 2013; Allen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas), and a larger set of molecularly distinct progenitor areas (Flames et al. 2007). Fate mapping, genetic lineage-tracing studies, and other approaches have suggested that each subpallial subdivision produces specific sorts of inhibitory interneurons, distinguished by differential peptidic content, which are distributed tangentially to pallial and subpallial target territories (e.g., olfactory bulb, isocortex, hippocampus, pallial and subpallial amygdala, striatum, pallidum, septum). In this report, we map descriptively the early differentiation and apparent migratory dispersion of mouse subpallial somatostatin-expressing (Sst) cells from E10.5 onward, comparing their topography with the expression patterns of the genes Dlx5, Gbx2, Lhx7-8, Nkx2.1, Nkx5.1 (Hmx3), and Shh, which variously label parts of the subpallium. Whereas some experimental results suggest that Sst cells are pallidal, our data reveal that many, if not most, telencephalic Sst cells derive from de diagonal area (Dg). Sst-positive cells initially only present at the embryonic Dg selectively populate radially the medial part of the bed nucleus striae terminalis (from paraseptal to amygdaloid regions) and part of the central amygdala; they also invade tangentially the striatum, while eschewing the globus pallidum and the preoptic area, and integrate within most cortical and nuclear pallial areas between E10.5 and E16.5.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation grant BFU2008-04156, and SENECA Foundation contract 0458/GERM/06-10891 to L.P.; and the Local Government of Castilla-La Mancha grant PII1I09-0065-8194 to C.D. Infrastructure support provided by the University of Murcia and Castilla-La Mancha is also acknowledged

    Intrauterine contraception and their use in adolescents

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    La población de mujeres adolescentes se ha convertido en un grupo vulnerable en cuanto a embarazos no deseados. En esto radica la importancia del uso de anticonceptivos en este grupo poblacional. Se ha estudiado ampliamente el uso de anticonceptivos reversibles de larga duración para esta población, entre ellos, los dispositivos uterinos. Durante muchos años los médicos se han abstenido de recomendar este método anticonceptivo basándose en mitos y falta de conocimiento de estos métodos. Sin embargo, se ha visto que los dispositivos intrauterinos son altamente confiables y seguros y son recomendados por la Academia Americana de Pediatría y el Colegio Americano de Obstetras y Ginecólogos como métodos anticonceptivos de primera línea en las adolescentes, por lo que es necesario educar a las pacientes y entrenar al personal de salud para beneficio de este grupo de mujeres.for this population, including uterine devices, has been widely studied. For many years, doctors have refrained from recommending this method of contraception based on myths and lack of knowledge of these methods. However, IUDs have been found to be highly reliable and safe and are recommended by the American The population of adolescent women has become a vulnerable group in terms of unwanted pregnancies. Herein lies the importance of contraceptive use in this population group. The use of long-term reversible contraceptives Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists as first-line contraceptive methods for adolescents, making it necessary to educate patients and train health workers for the benefit of this group of women

    Probability of a successful platelet dose according to the number of platelet concentrates

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    Introduction: Platelet transfusion for prophylactic or therapeutic purposes is a common practice. The outcome evaluated in using platelets for prophylactic purposes has been preventing clinically significant bleeding. Transfusion guidelines recommend using platelet transfusion for prophylactic purposes based on the clinical scenario and a peripheral blood platelet threshold. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out, with the platelet count of the registry of quality control of platelet concentrates (PC), obtaining a total of 100. Age, sex, blood group, and peripheral blood platelets were compared with donors not included in quality control. The sum of the platelet count of all possible combinations of the 100 PCs was obtained for the 2-3 PCs scenarios and the 4-8 PCs scenarios, a simulation of 1,000,000 iterations with random sampling without replacement and the sum of the platelet count of the combinations obtained was performed. The proportion of successful doses in the distribution was obtained according to the number of PCs. Results: No statistically significant difference was found between donors included in quality control and those not included. The probability of administering a dose of ≥ 1.5 × 10^11 platelets is 97.33% and 99.99% for 3-4 PCs, respectively. Conclusions: This study may be useful for the physician who indicates PC for prophylactic purposes, using an appropriate number of PCs, and optimizing the available inventory

    Migraciones y diversidad funcional. Realidad invisible de las mujeres

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    Given the invisibility of functional diversity in migratory studies and the timid interest of migrations in studies on disability, this work aims to make functional diversity visible, especially to women with functional diversity in migration processes. Based on the analysis of the bibliographic material, the scientific production on migrant women with disabilities is explored through a systematic review of the phenomenon. A typology of people who interact with disability and migration is identified: persons with disabilities who perform the migration; adults who have accessed the disability situation after the migration process or associated with it and minors who, accompanied by their families, migrate to seek better social protection systems that support their disability.Ante la invisibilidad de la diversidad funcional en los estudios migratorios y el tímido interés de las migraciones en los estudios sobre discapacidad, este trabajo tiene como objeto hacer visible la diversidad funcional, especialmente a  las mujeres con diversidad funcional en los procesos migratorios. A partir del análisis del material bibliográfico se explora la producción científica sobre las mujeres con discapacidad migrantes mediante una revisión sistematizada del fenómeno. Se perfila cierta tipología de personas que interactúan con la discapacidad y la migración: personas con discapacidad que realizan la migración; personas adultas que han accedido a la situación de discapacidad después del proceso migratorio o asociado al mismo y menores que acompañados por sus familias migran para buscar mejores sistemas de protección social que apoyen su discapacidad

    Redefiniendo el Trabajo Social: nuevos yacimimientos de empleo en el envejecimiento. Una propuesta desde la intervención social

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    We are in a socio-demographic context in which the number of people in need of care, mainly people over the age of 65, a majority collective today, in Spain, is increasing progressively. This leads to new demands and expectations about the attention paid. This means that social intervention is facing a great challenge. So far, the forms of social intervention and care provided by the system do not seem to fully meet emerging needs, mainly because of their poor adaptation to new social contexts and lifestyles.Socially professional figures such as that of the personal assistant represent a profitable and sustainable investment in the context of the care and provision of services, since, from the professional practice of Social Work, as well as from the academic prism or researcher, it is a bet so that people in dependency can carry out their life project with freedom and independence. Therefore, this work aims on the one hand to make visible the needs perceived and expressed by the elderly and/or in a situation of dependence, as well as their demands and, on the other hand, to define a new professional figure conceptualized as Technical of Personal Autonomy and Prevention of dependency (TAP) that responds to the challenges posed through the implementation of new interventions based on the paradigm of universal accessibility and design for all people.Nos encontramos en un contexto sociodemográfico en el que aumenta progresivamente el número de personas que necesitan de cuidados, principalmente personas mayores de 65 años, colectivo mayoritario en la actualidad, en España. Ello genera que aparezcan nuevas demandas y expectativas sobre la atención prestada. Esto supone para la intervención social enfrentarse a un gran reto. Hasta el momento, las formas de intervención social y de atención proporcionados por el sistema, no parecen cubrir con plenitud las necesidades emergentes, fundamentalmente por su escasa adaptación a los nuevos contextos sociales y estilos de vida. Socialmente figuras profesionales como la del/ de la asistente personal suponen una inversión provechosa y sostenible en el contexto de la atención y prestación de servicios, puesto que, desde la praxis profesional del Trabajo Social, así como desde el prisma académico o investigador, supone una apuesta para que las personas en situación de dependencia puedan llevar a cabo su proyecto de vida con libertad e independencia. Por ello, en este trabajo se pretende por un lado visibilizar las necesidades percibidas y expresadas por las personas mayores y/o en situación de dependencia, así como sus demandas  y, por otro, definir  una nueva figura profesional conceptualizada como Técnico/a de Autonomía Personal y Prevención de la Dependencia (TAP) que de respuesta a los retos planteados a través de la implementación de las nuevas intervenciones basadas en el paradigma de accesibilidad universal y diseño para todas las personas

    Diseño de evaluación proyecto RESISOR

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    págs. 15-38.Capítulo incluido en el libro: Informe de Evaluación del Proyecto RESISOR "Regional Single Social Record". M.ª Dolores Muñoz de Dios y José Ignacio García Pérez (autores). Sevilla: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, 2019. ISBN 978-84-7993-344-9. Enlace: http://hdl.handle.net/10334/3938. A través de este capítulo se pretende describir el diseño del sistema de seguimiento y evaluación para la construcción de la Historia Social Única Electrónica (HSUE) realizado por la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía que se ha desarrollado a través de las aportaciones científicas llevadas a cabo desde tres universidades andaluzas, Universidad de Jaén, Universidad Pablo de Olavide y Universidad de Huelva

    Urinalysis: diagnostic performance of urine dipstick compared to an automated microscopic method

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    Introduction: Urinalysis is one of the most important clinical laboratory tests because numerous pathologies can manifest or be suspected through this test. Although the previous reports mention that urinary microscopy is a fundamental part of urinalysis for diagnostic support of various conditions, there is a debate about the utility of this test section in a certain patient population. The aim of this study was to determine the diagnostic performance of the urinary dipstick analysis and the potential risks of false-negative (FN) results. Material and methods: This is a retrospective and observational study, and urinalysis information was obtained from non-hospitalized patients. The dipstick and microscopic analyses were performed using the Clinitek-ATLAS (index test) and iQ200-SPRINT (reference standard) devices. Dipstick or microscopy analyses were positive if ≥ 1 parameters were abnormal. A Bayesian hierarchal beta-binomial model was carried out for each performance parameter. Risk analysis was performed as proposed in the literature. Results: Five hundred and fifty-two patients were included in the study. The posterior median at group level was 94% (credible interval 95% [CrI 95%] 89.9-97%) for sensitivity (Se), 57.1% (CrI 95%, 50.1-64.1%) for specificity, and 5.8% (CrI 95%, 2.59-9.64%) for FN rate (FNR). The posterior probability Se > 90% was 95.9% at a group level. The risk analysis found only low-risk false-negative events. Conclusions: The performance of the dipstick analysis was appropriate, with a good certainty of Se > 90% and a FNR < 10% at the operator level. Omission of microscopic analysis can be a safe action in a patient with a negative dipstick since FNs with a clinical impact are not expected