2,789 research outputs found

    Enhanced Parallel Generation of Tree Structures for the Recognition of 3D Images

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    Segmentations of a digital object based on a connectivity criterion at n-xel or sub-n-xel level are useful tools in image topological analysis and recognition. Working with cell complex analogous of digital objects, an example of this kind of segmentation is that obtained from the combinatorial representation so called Homological Spanning Forest (HSF, for short) which, informally, classifies the cells of the complex as belonging to regions containing the maximal number of cells sharing the same homological (algebraic homology with coefficient in a field) information. We design here a parallel method for computing a HSF (using homology with coefficients in Z/2Z) of a 3D digital object. If this object is included in a 3D image of m1 × m2 × m3 voxels, its theoretical time complexity order is near O(log(m1 + m2 + m3)), under the assumption that a processing element is available for each voxel. A prototype implementation validating our results has been written and several synthetic, random and medical tridimensional images have been used for testing. The experiments allow us to assert that the number of iterations in which the homological information is found varies only to a small extent from the theoretical computational time.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2016-81030-

    Gating-induced large aqueous volumetric remodeling and aspartate tolerance in the voltage sensor domain of Shaker K+ channels

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    Indexación: Scopus.ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Chris Lingle and Yu Zhou (Washington University) for critical reading of the manuscript and Victoria Prado for Xenopus care and oocyte preparation. We also thank Millennium Scientific Initiative P029-022-F. This work was supported by Fondecyt Postdoctoral Grants 3170599 (to I.D.-F.) and 3160321 (to H.M.).Neurons encode electrical signals with critically tuned voltage-gated ion channels and enzymes. Dedicated voltage sensor domains (VSDs) in these membrane proteins activate coordinately with an unresolved structural change. Such change conveys the transmembrane translocation of four positively charged arginine side chains, the voltage-sensing residues (VSRs; R1–R4). Countercharges and lipid phosphohead groups likely stabilize these VSRs within the low-dielectric core of the protein. However, the role of hydration, a sign-independent charge stabilizer, remains unclear. We replaced all VSRs and their neighboring residues with negatively charged aspartates in a voltage-gated potassium channel. The ensuing mild functional effects indicate that hydration is also important in VSR stabilization. The voltage dependency of the VSR aspartate variants approached the expected arithmetic summation of charges at VSR positions, as if negative and positive side chains faced similar pathways. In contrast, aspartates introduced between R2 and R3 did not affect voltage dependence as if the side chains moved outside the electric field or together with it, undergoing a large displacement and volumetric remodeling. Accordingly, VSR performed osmotic work at both internal and external aqueous interfaces. Individual VSR contributions to volumetric works approached arithmetical additivity but were largely dissimilar. While R1 and R4 displaced small volumes, R2 and R3 volumetric works were massive and vectorially opposed, favoring large aqueous remodeling during VSD activation. These diverse volumetric works are, at least for R2 and R3, not compatible with VSR translocation across a unique stationary charge transfer center. Instead, VSRs may follow separated pathways across a fluctuating low-dielectric septum. © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.https://www.pnas.org/content/115/32/820

    Kinematics of gas and stars in circumnuclear star-forming regions of early type spirals

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    (Abbr.) We present high resolution (R~20000) spectra in the blue and the far red of cicumnuclear star-forming regions (CNSFRs) in three early type spirals (NGC3351, NGC2903 and NGC3310) which have allowed the study of the kinematics of stars and ionized gas in these structures and, for the first time, the derivation of their dynamical masses for the first two. In some cases these regions, about 100 to 150 pc in size, are seen to be composed of several individual star clusters with sizes between 1.5 and 4.9 pc estimated from Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images. The stellar dispersions have been obtained from the Calcium triplet (CaT) lines at λλ\lambda\lambda 8494,8542,8662 \AA, while the gas velocity dispersions have been measured by Gaussian fits to the Hβ\beta and [OIII] λλ\lambda\lambda 5007 \AA lines on the high dispersion spectra. Values of the stellar velocity dispersions are between 30 and 68 km/s. We apply the virial theorem to estimate dynamical masses of the clusters, assuming that systems are gravitationally bounded and spherically symmetric, and using previously measured sizes. The measured values of the stellar velocity dispersions yield dynamical masses of the order of 107^7 to 108^8 solar masses for the whole CNSFRs. Stellar and gas velocity dispersions are found to differ by about 20 to 30 km/s with the Hβ\beta emission lines being narrower than both the stellar lines and the [OIII] λλ\lambda\lambda 5007 \AA lines. The twice ionized oxygen, on the other hand, shows velocity dispersions comparable to those shown by stars, in some cases, even larger. We have found indications of the presence of two different kinematical components in the ionized gas of the regions...Comment: 4 pages, proceeding of the meeting "Young massive star clusters - Initial conditions and environments", Granada, Spain, 200

    Simulation Platform for Coordinated Charging of Electric Vehicles

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    EMERALD is a project funded by the European Commission under the FP7 program focusing on energy use optimization on the integration of the FEVs into the transport and energy infrastructure. Between the objectives of EMERALD, enhanced power demand prediction and power flow support management system uses the power flow demand simulation platform considered in this paper. The power flow demand simulation platform is a software tool that defines the estimation of FEVs power demand according to different conditions as, arrival and departure curves, the estimation of power production based on renewable energy sources and the electricity cost. The tool coordinates scheduling for charging of FEVs in order to minimize the recharging cost, considering the energy balance between the generation and demand powerEuropean commission's FP

    Cooperative Simulation Tool with the Energy Management System for the Storage of Electricity Surplus through Hydrogen

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    The INGRID project aims at demonstrating the effective usage of safe, high-density, solid-state hydrogen storage systems for power supply and demand balancing within active power distribution grids with high penetration of intermittent Distributed Generation (Renewable Energy Sources in particular.) The INGRID simulator is divided in two main blocks: the first one represents the Energy Management System, the second one includes the Green Energy Storage System (water electrolyzer, hydrogen solid-storage systems and fuel cell) created to simulate the plant. This paper describes the modules of INGRID simulator and the transient responses of the system for an energy management system virtual according to the power prediction of renewable energy sources, hydrogen demand and the power demand of electric vehiclesEuropean Commission's FP

    Bound states of scalar particles in the presence of a short range potential

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    We analyze the behavior of the energy spectrum of the Klein-Gordon equation in the presence of a truncated hyperbolic tangent potential. From our analysis we obtain that, for some values of the potential there is embedding of the bound states into the negative energy continuum, showing that, in opposition to the general belief, relativistic scalar particles in one-dimensional short range potentials can exhibit resonant behavior and not only the Schiff-Snyder effect.Comment: To appear in Modern Physics Letters

    The Big Trip and Wheeler-DeWitt equation

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    Of all the possible ways to describe the behavior of the universe that has undergone a big trip the Wheeler-DeWitt equation should be the most accurate -- provided, of course, that we employ the correct formulation. In this article we start by discussing the standard formulation introduced by Gonz\'alez-D\'iaz and Jimenez-Madrid, and show that it allows for a simple yet efficient method of the solution's generation, which is based on the Moutard transformation. Next, by shedding the unnecessary restrictions, imposed on aforementioned standard formulation we introduce a more general form of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. One immediate prediction of this new formula is that for the universe the probability to emerge right after the big trip in a state with w=w0w=w_0 will be maximal if and only if w0=1/3w_0=-1/3.Comment: accepted in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    A graceful multiversal link of particle physics to cosmology

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    In this paper we work out a multiverse scenario whose physical characteristics enable us to advance the following the conjecture that whereas the physics of particles and fields is confined to live in the realm of the whole multiverse formed by finite-time single universes, that for our observable universe must be confined just in one of the infinite number of universes of the multiverse when such a universe is consistently referred to an infinite cosmic time. If this conjecture is adopted then some current fundamental problems that appear when one tries to make compatible particle physics and cosmology- such as that for the cosmological constant, the arrow of time and the existence of a finite proper size of the event horizon- can be solved.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    Soil and water pollution in a banana production region in tropical Mexico

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    The effects of abundant Mancozeb (Mn, Zn— bisdithiocarbamate) applications (2.5 kg ha-1week-1 for 10 years) on soil and surface-, subsurface- and groundwater pollution were monitored in a banana production region of tropical Mexico. In soils, severe manganese accumulation was observed, wheras the main metabolite ethylenethiourea was near the detection limit. Surface and subsurface water was highly polluted with ethylenethiourea, the main metabolite of Mancozeb (22.5 and 4.3 lg L-1, respectively), but not with manganese. In deep ground water, no ethylenethiourea was detected. The level of pollution in the region presents a worrisome risk for aquatic life and for human health

    Astronomical bounds on future big freeze singularity

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    Recently it was found that dark energy in the form of phantom generalized Chaplygin gas may lead to a new form of the cosmic doomsday, the big freeze singularity. Like the big rip singularity, the big freeze singularity would also take place at a finite future cosmic time, but unlike the big rip singularity it happens for a finite scale factor.Our goal is to test if a universe filled with phantom generalized Chaplygin gas can conform to the data of astronomical observations. We shall see that if the universe is only filled with generalized phantom Chaplygin gas with equation of state p=c2s2/ραp=-c^2s^2/\rho^{\alpha} with α<1\alpha<-1, then such a model cannot be matched to the data of astronomical observations. To construct matched models one actually need to add dark matter. This procedure results in cosmological scenarios which do not contradict the data of astronomical observations and allows one to estimate how long we are now from the future big freeze doomsday.Comment: 8 page