1,106 research outputs found
Analysis, design and implementation of a storage system in a server with a light interactive interface
Nowadays all we can see that all the information is growing at an exponential scale because everyday we generate huge quantity of data, from huge companies until normal users of the Internet.
Because of this, the way we interact with that data is getting obsolete and we need to rethink how we can make things easier and accessible.
In that way, though this document you would learn about the generation of a storage system that deals with these problems described.Ingeniería Informática (Plan 2011
Gene–Gene Interaction based Clustering method for Microarray Data
In this paper, we propose a greedy clustering
algorithm to identify groups of related genes and a new
measure to improve the results of this algorithm. Clustering
algorithms analyze genes in order to group those with similar
behavior. Instead, our approach groups pairs of genes that
present similar positive and/or negative interactions. In order to
avoid noise in clusters, we apply a threshold, the neighbouring
minimun index(λ), to know if a pair of genes have interac tion enough or not. The algorithm allows the researcher to
modify all the criteria: discretization mapping function, gene–
gene mapping function and filtering function, and even the
neighbouring minimun index, and provides much flexibility to
obtain clusters based on the level of precision needed. We have
carried out a deep experimental study in databases to obtain a
good neighbouring minimun index, λ. The performance of our
approach is experimentally tested on the yeast, yeast cell-cycle
and malaria datasets. The final number of clusters has a very
high level of customization and genes within show a significant
level of cohesion, as it is shown graphically in the experiment
Análisis ergonómico y sus posibles afectaciones en la productividad de la empresa de confecciones SML Jeans ubicada en la ciudad de Bogotá
Trabajo de investigación aplicadoSe realiza un diagnóstico y análisis de las implicaciones a la productividad que generan
las condiciones ergonómicas en una empresa de confecciones de jeans en la ciudad
de Bogotá (SML Jeans), empleando dos métodos: LEST Y Check List OCRA. Estos
métodos evalúan el estado en general de las condiciones propuestas por la empresa y
el riesgo existente por el trabajo por movimientos repetitivos. Además, se emplearon
herramientas propias de la ingeniera de métodos que permita al lector contextualizar
de manera real los problemas desde el diseño de trabajo y la afectación que esta tiene
en la productividad de la organización con la finalidad de propender propuestas de
mejora, que se evalúan en una simulación de su implementación, que permita
evidenciar una estimación confiable y viable desde el campo de la estadística (ANOVA).INTRODUCCIÓN
BIBLIOGRAFÍAPregradoIngeniero Industria
Diversity and structure of feather mite communities on seabirds from the north–east Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea
The richness and structure of symbiont assemblages are shaped by many factors acting at different
spatial and temporal scales. Among them, host phylogeny and geographic distance play essential
roles. To explore drivers of richness and structure of symbiont assemblages, feather mites and seabirds
are an attractive model due to their peculiar traits. Feather mites are permanent ectosymbionts and
considered highly host-specific with limited dispersal abilities. Seabirds harbour species-rich feather
mite communities and their colonial breeding provides opportunities for symbionts to exploit several
host species. To unravel the richness and test the influence of host phylogeny and geographic distance
on mite communities, we collected feather mites from 11 seabird species breeding across the Atlantic
Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Using morphological criteria, we identified 33 mite species, of which 17
were new or recently described species. Based on community similarity analyses, mite communities
were clearly structured by host genera, while the effect of geography within host genera or species
was weak and sometimes negligible. We found a weak but significant effect of geographic distance
on similarity patterns in mite communities for Cory’s shearwaters Calonectris borealis. Feather mite
specificity mainly occurred at the host-genus rather than at host-species level, suggesting that
previously inferred host species-specificity may have resulted from poorly sampling closely related
host species. Overall, our results show that host phylogeny plays a greater role than geography in
determining the composition and structure of mite assemblages and pinpoints the importance of
sampling mites from closely-related host species before describing mite specificity patterns.APIF postgraduate project from the University of BarcelonaRomanian Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, CNCS/CCCDI-UEFISCDIproject number PNIII-
P1-1.1-PD-2019-0611PNCDI III and by an Institutional Performance Project for Excellence Financing
in RDIContract no. 2PFE/2021 for L.M.S. Financial support was also provided by REN2002-01164/GLOCGL2006-01315/BOS, CGL2009-11278/BOS and CGL2013-42585-P from the Spanish GovernmentFondos
FEDER and BIOCON04/099 from Fundación Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentari
From transpressional to transtensional tectonics in Northern Central America
The Central American Volcanic Arc (CAVA) is located at the western margin of the Caribbean plate, over the Chortís Block, spanning from Guatemala to Costa Rica. The CAVA is associated to the subduction of the Cocos plate under the Caribbean plate at the Middle America Trench. Our study is focused in the Salvadorian CAVA segment, which is tectonically characterized by the presence of the El Salvador Fault Zone (ESFZ), part of the western boundary of a major block forming the Caribbean plate (the Chortis Block). The structural evolution of the western boundary of the Chortis Block, particularly in the CAVA crossing El Salvador remains unknown. We have done a kinematic analysis from seismic and fault slip data and combined our results with a review of regional previous studies. This approach allowed us to constrain the tectonic evolution and the forces that control the deformation in northern Central America. Along the active volcanic arc we identified active transtensional deformation. On the other hand, we have identified two deformation phases in the back arc region: A first one of transpressional wrenching close to simple shearing (Miocene); and a second one characterized by almost E-W extension. Our results reveal a change from transpressional to transtensional shearing coeval with a migration of the volcanism towards the trench in Late Miocene times. This strain change could be related with a coupled to decoupled transition on the Cocos – Caribbean subduction interface, which could be related to a slab roll-back of the Cocos Plate beneath the Chortis Block. The combination of different degrees of coupling on the subduction interface, together with a constant relative eastward drift of the Caribbean Plate, control the deformation style along the western boundary of the Chortis Block
Montañas: cómo se definen y su importancia para la biodiversidad y la humanidad
Las montañas cubren un 12% de la superficie terrestre y un 23% del territorio de México. Tomando como base lo anterior, el objetivo es poner al alcance de los lectores una definición actual y objetiva de lo que es una montaña, así como informarles de manera simple acerca de su importancia biológica como guardianas de la biodiversidad y proveedoras de servicios ecosistémicos. Para esto, realizamos una búsqueda documental sobre el tema ecología de montaña. Nuestro principal interés es que se reconozcan a las montañas como sitios prioritarios para la conservación debido a los múltiples beneficios que suministran a la humanidad. Desafortunadamente, muchas de las montañas en el mundo y en México se encuentran bajo diferentes amenazas
Diálogo interreligioso. el problema de su base común.
Bogotá: Editorial Universidad del Rosario, 2008. 108 pp
Automatización de la aplicación de plaguicida para invernadero: diseño y construcción
As part of the General Royalty System project entitled: Strengthening the competitiveness of the Colombian floricultural sector through the use of science, technology and innovation applied in Cundinamarca, an automatic pesticide application system for greenhouse crops was developed seeking to obtain a better treatment on the crop with greater speed of application compared to traditional methods, due to the risks that they imply for the health, among others, of the operators. Considering this application, the automatic system moves inside the greenhouse and applies pesticides on a crop using a sprinkler system. The system was designed and constructed to rest on a rail structure, it moves at a height greater than height of the cultivated flowers, and is independent of the greenhouse's support structure. Spraying is carried out with six booms, supported in the mobile structure, to execute the simultaneous application on all the plants with a single pass. This system allows to make the application, both in manual and automatic operation and in one, two or three thirds, with respect to the height of the plants, according to the needs of irrigation and the phenological phase of the plants.Como parte del proyecto del Sistema General de Regalías titulado: Fortalecimiento de la competitividad del sector floricultor colombiano mediante el uso de la ciencia, tecnología e innovación aplicadas en Cundinamarca, fue desarrollado un Sistema automático de aplicación de plaguicidas para cultivos en invernadero buscando obtener un mejor tratamiento sobre el cultivo y una mayor velocidad de aplicación frente a los métodos tradicionales, debido a los riesgos que estos implican para la salud, entre otros, de los operarios. Considerando esta aplicación, el sistema automático se mueve dentro del invernadero y aplica plaguicidas sobre el cultivo mediante aspersión. El sistema fue diseñado y construido para descansar sobre una estructura de rieles, se mueve a una altura mayor a la de las flores cultivadas, y es independiente de la estructura de soporte del invernadero. La aspersión se realiza con seis aguilones soportados en la estructura móvil, de manera que se ejecuta la aplicación simultánea sobre todas las plantas con una sola pasada. Se obtiene una aplicación tanto en operación manual como automática y en uno, dos o los tres tercios, con respecto a la altura de las plantas, según las necesidades de riego y la fase fenológica de estas
Neural Network calibration method for VARANS models to simulate wave-coastal structures interaction.
[EN] This study develops a calibration method for the porous media to properly model the interaction between waves and coastal structures using VARANS models. The proposed method estimates the porosity, np, and the optimum values of the Forchheimer coefficients, and , that best represent the wave-structure interaction for a complete set of laboratory tests. Physical tests were conducted in a 2D wave flume for a homogeneous mound breakwater under regular wave conditions. Numerical tests were carried out using the IH-2VOF model to simulate the corresponding physical tests and incident wave conditions (HI, T). The numerical tests covered a wide range of Forchheimer coefficients found in the literature, and , and the porosity, np, with a total of 555 numerical tests. The results of 375 numerical tests using IH-2VOF were used to train a Neural Network (NN) model with five input variables (HI, T, np, and ) and one output variable . The NN model explained more than 90% (R2 > 0.90 and RMSE <5%) of the variance of the squared coefficient of reflection, . This NN model was used to estimate the in a wide range of np, and , and the error () between the physical measurements with regular waves and the NN estimations of was calculated. The results of as function of np, and showed that for a given porosity, np, it was difficult to obtain a pair of and values that gave a common low error if few physical tests are used for calibration. Then to calibrate properly a VARANS model it seems necessary to check the results obtained for each combination of and with many laboratory {HI, T} tests. The minimum root-mean-square error of ( was calculated to find the optimum values of porosity and Forchheimer coefficients: np = 0.44, = 200 and = 2.825 for the tested structure. Blind tests were conducted with the remaining 180 numerical tests using IH-2VOF to validate the proposed method for VARANS models. In this study, eight or more physical tests were required to find adequate values of np, and for VARANS models related to the best performance of wave-porous structure interaction.The first author is funded through the Juan de la Cierva 2020 program (FJC 2020-044778-I) by " Union Europea - NextGenerationEU en el marco del Plan de Recuperacion, Transformacion y Resiliencia de Espana ", Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. This work is supported by two projects (1) PID 2021-126475OB-I00 and (2) PID 2021-128035OA- I00, funded by the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and, as appropriate, by " ERDF A way of making Europe", by the " European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR". The authors thank Professor Javier L. Lara and the Environmental Hydraulics Institute of Cantabria (IH-Cantabria, Spain) for providing the IH-2VOF numerical model.Díaz-Carrasco, P.; Molines, J.; Gómez-Martín, ME.; Medina, JR. (2024). Neural Network calibration method for VARANS models to simulate wave-coastal structures interaction. Coastal Engineering. 188. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2023.10444318
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