55 research outputs found

    Aerogeles Bioactivos Para Ingeniería Tisular Ósea

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    Los biomateriales son materiales diseñados para actuar en conjunción con sistemas biológicos con el fin de evaluar, tratar, aumentar o reemplazar algún tejido, órgano o función del sistema biólogico diana. En este trabajo se tratará de forma introductoria qué se entiende por biomaterial y las características que éstos deben tener para ejercer como tales. Los aerogeles son materiales que poseen unas características muy interesantes como biomaterial, y en especial en ingeniería de tejidos, por su alta porosidad, superficie específica e interconexión de su estructura interna. Además, por la versatilidad que poseen los métodos de síntesis de aerogeles, éstos pueden reforzar sus características e incluir otras propiedades interesantes formando parte de materiales compuestos. Por ello, se presenta un estudio general sobre los aerogeles que permita entender la naturaleza y propiedades de éstos para culminar en la exposición del aerogel como biomaterial en ingeniería de tejidos ósea.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Físic

    Recensiones [Revista de Historia Económica Año XXI Primavera-Verano 2003 n. 2 pp. 437-462]

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    Editada en la Fundación SEPIMartín Martín, V. El liberalismo económico. La génesis de las ideas liberales desde San Agustín hasta Adam Smith (Por Pedro Fraile).-- Ruiz, T. Historia social de España, 1400-1700 (Por Mauro Hernández).-- Pujol, J.; González de Molina, M.; Fernández Prieto, L.; Gallego, D., y Garrabou, R. El pozo de todos los males. Sobre el atraso en la agricultura española contemporánea (Por Javier Moreno Lázaro).-- Vallejo, R. Reforma tributaria y fiscalidad sobre la agricultura en la España liberal (1845-1900) (Por Juan Zafra).-- Escartin Bisbal, J. M. La ciutat amuntegada. Industria del calgat, desenvolupament urbá i condicions de vida en la Palma contemporánia (1840-1940) (Por Miguel José Deyá).-- Martorell Linares, M. El santo temor al déficit Política y hacienda en la Restauración (Por Pedro Díaz Marín).-- Sudriá, C, y Tirado, D. (eds.). Peseta y protección. Comercio exterior, moneda y crecimiento económico en la España de la Restauración (Por Antonio Tena).-- Ibarra, A. La organización regional del mercado interno novohispano: La economía colonial de Guadalajara, 1770-1804 (Por Carlos Manchal).-- Di Vittorio, A. (coord.). Dall´expansione alio sviluppo. Una Storia económica d'Europa (Por Carlos Bárdela).-- Maddison, A.; Prasada Rao, D . S., y Shepherd, W. F. (eds.). The Asían Economies in the Twentieth Century (Por Pablo Bustelo)Publicad

    Unveiling the inherent physical-chemical dynamics: Direct measurements of hydrothermal fluid flow, heat, and nutrient outflow at the Tagoro submarine volcano (Canary Islands, Spain)

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    Tagoro is one of the few submarine volcanoes in the world that has been monitored since its early eruptive stage in 2011 to present day. After six multidisciplinary oceanographic cruises conducted between 2014 and 2023 to gather a comprehensive dataset of georeferenced video-imagery and in situ measurements of hydrothermal flow velocities and hydrothermal fluid samples, we provide a robust characterization of the ongoing hydrothermal fluid velocity, heat flux, and nutrient release, along with an accurate delimitation of the hydrothermal field area. Our results reveal that Tagoro hydrothermal system extends from the main hydrothermal crater up to the summit, covering an area of 7600 m2. This hydrothermal field comprises thousands of small individual vents, displaying diverse morphologies such as crevices and delicate chimney-like structures, irregularly scattered across the dominant diffuse venting surface. Hydrothermal fluid temperatures and velocities at the substratum level reveal a clustered spatial distribution, ranging from 21.0 to 33.3 °C and 1.6–26.8 cm min−1, respectively. Furthermore, our findings indicate a discernible correlation between hydrothermal fluid temperature and vent density, while significant differences were observed between velocities from diffuse and focused areas. Additionally, heat fluxes exceed 200 MW across the entire active region, with heat flux values ranging from 6.06 to 146.87 kW m−2 and dissolve inorganic nutrient concentrations exhibit significant enrichments, comparable to the magnitude of important nutrient sources in the area as upwelling systems or mesoscale structures.This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Spanish Government together with FEDER funding through VULCANO-II (CTM2014–51837-R) project. Moreover, the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO-CSIC) completely funded the research from 2015 to 2026 through VULCANA-I-II-III-IV (IEO-CSIC-2015-2026) projects. This research was also funded by the special action of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation during La Palma Eruption (20223PAL005). The use of the ROV Liropus 2000 was funded by IEO-CSIC

    Rationale, design and preliminary results of the GALIPEMIAS study (prevalence and lipid control of familial dyslipidemia in Galicia, northwest Spain)

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    [Abstract] Aims. There is little information on the familial nature of dyslipidemias in the Spanish population. This knowledge could have potential diagnostic and treatment implications. The objective of the GALIPEMIAS study was to determine the prevalence of familial dyslipidemia in Galicia, as well as determine the degree of lipid control in the participants. Prevalence of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) was also estimated. This paper presents the design, methodology and selected preliminary results. Methodology. A cross‐sectional study was performed in the population aged ≥18 years using cluster sampling and then random sampling. A sample of 1000 subjects was calculated and divided into three sequential phases with a specific methodology for each one. Phase I: selection of subjects from the general population and collection of informed consent documents; Phase II: collection of data from the digital clinical history to select subjects with dyslipidemia according to study criteria; Phase III: personal interview, blood analysis, family tree, and definitive diagnosis of dyslipidemia. Prevalence of different diseases and active medication was analysed. Corrected prevalence (to the reference population) of different risk factors and ASCVD was estimated. Results. Phase I participation was 89.5%. We extracted complete information from 93% of the participants (Phase II). According to the study′s own criteria, 56.5% (n = 527) of the participants had some form of dyslipidemia and almost 33.7% of them had familial dyslipidemia with autosomal dominant inherit pattern. The corrected prevalence of ASCVD was 5.1% (95% CI 3.1‐7.2). Conclusions. Dyslipidemia was the most prevalent cardiovascular risk factor in our population with an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern in one out of every three dyslipidemia cases. Approximately, 5.1% of the sample population aged ≥18 has suffered an episode of ACVD

    Flexible Heuristics for Supporting Recommendations Within an AI Platform Aimed at Non-expert Users

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    The use of Machine Learning (ML) to resolve complex tasks has become popular in several contexts. While these approaches are very effective and have many related benefits, they are still very tricky for the general audience. In this sense, expert knowledge is crucial to apply ML algorithms properly and to avoid potential issues. However, in some situations, it is not possible to rely on experts to guide the development of ML pipelines. To tackle this issue, we present an approach to provide customized heuristics and recommendations through a graphical platform to build ML pipelines, namely KoopaML, focused on the medical domain.With this approach, we aim not only at providing an easy way to apply ML for non-expert users, but also at providing a learning experience for them to understand how these methods work

    Involvement of Mechanical Cues in the Migration of Cajal-Retzius Cells in the Marginal Zone During Neocortical Development

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    Emerging evidence points to coordinated action of chemical and mechanical cues during brain development. At early stages of neocortical development, angiogenic factors and chemokines such as CXCL12, ephrins, and semaphorins assume crucial roles in orchestrating neuronal migration and axon elongation of postmitotic neurons. Here we explore the intrinsic mechanical properties of the developing marginal zone of the pallium in the migratory pathways and brain distribution of the pioneer Cajal-Retzius cells. These neurons are generated in several proliferative regions in the developing brain (e.g., the cortical hem and the pallial subpallial boundary) and migrate tangentially in the preplate/marginal zone covering the upper portion of the developing cortex. These cells play crucial roles in correct neocortical layer formation by secreting several molecules such as Reelin. Our results indicate that the motogenic properties of Cajal-Retzius cells and their perinatal distribution in the marginal zone are modulated by both chemical and mechanical factors, by the specific mechanical properties of Cajal-Retzius cells, and by the differential stiffness of the migratory routes. Indeed, cells originating in the cortical hem display higher migratory capacities than those generated in the pallial subpallial boundary which may be involved in the differential distribution of these cells in the dorsal-lateral axis in the developing marginal zone

    Unveiling the inherent physical-chemical dynamics: Direct measurements of hydrothermal fluid flow, heat, and nutrient outflow at the Tagoro submarine volcano (Canary Islands, Spain)

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    Tagoro is one of the few submarine volcanoes in the world that has been monitored since its early eruptive stage in 2011 to present day. After six multidisciplinary oceanographic cruises conducted between 2014 and 2023 to gather a comprehensive dataset of georeferenced video-imagery and in situ measurements of hydrothermal flow velocities and hydrothermal fluid samples, we provide a robust characterization of the ongoing hydrothermal fluid velocity, heat flux, and nutrient release, along with an accurate delimitation of the hydrothermal field area. Our results reveal that Tagoro hydrothermal system extends from the main hydrothermal crater up to the summit, covering an area of 7600 m2. This hydrothermal field comprises thousands of small individual vents, displaying diverse morphologies such as crevices and delicate chimney-like structures, irregularly scattered across the dominant diffuse venting surface. Hydrothermal fluid temperatures and velocities at the substratum level reveal a clustered spatial distribution, ranging from 21.0 to 33.3 ◦C and 1.6–26.8 cm min− 1, respectively.Peer reviewe

    Nuclear astrophysics with radioactive ions at FAIR

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    R. Reifarth et al: ; 12 págs.; 9 figs.; Open Access funded by Creative Commons Atribution Licence 3.0 ; Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics VI (NPA6)The nucleosynthesis of elements beyond iron is dominated by neutron captures in the s and r processes. However, 32 stable, proton-rich isotopes cannot be formed during those processes, because they are shielded from the s-process ow and r-process -decay chains. These nuclei are attributed to the p and rp process. For all those processes, current research in nuclear astrophysics addresses the need for more precise reaction data involving radioactive isotopes. Depending on the particular reaction, direct or inverse kinematics, forward or time-reversed direction are investigated to determine or at least to constrain the desired reaction cross sections. The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) will oer unique, unprecedented opportunities to investigate many of the important reactions. The high yield of radioactive isotopes, even far away from the valley of stability, allows the investigation of isotopes involved in processes as exotic as the r or rp processes.This project was supported by the HGF Young Investigators Project VH-NG-327, EMMI, H4F, HGS-HIRe, JINA, NAVI, DFG and ATHENA.Peer Reviewe