796 research outputs found

    Urban policy in Barcelona: what they make us believe, but we do not believe.

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    Urban policies undoubtedly play a key role in addressing the current problems afflicting the world's population, considering that it is heavily concentrated in cities. Placing look at the reality of Barcelona and its major urban reforms, it is suggested here a reflection on the impacts of urban model in the lives of its inhabitants, leaving raised some questions such as what is the real city that extends around Barcelona offered internationally as a paradigm of growth and organization, is it sustainable growth model promoted by the administration, how its people actually live and how it has affected this model in your daily life? In the following paragraphs, this reflection will be developed considering three interlinked issues: the preeminence of a commodified view of the city, understood as an economic space, the imposition of urban solutions in line with this logic and the discursive use of concepts such as sustainability or participation to legitimize urban projects of great social and environmental impact

    Distance education, an opportunity in times of COVID-19

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    La educación a distancia, una oportunidad en tiempos de la COVID-19Distance education, an opportunity in times of COVID-1

    Distance education, an opportunity in times of COVID-19

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    La educación a distancia, una oportunidad en tiempos de la COVID-19Distance education, an opportunity in times of COVID-1

    Gráficos estadísticos en libros de texto de Ciencias Sociales de séptimo y octavo grado de Educación Obligatoria en Chile

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    La investigación reporta los resultados parciales del análisis de gráficos estadísticos que se presentan en libros de texto de 7° y 8° grado de Educación Primaria en Chile para la asignatura de Historia, Geografía y Ciencias Sociales. Se ha realizado un análisis de contenido en 4 libros de texto, dos por grado, en los que se identificó su tipo. Los resultados muestran un número bajo en cantidad y variedad de gráficos estadísticos, lo que exige un esfuerzo de los profesores para trabajar con estas representaciones y demanda la inclusión de las mismas en las próximas ediciones de libros de Ciencias Sociales

    Understanding the trophic relationships amongst arthropods in olive grove by δN15 and δC13 stable isotope analysis

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    FEDER funds, Grant/Award Number: B-AGR-338-UGR20; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, Grant/Award Number: AGL2009-09878; Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades de la Junta de Andalucia, Grant/Award Number: B-AGR-338-UGR20So far the limited knowledge about the diet of omnivores and generalist predators in olive groves has not allowed the clarification of their role as natural enemies. Stable isotope (δN15 and δC13) analysis is a useful tool for predicting the trophic position of a high number of species, the variety of basal resources and the flux of energy in the food web. We have explored the possible consumers of two important pests in the olive grove: adults of Prays oleae Bern (Lepidoptera: Praydidae) during its anthophagous generation and the pupae of Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera: Tephritidae). In addition, we have included in the study the adult instar of the secondary pest Euphyllura olivina (Costa) (Hemiptera: Psyllidae). These arthropods were clustered in isotopic groups according to their similarities in δN15 and δC13 content assuming that, in this case, they shared similar feeding habits. Using this criterion, we obtained eight isotopically different groups of predators and eleven groups of phytophagous insects. We have used Bayesian mixing models in order to identify the potential predators of the different pests included in our study and the proportion that each pest occupied in the diet of the identified predators. Different taxa of spiders and Anthocoris nemoralis (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) have emerged as potential predators of B. oleae. Moreover, Gnaphosidae (Araneae) showed suitable isotopic characteristics to be identified as potential predator of P. oleae and A. nemoralis has been confirmed as a predator of E. olivina. The presence of E. olivina as an abundant resource encourages the settlement of natural enemies in olive orchards which feed on this secondary pest, but are also ready to feed on any insect outbreak, for example P. oleae.European Commission B-AGR-338-UGR20 Instituto de Salud Carlos IIISpanish Government European Commission AGL2009-09878Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades de la Junta de Andalucia B-AGR-338-UGR2

    Impact of woody semi-natural habitats on the abundance and diversity of green lacewings in olive orchards

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    Habitat management is a conservation biological control technique which helps to reduce the use of inputs in olive orchards and also to improve sustainability. Recent studies of olive orchards have pointed out that vegetation cover, which provides food resources, as well as reproduction and refuge sites, increases Chrysopidae populations and diversity. However, little is known about the effect of woody semi-natural habitats (SNHs) in olive orchards. In this context, our study aims to determine the attraction of adult Chrysopidae to different tree species in SNHs adjacent to olive orchards in order to promote the conservation biological control of this key predator. We vacuumed 75 almond, oak, olive and pine trees fortnightly between April and October of 2016. The trees were chosen at random and evenly distributed among five organic olive orchards selected according to their availability. Oak trees recorded the highest abundance, species richness and diversity levels of adult Chrysopidae, while olive trees had the highest abundance of Chrysopidae larvae. A total of 20 green lacewing species, belonging to seven different genera, were collected, of which Chrysoperla mutata (McLachlan, 1898), Chrysoperla pallida Henry et al., 2002 and Pseudomallada (prasinus) pp3 (Duelli and Henry, 2020) were the most abundant during the period of the study and had a preference for olive trees (C. mutata and C. pallida) and oak trees P. (prasinus) pp3. Furthermore, the number of Chrysopidae larvae collected showed a positive correlation with the percentage of predated eggs in the anthophagous and carpophagous generations of Prays oleae.Junta de Andalucia P12-AGR-141

    Biogeography of Iberian Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

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    Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at https://www.mdpi.com/1424-281 8/13/2/88/s1, Table S1. Ant species list of France, Morocco and the IP. Table S2. List of Iberian ant species and their occurrence in the refugium areasWe thank José M. Martín, Alfonso Arribas and Elvira Martín who provided some references and exchange of ideas and Pedro Sandoval for his help with the figures. Angela Tate reviewed the English edition. We are also grateful to the three anonymous reviewers who made a careful and significant improvement to the manuscript.Ants are highly diverse in the Iberian Peninsula (IP), both in species richness (299 cited species) and in number of endemic species (72). The Iberian ant fauna is one of the richest in the broader Mediterranean region, it is similar to the Balkan Peninsula but lower than Greece or Israel, when species richness is controlled by the surface area. In this first general study on the biogeography of Iberian ants, we propose seven chorological categories for grouping thems. Moreover, we also propose eight biogeographic refugium areas, based on the criteria of “refugia-within-refugium” in the IP. We analysed species richness, occurrence and endemism in all these refugium areas, which we found to be significantly different as far as ant similarity was concerned. Finally, we collected published evidence of biological traits, molecular phylogenies, fossil deposits and geological processes to be able to infer the most probable centre of origin and dispersal routes followed for the most noteworthy ants in the IP. As a result, we have divided the Iberian myrmecofauna into four biogeographical groups: relict, Asian-IP disjunct, Baetic-Rifan and Alpine. To sum up, our results support biogeography as being a significant factor for determining the current structure of ant communities, especially in the very complex and heterogenous IP. Moreover, the taxonomic diversity and distribution patterns we describe in this study highlight the utility of Iberian ants for understanding the complex evolutionary history and biogeography of the Iberian Peninsula.Spanish Government RTA2015-00012-C02-02Instituto de Investigacion Agropecuaria (INIA)European Commissio

    La mejora de la expresión oral en Educación Infantil: el género discursivo: el retrato familiar

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    Este trabajo de intervención se centra en la necesidad de crear alternativas pedagógicas que favorezcan el desarrollo de la expresión oral de los niños en la actualidad, ya que existe una gran desigualdad en el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa. Por este motivo, se analiza la evolución oral de una muestra de seis alumnos del CEIP San Isidro, de la localidad de El Priorato, a través de una propuesta de intervención que utiliza la Lingüística Funcional Sistémica y la metodología del andamiaje. Este trabajo de fin de grado se ha llevado a cabo con una metodología cualitativa basada en el estudio de casos múltiples anidados y se han usado diversas técnicas e instrumentos para obtener los datos del discurso oral de los alumnos y analizarlos. Esta técnica ha sido la entrevista y los instrumentos han sido las tablas cruzadas y los registros de evaluación. Los resultados obtenidos revelan que ha habido una mejora global del discurso oral de los alumnos con el empleo de esta propuesta de intervención, ya que se han creado discursos orales más coherentes y cohesionados. Además se exponen las conclusiones obtenidas, así como las implicaciones y las limitaciones que se han encontrado durante la intervención. Finalmente, se plantean alternativas y mejoras para futuras investigaciones que se realicen en esta misma línea.This intervention work focuses on the need to create pedagogical alternatives that favor the development of the oral expression of children today, that there is a great inequality in the development of communicative competence. For this reason, we analyze the oral evolution of a simple of six students from the CEIP San Isidro, from the town of El Priorato, through an intervention proposal that uses Systemic Functional Linguistics and the scaffolding methodology. This final degree project has been carried out with a qualitative methodology based on the study of multiple nested cases is used and various techniques and instruments have been used to obtain the students´oral discourse data and analyze them. This technique has been the interview and the instruments have been the crossed tables and the evaluation records. The results obtained reveal that there has been a global improvement of the students' oral discourse with the use of this intervention proposal, since more coherent and cohesive oral discourses have been created. In addition, the conclusions obtained are exposed, as well as the implications and limitations that have been found during the intervention. Finally, alternatives and improvements are proposed for future research carried out in this same line.Universidad de Sevilla.Grado en Educación Infanti

    Influencia de la caries radicular en la calidad de vida de adultos mayores autovalentes

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    55 p.Introduction: Currently the older population, thanks to changes in lifestyles, retain a larger number of teeth. This brings the increase associated with the presence of these diseases, which can affect the quality of life of older people. One of the most prevalent diseases in this age group is the root caries. Objectives: To determine whether the presence of root caries is associated with a deterioration in the quality of life of older adults autovalentes. Materials and Methods: The sample consisted of 82 subjects aged 60 years or more,autovalentes belonging to social clubs in the city of Talca, evaluated between July and September 2014. They were given a demographic survey and the instrument OHIP-14Sp. Besides clinical examination for recording coronal and root caries via ICDAS II. The data collected were tabulated in Excel and tested for normality (Student t test and Mann Whitney). To evaluate c Kendall Tau correlation was used in SPSS. All tests used have a level of statistical significance of 95% (p <0.05). Results: 40% of subjects who exhibited good quality of life (n = 51) had root caries. 41% of subjects who demonstrated poor quality of life (n = 31) had surfaces with root caries. Of all the subjects who showed good quality of life, 21% had active root caries. Also, individuals with poor quality of life, 21% had active root caries. Conclusion: The quality of life associated with oral health of older adults autovalentes, is not affected by the presence (p = 0.741) and activity (p = 0.953) of root caries, but showed that socioeconomic status (p = 0 , 0008) correlates with a higher number of active root caries. Keywords: Root Caries - Quality of Life - Senior Adult Autovalente- Oral Health