28 research outputs found

    Muscle atrophy phenotype gene expression during spaceflight is linked to a metabolic crosstalk in both the liver and the muscle in mice

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    Human expansion in space is hampered by the physiological risks of spaceflight. The muscle and the liver are among the most affected tissues during spaceflight and their relationships in response to space exposure have never been studied. We compared the transcriptome response of liver and quadriceps from mice on NASA RR1 mission, after 37 days of exposure to spaceflight using GSEA, ORA, and sparse partial least square-differential analysis. We found that lipid metabolism is the most affected biological process between the two organs. A specific gene cluster expression pattern in the liver strongly correlated with glucose sparing and an energy-saving response affecting high energy demand process gene expression such as DNA repair, autophagy, and translation in the muscle. Our results show that impaired lipid metabolism gene expression in the liver and muscle atrophy gene expression are two paired events during spaceflight, for which dietary changes represent a possible countermeasure

    Detection of Magnetic Field Effects by Confocal Microscopy

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    This dataset contains raw data and accompanying analysis used in the publication 'Detection of Magnetic Field Effects by Confocal Microscopy' by Dejean et al. The data was recorded using a Zeiss inverted confocal microscope - Exciter 5. The analysis scripts are written in Matlab (R2017b). Please note that the analysis shown here is a simplified version of the code used for the publication and is only meant to showcase the methods used. Pairs of paramagnetic species generated under conservation of total spin angular momentum can undergo magnetosensitive processes. Two prominent examples of systems exhibiting these so-called magnetic field effects (MFEs) are photogenerated radical pairs created from molecular precursors and pairs of triplets generated by singlet fission. Here, we showcase confocal microscopy as a powerful technique for the investigation of such phenomena. We first characterise the instrument studying the field-sensitive chemistry of two systems in solution: radical pairs formed in the protein cryptochrome and the flavin mononucleotide/hen-egg white lysozyme model system. We then extend these studies to single crystals. Firstly, we report temporally- and spatially-resolved MFEs in flavin-doped lysozyme single crystals. Anisotropic magnetic field effects are then reported in tetracene single crystals. Finally, we discuss the future applications of confocal microscopy for the study of magnetosensitive processes with a particular focus on the cryptochrome-based chemical compass believed to lie at the heart of animal magnetoreception

    Chemical amplification of magnetic field effects relevant to avian magnetoreception

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    Magnetic fields as weak as the Earth's can change the yields of radical pair reactions even though the energies involved are orders of magnitude smaller than the thermal energy, kBT, at room temperature. Proposed as the source of the light-dependent magnetic compass in migratory birds, the radical pair mechanism is thought to operate in cryptochrome flavoproteins in the retina. Here we demonstrate that the primary magnetic field effect on flavin photoreactions can be amplified chemically by slow radical termination reactions under conditions of continuous photoexcitation. The nature and origin of the amplification are revealed by studies of the intermolecular flavin–tryptophan and flavin–ascorbic acid photocycles and the closely related intramolecular flavin–tryptophan radical pair in cryptochrome. Amplification factors of up to 5.6 were observed for magnetic fields weaker than 1 mT. Substantial chemical amplification could have a significant impact on the viability of a cryptochrome-based magnetic compass sensor

    Die Entwicklung des menschlichen Auges

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