17 research outputs found


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    This work aim to characterize flora composition and structure of a copse, in Quatro Barras County, located in steppe area in first highland of Paraná, considering soil and topographic relief conditions. Based on the definition of compartments in the environment, that considered the forms and declivities of the slopes and the characteristics of soil, parcels for trees sampling had been installed. The species had answered in diversity and density to the different conditions of drainage of Cambissolos and Gleissolos of the copse. Podocarpus lambertii demonstrated high adaptability to soil with different moistures regimes, while Myrcia laruotteana presented narrow relation with water saturated soil. The environmental segmentation based on geomorphology and soil types showed to be fundamental aspect to better understand plants species distribution on the landscape.Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a composição e estrutura florística de um capão de floresta no município de Quatro Barras, inserido em Estepe do Primeiro Planalto Paranaense, relacionando relevo e solos. Com base na definição de compartimentos no ambiente, que considerou as formas e declividades das rampas e as características dos solos, foram instaladas parcelas para amostragem das árvores. As espécies responderam em diversidade e densidade às diferentes condições de drenagem dos Cambissolos e Gleissolos do capão. Podocarpus lambertii demonstrou elevada adaptabilidade a solos com diferentes regimes de saturação hídrica, enquanto Myrcia laruotteana apresentou relação estreita com solos saturados hidricamente. A compartimentação ambiental com base em geomorfologia e solos mostrou ser um quesito fundamental para a melhor compreensão da distribuição das espécies vegetais na paisagem

    a randomized comparative effectiveness trial

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    Funding Information: The author(s) declare financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This work was sponsored by CUF and Pingo Doce, as part of the Menos Sal Portugal project, and with support from the Centro de Medicina Laboratorial Germano de Sousa. The sponsors did not play a role in the study design or the interpretation of the results. The study was also promoted by the CINTESIS@RISE (UIDB/4255/2020 and UIDP/4255/2020), NOVA Medical School of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and supported by national funds through FCT Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., within the scope of the project “RISE-LA/P/0053/2020”. Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2023 Moreira-Rosário, Ismael, Barreiros-Mota, Morais, Rodrigues, Castela, Mendes, Soares, da Costa, Oliveira, Henriques, Pinto, Pita, de Oliveira, Maciel, Serafim, Araújo, Rocha, Pestana, Silvestre, Marques, Faria, Polonia and Calhau.Introduction: Empowerment lifestyle programs are needed to reduce the risk of hypertension. Our study compared the effectiveness of two empowerment-based approaches toward blood pressure (BP) reduction: salt reduction-specific program vs. healthy lifestyle general program. Methods: Three hundred and eleven adults (median age of 44 years, IQR 34–54 years) were randomly assigned to a salt reduction (n = 147) or a healthy lifestyle program (n = 164). The outcome measures were urinary sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) excretion, systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure, weight, and waist circumference. Results: There were no significant differences in primary and secondary outcomes between the two program groups. When comparing each program to baseline, the program focused on salt reduction was effective in lowering BP following a 12-week intervention with a mean change of −2.5 mm Hg in SBP (95% CI, −4.1 to −0.8) and − 2.7 mm Hg in DBP (95% CI, −3.8 to −1.5) in the intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis. In the complete-case (CC) analysis, the mean change was −2.1 mm Hg in SBP (95% CI, −3.7 to −0.5) and − 2.3 mm Hg in DBP (95% CI, −3.4 to −1.1). This effect increases in subjects with high-normal BP or hypertension [SBP − 7.9 mm Hg (95% CI, −12.5 to −3.3); DBP − 7.3 mm Hg (95% CI, −10.2 to −4.4)]. The healthy lifestyle group also exhibited BP improvements after 12 weeks; however, the changes were less pronounced compared to the salt reduction group and were observed only for DBP [mean change of −1.5 mm Hg (95% CI, −2.6 to −0.4) in ITT analysis and − 1.4 mm Hg (95% CI, −2.4 to −0.3) in CC analysis, relative to baseline]. Overall, improvements in Na+/K+ ratio, weight, and Mediterranean diet adherence resulted in clinically significant SBP decreases. Importantly, BP reduction is attributed to improved dietary quality, rather than being solely linked to changes in the Na+/K+ ratio. Conclusion: Salt-focused programs are effective public health tools mainly in managing individuals at high risk of hypertension. Nevertheless, in general, empowerment-based approaches are important strategies for lowering BP, by promoting health literacy that culminates in adherence to the Mediterranean diet and weight reduction.publishersversionpublishe

    Empowerment-based nutrition interventions on blood pressure: a randomized comparative effectiveness trial

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    IntroductionEmpowerment lifestyle programs are needed to reduce the risk of hypertension. Our study compared the effectiveness of two empowerment-based approaches toward blood pressure (BP) reduction: salt reduction-specific program vs. healthy lifestyle general program.MethodsThree hundred and eleven adults (median age of 44 years, IQR 34–54 years) were randomly assigned to a salt reduction (n = 147) or a healthy lifestyle program (n = 164). The outcome measures were urinary sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) excretion, systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure, weight, and waist circumference.ResultsThere were no significant differences in primary and secondary outcomes between the two program groups. When comparing each program to baseline, the program focused on salt reduction was effective in lowering BP following a 12-week intervention with a mean change of −2.5 mm Hg in SBP (95% CI, −4.1 to −0.8) and − 2.7 mm Hg in DBP (95% CI, −3.8 to −1.5) in the intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis. In the complete-case (CC) analysis, the mean change was −2.1 mm Hg in SBP (95% CI, −3.7 to −0.5) and − 2.3 mm Hg in DBP (95% CI, −3.4 to −1.1). This effect increases in subjects with high-normal BP or hypertension [SBP − 7.9 mm Hg (95% CI, −12.5 to −3.3); DBP − 7.3 mm Hg (95% CI, −10.2 to −4.4)]. The healthy lifestyle group also exhibited BP improvements after 12 weeks; however, the changes were less pronounced compared to the salt reduction group and were observed only for DBP [mean change of −1.5 mm Hg (95% CI, −2.6 to −0.4) in ITT analysis and − 1.4 mm Hg (95% CI, −2.4 to −0.3) in CC analysis, relative to baseline]. Overall, improvements in Na+/K+ ratio, weight, and Mediterranean diet adherence resulted in clinically significant SBP decreases. Importantly, BP reduction is attributed to improved dietary quality, rather than being solely linked to changes in the Na+/K+ ratio.ConclusionSalt-focused programs are effective public health tools mainly in managing individuals at high risk of hypertension. Nevertheless, in general, empowerment-based approaches are important strategies for lowering BP, by promoting health literacy that culminates in adherence to the Mediterranean diet and weight reduction

    EuReCa ONE—27 Nations, ONE Europe, ONE Registry A prospective one month analysis of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest outcomes in 27 countries in Europe

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    AbstractIntroductionThe aim of the EuReCa ONE study was to determine the incidence, process, and outcome for out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) throughout Europe.MethodsThis was an international, prospective, multi-centre one-month study. Patients who suffered an OHCA during October 2014 who were attended and/or treated by an Emergency Medical Service (EMS) were eligible for inclusion in the study. Data were extracted from national, regional or local registries.ResultsData on 10,682 confirmed OHCAs from 248 regions in 27 countries, covering an estimated population of 174 million. In 7146 (66%) cases, CPR was started by a bystander or by the EMS. The incidence of CPR attempts ranged from 19.0 to 104.0 per 100,000 population per year. 1735 had ROSC on arrival at hospital (25.2%), Overall, 662/6414 (10.3%) in all cases with CPR attempted survived for at least 30 days or to hospital discharge.ConclusionThe results of EuReCa ONE highlight that OHCA is still a major public health problem accounting for a substantial number of deaths in Europe.EuReCa ONE very clearly demonstrates marked differences in the processes for data collection and reported outcomes following OHCA all over Europe. Using these data and analyses, different countries, regions, systems, and concepts can benchmark themselves and may learn from each other to further improve survival following one of our major health care events

    The effect of temperature and body size on filtration rates of Limnoperna fortunei (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) under laboratory conditions

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    The golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei, Mollusca: Bivalvia) is an invasive species that has been causing considerable environmental and economic problems in South America. In the present study, filtration rates of L. fortunei were determined in the laboratory under different temperatures (10, 15, 20, 25, 28, and 30 ºC) and two types of food (Algamac-2000® and the chlorophycean alga Scenedesmus sp.). There was a statistically significant relationship between time and filtration rates in the experiment using Scenedesmus sp., regardless of temperature. However, this pattern was absent in the experiment using Algamac, suggesting that the relationship between filtration rates and temperature might depend on the size of the filtered particles. In addition, there was no correlation between filtration rates and either shell size or condition index (the relationship between the weight and the length of a mussel). The filtration rate measured in the present study (724.94 ml/h) was one of the highest rates recorded among invasive bivalves to date. Given that the colonies of the golden mussel could reach hundreds of thousands of individuals per square meter, such filtration levels could severely impact the freshwater environments in its introduced range

    Educação inclusiva: alguns apontamentos do referencial da Análise do Comportamento

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    Ao falar sobre educação, um dos temas sobre o qual pesquisadores e outros profissionais envolvidos têm se debruçado é a inclusão no contexto escolar. No referencial que se pauta este estudo, a Análise do Comportamento, encontra-se contribuições para se pensar práticas ao processo inclusivo. Na educação, a aprendizagem é um fim a ser alcançado. Para a teoria skinneriana, o ensino refere-se ao arranjo de contingências (tarefa do professor), o qual possibilita ao alunado aprender.  Levando em conta a proposta política brasileira atual de um ensino, é direito de todos os alunos estarem nas escolas, considerando o ensino regular. São requeridas, para um ensino inclusivo, mudanças e adaptações dentro da escola, o que implica em uma série de práticas, que, em Análise do Comportamento, podem ser entendidas a partir do conceito de práticas culturais. Considera-se que as práticas culturais são essenciais para a sobrevivência de uma dada cultura. Tal conceituação subsidia a compreensão de um processo de mudança cultural, como a construção de um novo modelo de atendimento nas escolas. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar uma breve discussão teórica sobre a contribuição da Análise do Comportamento para o processo inclusivo no contexto escolar. Origina-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica realizada no curso de Mestrado em Psicologia.  É classificado também como teórico descritiva, a partir do referencial teórico utilizado, tendo pesquisado em obras e textos da teoria analítico comportamental que pudessem subsidiar a discussão sobre o tema, atualizando e/ou ampliando o conhecimento sobre o assunto. Palavras-chave: análise do comportamento e educação; práticas culturais; planejamento cultural; inclusão escolar

    Modifiable Variables Are Major Risk Factors for Posttransplant Diabetes Mellitus in a Time-Dependent Manner in Kidney Transplant: An Observational Cohort Study

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    Modifiable and nonmodifiable risk factors for developing posttransplant diabetes mellitus (PTDM) have already been established in kidney transplant setting and impact adversely both patient and allograft survival. We analysed 450 recipients of living and deceased donor kidney transplants using current immunosuppressive regimen in the modern era and verified PTDM prevalence and risk factors over three-year posttransplant. Tacrolimus (85%), prednisone (100%), and mycophenolate (53%) were the main immunosuppressive regimen. Sixty-one recipients (13.5%) developed PTDM and remained in this condition throughout the study, whereas 74 (16.5%) recipients developed altered fasting glucose over time. Univariate analyses demonstrated that recipient age (46.2±1.3vs. 40.7±0.6 years old, OR 1.04; P=0.001) and pretransplant hyperglycaemia and BMI≥25 kg/m2 (32.8% vs. 21.6%, OR 0.54; P=0.032 and 57.4% vs. 27.7%, OR 3.5; P<0.0001, respectively) were the pretransplant variables associated with PTDM. Posttransplant transient hyperglycaemia (86.8%. 18.5%, OR 0.03; P=0.0001), acute rejection (P=0.021), calcium channel blockers (P=0.014), TG/HDL (triglyceride/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol) ratio≥3.5 at 1 year (P=0.01) and at 3 years (P=0.0001), and tacrolimus trough levels at months 1, 3, and 6 were equally predictors of PTDM. In multivariate analyses, pretransplant hyperglycaemia (P=0.035), pretransplant BMI≥25 kg/m2 (P=0.0001), posttransplant transient hyperglycaemia (P=0.0001), and TG/HDL ratio≥3.5 at 3-year posttransplant (P=0.003) were associated with PTDM diagnosis and maintenance over time. Early identification of risk factors associated with increased insulin resistance and decreased insulin secretion, such as pretransplant hyperglycaemia and overweight, posttransplant transient hyperglycaemia, tacrolimus trough levels, and TG/HDL ratio may be useful for risk stratification of patients to determine appropriate strategies to reduce PTDM

    Microbiological water quality and gill histopathology of fish from fish farming in Itapecuru-Mirim County, Maranhão State=Qualidade microbiológica da água e histopatologia de brânquias de peixes provenientes de pisciculturas do município de Itapecuru-Mirim, Estado do Maranhão

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    The present study evaluated the microbiological water quality and tissue lesions in gills from Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and hybrid tambacu (Colossoma macropomum female x Piaractus mesopotamicus male). For this, water and gills were collected from fish farming at six locations in Itapecuru-Mirim County, Maranhão State. Microbiological water analyses revealed contamination by total coliforms, Escherichia coli and heterotrophic bacteria. In the gills, we observed a diversity of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The tissue lesions were: lamellar fusion, interlamellar hyperplasia, sub-epithelial edema and telangiectasia. Inflammatory lesions were not observed. Significant statistical difference (p > 0.05) was not detected when comparing different gills lesions during rainy and dry season. The correlation between lesion and pond type was statistically different (p < 0.05) for lamellar fusion and interlamellar hyperplasia which occurred more frequently at ground ponds. Regarding the frequency of lesions in the different fish species, there was statistical difference (p < 0.05), and the tambacu was more sensitive to lamellar fusion while tilapia was more sensitive for the other lesions. In relation to the sampling stations, there was statistical difference for all the gill lesions. In conclusion, tissue lesions are nonspecific and function as a defense mechanism against polluted aquatic environments, without infectious character.<br><br>Com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade microbiológica da água e as alterações teciduais em brânquias de tilápias do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) e do híbrido tambacu (Colossoma macropomum fêmea x Piaractus mesopotamicus macho), coletou-se água de pisciculturas e brânquias de peixes de seis localidades do município de Itapecuru-Mirim, Estado do Maranhão. O exame microbiológico da água revelou poluição por coliformes totais, Escherichia coli e bactérias heterotróficas. Nas brânquias, observou-se uma variedade de bactérias Gram-positivas e negativas. As alterações teciduais observadas foram fusão de lamelas, hiperplasia interlamelar, edema subepitelial e telangiectasia, não sendo observadas lesões inflamatórias. Não houve diferença estatística (p > 0,05) quando se comparou diferentes tipos de lesões branquiais com os períodos de chuva ou de seca. A correlação de lesões e tipos de tanque demonstrou diferença estatística (p < 0,05) para fusão de lamelas e hiperplasia interlamelar que ocorreram com maior frequência em viveiro de terra. Quanto à frequência de lesões nas diferentes espécies de peixe, houve diferença estatística (p < 0,05), sendo o tambacu mais sensível para fusão de lamelas, enquanto que na tilápia as demais lesões foram mais frequentes. Em relação aos pontos de coleta, houve diferença estatística para todas as alterações branquiais. As alterações teciduais encontradas são inespecíficas e agem como mecanismo de defesa frente ao ambiente aquático poluído, mas sem demonstrar caráter infeccioso