10 research outputs found

    Reliability and usability assessment of three different softwares for photogrammetric analysis of hip flexion angle

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    The photogrammetric analysis can be done by using different softwares. Thus, the purpose of this study was to assess the reliability and the usability of three different softwares during the hip flexion photogrammetric analysis and to discuss the qualitative and quantitative aspects of each one. Twenty-six volunteers participated in this study with age between 19 and 30 years old (x=25.4 years, SD=2.5) who underwent the sit-to-reach test through adapted Wells´ bench. Reflective skin markers were positioned in the anterior superior iliac spine and greater trochanter. The image acquisition was collected in the maximum limit of test execution. All softwares showed a high reliability between measures, besides it was presented specifics advantages and disadvantages during adoption one of them. SAPO´s software was considered with major points for professional practice, although taking the analysis for scientific research all softwares demonstrated characteristics that must be taken into consideration before adopting them.A análise fotogramétrica pode ser feita por meio de diferentes programas computacionais. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a confiabilidade e usabilidade de três diferentes programas em uma análise fotogramétrica durante a flexão do quadril e discutir aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos de cada um deles. Participaram do estudo 26 voluntários do gênero masculino, com idade entre 19 e 30 anos (x=25,4 anos, DP=2,5) que realizaram o teste do sentar e alcançar por meio do banco de Wells adaptado. Marcadores cutâneos foram posicionados nos processos ósseos: trocânter maior do fêmur e espinha ilíaca anterossuperior. A aquisição da imagem foi realizada no limite máximo da execução do teste. Todos os programas apresentaram uma alta confiabilidade entre as medidas, além disso, foram apresentadas vantagens e desvantagens específicas na adoção de cada um deles. O programa SAPO foi considerado com maiores vantagens para utilização na prática profissional, no entanto, para realização de análises em pesquisas científicas todos os programas apresentam pontos que devem ser considerados antes da sua adoção


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    Objective: The objective of this scoping review is to understand the effects of acute exercise in people undergoing oncological treatment. Introduction: Physical exercise programs have a fundamental role in the prevention and treatment of several types of cancer, however, little is known about the effect of an acute exercise session in this population. Inclusion criteria: People undergoing cancer treatment, who performed an exercise session, and the effects of the session were analysed. Studies involving people in palliative care and with an outcome in lymphedema were excluded. Methods: The search will be carried out from June 2023 to September 2023. The indexing sites adopted for the search are Pubmed, Cochrane, Embase, PEDro and Scopus and the keywords that will be used: (carcinoma OR cancer OR neoplasm OR oncology OR tumor ) AND (gymnastics OR exercise OR sport OR training OR athletics OR "physical activity") AND (“acute exercise” OR “acute exercises” OR “exercise acute” OR “acute effect” OR session) AND adult AND (“clinical trial” OR “randomized controlled trial”). Results: It is expected to find studies that describe the effects of physical exercises evaluated in an acute way in this population and what are the possible risks and benefits for the studied population. Conclusions: It is assumed that physical exercise can offer several benefits to cancer patients, such as, for example, improvements in the adverse effects of treatment, even with acute exercise sessions

    Atividade física e indicadores de saúde em pessoas vivendo com HIV/aids

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    Introdução: O estilo de vida ativo pode contribuir de forma expressiva em pessoas vivendo com HIV/aids auxiliando na melhoria das capacidades físicas e combate aos efeitos adversos da medicação. Objetivo: Analisar a associação entre atividade física e fatores sociodemográficos e de saúde em pessoas vivendo com HIV/aids do município de Ourinhos-SP. Métodos: Foram entrevistados pacientes em tratamento no Serviço de Atendimento Especializado em Doenças Infecciosas (SAEDI). A atividade física habitual e seus domínios foram avaliados mediante o questionário de Baecke, além disso, os prontuários dos pacientes foram acessados para coleta de dados adicionais de saúde. Resultados: Como principais resultados, observou-se baixos níveis de atividade física de lazer na população investigada (21,0%). Modelos de regressão de Poisson ajustados por fatores de confundimento identificaram associação entre atividade física ocupacional e maior classe social (RP: 3,32; IC95%: 1,34-8,25); atividades físicas de lazer e locomoção e maior pressão arterial diastólica (PAD) (RP: 3,17; IC95%: 1,43-7,07); atividade física habitual e tempo de diagnóstico superior a 150 meses (RP: 3,18; IC95%: 1,16-8,72) e maior prevalência de exercícios físicos no lazer associou-se a maior classe social (RP: 2,86; IC95%: 1,11-7,36). Conclusão: Pessoas vivendo com HIV/aids em tratamento na região de Ourinhos apresentam baixos níveis de atividade física. Além disso, classe social, tempo de diagnóstico e PAD apresentaram relações com atividade física

    The effectiveness of high-intensity interval training on body composition of rodent models of obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    The present systematic review was compiled to analyze the effectiveness of High-intensity interval training (HIIT) protocols on the body composition of rodents with obesity. Databases were searched until February 2021 for experimental trials in rodents with a minimum duration of four weeks of HIIT and endpoints associated with obesity. The data were analyzed by meta-analysis performed for comparisons of body composition. Sensitivity analysis was performed to investigate the consistency of individual researches. Of all of the 524 studies found, only 14 were included. The analysis showed a significant reduction in body weight (CI 95%: –8.35; –1.98 P ≤ 0.01) , adiposity index (IC 95%: –1.04; –0.80 P ≤ 0.01 ), and fat pads (IC 95%: –0.59; –0.06 P ≤ 0.01 ). HIIT performed on treadmill or water was effective to reduce body weight (P < 0.05). In conclusion, HIIT attenuated both body weight and adiposity induced either by HFD (high-fat diet) or by GOM (genetic obese model), thereby inducing positive changes in body composition

    Behavior of the muscle strength and arm muscle area during 24 weeks of weight training

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/1980-0037.2008v10n4p379 The purpose of this study was to analyze the behavior of muscle strength and arm muscle area (AMA) over 24 weeks of weight training (WT) as well as to establish possible associations between these variables. The sample was composed of 18 men aged between 18 and 30 years. Measurements of relaxed arm circumference and triceps skinfold measurement were used for the calculation. Muscle strength was assessed using the one-repetition maximum test (1-RM) on the arm curl exercise. The WT protocol lasted 24 weeks, divided into 3 stages (F1, F2, and F3) of 8 weeks each. It is important to emphasize that every measurement was made before, during and after the end of the WT period. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures followed by the Tukey post hoc (P < 0.05) was used to the compare the indicators of muscle strength and muscle hypertrophy. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to verify possible association between muscle strength and AMA. Muscle strength and AMA increased continuously throughout the whole period except for the initial period (F1). Therefore, it is concluded that the initial phase of training, neuromuscular adaptation, seems to have been the turning point for increase in muscle strength. After that, the hypertrophy process appears to gradually become the essential factor for increase in muscle strength

    Pressão arterial elevada em adolescentes de alto nível econômico

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    OBJETIVO: Verificar a prevalência e os fatores associados à ocorrência da pressão arterial elevada em adolescentes de alto nível econômico. MÉTODOS: Foram investigados 233 alunos (113 meninos e 120 meninas) matriculados entre a quinta e a oitava série do ensino fundamental de escolas privadas de Londrina, Paraná. Foram coletadas informações sobre classificação econômica e os hábitos ligados ao consumo alimentar, por meio de questionários. A massa corporal foi avaliada por balança digital da marca Plenna e a altura por estadiômetro de madeira com precisão de 0,1cm. A pressão arterial foi aferida por aparelho oscilométrico automático. Para a análise estatística, utilizou-se o teste do qui-quadrado ou o teste t para avaliar a associação entre a pressão arterial e os fatores de risco. A regressão de Poisson indicou a magnitude dessas associações. RESULTADOS: A prevalência da pressão arterial elevada foi de 12,4% entre os estudantes. Foram verificadas associações entre a pressão arterial elevada e as variáveis: sexo e estado nutricional. Posteriormente, no modelo ajustado, a regressão de Poisson somente indicou significância entre a associação da pressão arterial elevada e o estado nutricional. CONCLUSÕES: Observou-se significativa prevalência de pressão arterial elevada em adolescentes de alto nível econômico e os valores elevados de pressão arterial se associaram ao excesso de peso corporalOBJECTIVE: To verify the association between elevated blood pressure and related risks factors on adolescents of high economic level. METHODS: The sample included 233 schoolchildren (113 boys and 120 girls) on the fifth to the eighth grades of private elementary schools from Londrina, Paraná, Brazil. The subjects' economic level and food intake were evaluated by a questionnaire. The body mass was assessed with a Plenna digital scale; the height was measured with a wooden stadiometer (precision: 0.1cm); and the blood pressure, with an oscillometric device. Association between elevated blood pressure and different risk factors were evaluated by the t-test, chi-square test and by Poisson's regression with robust variance. RESULTS: Elevated blood pressure was present in 12.4% of the students and it was associated with gender and nutritional status. Poisson's regression adjusted model suggested that only nutritional status was independently associated with elevated blood pressure. CONCLUSIONS: A high rate of elevated blood pressure was found in adolescents from high economic level, and overweight was associated with this conditio

    Composição corporal em crianças de sete a 10 anos de idade, de alto nível socioeconômico Body composition in seven-to-ten-year old children of high socioeconomic status

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a composição corporal de crianças de sete a 10 anos de idade, de alto nível socioeconômico. Para tanto, 511 crianças (274 meninos e 237 meninas) foram submetidas a medidas antropométricas de massa corporal, estatura e espessuras de dobras cutâneas tricipital (TR) e subescapular (SE). Com base nessas informações, foram determinados: gordura corporal relativa (% Gordura), massa corporal magra (MCM), distribuição da gordura corporal (DGC) e o somatório da espessura das dobras cutâneas TR e SE (&#931;EDC). Anova two-way foi utilizada para as comparações entre os sexos e os diferentes grupos etários, seguida pelo teste post hoc de Scheffé quando P < 0,05. Para a classificação das crianças, de acordo com as categorias de adiposidade corporal, foi utilizada distribuição de freqüência. O teste de comparação entre proporções foi adotado para verificar as diferenças entre os sexos, em cada categoria (P < 0,05). Diferenças significantes entre os sexos (P < 0,05) foram verificadas na dobra TR (meninas > meninos) e na MCM (meninos > meninas). Efeito significante da idade foi identificado em todas as variáveis analisadas, exceto na DGC, com os valores mais elevados sendo encontrados no grupo etário de 10 anos. Um percentual elevado, tanto de meninos quanto de meninas, apresentou índice de adiposidade alto, com superioridade para os meninos (28% vs. 14%, P < 0,01). Por outro lado, um contingente maior de meninas apresentou concentrações de gordura corporal relativa abaixo dos pontos de corte desejáveis (15% vs. 3%, P < 0,01). Os valores de adiposidade corporal encontrados no presente estudo sugerem que um percentual elevado de crianças, de ambos os sexos, já apresenta importantes fatores de risco à saúde, em idades precoces.<br>The objective of this study was to analyze the body composition of seven to 10 year-old children of high socioeconomic status. Therefore, 511 children (274 boys and 237 girls) were submitted to body mass, height and triceps (TR) and subscapular (SE) skinfolds thickness anthropometric measurement. Based on this information, the following topics were determined: relative body fat (% Fat), lean body mass (LBM), body fat distribution (BFD) and sum of the thickness of the TR and SE skinfolds (£TSF). Two-way ANOVA was used for comparisons between gender and the different age groups, followed by the Scheffé post hoc test when P < 0.05. For the children classification according to the categories of body adiposity, frequency distribution was used. A test of comparison between ratios was adopted to verify the differences between gender in each category (P < 0.05). Significant differences between gender (P < 0.05) were verified in TR skinfold (girls > boys) and in LBM (boys > girls). Significant age effect was identified in all analyzed variables, except for DBF, with the highest values having been found in the 10 year-old group. A high percentage both for boys and girls presented high adiposity index, with superiority for boys (28% vs. 14%, P < 0.01). On the other hand, a larger number of girls presented relative body fat concentrations below the desirable cutting points (15% vs. 3%, P < 0.01). The values of body adiposity found in the present study suggest that a high percentage of children from both gender already present important health risk factors at early ages