153 research outputs found

    Predation by Naticid Gastropods on Late - Oligocene (Egerian) Molluscs Collected from Wind Brickyard, Eger, Hungary

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    Naticid boreholes observed on the shells of molluscs collected from three different layers of Wind mBrickyard (Late - Oligocene / Egerian) have been examined. Traces of Naticid predation occured on the tests of bivalves, gastropods and scaphopods.Mode of life, feeding habit of molluscs, distribution of successful, unsuccessful and unfinished borings have been investigated and compared. Number of borings is low in the case of mollusc shells of the Molluscan Clay. Encreasing number of borings can be observed in the case of the molluscs of the “x”-layer and the “k”-layer. Occurrence of multiplied borings and cannibalism also have been found. Regarding the feeding habit suspensionfeeders and scavengers are dominant among the prey species

    Macrobioerosion in the Shells of Early-Miocene Oysters of Two Localities – a Comparison (Hegyeskő road cut, Szarvaskő and abandoned limestone quarry, Nagyvisnyó; Bükk Mountains, Hungary)

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    Distribution and position of traces of bioerosion in oyster valves is compared in the case of two Early-Miocene (Carpathian) age localities. Activity of Clionid sponges, Polychaete worms, boring bivalves and Cirripeds have been observed. On the basis of higher diversity of ichnotaxa, higher proportion of Polychaete borings and lower rate of sponge activity we can conclude on shallower marine circumstances at the Nagyvisnyó locality

    Érdekes Gastropoda lelet a dudari középső eocénből

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    Fogászati implantátumok kémiai maratása

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    As a result of chemical etching of a dental implant the surface will be cleaned from burr and the surface area will be increased as well. The roughness of the surface influences the osseointegration between the bone and the implant so the aim of this study was to determine the effect of the chemical etching and to measure the quantity of the lost weight. Due to this we inspect the component of the etching pickle, the etching time and the changing of the geometry


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    As with other ichnofossils, the study of the ichogenus Entobia Bronn, 1837, attributed to the activity of boring sponges, is useful to understand taphonomic processes and reconstruct paleoenvironments. Here we delineate a diverse Entobia assemblage from Sicily, the first described from this Mediterranean island, based on the discovery of well-preserved natural casts. The studied association is represented by seven ichnotaxa, Entobia cateniformis, E. cateniformis form A, E. geometrica, E. laquea, E. ?megastoma, E. ovula, E. ?paradoxa, which come from the late Caenozoic sites of Altavilla Milicia and Sferracavallo, in north-western Sicily. Aragonitic bivalves, mostly veneroids, served as substrate for the boring organisms responsible of producing these ichnotaxa. Entobia was also found associated with natural casts of the boring Caulostrepsis taeniola, produced by polychaetes. Ichnology and shell-bed taphonomy indicates that investigated deposits formed in conditions of low rate of sedimentation; post depositional processes involved chemical conditions favorable to the preservation of calcite shells

    A belichnus ichnogenus késő-oligocén (egri) korú gasztropódák mészvázain(Eger, Wind-féle téglagyár)

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    Gastropod tests collected from two strata of Wind Brickyard’s exposure have been examined on the occurrence of Stomatopod predation (Belichnus ichnogenus). The two strata are the following: silty, fine grained sandstone (“x” layer), limonitic sandstone (“k”-layer). 6534 specimens, belonging into 74 taxa originated from the “x”-layer have been investigated. Seven specimens of seven taxa showed traces of Stomatopod predation. These taxa are: Turritella beyrichi percarinata, Drepanocheilus speciosus digitatus, Hadriana egerensis, Babylonia eburnoides umbilicosiformis, Galeodes basilica, Athleta rarispina, Turricula regularis. 6607 specimens belonging into 65 taxa of the “k”-layer have been examined. Fourteen specimens of nine taxa bore traces of Stomatopod predation. These taxa are: Turritella beyrichi percarinata, Globularia gibberosa sanctistephani, Ampullina crassatina, Hadriana egerensis, Babylonia eburnoides umbilicosiformis,Galeodes basilica Euthriofusus burdigalensis, Athleta rarispina, Turricula regularis.Most of the gastropods of both strata were large bodied, epibenthic scavangers. The presence of this trace fossil refers to sandy bottom, the euphotic zone, tropical, subtropical climate. It proves the connection between the Paratethys and the Indopacific region. This is the first report of Stomatopod predation on Late-Oligocene (Egerian) age gastropods

    Fogászati implantátumok felületkezelése

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