36 research outputs found

    Analysis of Surface Water Extraction and Change Detection Over Barur Lake, India

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    239-243Water is one of the most essential and devastating element in the world. The lack of access to water and its abundance can be a serious threat to human life. These two circumstances may create a difficult situation against the sustainability of human life. Inadequate access to water causes drought, affects agriculture and on other side high level water availability in urban areas affects daily life. Hence, mapping and analysing of the surface water of the earth benefits from such impacts. Therefore, this study analysis evaluates the performance of available Landsat-8 OLI images for mapping water bodies and to obtaining precise Normalized Differential Water Index (NDWI) extraction. Change detection analysis of the obtained data shows that the area of the surface water body keeps on changing every year. The surface area of the lake has undergone a drastic change in the year 2019


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    ABSTRACTObjectives: To investigate the antiplasmodial activity of three different solvent extracts of Sargassum tenerrimum against Plasmodium falciparum.Methods: The seaweed species of S. tenerrimum were collected from Rameshwaram, Southeast coast of India. The collected samples were dried andextracted with three different polaritic (hexane, acetone, and ethylacetate) solvents and tested against P. falciparum parasite strain.Results: Acetone extract exhibited better activity than the other two extracts. The inhibitory concentration values of acetone S. tenerrimum werefound to be 27.82 and 18.14 µg/ml at 24-48 hrs, respectively. S. tenerrimum crude extracts were subjected for the phytochemical analysis, and itshowed the presence of steroids, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, glycosides, amino acids, and phenol compounds. The gas chromatography-massspectroscopy result reveals that the presence of 10 major and minor compounds in the S. tenerrimum extract. In that, cyclotrisiloxane hexamethylcompounds might be responsible for the effective parasite suppression.50Conclusion: It can be concluded from the present study that the acetone extract of S. tenerrimum has strong antiplasmodial activity. Furthermore, thestudy has been extended to the isolation of the possible active compounds that is responsible for the antiplasmodial properties.Keywords: Antiplasmodial assay, Different polaritic solvents, Plasmodium falciparum, Sargassum tenerrimum

    Surgical Techniques in Ayurveda (Shalakya Tantra-Ent) Mentioned by Acharya Sushruta

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    In this article, we've covered the ENT surgery methods and techniques that Acharya Sushruta detailed in his famous book, the Sushruta Samhita. The founder of the Sushruta Samhita, Acharya Sushruta, is hailed as the "Father of Surgery" and "Father of Plastic Surgery." An essential component of Ayurveda is Shalakya Tantra, which focuses on the analysis and treatment of conditions affecting the mouth, nose, ears, teeth, throat, head, and eyes. Shalakya Tantra is described as "Shalakayah Yatkarma Shalakyam, Tat Pradhanam Tantram Shalakyam" by Acharya Dalhana. It denotes a location where Shalakas (instruments resembling rods) are utilised for therapeutic purposes. The Shalakya Tantra branch of Ayurveda deals with these instruments and how to employ them for therapeutic purposes. It can be found in numerous Ayurvedic treatises today. Sushruta Samhita contains the majority of the Shalakya Tantra, but it is also found here in fragmented form. Detailed discussions of surgical tools (yantras), various incision kinds, various suturing and bandaging techniques (bandha), fracture reductions, foreign body extraction techniques, etc. are contained in the Sushruta Samhita (about 600 BC). He also brought up the utilisation of reconstructive (Sandhana) surgery by Vaidyas even during the colonial era. Acharya gave a comprehensive explanation of ENT surgery procedures that are largely applicable and actual. Acharya Sushruta noticed that a number of fractures and dislocations connected to ENT can be treated. Today, many of the foreign body removal techniques he described are virtually same to those utilised then. Many conventional surgical techniques are still useful today.These interventions can be a tremendous help in learning new and cutting-edge practises with the help of contemporary advances. Our simple goal in writing this paper is to shed light on all the Shalakya Tantra subjects that are mentioned throughout Sushruta in various places

    Assessment of Self-Care Practices among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients attending Health Care Centres of Urban Area of Hyderabad, India

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    Introduction: As per the International Diabetic Federation Atlas, 2021, 3 in 4 adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus live in low and middle income countries. This represents a tremendous burden on the healthcare system of these countries. Self-care practices can mitigate the disease burden. Objectives: To assess the self-care practices among the type 2 patients using Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities (SDSCA). Method: A facility based cross sectional study was undertaken among adults aged 25-60 years using a modified SDSCA, validated in Indian settings to study the self-care practices in diabetic patients. The modified domains included practices on dietary modifications, regular physical activity, foot care, regular blood glucose monitoring, drug adherence and addictions. Mean scores of these domains in SDSCA were compared with HbA1c measurements. Statistical tests performed included unpaired T test and chi-square. Results: Mean age of the patients was 49.60+ 11.13 Years. There were about 117(54.4%) patients with controlled HbA1c measurements. There was a statistically significant association of dietary modifications, regular physical activity, foot care, drug adherence and addictions with controlled HbA1c measurements. (p value=0.05) Conclusion: Self-care practices can significantly alter diabetes control and prevent complications. Regular glucose monitoring was lacking in several patients and led to poor glycemic controls. These results can inform clinical practice and patient care for better management of the type 2 diabetes mellitus

    Frequent capsule switching in 'ultra-virulent' meningococci - Are we ready for a serogroup B ST-11 complex outbreak?

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    The meningococcal ST-11 complex (cc11) causes large invasive disease outbreaks with high case fatality rates, such as serogroup C (MenC) epidemics in industrialised nations in the 1990s and the serogroup W epidemic currently expanding globally. Glycoconjugate vaccines are available for serogroups A, C, W and Y. Broad coverage protein-based vaccines have recently been licensed against serogroup B meningococci (MenB), however, these do not afford universal MenB protection. Capsular switching from MenC to MenB among cc11 organisms is concerning because a large MenB cc11 (B:cc11) outbreak has the potential to cause significant morbidity and mortality. This study aimed to assess the potential for licensed and developmental non-capsular meningococcal vaccines to protect against B:cc11. The population structure and vaccine antigen distribution was determined for a panel of >800 geo-temporally diverse, predominantly MenC cc11 and B:cc11 genomes. The two licensed vaccines potentially protect against many but not all B:cc11 meningococci. Furthermore, strain coverage by these vaccines is often due to a single vaccine antigen and both vaccines are highly susceptible to vaccine escape owing to the apparent dispensability of key proteins used as vaccine antigens. cc11 strains with MenB and MenC capsules warrant special consideration when formulating future non-capsular meningococcal vaccines

    The Homeobox Protein CEH-23 Mediates Prolonged Longevity in Response to Impaired Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain in C. elegans

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    Recent findings indicate that perturbations of the mitochondrial electron transport chain (METC) can cause extended longevity in evolutionarily diverse organisms. To uncover the molecular basis of how altered METC increases lifespan in C. elegans, we performed an RNAi screen and revealed that three predicted transcription factors are specifically required for the extended longevity of mitochondrial mutants. In particular, we demonstrated that the nuclear homeobox protein CEH-23 uniquely mediates the longevity but not the slow development, reduced brood size, or resistance to oxidative stress associated with mitochondrial mutations. Furthermore, we showed that ceh-23 expression levels are responsive to altered METC, and enforced overexpression of ceh-23 is sufficient to extend lifespan in wild-type background. Our data point to mitochondria-to-nucleus communications to be key for longevity determination and highlight CEH-23 as a novel longevity factor capable of responding to mitochondrial perturbations. These findings provide a new paradigm for how mitochondria impact aging and age-dependent diseases

    Impact of meningococcal ACWY conjugate vaccines on pharyngeal carriage in adolescents: evidence for herd protection from the UK MenACWY programme

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    Objective: Serogroup W and Y invasive meningococcal disease increased globally from 2000 onwards. Responding to a rapid increase in serogroup W clonal complex 11 (W:cc11) invasive meningococcal disease, the UK replaced an adolescent booster dose of meningococcal C conjugate vaccine with quadrivalent MenACWY conjugate vaccine in 2015. By 2018, the vaccine coverage in the eligible school cohorts aged 14 to 19 years was 84%. We assessed the impact of the MenACWY vaccination programme on meningococcal carriage. Methods: An observational study of culture-defined oropharyngeal meningococcal carriage prevalence before and after the start of the MenACWY vaccination programme in UK school students, aged 15 to 19 years, using two cross-sectional studies: 2014 to 2015 “UKMenCar4” and 2018 “Be on the TEAM” (ISRCTN75858406). Results: A total of 10 625 participants preimplementation and 13 434 postimplementation were included. Carriage of genogroups C, W, and Y (combined) decreased from 2.03 to 0.71% (OR 0.34 [95% CI 0.27–0.44], p < 0.001). Carriage of genogroup B meningococci did not change (1.26% vs 1.23% [95% CI 0.77–1.22], p = 0.80) and genogroup C remained rare (n = 7/10 625 vs 17/13 488, p = 0.135). The proportion of serogroup positive isolates (i.e. those expressing capsule) decreased for genogroup W by 53.8% (95% CI –5.0 to 79.8, p = 0.016) and for genogroup Y by 30.1% (95% CI 8.9–46·3, p = 0.0025). Discussion: The UK MenACWY vaccination programme reduced carriage acquisition of genogroup and serogroup Y and W meningococci and sustained low levels of genogroup C carriage. These data support the use of quadrivalent MenACWY conjugate vaccine for indirect (herd) protection

    Tinjauan Yuridis Setoran Bea Perolehan Hak Atas Tanah dan Bangunan secara Online

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    Land and Building Acquisition Fees (BPHTB) is one of the various types of taxes that must be collected based on Act Number 21 of 1997 concerning Land and Building Acquisition Fees. Law Number 20 of 2000 concerning Amendments to Law Number 21 of 1997. Based on these two rules, it is stated that BPHTB deposits must be made online. What is the background for BPHTB deposits to be made online? Then what is the payment procedure? Moving on from these two problems, the goal to be achieved in this article is to find out and analyze the background and procedures for depositing BPHTB online. This paper is doctrinal and uses two types of approaches, statues approach and conceptual approach. Sources of legal material were obtained through literature methods and then analyzed qualitatively. The conclusions of this paper; (1) background of depositing BPHTB online that is to facilitate the public to make payments to the Acquisition Fee for Building Land Rights both because of the transaction of buying, inheritance and will, and (2) The process of depositing BPHTB online is divided into several stages. These stages are not all stages that use electronic media, manual stages such as the collection of physical data used for research and then end with the legalization process done manually. Bea Perolehan Hak Atas Tanah dan Bangunan (BPHTB) merupakan salah satu dari sekian jenis pajak yang wajib dipungut berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 1997 Tentang Bea Perolehan Hak Atas Tanah dan Bangunan jo. Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2000 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 1997. Berdasarkan dua aturan tersebut, ditegaskan bahwa penyetoran BPHTB harus dilakukan secara online. Apakah yang menjadi latar belakang sehigga penyetoran BPHTB harus dilakukan online? Lalu bagaimana prosedur pembayarannya? Beranjak dari dua permasalahan tersebut, maka tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam artikel ini ialah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis latar belakang serta prosedur penyetoran BPHTB secara online. Tulisan ini bersifat doktrinal&nbsp; dan menggunakan 2 jenis pendekatan,&nbsp; statues approach dan conceptual approach. Sumber bahan hukum diperoleh melalui metode kepustakaan dan selanjutnya dianalisis secara kualitatif.Adapun kesimpulan dari tulisan ini; (1) latar belakang penyetoran BPHTB secara online yaitu untuk memudahkan masyarakat untuk melakukan pembayaran terhadap Bea Perolehan Hak Tanah Bangunan baik karena traksaksi jual-beli, waris dan hibah wasiat, (2) Proses penyetoran BPHTB secara online terbagi dalam beberapa tahapan. Tahapan tersebut tidak semuanya tahapan yang mempergunakan media elektronik, tahapan manual seperti pengumpulan data-data fisik yang dipergunakan untuk penelitian lalu di akhiri dengan proses legalisir dikerjakan secara manual

    Awareness and knowledge of Venereal Diseases and Sexual health among Youth attending a Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic in India

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    Background: Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are a major health problem in both developed and developing countries. They are of concern because of their high prevalence and potential to cause permanent complications if not treated timely and effectively. Awareness is particularly important in youth as they are at the highest risk of various STDs including HIV/AIDS. Social stigma, and lack of knowledge of symptoms and complications, may prevent them from accessing Health care. Aim: The present study focuses on assessing awareness about Sexual health and knowledge about STDs among Youth attending an STD clinic in India. Materials and Methods: After taking informed consent, 25 patients attending an STD clinic in the age group of 18-24 years were assessed using a close-ended anonymous questionnaire related to family type, education, marital status, sexual exposure and orientation, awareness about STDs and their prevention, possible complications, attitude towards sex education. Results: Awareness about STDs other than HIV/AIDS, symptoms, and possible complications of STDs was low. Although 10 patients knew that condom is protective against acquiring STDs, only 4 used them during their first sexual encounter. The leading source of sexual health knowledge was teachers followed bymedia. Conclusion: Sex education should be emphasized for all adolescents and youth to fill the gaps in knowledge about transmission, symptoms,and complications of various STDs and to overcome the stigma associated with accessing health care for treatment of STDs