139 research outputs found

    Digital transformation of higher education in Australia: Understanding affordance dynamics in E-Textbook engagement and use

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    This paper addresses digital transformation in higher education by exploring the engagement and use of e-textbooks through an affordance theory lens. Drawing on the insights from in-depth interviews (n = 18), focus group discussions (n = 15), a pilot survey (n = 83) and the main survey (n = 344) in Australia, we developed and validated an affordance actualisation model for the engagement and use of e-textbooks. The partial least squares (PLS) technique was used to validate the dimensions of affordance actualisation and its relationship with e-textbooks engagement and affordance effect. The findings indicate the efficacy of the two affordance constructs, as well as the significant mediating effect of engagement. An important lesson for the e-textbook industry is that firms need to consider affordance actualisation dimensions (i.e., portability, accessibility, searchability, highlighting, copying, browsing, hedonic and utilitarian value) when enhancing digital engagement and use of e-textbooks

    CC's for the CIO - Core competencies for the chief information officer

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    The role of the modern-day Chief Information Officer (CIO) is multi-faceted, dynamic, inherently pressured and complex, and one which requires a multidisciplinary knowledge and skill-set. As the executive charged with the responsibility of managing the fast changing and complex Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) function, the modern-day CIO must possess and continually develop a wide range of diverse competencies. Today's CIO is required to take a much broader role in the business, drive business transformation, innovate for competitive advantage and act as a key strategic partner within the wider organisation. This study reports preliminary findings from 30 Australian CIOs on the identification of core competencies and is part of a larger body of work leading to the development of a CIO Competency Framework - for use by both practitioners and researchers to help bridge the gap between practice and theory and aid in CIO succession planning

    Slow Diffeomorphisms of a Manifold with Two Dimensions Torus Action

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    The uniform norm of the differential of the n-th iteration of a diffeomorphism is called the growth sequence of the diffeomorphism. In this paper we show that there is no lower universal growth bound for volume preserving diffeomorphisms on manifolds with an effective two dimensions torus action by constructing a set of volume-preserving diffeomorphisms with arbitrarily slow growth.Comment: 12 p

    Timing chirurgico nell’adenoma epatico sanguinante: case report

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    La diagnosi di adenoma epatico, la cui eziopatogenesi è spesso un rapporto con l’assunzione prolungata di estroprogestinici (il 90% degli adenomi si osserva in donne che hanno preso la ‘pillola’ per più di 5 anni), impone sempre una indicazione chirurgica resettiva. La ragione è data dalle caratteristiche peculiari della neoplasia, che sono la degenerazione maligna (4%) e l’elevato rischio di sanguinamento (30- 50%), intratumorale e/o intraaddominale, che aumenta in gravidanza e in puerperio. La regressione dopo sospensione della terapia ormonale, infatti, è poco frequente e non elimina il rischio di degenerazione e/o emorragia. La resezione epatica dovrebbe essere condotta in combinazione con appropriate procedure di embolizzazione endovascolare selettiva, considerato che la chirurgia in emergenza potrebbe imporre un sacrificio epatico maggiore, esponendo il paziente a morbilità e mortalità più elevate. I tempi di attesa dall’embolizzazione all’intervento elettivo non sono standardizzati e sono pertanto indicati dall’esperienza personale e soprattutto da un attento e seriato follow-up del paziente. Gli Autori riportano la propria esperienza nella strategia terapeutica e nel timing chirurgico di un caso di adenoma epatico sanguinante

    Las estructuras centrales de la Galaxia Seyfert NGC 7582

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    La ponencia fue originalmente presentada en la Reunión Anual de la Asociación Argentina de Astonomía : San Juan : 2016. Y publicada en el Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol 59, en el año 2017.Fil: Celiz, Denise. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación; Argentina.Fil: Gaspar, Gaia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico Córdoba; Argentina.Fil: Díaz, Rubén J. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio; ArgentinaFil: Díaz, Rubén J. Gemini Observatory; ChileFil: D'Ambra, Ary. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación; Argentina.Presentamos la primera fase del estudio de la galaxia Seyfert NGC 7582 mediante imágenes NIR de alta resolución espacial tomadas con el instrumento Flamingos-2 de Gemini Sur. NGC 7582 posee un núcleo de tipo Seyfert 2 que en el año 1998 experimentó un cambio inusual en su espectro de emisión óptico, permaneciendo como un núcleo Seyfert 1 por algunos meses. Además, variaciones en su espectro en el rango de los rayos X han sido interpretadas como evidencia de la naturaleza grumosa del material absorbedor circumnuclear, entendido como un toroide en el marco del Modelo Unificado. Estas peculiaridades y el hecho de que la galaxia se encuentre muy inclinada con respecto al plano del cielo, la convierten en candidata apta para la exploración profunda en el rango espectral infrarrojo. En éste trabajo presentamos imágenes de alta resolución de la galaxia, a partir de las cuales caracterizamos las regiones más centrales, en especial el anillo circumnuclear y una estructura tipo ”boxy”poco estudiada hasta la fecha. Realizamos fotometrı́a de apertura del núcleo para diferentes radios. Encontramos que las magnitudes medidas son consistentes con las reportadas en la literatura para épocas anteriores, indicando que el núcleo no ha sufrido variaciones dramáticas durante la época observada.We present the first stage of the study of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 7582 through high spatial resolution NIR images obtained with the instrument Flamingos-2 of Gemini South. NGC 7582 harbours a Seyfert 2 nucleus that in 1998 experienced an unusual change in its optical emission line spectrum, remaining as a Seyfert 1 nucleus for some months. Moreover, variations in its X-ray spectrum have been interpreted as evidence of the clumpy nature of the circumnuclear absorbing material, conseived as a torus in the Unified Model. These peculiarities plus the high inclination of the galaxy make it a suitable candidate for deep infrared observations. In this work we present high resolution images of the galaxy, from wich we caracterized the most central regions, specially the circumnuclear ring and a ”box-type” structure, little studied to date. We performed aperture photometry of the nucleus for different radii. We find that the measured magnitudes are consistent with those reported in the literature for previous epochs, indicating that the nucleus has not suffered dramatic variations during this observation epoch.Fil: Celiz, Denise. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación; Argentina.Fil: Gaspar, Gaia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico Córdoba; Argentina.Fil: Díaz, Rubén J. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio; ArgentinaFil: Díaz, Rubén J. Gemini Observatory; ChileFil: D'Ambra, Ary. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación; Argentina.Astronomía (incluye Astrofísica y Ciencias del Espacio

    Tackling the jelly web: Trophic ecology of gelatinous zooplankton in oceanic food webs of the eastern tropical Atlantic assessed by stable isotope analysis

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    Gelatinous zooplankton can be present in high biomass and taxonomic diversity in planktonic oceanic food webs, yet the trophic structuring and importance of this “jelly web” remain incompletely understood. To address this knowledge gap, we provide a holistic trophic characterization of a jelly web in the eastern tropical Atlantic, based on δ13C and δ15N stable isotope analysis of a unique gelatinous zooplankton sample set. The jelly web covered most of the isotopic niche space of the entire planktonic oceanic food web, spanning > 3 trophic levels, ranging from herbivores (e.g., pyrosomes) to higher predators (e.g., ctenophores), highlighting the diverse functional roles and broad possible food web relevance of gelatinous zooplankton. Among gelatinous zooplankton taxa, comparisons of isotopic niches pointed to the presence of differentiation and resource partitioning, but also highlighted the potential for competition, e.g., between hydromedusae and siphonophores. Significant differences in spatial (seamount vs. open ocean) and depth‐resolved patterns (0–400 m vs. 400–1000 m) pointed to additional complexity, and raise questions about the extent of connectivity between locations and differential patterns in vertical coupling between gelatinous zooplankton groups. Added complexity also resulted from inconsistent patterns in trophic ontogenetic shifts among groups. We conclude that the broad trophic niche covered by the jelly web, patterns in niche differentiation within this web, and substantial complexity at the spatial, depth, and taxon level call for a more careful consideration of gelatinous zooplankton in oceanic food web models. In light of climate change and fishing pressure, the data presented here also provide a valuable baseline against which to measure future trophic observations of gelatinous zooplankton communities in the eastern tropical Atlantic