133 research outputs found

    Toward coherent space-time mapping of seagrass cover from satellite data: An example of a Mediterranean lagoon

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    Seagrass meadows are a highly productive and economically important shallow coastal habitat. Their sensitivity to natural and anthropogenic disturbances, combined with their importance for local biodiversity, carbon stocks, and sediment dynamics, motivate a frequent monitoring of their distribution. However, generating time series of seagrass cover from field observations is costly, and mapping methods based on remote sensing require restrictive conditions on seabed visibility, limiting the frequency of observations. In this contribution, we examine the effect of accounting for environmental factors, such as the bathymetry and median grain size (D50) of the substrate as well as the coordinates of known seagrass patches, on the performance of a random forest (RF) classifier used to determine seagrass cover. Using 148 Landsat images of the Venice Lagoon (Italy) between 1999 and 2020, we trained an RF classifier with only spectral features from Landsat images and seagrass surveys from 2002 and 2017. Then, by adding the features above and applying a time-based correction to predictions, we created multiple RF models with different feature combinations. We tested the quality of the resulting seagrass cover predictions from each model against field surveys, showing that bathymetry, D50, and coordinates of known patches exert an influence that is dependent on the training Landsat image and seagrass survey chosen. In models trained on a survey from 2017, where using only spectral features causes predictions to overestimate seagrass surface area, no significant change in model performance was observed. Conversely, in models trained on a survey from 2002, the addition of the out-of-image features and particularly coordinates of known vegetated patches greatly improves the predictive capacity of the model, while still allowing the detection of seagrass beds absent in the reference field survey. Applying a time-based correction eliminates small temporal variations in predictions, improving predictions that performed well before correction. We conclude that accounting for the coordinates of known seagrass patches, together with applying a time-based correction, has the most potential to produce reliable frequent predictions of seagrass cover. While this case study alone is insufficient to explain how geographic location information influences the classification process, we suggest that it is linked to the inherent spatial auto-correlation of seagrass meadow distribution. In the interest of improving remote-sensing classification and particularly to develop our capacity to map vegetation across time, we identify this phenomenon as warranting further research

    Optimal floodgate operation for river flood management: The case study of Padova (Italy)

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    Study region: A large, densely populated area nearby Padova (Veneto Region, Italy) is exposed to floods owing to the Brenta-Bacchiglione river network, which is formed by two main rivers and by a set of interconnected channels, control structures and pump stations. Study focus: The Brenta and Bacchiglione rivers suffer from an increasing pressure in terms of flood events, especially for urban sprawl, anthropogenic modifications of drainage networks, and climate change. Finding and implementing effective remedies is hard in developed countries due to the presence of several constraints. Optimal flood management in complex river networks is then a way to reduce flood hazard, at a relatively low cost compared to structural measures. Hence, optimal operation rules for floodgates at an existing control structure are searched for to control the upstream water level and to divert a proper amount of the Bacchiglione discharge into the Brenta River. The operation rules have been endorsed by the Civil Engineering Department in charge of flood management and have been implemented in the flood forecasting Early Warning System of the Regional Civil Protection Office. New hydrological insights: The proper operation of control structures allows reducing flood risk by balancing the water discharge in the river networks. The engagement of end-users proves beneficial as it fosters exchange of knowledge and allows for the effective adoption of research outcomes in decision making

    Ontogeny of a subtidal point bar in the microtidal Venice Lagoon (Italy) revealed by three-dimensional architectural analyses

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    Sedimentological and architectural features of meandering subtidal channels are relatively unexplored, and their deposits are commonly investigated based on facies models set up for intertidal meandering channels. The Venice Lagoon (northern Adriatic Sea, Italy) is affected by a micro-tidal regime and hosts a dense network of active and buried tidal channels. It represents an excellent natural laboratory to improve the current knowledge on subtidal meander morphodynamics and related deposits. In this study, the integration of high-resolution geophysical images and core data allows reconstruction of the architectural three-dimensional model of a meandering subtidal palaeochannel, which is buried below a modern subtidal flat. The study palaeochannel was 35 m wide and 3 m deep, and formed three adjacent meander bends and related point bars. A detailed three-dimensional architectural reconstruction was carried out for deposits associated with one of these meander bends, that was crossed by a minor, low-sinuosity channel with two minor bank-attached bars. This reconstruction highlights that the study point bar has a horseshoe shape, which arose from the onset of bar accretion from an already-sinuous channel. Reconstructed growth stages of the studied bends show that point-bar accretion can follow different styles of planform transformation, also experiencing simultaneously landward (or seaward) deposition according to the dominant flow direction (i.e. local tidal asymmetry). The analyses show that planform transformations occurred in parallel with elevation changes of the related channel thalweg, which shaped pools with geometry varying with the radius of curvature of the bend. The present study highlights the relevance of high-resolution three-dimensional reconstructions to link palaeomorphodynamic processes with related sedimentary products

    Hydrodynamic Feedbacks of Salt-Marsh Loss in the Shallow Microtidal Back-Barrier Lagoon of Venice (Italy)

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    Extensive loss of salt marshes in back-barrier tidal embayments is ongoing worldwide as a consequence of land-use changes, wave-driven lateral marsh erosion, and relative sea-level rise compounded by mineral sediment starvation. However, how salt-marsh loss affects the hydrodynamics of back-barrier systems and feeds back into their morphodynamic evolution is still poorly understood. Here we use a depth-averaged numerical hydrodynamic model to investigate the feedback between salt-marsh erosion and hydrodynamic changes in the Venice Lagoon, a large microtidal back-barrier system in northeastern Italy. Numerical simulations are carried out for past morphological configurations of the lagoon dating back up to 1887, as well as for hypothetical scenarios involving additional marsh erosion relative to the present-day conditions. The progressive loss of salt marshes significantly impacted the lagoon hydrodynamics, both directly and indirectly, by amplifying high-tide water levels, reducing wind-wave energy dissipation, and critically affecting tidal asymmetries across the lagoon. Restoration projects and manmade protection of marsh margins, which have been implemented over the past few decades, limited the detrimental effects of marsh loss on the lagoon hydrodynamics, while not substantially changing the risk of flooding in urban lagoon settlements. Compared to previous studies, our analyses suggest that the hydrodynamic response of back-barrier systems to salt-marsh erosion is extremely site-specific, depending closely on the morphological characteristics of the embayment as well as on the external tidal and wind forcings

    Effects of Vegetation, Sediment Supply and Sea Level Rise on the Morphodynamic Evolution of Tidal Channels

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    none3noTidal channels play a leading role in the morphodynamic evolution of tidal environments by driving the exchange of water, sediments, and nutrients within these systems. Despite their fundamental function on landscape construction, current knowledge on their plano-altimetric evolution in response to environmental forcing is still limited. We developed a mathematical model to address the interplay of biogeomorphic processes on the plano-altimetric equilibrium of a straight tidal channel flanked by adjacent intertidal platforms. The model couples a one-dimensional hydrodynamic model with a bed evolution model. The former describes the flow field within the channel and the storage contribution of lateral shoals. The latter accounts for the main physical processes responsible for shaping the tidal landscape, namely erosion, deposition, and sea level rise, mediated by halophytic vegetation growth. Model results reproduce a variety of channel morphologies, ranging from those typical of tidal-flat channels, with large width-to-depth ratios, to those characterizing salt-marsh creeks, which have much narrower cross sections and small width-to-depth ratios. Our results show that vegetation encroachment on the marsh surface produces two competing effects. First, vegetation increases flow concentration within the channel, owing to the increased flow resistance on the vegetated platform thus favoring channel incision. Second, vegetation promotes a reduction in the tidal prism, owing to higher accretion rates of the salt-marsh surface thus leading to channel infilling. Which effect prevails over the other depends on the elevation of the intertidal platform in the tidal frame. The latter is in turn dictated by sediment availability, the rate of relative sea level rise, and vegetation biogeomorphic effects.openSgarabotto A.; D'Alpaos A.; Lanzoni S.Sgarabotto, A.; D'Alpaos, A.; Lanzoni, S

    Control of wind-wave power on morphological shape of salt marsh margins

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    Salt marshes are among the most common morphological features found in tidal landscapes and provide ecosystem services of primary ecological and economic importance. However, the continued rise in relative sea level and increasing anthropogenic pressures threaten the sustainability of these environments. The alarmingly high rates of salt marsh loss observed worldwide, mainly dictated by the lateral erosion of their margins, call for new insights into the mutual feedbacks among physical, biological, and morphological processes that take place at the critical interface between salt marshes and the adjoining tidal flats. We combined field measurements, remote sensing data, and numerical modeling to investigate the interplays between wind waves and the morphology, ecology, and planform evolution of salt marsh margins in the Venice Lagoon of Italy. Our results confirm the existence of a positive linear relationship between incoming wave power density and rates of salt marsh lateral retreat. In addition, we show that lateral erosion significantly decreases when halophytic vegetation colonizes the marsh margins, and that different erosion rates in vegetated margins are associated with different halophytes. High marsh cliffs and smooth shorelines are expected along rapidly eroding margins, whereas erosion rates are reduced in gently sloped, irregular edges facing shallow tidal flats that are typically exposed to low wind-energy conditions. By highlighting the relationships between the dynamics and functional forms of salt marsh margins, our results represent a critical step to address issues related to conservation and restoration of salt marsh ecosystems, especially in the face of changing environmental forcings

    Analysis of the drainage density of experimental and modelled tidal networks

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    Abstract. Based on controlled laboratory experiments, we numerically simulate the initiation and long-term evolution of back-barrier tidal networks in micro-tidal and meso-tidal conditions. The simulated pattern formation is comparable to the morphological growth observed in the laboratory, which is characterised by relatively rapid initiation and slower adjustment towards an equilibrium state. The simulated velocity field is in agreement with natural reference systems such as the micro-tidal Venice Lagoon and the meso-tidal Wadden Sea. Special attention is given to the concept of drainage density, which is measured on the basis of the exceedance probability distribution of the unchannelled flow lengths. Model results indicate that the exceedance probability distribution is characterised by an approximately exponential trend, similar to the results of laboratory experiments and observations in natural systems. The drainage density increases greatly during the initial phase of tidal network development, while it slows down when the system approaches equilibrium. Due to the larger tidal prism, the tidal basin has a larger drainage density for the meso-tidal condition (after the same amount of time) than the micro-tidal case. In both micro-tidal and meso-tidal simulations, it is found that there is an initial rapid increase of the tidal prism which soon reaches a relatively steady value (after approximately 40 yr), while the drainage density adjusts more slowly. In agreement with the laboratory experiments, the initial bottom perturbations play an important role in determining the morphological development and hence the exceedance probability distribution of the unchannelled flow lengths. Overall, our study indicates an agreement of the geometric characteristics between the numerical and experimental tidal networks
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