9 research outputs found

    porokeratosis in the elderly a new subtype of disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis

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    In a review of all cases of porokeratosis histologically diagnosed in our Department during the period 1991-98 we found that 12 patients (22%) were in their seventh to ninth decade. In all 12 (2 males and 10 females) the age of onset of the disease varied between 58 and 89 years (mean age 68.6 years). The clinical picture was similar in all the patients, with the number of lesions varying from a few to 20-50 annular plaques 10-15 mm in diameter, localized mainly on the lower limbs. We suggest that our patients had a very mild form of disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis confined to the extremities with an unusually late onset. This peculiar variety of late-onset disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis may represent a type of immunosuppression-induced porokeratosis where the pathologic clone for porokeratosis is present but remains latent until the amount of sun exposure, together with the physiological age-related lowering of immunocompetence, bring about its proliferation

    Extravasation injury of balanced electrolyte solution simulates the clinical condition of necrotizing fasciitis: A case report

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    Extravasation injury (EI) is an iatrogenic condition that occurs preferentially in neonatal and pediatric patients when the injection of fluid substances by intravenous access is required and it accidentally leaks into the adjacent tissues or in spaces outside of vascular compartment. Different types and amount of substances once undergoing extravasation can affect the EI differently [1]. In some instances immediate measures such as saline washout, local antidotes, enzymatic debridement and surgical interventions can be required in order to prevent the occurrence of a growing injury avoiding the progression of the EI to a medical emergency [6]. Here we report an unusual case of a preterm 2-month-old male patient in which the extravasation of balanced electrolyte solution on the upper right arm resulted in the development of full-thickness skin necrosis appearing as the clinical condition of necrotizing fasciitis. The management of necrotic tissue was performed using escharectomy as well as autograft skin under conditions of general anesthesia

    Design, fabrication and characterization of composite piezoelectric ultrafine fibers for cochlear stimulation

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    Sensorineural hearing loss, primed by dysfunction or death of hair cells in the cochlea, is the main cause of severe or profound deafness. Piezoelectric materials work similarly to hair cells, namely, as mechano-electrical transducers. Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) films have demonstrated potential to replace the hair cell function, but the obtained piezoresponse was insufficient to stimulate effectively the auditory neurons. In this study, we reported on piezoelectric nanocomposites based on ultrafine PVDF fibers and barium titanate nanoparticles (BTNPs), as a strategy to improve the PVDF performance for this application. BTNP/PVDF fiber meshes were produced via rotating-disk electrospinning, up to 20/80 weight composition. The BTNP/PVDF fibers showed diameters ranging in 0.160-1.325 μm. Increasing collector velocity to 3000 rpm improved fiber alignment. The piezoelectric β phase of PVDF was well expressed following fabrication and the piezoelectric coefficients increased according to the BTNP weight ratio. The BTNP/PVDF fibers were not cytotoxic towards cochlear epithelial cells. Neural-like cells adhered to the composite fibers and, upon mechanical stimulation, showed enhanced viability. Using BTNP filler for PVDF matrices, in the form of aligned ultrafine fibers, increased the piezoresponse of PVDF transducers and favored neural cell contact. Piezoelectric nanostructured composites might find application in next generation cochlear implants

    Outpatient Pediatric Dermatologic Surgery: Experience in 296 Patients

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    From January 2010 to December 2012, 296 skin biopsies were performed in pediatric patients using only local anesthesia (cream and infiltration). The biopsies were divided into three groups: biopsies of skin neoplasms, biopsies of skin rashes and biopsies of follicular-centered lesions. Our data demonstrate the possibility of using this procedure, with the dual advantage of eliminating hospitalization and cost savings

    Outpatient pediatric dermatologic surgery: experience in 296 patients

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    From January 2010 to December 2012, 296 skin biopsies were performed in pediatric patients using only local anesthesia (cream and infiltration). The biopsies were divided into three groups: biopsies of skin neoplasms, biopsies of skin rashes and biopsies of follicular-centered lesions. Our data demonstrate the possibility of using this procedure, with the dual advantage of eliminating hospitalization and cost savings

    Installing tungsten Fischer carbene complexes intoa calixarene framework

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    The synthesis of the first examples of calix[4]arene-based Fischer carbene complexes is reported here. Fischer carbene complex 2 is the key intermediate to reach uracil-like derivatives 3 and 4. X-ray and NMR studies revealed that the uracyl-like synthon gives rise to a supramolecular dimer. The organometallic calixarene complexes showed a promising cytotoxicity towards human tumor cell line

    Rassegna storica salernitana. N.s. A.24, n.1(2007)

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    La Società Salernitana di Storia Patria aderisce al progetto EleA e autorizza la pubblicazione del fascicoloN.S., A. 24, 1(2007): Picariello, S., Sabinus: un vescovo Campanus del VI secolo. Considerazioni sull 'ambasceria a Costantinopoli del 525, P. 9 ; Ebanista, C., Tra Nola e Cimitile: alla ricerca della prima cattedrale, P. 25 ; Luongo, R., Il territorio del medio-sele in Alto medioevo. Dai «loca» Ariano e Furano alla nascita del «castello» di Campagna, P. 121 ; D'Acunto, V., Archeologia à la carte, P. 167 ; Cicco, G. G., Annotazioni sui Guaimario principi longobardi di Salerno, P. 173 ; Pecci, G., Ancora su Giacomo Colombo. La statua di San Pietro a Serre, P. 183 ; D'Ajello, G., Gioacchino Murat e la conquista di Capri. La visita a Castellabate, P. 199 ; Pinto, C., Il centocinquantenario della spedizione di Carlo Pisacane, P. 205 ; Taglé, M.R., La fine di Sibari in una tragedia dell 'Ottocento, P. 209 ; Casella, M., La Certosa di Padula, P. 217 ; Baldi, A., Paolo Caccia Dominioni, l'uomo di El Alamein, P. 223 ; Abbamonte, G., Esperienze di un recensore, P. 239 ; Philippson, A., Salernum, P. 247 ; Milano, S., Nuovi documenti sui maestri scalpellini attivi a Cava, a Napoli e nel salernitano (secc. XVIXVIII), P. 251 ; Alfani, I., Il Palazzo San Massimo a Salerno, P. 307 ; Sansone, M., Strategie del commento a testi greci e latini, P. 329 ; Li Pira, F., Farmacopea antica e medioevale, P. 333 ; Certosino F., La poesia latina in esametri (in ricordo di Fabio Cupaiuolo), P. 339 ; Guizzi, P., Tra storia e urbanistica. Colonie mercantili e minoranze etniche in Campania tra Medioevo ed età moderna, P. 341 ; Trotta, M., Le dimore signorili nel Regno di Napoli: l'età spagnola, P. 353 ; Vittozzi, E., S. Francesco di Paola e l'ordine dei Minimi nel regno di Napoli (secoli XV-XVII), P. 359 ; Marini, G., La ricerca didattica in Italia, P. 36