90 research outputs found

    Kapitał relacyjny a wyniki ekonomiczne małych i średnich firm w Polsce

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    MSP odgrywają dominującą rolę w polskiej gospodarce. Sektor MSP zatrudnia 6,6 mln osób, reprezentujących 70% osób pracujących w sektorze przedsiębiorstw w Polsce. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie problemów MOEP w budowaniu relacji z różnych uczestników rynku, w szczególności wpływu ilości i jakości relacji na wyniki gospodarcze sektora MSP. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone w 2009 roku na losowej próbie 1346 małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w całej Polsce. Statystyki opisowe pokazały, że dodatnie zmiany wskaźników ekonomicznych (obrotów, zysków i marży operacyjnej) notowały najczęściej firmy o większej liczbie oraz wyższej jakości relacji z otoczeniem gospodarczym. Ujemne wartości zmiany wskaźników ekonomicznych z kolei częściej wykazywały przedsiębiorstwa o bardzo niskich wskaźnikach kapitału relacyjnego

    KNIPAS – exploring active seafloor spreading processes at segment-scale

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    Knipovich Ridge passive seismic experiment (KNIPAS) is a state-of-the-art seismological project that studies on segment scale the active spreading processes of an ultraslow mid-ocean ridge. The generation of new ocean floor is accompanied by characteristic seismicity that reflects ongoing spreading events and the physical state of the young lithosphere, and differs widely depending on spreading rate. While fast spreading ridges hardly show earthquakes that are large enough to be recorded on land, magmatic spreading events at the slowest spreading centres seem to be regularly preceded by earthquakes larger than M 5. The depth limit of earthquakes and their presence and absence reveal along-axis variations in the thermal and mechanical regime of the lithosphere. Therefore, it is necessary to record earthquakes locally with ocean bottom seismometers (OBS). Such surveys, however, typically have limited spatial extent and cannot reveal segment-scale spreading processes like along-axis melt flow, while spatially more extended data sets of hydro-acoustically recorded earthquakes yield no information on focal depth and can therefore not constrain lithospheric thickness or temperature. The project KNIPAS instrumented for the first time an entire ridge segment with OBS. During Polarstern cruise PS100 in July-September 2016 we deployed 23 OBS of the German Instrument Pool for Amphibian Seismology (DEPAS) along a 160 km long ridge section that covers Logachev Seamount and a neighbouring volcanic centre. An additional 3 OBS of the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, were deployed around Logachev Seamount. The instruments recorded seismicity until July-October 2017 depending on capacity. Cruise MSM67 of Maria S. Merian acquired wide-angle seismic profiles across Logachev Seamount and the subsequent cruise MSM68 successfully recovered all OBS. We now have a comprehensive seismological dataset at hand that will contain despite partly high noise levels in the vicinity of Logachev volcano an expected 9000 earthquakes M>1 and several dozens of well-recorded teleseismic events to study spatial variations of seismicity, thermal structure and lithospheric thickness of an ultraslow spreading ridge. In a joint project we will combine the expertise of our work groups to study seismicity pattern, analyse the large-scale lithospheric structure with modern passive seismic methods to be adapted for the special conditions of marine seismic surveys and to image at high resolution the structure of a volcanic centre

    Probability of independent walking and wheeled mobility in individuals with cerebral palsy

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    AimTo estimate the probability of independent walking and wheeled mobility in individuals with cerebral palsy (CP) at home and in the community in relation to age and gross motor function.MethodThis was a longitudinal cohort study using data reported into the combined Swedish CP follow-up programme and national quality registry from October 2000 to October 2022. Walking, walking with aids, wheeled mobility, and assisted mobility defined independent or assisted mobility at home and in the community, based on the Functional Mobility Scale with additional data on wheelchair performance, were assessed.ResultsThere were 52 858 examinations reported for 6647 individuals with CP (age range 0–32 years, follow-up period 0–22 years). Most children and adults in Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels I or II walked without assistive devices. The probability of dependence on others for mobility in the community was high for both children and adults in GMFCS levels III to V.InterpretationAlthough independent mobility is vital for participation and social inclusion, many children and adults with CP are dependent on others for mobility. We recommend clinicians, together with families and individuals with CP, explore how to increase access to independent mobility from an early age and continuously throughout the life course

    Earthquake Distribution Along an Entire Ridge Segment of the Ultraslow Spreading Knipovich Ridge

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    The Knipovich Ridge is part of the Arctic Ridge System comprising very slow spreading ridges. In the class of ultraslow spreading ridges, the Knipovich Ridge with its full spreading velocity of 14 – 17 mm/yr is one of the slowest and most obliquely spreading ridges. Magmatic centres along the Knipovich Ridge are mostly defined by seamounts. Amagmatic segments, where tectonism dominates the spreading, act as transfer regions between magmatic centres, since transform faults are absent. The detailed spreading processes at ultraslow spreading ridges still remain unclear. We want to study tectonics and magmatism and their interplay along the Knipovich Ridge by the distribution of local seismicity at segment-scale. We further are interested in how ridge segmentation works in the absence of transform faults. Knipovich Ridge was equipped with a maximum of 30 ocean bottom seismometers along a length of 160 km. The seismometers are positioned between 75.7 and 77.2°N to both sides of the rift valley. They recorded seismicity continuously for on average 11.5 months between summer 2016 and 2017. We used the detection algorithm Lassie and a Kurtosis-based picking algorithm followed by review of the picks by an analyst. The velocity model used for location is defined by well constrained events. We present here first results of this project. We found that earthquakes are not equally distributed along the ridge axis. We observe regions of enhanced seismicity and regions with no or very little seismic activity. Focal depths undulate along the ridge axis up to depths of 20-25 km. We also found clusters of events, one in the north, close to volcanic features, and one close to station 19, south of the Logachev Seamount, a prominent volcanic edifice. The depth distribution of earthquakes reflects the boundary between brittle and ductile deformation, depending on temperature and composition of rocks. This thermal boundary has a varying depth along the rift axis and allows the focussing of melts, e.g. towards Logachev Seamount, where deep seismicity is entirely absent. Seismically less active regions above the band of seismicity may be due to specific composition of rocks, e.g. serpentinised peridotite that leads to ductile reaction on applied stresses. Seismicity clusters may be related to magmatic activity or tectonism of transfer regions

    Torbiele jajnika wykrywane prenatalnie u płodu – postępowanie i rokowanie

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    Summary We present 6 case reports of ovarian cysts, diagnosed in the prenatal and postnatal period, as well as treatment. There was no need for invasive prenatal therapy in any of the reported fetuses. Most of the cysts disappeared spontaneously (in one case uncomplicated cyst rupture in fetus have been observed), only in one case laparoscopy was performed after birth.Streszczenie W pracy przedstawiono opis 6 przypadków prenatalnie rozpoznanych torbieli jajnika, postępowanie w trakcie ciąży oraz po porodzie. W żadnym przypadku nie stosowano terapii inwazyjnej u płodu. Większość torbieli zresorbowała się samoistnie (w 1 przypadku obserwowano pękniecie cysty u płodu), tylko w jednym przypadku wymagane było wykonanie laparoskopii u dziewczynki po porodzie

    Genital warts associated with HPV infection during II and III trimester of pregnancy – a case report and analysis of treatment options

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    More than 30 HPV types can infect the genital tract. Viral infection can be present in clinical, subclinical or latent form. A visible genital form of HPV infection are genital warts, which are commonly caused by HPV types 6 and 11, and appear on the vulva, cervix, vagina, urethra and anus. Oncogenic HPV types 16,18,31,33 and 35 are also found in genital warts and are associated with vulval (VIN), cervical (CIN) and anal (AIN) intraepithelial neoplasia. The general prevalence of HPV infection in the form of visible genital warts estimates to about 1% of sexually active adults. Approximately 15% of the infected group / of all adults have a subclinical or latent infection and at least 80% had been infected with one or more genital HPV types at some point in their lives. The highest rate of frequency of infections occurs in the group of adults, aged from 18 to 28. Over the last twenty years figures have shown a constant growth of the infection rate, which also includes pregnant women. Genital warts can proliferate during pregnancy due to altered immunity and increased blood supply. Cryotherapy, electrocautery, laser therapy, surgery or trichloroacetic acid may be used to remove the warts. In the paper a case report on genital warts associated with HPV infection during II and III trimester of pregnancy and analysis of treatment options has been presented

    RomUkrSeis : seismic model of the crust and upper mantle across the Eastern Carpathians – from the Apuseni Mountains to the Ukrainian Shield

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    RomUkrSeis was carried out by a consortium of organisations, the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics and the Doctoral School of Geology of the University of Bucharest (Romania), the Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev), the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw), the Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (Potsdam) and the School of Geosciences of the University of Aberdeen (Scotland). Financial support for drilling/shooting works on the territory of Romania came from S.C. Prospectiuni S.A. (with a special mention to former CEO Gehrig Stannard Schultz, currently at EPI Group, United Kingdom), Hunt Oil of Romania, Repsol Romania and on the territory of Ukraine from Ukrgeofizika. Participation of the Polish group in this work was supported within statutory activities No 3841/E-41/S/2014-2020 of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland. The authors express their sincere appreciation of the activities of many people who took part in field work and data acquisition. A large part of the instrumentation was provided by the Geophysical Instrument Pool of the Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ), Potsdam, Germany. Christian Haberland is thanked for his support and kindness facilitating the loan of this equipment to the RomUkrSeis consortium. The public domain packages GMT (Wessel and Smith, 1995) and Seismic Unix (Cohen and Stockwell Jr., 1997) were used in the preparation of maps and for seismic data processing. Tesseral Technologies Inc. (Calgary) developed the software for the full waveform modelling and we express our gratitude to their staff for technical support. The authors also wish to thank Professor Richard England (University of Leicester) and an anonymous reviewer for their constructive comments on an earlier version of this manuscript. This version is much improved as a result.Peer reviewedPostprin