407 research outputs found

    Handschriftenpflege und -benĂĽtzung im 15. Jahrhundert

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    Szógyűjtemények és szótárkezdemények a nyelvújítás korában

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    A tanulmány az 1810-es és 1820-as évek szógyűjteményeit vizsgálja

    Solaris: a tükröt tartó Másik. Lem, Tarkovszkij, Soderbergh

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    A filmtörténetben ritkán fordul elő, hogy egyazon irodalmi forrásműből stílusában, elbeszélésmódjában, filozófiai és kultúrtörténeti vonatkozásaiban, sőt témáját tekintve is két olyan eltérő adaptáció szülessen, mint Andrej Tarkovszkij 1972-es és Steven Soderbergh 2002-es Solarisa

    Kazinczy Ferenc kiadatlan grammatikája: hangtan

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    A cikk Kazinczy Ferenc grammatikaírási tevékenységéről számol be és közli az egyik félbehagyott szöveget, amelynek tárgya a magyar nyelv hangtana

    The risk of losing thick description: Data management challenges Arts and Humanities face in the evolving FAIR data ecosystem

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    In recent years, FAIR principles have come a long way to serve the global need for generic guidelines governing data management and stewardship. Considering their wide embrace and the support received from governments, policy-makers, governing bodies and funding bodies, FAIR principles have all the potential to have a huge impact on the future landscape of knowledge creation for the better. This opportunity, however, may easily be missed if the specific dynamics of scientific production are not addressed in its disciplinary implementation plans. With the goal of making FAIR meaningful and helping to realise its promises in an arts and humanities context, this paper describes some of the defining aspects underlying the domain-specific epistemic processes that pose hidden or visible challenges in the FAIRification of knowledge creation in Arts and Humanities. By applying the FAIR data guiding principles to arts and humanities data curation workflows, we will show that contrary to their general scope and deliberately domain-independent nature, they have been implicitly designed along underlying assumptions about how knowledge creation operates and communicates. These are: 1. scholarly data or metadata is digital by nature, 2. scholarly data is always created and therefore owned by researchers, and 3. there is a wide community-level agreement on what can be considered scholarly data. The problems around such assumptions in arts and humanities are cornerstones in reconciling disciplinary traditions with the productive implementation of FAIR data management. By addressing them one by one, we aim to contribute to the better understanding of discipline-specific needs and challenges in data production, discovery and reuse. Based on these considerations, we make recommendations that may facilitate the inclusive and optimal implementation of the high-level principles that serve the flourishing of the arts and humanities disciplines rather than imposing limitations on its epistemic practices

    A number of freely available tools can help you improve your literature review routine and stay on top of published research

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    The sheer proliferation of newly published research articles can make staying on top of the literature a daunting, time-consuming task. Moreover, not being a deadline-driven activity, it can also fall down lists of priorities and be difficult to integrate into the everyday routine. Erzsébet Czifra-Tóth and Jon Tennant have put together a short sequence of steps and flagged a number of freely available online tools that will help researchers to easily integrate an effective literature review and discovery routine into their work lives. These include refined search and discovery options and a number of customised, organised alerts

    Open Access guidelines for the arts and humanities: Recommendations by the DARIAH European research infrastructure consortium

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    In the DARIAH Open Access guidelines we propose recommendations to improve Open Access to publications in the arts and humanities. Our core aim is to bring closer the harmonized but transforming European Open Access policy landscape to the communities around DARIAH and recommend very practical steps to achieve compliance with it.In the DARIAH Open Access guidelines we propose recommendations to improve Open Access to publications in the arts and humanities. Our core aim is to bring closer the harmonized but transforming European Open Access policy landscape to the communities around DARIAH and recommend very practical steps to achieve compliance with it
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