10 research outputs found

    History of myopia research in Szczecin after World War II

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    In the conducted examinations we determined that the leading center in myopia research after World War II in Poland is the Pomeranian Medical Academy (Pomeranian Medical University). In Szczecin after the World War II, various areas of ophthalmology developed significantly. Particularly intense development occurred in the field of myopia. In the conducted studies, attention was paid to epidemiology, clinical trials, surgical and conservative treatment, as well as the publication of review articles on myopia. The research findings of scientists from Szczecin were published all over the world in many prestigious journals. Their works were mostly known in the field of myopia occurrence, as well as surgical and conservative myopia treatment. The results obtained allowed the development of new methods of myopia management. The Pomeranian Medical Academy (Pomeranian Medical University) was the leading center in Poland conducting research on myopia. The researchers working in this center dealt with epidemiology, pathogenesis as well as the possibilities of surgical and conservative myopia treatment. They also pointed to the potential of using the results of experimental studies in the treatment of progressive myopia. Based on the scientific achievements of researchers of the Polish medical community after World War II, it can be assumed that in the future, scientific research will focus on the pathogenesis and treatment of myopia. The doctors place great hope on genetic treatment in inhibiting myopia progression.

    Blepharitis and Demodex spp. infection

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    According to the latest reports Demodex mites appear to play an important role in the pathogenesis of chronic blepharitis. Demodex mites are cosmopolitan and are present in many species of mammals. In this paper we describe two species that are found in humans: Demodex folliculorum and D. brevis. Infection occurs during direct contact with an affected person and also through contact with dust containing eggs of the parasite, through contact with bed linen, as well as cosmetics used together with an affected person. Treatment of chronic blepharitis caused by D. folliculorum and D. brevis is difficult and time consuming. Some improvement can be achieved after topical application of yellow mercury ointment, sulphuric ointment, camphor oil, crotamiton, cholinesterase inhibitors, sulfacetamide, steroids, antibiotics and antifungal drugs. Good results have been achieved with oral ivermectin and permethrin cream. However, the best results were observed after treatment with metronidazole.

    The role of reading, writing, using a computer, or watching television in the development of myopia

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    INTRODUCTION. The purpose of our investigation was to evaluate in a Polish population the role of reading, writing, using a computer, or watching television in the development of myopia. MATERIALS AND METHODS. In total 5601 students (2688 boys and 2913 girls, 6–18 years of age, mean 11.9 + 3.2 years) were examined. The children examined were Polish students of elementary and secondary schools. In every student cycloplegia after 1% tropicamide was performed. Non-parametric tests were used due to the SE distribution being significantly different from normal distribution in Kolmogorow-Smirnov test. Spearman rank correlation coefficient (Rs) was used to evaluate the strength of correlation between these variables. General linear model was used for multivariate analysis. A P-value less than 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS. It has been established that with the increase in time spent on reading and writing, the spherical equivalent (SE) of the examined students decreases (Rs = –0.16, p < 0.000001). It was observed that an increase in the time spent working on a computer correlates with the decrease of the SE (Rs = –0.11, p < 0.000001). No relationship between watching television and the spherical equivalent of the examined schoolchildren was found (Rs = +0.01, p = 0.31). CONCLUSIONS. Reading, writing, or using a computer may lead to the development of myopia. Watching television has no influence on the incidence of myopia

    The Influence of Environmental Factors on the Prevalence of Myopia in Poland

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    Purpose. In the paper, we describe and discuss the results of epidemiological studies concerning myopia carried out in Poland. Materials and Methods. Results from the examination of 5601 Polish school children and students (2688 boys and 2913 girls) aged 6 to 18 years were analyzed. The mean age was 11.9 ± 3.2 years. Every examined student had undergone the following examinations: distance visual acuity testing, cover test, anterior segment evaluation, and cycloplegic retinoscopy after instillation of 1% tropicamide, and a questionnaire was taken. Results. We have found that (1) intensive near work (writing, reading, and working on a computer) leads to a higher prevalence of myopia, (2) watching television does not influence the prevalence of myopia, and (3) being outdoors decreases the prevalence of myopia. Conclusions. The results of our study point to insufficiency of accommodation contributing to the pathogenesis of myopia

    Near-infrared fundus autoflorescence imaging in solar retinopathy

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    Solar retinopathy is a rare clinical entity caused by photochemical damage to the retinal pigment epithelium layer and photoreceptors of the fovea. Here we describe a case of a 33-year-old female patient diagnosed by near-infrared fundus autofluorescence imaging for signs of damage to the melanosomes of the retinal pigment epithelium of the fovea. The patient was advised to discontinue looking at the sun with the naked eye

    An evaluation of selected human eye dimensions at different periods of the foetal life

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    In the course of myopia many anatomical changes in the structure of the eyeball take place. These changes surface during early childhood. It is unclear if these changes form during the stage of foetal life. The aim of the paper was to examine whether changes which predestine to the formation of myopia occur during the prenatal period. 26 eyeballs of humans aged between 4 and 8 months of foetal life, fixed in a 10% solution of formalin were examined. The axial, equatorial and corneal dimensions were measured with Vernier calipers. The data were elaborated statistically by the Student t test, the significance level being p < 0.05. It was observed that in the course of maturation the axial length, equatorial and corneal diameter of the foetal eye increase. It was also observed that the dimensions of the eyeball expand symmetrically in all directions. This indicates that there is no predisposition to the development of myopia in the period of prenatal life