69 research outputs found

    E-learning as a method of employees’ development

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    Dyskursywna konstrukcja postrzegania tożsamości płciowej. Przypadek najemców i właścicieli w procesie reprywatyzacji w Warszawie

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    The article examines how the perception of gender identities of tenants and owners was constructed in normalizing discourses regarding re-privatization/property restitution in Warsaw in 2004-2016. As a theoretical approach, it applies the feminist post-structuralist perspective developed by Sophie Watson (2000a). The data were collected with discourse analysis, as proposed by Judith Baxter (2008a). The article identifies two discourses pertaining to re-privatization/property restitution in Warsaw: 1) property restitution discourse, under which returning property to former owners (or their heirs) is presented as a moral imperative; and 2) expropriation of tenants discourse, focusing on abuse, fraud and human misfortune stemming from the passage of municipal housing stock to the descendants of former owners. In both discourses, tenants were ascribed a feminine identity, and owners a masculine one (G. Hofstede, G.J. Hofstede, 2007). That affected the tenants' and owners' positions in the housing policy process.Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zagadnienia dyskursywnego konstruowania sposobu postrzegania tożsamości płciowej najemców i właścicieli w normalizujących dyskursach dotyczących reprywatyzacji w Warszawie w latach 2004-2016. Jako podejście teoretyczne zastosowano feministyczną perspektywę poststrukturalistyczną opracowaną przez Sophie Watson (2000a). Dane zebrano za pomocą analizy dyskursu, według wskazówek Judith Baxter (2008a). W artykule omówiono dwa dyskursy dotyczące reprywatyzacji w Warszawie: (1) dyskurs o restytucji nieruchomości, w ramach którego zwrot nieruchomości byłym właścicielom (lub ich spadkobiercom) jest przedstawiany jako imperatyw moralny; oraz (2) dyskurs reprywatyzowanych najemców, koncentrujący się na nadużyciach, oszustwach i ludzkich nieszczęściach wynikających z przekazania zasobów komunalnych potomkom byłych właścicieli. W obu dyskursach lokatorom przypisywano tożsamość kobiecą, a właścicielom męską (G. Hofstede, G.J. Hofstede, 2007). Wpłynęło to na pozycję najemców i właścicieli w procesie polityki mieszkaniowej

    Decision-making at the level of a housing cooperative in Warsaw (Poland). Older adults' participation

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    The paper discusses the issue of the involvement of older people in decision-making at the level of a housing cooperative in Warsaw (Poland) to examine the characteristics of older adults' participation in the democratic and deliberative process of housing policy. Using the qualitative methodology (case study, exploratory research visit, document analysis and in-depth interviews), the analyses suggest a considerable influence of older people over the decision-making in the selected housing cooperative. The gathered data are indicative of the antagonistic character of the housing policy process. This is due to several factors: diverse attitudes, the opinions and interests of different groups of older people, and communication problems between generations.(original abstract)The paper discusses the issue of the involvement of older people in decision-making at the level of a housing cooperative in Warsaw (Poland) to examine the characteristics of older adults' participation in the democratic and deliberative process of housing policy. Using the qualitative methodology (case study, exploratory research visit, document analysis and in-depth interviews), the analyses suggest a considerable influence of older people over the decision-making in the selected housing cooperative. The gathered data are indicative of the antagonistic character of the housing policy process. This is due to several factors: diverse attitudes, the opinions and interests of different groups of older people, and communication problems between generations.(original abstract

    Staff training and improvement as a factor in building human capital in organizations

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    The competencies of global managers in multinational corporations

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    The book fits into a multidisciplinary research approach. The articles are the result of research conducted by eminent international economists, authors representing academic centres in different countries. The articles address current phenomena observed in the global economy. The authors do not aspire to comprehensively explain all the very complex and multi-dimensional economic developments, but illustrate many of these phenomena in an original way. The multi-threaded and multi-dimensional nature of the discussion in particular articles deserves attention. These include theoretical and methodological articles as well as the results of empirical research presented by the authors. The book is addressed to those persons interested in issues of economics, finance, regional economy, and the management sciences. It can be valuable for economic practitioners, members of management and supervisory boards of companies, and financial analysts, and the articles may also be useful for academicians and students.Purpose: 2 Multinational corporations have become one of the most important drivers of continuous globalization and constant developments in the global economy. Doing the business globally, across borders in diversified environment they have given rise of and put an emphasis on such concepts as “global managers” and cross-cultural management. The aim of the article is to identify of the key competences of global managers in cross-cultural management of multinational corporations. Design/methodology/approach: The methodology for this study is a review of the relevant literature on global management competencies. The authors looked into the knowledge, competencies and skills of global mangers in multinational environment. Findings: A critical analysis of the literature enabled an identification of the key competencies of successful global managers such as cultural self-awareness, intercultural communication or global mindset. It showed also the role of cross-cultural management in multicultural enterprises Research limitations/implications: The literature review conducted in this paper reveals the gap in the research on global managers’ competencies and their impact on the performance of multinational corporations. Original value: The competences of global managers of multinational corporations are not studied very often; however they seem to be very important source of success of the MNCs. The literature review gives an insight to the current state of knowledge in this field required for managers working in culturally diverse teams in multinational corporations

    Diagnosis and treatment of malignant PEComa tumours

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    PEComa (PEC tumours; perivascular epithelioid cell tumours) is a family of rare tumours of mesenchymal origin, consisting of epithelial perivascular cells expressing melanocytic and myioid markers. This group includes benign tumours — such as angiomyolipoma (AML) of the kidney, and poorly differentiated malignant PEComa tumours with potential for an aggressive clinical course, which is the main focus of this review. PEComas are most often diagnosed in middle-aged women as extensive tumours located in the abdominal cavity or pelvis, manifesting as pain and complaints related to pressure on nearby organs. PEComa tumours should be differentiated from gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST), leiomyosarcoma, melanoma metastasis, chromophobic renal cell carcinoma, clear cel sarcoma, and other clear cell component tumours. Somatic inactivating mutations within the TSC1/TSC2 genes, resulting in excessive activation of the mTORC1 complex, are characteristic for this group of tumour. Recently, a separate PEComa subgroup has been distinguished, characterised by the presence of the TFE3 gene fusion, which also causes increased activity of the mTOR signalling pathway. Negative prognostic factors that indicate an increased risk of PEComa malignant biology are most often: tumour size > 5 cm, increased cytological and nuclear atypia, infiltration of surrounding tissues and blood vessels, presence of necrosis, and high mitotic activity. Radical resection remains the primary treatment method for PEComas because these tumours are characterised by high resistance to radiation and chemotherapy. In the case of locally advanced or metastatic disease, only single reports of short-term responses to palliative chemotherapy containing doxorubicin, gemcitabine, or ifosfamide are available in the literature. There are an increasing number of reports, in the form of several case reports and a few retrospective analyses, about the potential effectiveness of using mTOR inhibitors in unresectable cases. These drugs result in a reduction in primary tumour size and metastasis, as well as symptom relief, with controllable side effects. Unfortunately, case reports of complete resistance to mTOR inhibitor therapy are also available.PEComa (PEC tumours; perivascular epithelioid cell tumours) is a family of rare tumours of mesenchymal origin, consisting of epithelial perivascular cells expressing melanocytic and myioid markers. This group includes benign tumours — such as angiomyolipoma (AML) of the kidney, and poorly differentiated malignant PEComa tumours with potential for an aggressive clinical course, which is the main focus of this review. PEComas are most often diagnosed in middle-aged women as extensive tumours located in the abdominal cavity or pelvis, manifesting as pain and complaints related to pressure on nearby organs. PEComa tumours should be differentiated from gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST), leiomyosarcoma, melanoma metastasis, chromophobic renal cell carcinoma, clear cell sarcoma, and other clear cell component tumours. Somatic inactivating mutations within the TSC1/TSC2 genes, resulting in excessive activation of the mTORC1 complex, are characteristic for this group of tumour. Recently, a separate PEComa subgroup has been distinguished, characterised by the presence of the TFE3 gene fusion, which also causes increased activity of the mTOR signalling pathway. Negative prognostic factors that indicate an increased risk of PEComa malignant biology are most often: tumour size > 5 cm, increased cytological and nuclear atypia, infiltration of surrounding tissues and blood vessels, presence of necrosis, and high mitotic activity. Radical resection remains the primary treatment method for PEComas because these tumours are characterised by high resistance to radiation and chemotherapy. In the case of locally advanced or metastatic disease, only single reports of short-term responses to palliative chemotherapy containing doxorubicin, gemcitabine, or ifosfamide are available in the literature. There are an increasing number of reports, in the form of several case reports and a few retrospective analyses, about the potential effectiveness of using mTOR inhibitors in unresectable cases. These drugs result in a reduction in primary tumour size and metastasis, as well as symptom relief, with controllable side effects. Unfortunately, case reports of complete resistance to mTOR inhibitor therapy are also available

    Leczenie liszaja twardzinowego w obrębie narządów płciowych u kobiet – przegląd

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    Lichen sclerosus is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder that belongs to a group of autoimmune connective tissue diseases, localized within the skin and mucous membrane of the anogenital area. In the latter location, the focal atrophy of the mucosa is the most visible sign. Lesions may be accompanied by symptoms such as itching, pain, burning. The disease occurs more often in females. The etiology is not fully understood. Genetic, infectious, hormonal factors and autoimmune mechanisms are taken into consideration. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment is important to avoid further complications. This review aims to analyze available literature on the treatment of this disease entity.Liszaj twardzinowy jest przewlekłą chorobą zapalną należącą do grupy autoimmunologicznych chorób tkanki łącznej, lokalizującą się w obrębie skóry, oraz błon śluzowych narządów płciowych. W zakresie tej ostatniej lokalizacji, klinicznie obserwuje się najczęściej występowanie ogniskowego zaniku błony śluzowej. Wykwitom mogą towarzyszyć objawy subiektywne jak świąd, ból, pieczenie. Schorzenie zdecydowanie częściej występuje u płci żeńskiej. Etiologia nie jest do końca poznana. Pod uwagę bierze się rolę czynników genetycznych, autoimmunologicznych, infekcyjnych, hormonalnych. Ważne jest wczesne rozpoznanie choroby i włączenie odpowiedniego leczenia, celem uniknięcia powikłań. W pracy przeprowadzono analizę dostępnego piśmiennictwa dotyczącego leczenia tej jednostki chorobowej