56 research outputs found

    Comparison of Transepidermal Water Loss and Laser Scanning Microscopy Measurements to Assess Their Value in the Characterization of Cutaneous Barrier Defects

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    The exact qualitative and quantitative analysis of wound healing processes is a decisive prerequisite for optimizing wound care and for therapy control. Transepidermal water loss (TEWL) measurements are considered to be the standard procedure for assessing the progress of epidermal wound healing. The damage to the stratum corneum correlates with an increased loss of water through the skin barrier. This method is highly susceptible to failure by environmental factors, in particular by temperature and moisture. This study was aimed at comparing TEWL measurements and in vivo laser scanning microscopy (LSM) for the characterization of the epidermal wound healing process. LSM is a high-resolution in vivo method permitting to analyze the kinetics and dynamics of wound healing at a cellular level. While the TEWL values for the individual volunteers showed a wide scattering, LSM permitted the wound healing process to be clearly characterized at the cellular level. However, a comparison between the two methods was very difficult, because the results provided by LSM were images and not numerical. Therefore, a scoring system was set up which evaluates the stages of wound healing. Thus, the healing process could be numerically described. This method is independent of any environmental factors. Providing morphologically qualitative and numerically quantitative analyses of the wound healing process and being far less vulnerable to failure, LSM is advantageous over TEWL

    Skin Disinfection by Plasma-Tissue Interaction: Comparison of the Effectivity of Tissue-Tolerable Plasma and a Standard Antiseptic

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    Wound healing disorders frequently occur due to biofilm formation on wound surfaces requiring conscientious wound hygiene. Often, the application of conventional liquid antiseptics is not sufficient and sustainable as (1) the borders and the surrounding of chronic wounds frequently consist of sclerotic skin, impeding an effectual penetration of these products, and (2) the hair follicles representing the reservoir for bacterial recolonization of skin surfaces are not affected. Recently, it has been reported that tissue-tolerable plasma (TTP), which is used at a temperature range between 35 and 45°C, likewise has disinfecting properties. In the present study, the effectivity of TTP and a standard liquid antiseptic was compared in vitro on porcine skin. The results revealed that TTP was able to reduce the bacterial load by 94%, although the application of the liquid antiseptic remained superior as it reduced the bacteria by almost 99%. For in vivo application, however, TTP offers several advantages. On the one hand, TTP enables the treatment of sclerotic skin as well, and on the other hand, a sustainable disinfection can be realized as, obviously, also the follicular reservoir is affected by TTP

    The price of mobility

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    This paper addresses the question concerning the price of geographic mobility in various labour market and migration scenarios. Pivotal points are expected mobility premiums which are sufficient to tip the scales in favour of moving to a geographically distinct location. These premiums are first derived within a theoretical model, accounting not only for location-specific amenity levels or labour market conditions, but also for heterogeneous personality traits and preferences. Derived hypotheses demonstrate that—in presence of heterogeneous psychic costs or adjustment capabilities—expected mobility premiums can remain distinctly positive even in an unemployment scenario. Furthermore, adjustment capabilities are to a large extent related to earlier mobility experiences, implying that labour mobility is partially learnable

    Reverse flow in academic mobility from core to periphery:Motivations of international faculty working in Kazakhstan

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    Through expanding flows of labor and knowledge on a global scale, academics are increasingly mobile as higher education institutions compete for talent that transcends borders. However, talent often flows from the periphery to the core as scholars seek out employment in recognized institutions of higher learning in developed economies. This study examines faculty mobility in a reverse direction: from the core to Kazakhstan, the largest country in Central Asia. What factors persuade faculty members to relocate to Kazakhstan for full-time employment? What types of individuals pursue this relocation? Through interviews with international faculty members based in Kazakhstan, the study identifies push factors that trigger departure from one’s previous country of residence: job market, unsatisfactory work conditions, age, and marital status. Alternatively, Kazakhstan attracts scholars via pull factors that include salary, sense of adventure, and the opportunity to build new institutions and programs as well as conduct research. Unlike previous studies that highlight boundaryless mobility and individual agency, this study reveals constraints that mediate international faculty mobility. Furthermore, salary plays a limited role as a pull factor particularly among early career academics who are seeking research opportunities and meaningful contributions in building new academic programs and institutions

    Irregular Migration Theories

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    The Study of Irregular Migration

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    AbstractThe study of irregular migration as a specific social phenomenon took off during the 70s in the US. Since then, the academic interest has continually grown and spread, first to Europe and, in the last years, to other regions worldwide. This interest can certainly be related to the increasing attention paid to the study of migrations more in general (Castles & Miller, 1993). The trend can be linked to those broad and complex social and economic changes, often subsumed under the concept of globalization. The specific focus on irregular migration, though gaining momentum throughout the 1980s, reached preeminent attention in the 1990s. On both sides of the Atlantic, the explosion of the so-called "migration crisis" (Zolberg & Benda, 2001) and the emergence of irregular migration as a widespread social fact raised the attention of public opinion and academics alike. Moreover, in recent years, what seemed at first to be an issue concerning only the high-income regions of the planet, now involves also medium and low-income ones, making irregular migration a truly global structural phenomenon (Cvajner & Sciortino, 2010a; Düvell, 2006)

    Comparison of transepidermal water loss and laser scanning microscopy measurements to assess their value in the characterization of cutaneous barrier defects

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    The exact qualitative and quantitative analysis of wound healing processes is a decisive prerequisite for optimizing wound care and for therapy control. Transepidermal water loss (TEWL) measurements are considered to be the standard procedure for assessing the progress of epidermal wound healing. The damage to the stratum corneum correlates with an increased loss of water through the skin barrier. This method is highly susceptible to failure by environmental factors, in particular by temperature and moisture. This study was aimed at comparing TEWL measurements and in vivo laser scanning microscopy (LSM) for the characterization of the epidermal wound healing process. LSM is a high-resolution in vivo method permitting to analyze the kinetics and dynamics of wound healing at a cellular level. While the TEWL values for the individual volunteers showed a wide scattering, LSM permitted the wound healing process to be clearly characterized at the cellular level. However, a comparison between the two methods was very difficult, because the results provided by LSM were images and not numerical. Therefore, a scoring system was set up which evaluates the stages of wound healing. Thus, the healing process could be numerically described. This method is independent of any environmental factors. Providing morphologically qualitative and numerically quantitative analyses of the wound healing process and being far less vulnerable to failure, LSM is advantageous over TEWL. Copyright © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel

    In vivo investigation of the efficiency of a nanoparticle-emulsion containing polihexanide on the human skin

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    Skin antisepsis is a key element for the prevention of surgical site infections, as well as for infections after injection and punctures. Recent investigations have shown that about 25% of the resident bacterial flora of the human skin resides within the hair follicle. These findings strongly suggest that the skin appendages play the role of a bacterial reservoir. The bacteria within the hair follicles therefore may be the cause of endogenous germ repopulation after skin antisepsis, highlighting the need for new antiseptic formulations that can sufficiently penetrate into the hair follicles. Various experiments have found that nano-sized particles as well as oil-in-water emulsions are efficient carriers for substances into the hair follicles. In the present study, we investigated the in vivo antiseptic potential of the particle-associated and aqueous polihexanide on the human skin by monitoring bacterial growth after antisepsis over a period of 2.5 h. The experiments suggest that the use of a particle-bound antiseptic can achieve a better and longer lasting antisepsis of the human skin than in non-particulate form. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved