14 research outputs found

    Food quality and motivation: A refined low-fat diet induces obesity and impairs performance on a progressive ratio schedule of instrumental lever pressing in rats

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    IntroductionPurified high-fat diet (HFD) feeding causes deleterious metabolic and cognitive effects when compared with unrefined low-fat diets in rodent models. These effects are often attributed to the diet's high content of fat, while less attention has been paid to other mechanisms associated with the diet's highly refined state. Although the effects of HFD feeding on cognition have been explored, little is known about the impact of refined vs. unrefined food on cognition. We tested the hypothesis that a refined low-fat diet (LFD) increases body weight and adversely affects cognition relative to an unrefined diet.Materials and methodsRats were allowed ad libitum access to unrefined rodent chow (CON, Lab Diets 5001) or a purified low-fat diet (REF, Research Diets D12450B) for 6 months, and body weight and performance on an instrumental lever pressing task were recorded.ResultsAfter six months on their respective diets, group REF gained significantly more weight than group CON. REF rats made significantly fewer lever presses and exhibited dramatically lower breaking points than CON rats for sucrose and water reinforcement, indicating a chronic reduction of motivation for instrumental performance. Switching the rats' diet for 9 days had no effect on these measures.ConclusionsDiet-induced obesity produces a substantial deficit in motivated behavior in rats, independent of dietary fat content. This holds implications for an association between obesity and motivation. Specifically, behavioral traits comorbid with obesity, such as depression and fatigue, may be effects of obesity rather than contributing causes. To the degree that refined foods contribute to obesity, as demonstrated in our study, they may play a significant contributing role to other behavioral and cognitive disorders

    From pests to tests : training rats to diagnose tuberculosis

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    Journal of Eur Respir J 2020; 55: 19022432020 is the year of the rat. The rat is the first of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs, and represents spirit, alertness, flexibility and vitality. In respiratory medicine, we may think of rats as vectors for diseases, such as pulmonary forms of hantavirus disease or leptospirosis, and pneumonic plague. Rodent control is thus part of hygiene guidelines and the International Health Regulations. And yet, the rat’s keen sense of smell has led to its incredible career as a living tuberculosis (TB) detector. The TB detection rat journey began with an idea in Tanzania in 2001, roughly 120 years after the TB-causing Mycobacterium tuberculosis was discovered by microscopy and bacterial culture. African giant pouched rats (Cricetomys ansorgei) had already been successfully trained using positive reinforcement to find explosives [1]. So, the question arose if they could do more for humanity by helping to also combat disease. But how would the rats use their noses to find bacteria or otherwise sniff out TB patients? For centuries, olfaction had already informed diagnostics in medical practices, e.g. in detecting metabolic issues such as ketoacidosis or tissue decay such as gangrene [2]. In the Flemish common language, the word tering, which etymologically refers to the smell of tar, is used for TB. The advent of chromatographic techniques allows characterisation of the organic compounds causing odours

    Scent detection of Brucella abortus by African giant pouched rats (Cricetomys ansorgei)

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    Abstract Background Brucellosis is a contagious zoonosis caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella. While the disease has been eradicated in most developed countries, it remains endemic in sub–Saharan Africa where access to reliable diagnostics is limited. African giant pouched rats (Cricetomys ansorgei) have been trained to detect the scent of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to increase case detection in sub-Saharan Africa. Given the similar diagnostic challenges facing brucellosis and tuberculosis, we explored the feasibility of training African giant pouched rats to detect Brucella. Results After 3 months of training, rats reliably identified cultured Brucella, achieving an average sensitivity of 93.56% (SD = 0.650) and specificity of 97.65% (SD = 0.016). Rats readily generalized to novel, younger Brucella cultures that presumably generated a weaker volatile signal and correctly identified at least one out of three fecal samples spiked with Brucella culture during a final test of feasibility. Discussion To our knowledge, these experiments are the first to demonstrate Brucella emits a unique odor profile that scent detection animals can be trained to identify. Importantly, cultured E. coli samples were included throughout training and test to ensure the rats learned to specifically identify Brucella bacteria rather than any bacteria in comparison to bacteria-free culture medium. E. coli controls therefore served a crucial function in determining to what extent Brucella abortus emits a unique odor signature. Further research is needed to determine if a Brucella-specific volatile signature is present within clinical samples. If confirmed, the present results suggest trained rats could serve as a valuable, novel method for the detection of Brucella infection

    Learning history and cholinergic modulation in the dorsal hippocampus are necessary for rats to infer the status of a hidden event.

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    Identifying statistical patterns between environmental stimuli enables organisms to respond adaptively when cues are later observed. However, stimuli are often obscured from detection, necessitating behavior under conditions of ambiguity. Considerable evidence indicates decisions under ambiguity rely on inference processes that draw on past experiences to generate predictions under novel conditions. Despite the high demand for this process and the observation that it deteriorates disproportionately with age, the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. We developed a rodent model of decision-making during ambiguity to examine features of experience that contribute to inference. Rats learned either a simple (positive patterning) or complex (negative patterning) instrumental discrimination between the illumination of one or two lights. During test, only one light was lit while the other relevant light was blocked from physical detection (covered by an opaque shield, rendering its status ambiguous). We found experience with the complex negative patterning discrimination was necessary for rats to behave sensitively to the ambiguous test situation. These rats behaved as if they inferred the presence of the hidden light, responding differently than when the light was explicitly absent (uncovered and unlit). Differential expression profiles of the immediate early gene cFos indicated hippocampal involvement in the inference process while localized microinfusions of the muscarinic antagonist, scopolamine, into the dorsal hippocampus caused rats to behave as if only one light was present. That is, blocking cholinergic modulation prevented the rat from inferring the presence of the hidden light. Collectively, these results suggest cholinergic modulation mediates recruitment of hippocampal processes related to past experiences and transfer of these processes to make decisions during ambiguous situations. Our results correspond with correlations observed between human brain function and inference abilities, suggesting our experiments may inform interventions to alleviate or prevent cognitive dysfunction. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc