110 research outputs found

    Uticaj personalnih i sredinskih faktora na očekivanje pomoći od interventno-spasilačkih službi i humanitarnih organizacija za vreme prirodnih katastrofa

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    The aim of quantitative research is the scientific explication of the influence of personal and environmental factors on citizens' expectation of help from various entities and first responders during natural disasters. The survey was conducted in the area of 19 local communities affected by consequences of natural disasters and 2500 citizens were surveyed using a multistep random sample. The obtained results of the survey show that citizens mostly (4.26) expect help from their family members and lastly from religious communities (2.39). In relation to first responders, citizens mostly expect assistance from firefighting-rescue units (3.62), and lastly from the police (3.31). Through further statistical analysis, it has been found that there is a significant influence of gender on the expectation of help during natural disasters from family members, religious communities and the police. The research results can be used to improve the effectiveness of natural disaster management in terms of helping affected people.Cilj kvantitativnog istraživanja predstavlja naučna eksplikacija uticaja personalnih i sredinskih faktora na očekivanje pomoći ispitanika od interventno-spasilačkih službi i humanitarnih organizacija za vreme prirodnih katastrofa. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na području 19 lokalnih zajednica ugroženih posledicama prirodnih katastrofa, a u okviru njega je anketirano 2500 građana korišćenjem višeetapnog slučajnog uzorka. Dobijeni rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da građani u najvećem procentu očekuju pomoć od članova porodice (4.26), a u najmanjem procentu od verskih zajednica (2.39). U odnosu na interventno-spasilačke službe, građani u najvećem procentu očekuju pomoć od vatrogasaca-spasilaca (3.62), a u najmanjem procentu od policijskih jedinica (3.31). Daljim statističkim analizama utvrđeno je da postoji značajan uticaj pola na očekivanje pomoći za vreme prirodnih katastrofa od članova porodice, verskih zajednica i policijskih jedinica. Rezultati istraživanja mogu biti iskorišćeni za unapređenje efikasnosti upravljanja u prirodnim katastrofama u pogledu pružanja pomoći ugroženim ljudima

    Floods in the Republic of Serbia-Vulnerability and Human Security

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    Vulnerability and human security have been changing over time and depended on the physical, social, economic and environmental factors. In modern terms these phenomena have become multi-dimensional, multi-disciplinary, multi-sectoral and dynamic. However, in addition to empirical changes with respect to the nature of security threats, the increase of vulnerability and threatening to human security, there have increased the analytical range in their understand-ing as well as the institutional changes within the security structures. Many countries have aban-doned the attitude that the floods and flash floods as the most important natural hazards can be suppressed or controlled, i.e. that can be fought against or placed under full control. With that regard, the attitude of adoptive management of security and rescue from floods and flash floods be-comes more and more prevalent, as well as flood risk adjustment or the principle of “living with floods”. Accepting such attitude, relating cultural values of the society, economy, institutional and functional possibilities for the purpose of mitigating vulnerability and providing human security proved prominent in the Republic of Serbia. The state has taken a series of reform steps in view of recognizing its own physical exposure to food risks. At the same time, after such great floods which endangered a large part of the country’s territory, the country recognized its social-eco-nomic weaknesses of the community, as well as the necessity to increase the capacity to mobilize the resources in mitigating vulnerability and facilitating human security

    Household supplies for natural disaster: factor of influence on the possession of supplies

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    Purpose –The paper presents the results of the quantitative research of the impact of certain factors on household possession of supplies necessary for the survival of the consequences of natural disasters. Design/methodology/approach – Quantitative research was conducted by using a survey strategy in households with the use of a multi-stage random sample. The first step, which was related to the primary sampling units, included selection of parts of the community for conducting research. The second step, which was related to research cores, included selection of streets or parts of streets at the level of primary sampling units, and finally a selection of households for surveying 2500 citizens in 19 local communities. Findings –It was found that only 24.6% of the respondents have supplies, while 61.5% have no supplies for surviving natural disasters. On the other hand, 37.2% of the respondents possess supplies of food for 4 days, while only 12% have supplies of food for 1 day. It was found that 17.6% of the respondents have a transistor radio, 40% a flashlight, 40.6% a shovel, 25.8% a hack, 33.6% hoe and spade, and 13.2% a fire extinguisher. The results of the inferential statistical analyses show that there is a statistically significant influenceof gender, education, marital status, parenthood, employment, income level, level of religiosity, completed military service on having supplies to survive the consequences of natural disasters. On the other hand, there was no influence of previous experiences on having supplies. Originality/value –research results allow the design of strategies aimed at raising the level of preparedness of households for natural disasters with regard to their supplies


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    The unpredictability and the seriousness of the potential earthquake consequences for people and residential buildings in Serbia imply the need for improving the resilience of local communities. The paper presents the results of a quantitative research regarding the level and factors of influence on the awareness of citizens about the seismic resistance of their residential buildings to earthquake consequences. Multiple-point random sampling was used to survey 1,018 citizens (face to face) during 2017 in 8 local communities: Kraljevo, Lazarevac, Jagodina, Mionica, Prijepolje, Vranje, Lapovo and Kopaonik. The questionnaire consisted of two segments: questions on demographic, socio-economic and psychological characteristics of respondents and questions regarding resistance of residential buildings to earthquake consequences. The results show that 35% of respondents state that they live in residential buildings that are not resistant to earthquakes, while 70.7% state that they live in buildings built of reinforced concrete, which are considered safe. Beside that 9.2% of respondents examined the resistance of their facilities to earthquake consequences. Inferential statistical analyses show that men to a greater extent than women state that their buildings are resistant to earthquake consequences. Starting from the multidimensionality of citizen vulnerability to earthquakes, it is necessary to conduct additional studies and further elucidate the sociological dimension of vulnerability and resilience.

    Relationship between demographic and environmental factors and knowledge of secondary school students on natural disasters

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    The subject of quantitative research is to examine the connection between demographic (gender, age) and environmental factors (family, school and media) and knowledge and perceptions of students about natural disasters. Bearing in mind the orientation of the research design on determination of character and strength of relationships of demographic and environmental factors with the knowledge and perceptions of students about natural disasters, research has explicative goal. The authors use the method of interviewing high school students to identify demographic and environmental factors associated with the knowledge and perceptions of students about natural disasters. The study included 3,063 students of secondary schools in the city of Belgrade. Results suggest the existence of links between gender, success achieved in school and education of parents and the knowledge of students about natural disasters. The results also indicate that the education of students at school and within family does not affect the knowledge, but affects their perception on natural disasters. Bearing in mind the geographical space of Serbia, the study is based only on the Belgrade region, so the findings can be generalized only to the population of students in this area. Research findings indicate potential ways to influence students to raise level of knowledge about natural disasters to a higher level. Given the evident lack of education about natural disasters in Serbia, the study results can be used for policies of educational programs, which would contribute to improving the safety of youth culture

    Spatial and temporal distribution of natural disasters

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    Opasne materije su neminovni pratilac savremenog vremena i njihova raznovrsnost posebno dolazi do izražaja kada se analiziraju mogućnosti njihove terorističke upotrebe čime bi se izazvala ozbiljna vanredna situacija. Naravno, radioaktivne, eksplozivne, zapaljive, toksične materije i biološki agensi, po svojoj samoj prirodi predstavljaju opasne materije koje se mogu na jednostavan način upotrebiti u takve svrhe. Efikasno otklanjanje nastalih posledica u takvim vanrednim situacijama u velikoj meri zavisi od međusobne saradnje i koordinacije interventno-spasilačkih službi kao i podrške šire zajednice. Generalno posmatrano, ne postoji interventno-spasilačka služba koja može samostalno sa isključivo sopstvenim kapacitetima i resursima pružiti adekvatan odgovor. Pri tome, potrebno je uspostaviti efikasnu organizaciju rada, tj. sistem upravljanja u vanrednim situacijama koji će adekvatno odgovoriti svim potrebama na licu mesta. Pri tome, u terorističkim vanrednim situacijama postojaće potreba za uspostavljanjem strateškog, taktičkog i operativnog nivoa organizacije rada. U radu se neće analizirati strateški, već će se akcenat staviti na taktički i operativni nivo organizacije rada interventno-spasilačkih službi.Upravo stoga, autor u radu opisuje organizaciju i međusobnu koordinaciju rada interventno spasilačkih službi, poštujući proceduru od ,,8 koraka“: 1. upravljanje i kontrolisanje područja; 2. identifikacija problema; 3. evaluacija opasnosti i rizika; 4. selekcija lične zaštitne odeće i opreme; 5. kontrola protoka informacija i koordiniranje resursa; 6. sprovođenje prioritetnih akcija; 7. dekontaminiranje i čišćenje terena; i 8. okončanje vanredne situacije. Najzad, u radu se ukazuje i na potencijalne opasnosti po život i zdravlje pripadnika službi u postupku otklanjanja nastalih posledica, sa posebnim osvrtom na mere zaštite

    Спремност грађана за реаговање на природну катастрофу изазвану поплавом у Републици Србији

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    The consequences of floods that affected the area of Serbia in 2014 indicated a very low level of preparedness of population to respond to natural disasters. Bearing in mind unstudied levels and factors influencing preparedness to respond it was conducted multi-methodical study that included quantitative and qualitative research approach aimed at determining the level and impact of certain demographic, socio-economic and psychological characteristics of population on their preparedness to respond. Bearing in mind all local communities in Serbia where floods occurred or there is a high risk of flooding, randomly it was selected sample consisting 19 of 150 municipalities and 23 towns and the city of Belgrade. In selected communities research was undertaken in those areas that were most affected in relation to the amount of water or potential risk of flooding. The survey used strategy of testing in households with the use of a multi-stage random sample. According to the research results: citizens of the Republic of Serbia are to some degree unprepared for responding to natural disasters caused by floods, and their public preparedness index was 10.5 on a scale to 33; 77.4% of them suffered from intangible consequences and 67, 3% of them suffered from tangible consequences caused by flooding; 34% of them were disabled to be at home due to consequences of floods; 49.7% feel while 49.3% do not feel the fear from floods; 23.3% would participate as a volunteer in eliminating the consequences of flooding; 26.6% declare that they are individually are prepared to respond (M=2.98); 28.7% declare that their households are prepared to respond (M=2.98); 77.9% declare they know what a flood is; 22% are familiar with security response procedures; 86.7% would be evacuated in the event of encountering floods; 40.2% declare that they have been educated about floods by someone within family; 26.6% declare they know what to do after an official warning about approaching flood; 24.6% declare they have supplies; 37.2% responded that they have food supplies for 4 days; 26% have a water supplies for 4 days; 17.6% of respondents have a transistor radio, 40% flashlight; 1.3% of respondents have a written plan for responding; 24.5% have copies of financial and other insurance documents in a safe place, etc. When it comes to demographic characteristics of citizens, such as gender, age, level of education, and school performance there is statistically significant correlation with perception, knowledge and possession of supplies in terms of preparedness for response, while when it comes to variable on whether respondents have or do not have children there is no statistically significant correlation with perception of preparedness to respond; in relation with socio-economic characteristics of citizens, for employment, income, status of military obligations, and distance of household from a river there is a statistically significant correlation with perception, knowledge and possession of supplies in terms of preparedness to respond; and finally, for psychological characteristics of people - fear, previous experience, perception of risk, level of religiosity and motivation, these is a statistically significant correlation with perception, knowledge and supplies in terms of preparedness of citizens to respond. The originality of the research lies in the fact that in Serbia it has never been conducted research to examine the state of preparedness of citizens to respond. Bearing in mind that the research is based on the territory of Serbia, conclusions can be generalized to the entire population. Research indicates the way how to affect the citizens with respect to their demographic, socio-economic and psychological characteristics to raise preparedness on a higher level. As such, it does not give a complete answer to all current issues on preparedness of citizens to respond, but it certainly can contribute in creating a more complete picture of it. Although they made huge efforts to shed light on most concerns in comprehensive approach, we can say that a large number of questions remain to be further investigated. The research results can contribute to improving citizens' preparedness to respond to such events. The research results can be used when creating a strategy for improving the level of preparedness of citizens to respond. As such, they represent guidelines for all future research on preparedness for response, bearing in mind the true wealth of information set out in his doctoral dissertation.Последице пoплaвa кoje су зaдeсилe пoдручje Србиje у тoку 2014. гoдинe укaзaлe су нa вeoмa низaк стeпeн спрeмнoсти стaнoвништвa зa рeaгoвaњe у прирoдним кaтaстрoфaмa. Имајући у виду неиспитаност нивоа и фактора утицаја на спремност за реаговање, спрoвeдeнo je мултиме-тодско истраживање које је обухватило квантитативан и квалитативан истраживачки приступ са циљем утврђивања нивoa и утицaja одређених демографских, социо-економских и психолошких карактеристика грађана нa њихову спремност за рeaгoвaњe. Имајући у виду све локалне заједнице у Србији у којима се догодила или постоји висок ризик да се догоди поплава, методом случајног узорка одабрано је њих 19 од укупно 150 општина и 23 града и града Београда. У одабраним ло-калним заједницама истраживање се обавило у оним деловима који су били најугроженији у одно-су на висину воде или потенцијални ризик од настанка поплаве. У самом анкетном испитивању била је примењена стратегија испитивања у домаћинствима уз примену вишеетапног случајног узорка. Судећи по резултатима истраживања грађани Републике Србије у извесној мери су неспремни за реаговање на природну катастрофу изазвану поплавом, и њихов јавни индекс спремности за реаговање износи 10,5 од укупно могућих 33. Од укупног броја испитаника, њих 77,4% доживело је нематеријалне и 67,3% материјалне последице поплаве; 34% је било спречено да буде у дому услед последица поплава; 49,7% осећа док 49,3% не осећа страх од поплава; 23,3% би као волонтер учествовало у отклањању последица поплава; 26,6% истиче да је индивидуално спремно за реаговање (М=2,98); 28,7% истиче да је њихово домаћинство спремно за реаговање (М=2,98); 77,9% истиче да зна шта је поплава; 22% познаје безбедносне процедуре реаговања; 86,7% евакуисало би се у случају наиласка поплавног таласа; 40,2% истиче да их је у породици неко едуковао о поплавама; 26,6% истиче да зна шта треба радити након званичног упозорења о наила-ску поплавног таласа; 24,6% истиче да поседује залихе; 37,2% одговорило је да поседују залихе хране за 4 дана; 26% поседују залихе воде за 4 дана; 17,6% испитаника поседује радио транзистор, 40% батеријску лампу; 1,3% испитаника поседује писани план за реаговање; 24,5% поседује копије финансијских и других осигуравајућих докумената на безбедном месту итд. Када је реч o демографским карактеристикама грађана, као што су пол, године старости, ниво образовања, и успех у школи утврђена је статистички значајна повезаност са перцепцијом, знањем и поседовањем залиха у вези спремности за реаговањем, док са променљивом да ли испитаници имају или немају деце није утврђена статистички значајна повезаност са перцепцијом спремности за реаговање; у вези социо-економских карактеристика грађана, за запосленост, висину прихода, статус регулисане војне обавезе, и удаљености домаћинства од реке утврђена је статистички значајна повезаност са перцепцијом, знањем и поседовањем залиха у вези спремности за реаговањем; и на крају, за психолошке карактеристике грађана - страх, претходно искуство, перцепцију ризика, ниво религиозности и мотивисаност, утврђена је статистички значајна повеза-ност са перцепцијом, знањем и залихама у вези спремности грађана за реаговањем. Oргинaлнoст истрaживaњa oглeдa сe у чињeници дa у Србиjи ниje никaдa спрoвeдeнo истрaживaњe кojим би сe испитaлo стaњe спрeмнoсти грaђaнa зa рeaгoвaњe. Имајући у виду да се истрaживaњe бaзирa нa пoдручje Србиje, зaкључци се мoгу гeнeрaлизoвaти нa цeлoкупну пoпулaциjу становништва. Истрaживaњe укaзуje нa кojи нaчин трeбa утицaти нa грaђaнe с oбзирoм нa њихoве демографске, социо-економске и психолошке карактеристике кaкo би сe спрeмнoст за реаговање на природне катастрофе изазване поплавом пoдиглa нa виши нивo. Као такво, не даје потпун одговор на сва актуелна питања о спремности грађана за реаговање, али свакако може допринети стварању потпуније слике о њој. Иако су учињени огромни напори да се свеобухватним приступом расветли већина недоумица, може се рећи да велики број питања остаје да се и даље истражује. Резултати истраживања могу допринети унапређењу спремности грађана за реаговање на такве појаве. Поред тога, резултати истраживања се мoгу искoристити и приликoм крeирaњa стрaтeгиja зa унaпрeђeњe нивoa спрeмнoсти грaђaнa зa рeaгoвaњe. Као такви, представљаће ре-перну тачку за сва будућа истраживања о спремности грађана за реаговање на природне ката-строфе имајући у виду праву ризницу података који су изнети у докторској дисертацији

    Citizens preparedness for responding to natural disaster caused by flood in Serbia

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    Последице пoплaвa кoje су зaдeсилe пoдручje Србиje у тoку 2014. гoдинe укaзaлe су нa вeoмa низaк стeпeн спрeмнoсти стaнoвништвa зa рeaгoвaњe у прирoдним кaтaстрoфaмa. Имајући у виду неиспитаност нивоа и фактора утицаја на спремност за реаговање, спрoвeдeнo je мултиме-тодско истраживање које је обухватило квантитативан и квалитативан истраживачки приступ са циљем утврђивања нивoa и утицaja одређених демографских, социо-економских и психолошких карактеристика грађана нa њихову спремност за рeaгoвaњe. Имајући у виду све локалне заједнице у Србији у којима се догодила или постоји висок ризик да се догоди поплава, методом случајног узорка одабрано је њих 19 од укупно 150 општина и 23 града и града Београда. У одабраним ло-калним заједницама истраживање се обавило у оним деловима који су били најугроженији у одно-су на висину воде или потенцијални ризик од настанка поплаве. У самом анкетном испитивању била је примењена стратегија испитивања у домаћинствима уз примену вишеетапног случајног узорка. Судећи по резултатима истраживања грађани Републике Србије у извесној мери су неспремни за реаговање на природну катастрофу изазвану поплавом, и њихов јавни индекс спремности за реаговање износи 10,5 од укупно могућих 33. Од укупног броја испитаника, њих 77,4% доживело је нематеријалне и 67,3% материјалне последице поплаве; 34% је било спречено да буде у дому услед последица поплава; 49,7% осећа док 49,3% не осећа страх од поплава; 23,3% би као волонтер учествовало у отклањању последица поплава; 26,6% истиче да је индивидуално спремно за реаговање (М=2,98); 28,7% истиче да је њихово домаћинство спремно за реаговање (М=2,98); 77,9% истиче да зна шта је поплава; 22% познаје безбедносне процедуре реаговања; 86,7% евакуисало би се у случају наиласка поплавног таласа; 40,2% истиче да их је у породици неко едуковао о поплавама; 26,6% истиче да зна шта треба радити након званичног упозорења о наила-ску поплавног таласа; 24,6% истиче да поседује залихе; 37,2% одговорило је да поседују залихе хране за 4 дана; 26% поседују залихе воде за 4 дана; 17,6% испитаника поседује радио транзистор, 40% батеријску лампу; 1,3% испитаника поседује писани план за реаговање; 24,5% поседује копије финансијских и других осигуравајућих докумената на безбедном месту итд. Када је реч o демографским карактеристикама грађана, као што су пол, године старости, ниво образовања, и успех у школи утврђена је статистички значајна повезаност са перцепцијом, знањем и поседовањем залиха у вези спремности за реаговањем, док са променљивом да ли испитаници имају или немају деце није утврђена статистички значајна повезаност са перцепцијом спремности за реаговање; у вези социо-економских карактеристика грађана, за запосленост, висину прихода, статус регулисане војне обавезе, и удаљености домаћинства од реке утврђена је статистички значајна повезаност са перцепцијом, знањем и поседовањем залиха у вези спремности за реаговањем; и на крају, за психолошке карактеристике грађана - страх, претходно искуство, перцепцију ризика, ниво религиозности и мотивисаност, утврђена је статистички значајна повеза-ност са перцепцијом, знањем и залихама у вези спремности грађана за реаговањем. Oргинaлнoст истрaживaњa oглeдa сe у чињeници дa у Србиjи ниje никaдa спрoвeдeнo истрaживaњe кojим би сe испитaлo стaњe спрeмнoсти грaђaнa зa рeaгoвaњe. Имајући у виду да се истрaживaњe бaзирa нa пoдручje Србиje, зaкључци се мoгу гeнeрaлизoвaти нa цeлoкупну пoпулaциjу становништва. Истрaживaњe укaзуje нa кojи нaчин трeбa утицaти нa грaђaнe с oбзирoм нa њихoве демографске, социо-економске и психолошке карактеристике кaкo би сe спрeмнoст за реаговање на природне катастрофе изазване поплавом пoдиглa нa виши нивo. Као такво, не даје потпун одговор на сва актуелна питања о спремности грађана за реаговање, али свакако може допринети стварању потпуније слике о њој. Иако су учињени огромни напори да се свеобухватним приступом расветли већина недоумица, може се рећи да велики број питања остаје да се и даље истражује. Резултати истраживања могу допринети унапређењу спремности грађана за реаговање на такве појаве. Поред тога, резултати истраживања се мoгу искoристити и приликoм крeирaњa стрaтeгиja зa унaпрeђeњe нивoa спрeмнoсти грaђaнa зa рeaгoвaњe. Као такви, представљаће ре-перну тачку за сва будућа истраживања о спремности грађана за реаговање на природне ката-строфе имајући у виду праву ризницу података који су изнети у докторској дисертацији.The consequences of floods that affected the area of Serbia in 2014 indicated a very low level of preparedness of population to respond to natural disasters. Bearing in mind unstudied levels and factors influencing preparedness to respond it was conducted multi-methodical study that included quantitative and qualitative research approach aimed at determining the level and impact of certain demographic, socio-economic and psychological characteristics of population on their preparedness to respond. Bearing in mind all local communities in Serbia where floods occurred or there is a high risk of flooding, randomly it was selected sample consisting 19 of 150 municipalities and 23 towns and the city of Belgrade. In selected communities research was undertaken in those areas that were most affected in relation to the amount of water or potential risk of flooding. The survey used strategy of testing in households with the use of a multi-stage random sample. According to the research results: citizens of the Republic of Serbia are to some degree unprepared for responding to natural disasters caused by floods, and their public preparedness index was 10.5 on a scale to 33; 77.4% of them suffered from intangible consequences and 67, 3% of them suffered from tangible consequences caused by flooding; 34% of them were disabled to be at home due to consequences of floods; 49.7% feel while 49.3% do not feel the fear from floods; 23.3% would participate as a volunteer in eliminating the consequences of flooding; 26.6% declare that they are individually are prepared to respond (M=2.98); 28.7% declare that their households are prepared to respond (M=2.98); 77.9% declare they know what a flood is; 22% are familiar with security response procedures; 86.7% would be evacuated in the event of encountering floods; 40.2% declare that they have been educated about floods by someone within family; 26.6% declare they know what to do after an official warning about approaching flood; 24.6% declare they have supplies; 37.2% responded that they have food supplies for 4 days; 26% have a water supplies for 4 days; 17.6% of respondents have a transistor radio, 40% flashlight; 1.3% of respondents have a written plan for responding; 24.5% have copies of financial and other insurance documents in a safe place, etc. When it comes to demographic characteristics of citizens, such as gender, age, level of education, and school performance there is statistically significant correlation with perception, knowledge and possession of supplies in terms of preparedness for response, while when it comes to variable on whether respondents have or do not have children there is no statistically significant correlation with perception of preparedness to respond; in relation with socio-economic characteristics of citizens, for employment, income, status of military obligations, and distance of household from a river there is a statistically significant correlation with perception, knowledge and possession of supplies in terms of preparedness to respond; and finally, for psychological characteristics of people - fear, previous experience, perception of risk, level of religiosity and motivation, these is a statistically significant correlation with perception, knowledge and supplies in terms of preparedness of citizens to respond. The originality of the research lies in the fact that in Serbia it has never been conducted research to examine the state of preparedness of citizens to respond. Bearing in mind that the research is based on the territory of Serbia, conclusions can be generalized to the entire population. Research indicates the way how to affect the citizens with respect to their demographic, socio-economic and psychological characteristics to raise preparedness on a higher level. As such, it does not give a complete answer to all current issues on preparedness of citizens to respond, but it certainly can contribute in creating a more complete picture of it. Although they made huge efforts to shed light on most concerns in comprehensive approach, we can say that a large number of questions remain to be further investigated. The research results can contribute to improving citizens' preparedness to respond to such events. The research results can be used when creating a strategy for improving the level of preparedness of citizens to respond. As such, they represent guidelines for all future research on preparedness for response, bearing in mind the true wealth of information set out in his doctoral dissertation

    Young adults' fear of disasters: A case study of residents from Turkey, Serbia and Macedonia

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    This paper presents the results of quantitative research regarding the level and the causes of fear of disasters among young adults in Turkey, Serbia, and Macedonia. The survey was conducted using a questionnaire that was given and then collected hand by hand that explored in depth the disaster-related fears among 537 respondents during 2016. The questionnaire explored students' basic demographics and their level of fear, as well as the causes and sources of fear. Across the three countries, the results indicated an excessive level of fear both of earthquakes and of epidemics. In addition, participants reported that they were particularly afraid for their personal lives and, to a greater extent, for the health of their parents. Experiences with bad weather conditions, pictures of the consequences of disasters, and past disaster experience were found to exacerbate fear. It was also found that females were more afraid, with a possible socio-cultural-laden link to an ethos of protection versus participation. Findings can be used to create focused strategies at a national level intended to reduce excess fear of disasters and facilitate a more prepared public through policy and education programme development