60 research outputs found

    Art and court culture in Serbia 1872-1903

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    Докторска дисертација Уметност и дворска култура у Србији 1872-1903, бави се проучавањем уметности и дворске културе на дворовима српских владара од формалног ступања на престо кнеза/краља Милана Обреновића 1872. године, до убиства његовог наследника, краља Александра Обреновића 1903. године. Овом темом су обухваћени Стари и Нови двор у Београду, дворови у Нишу, Крагујевцу, Смедереву и Такову. Дворови су као резиденција владара и простор његове репрезентације представљени у односу на историјске околности и симболику географије на којима су подизани, кроз архитектуру, функције и опремање њихових простора. Анализирана је персонална улога владара и владарки у формирању дворских колекција, дворска уметничка патронажа, опремање дворских простора стилским и персонализованим намештајем, портретима владара и делима са националном тематиком и мотивима историјских композиција. Циљ писања наведене докторске дисертације је да се њоме покаже развој, идејно обликовање и основне карактеристике уметности и дворске културе у Србији између 1872. и 1903. године, од темеља на којима је почивала 1872. године, преко развојног периода и коначног дефинисања. Методологија истраживања је заснована на комплексном повезивању историографског метода са мултидисциплинарним приступом савремених историјско-уметничких и културно-историјских студија. Доминантне карактеристике дворске културе у Србији овог периода огледају се у усклађености са општим обрасцима актуелних европских дворских стилова у архитектури и опремању простора, пре свега центара у Бечу и Паризу. Паралелно, на дворовима је негован континуитет династије и наглашаван национални идентитет кнежевине/краљевине Србије маркиран представама владара, опремањем простора предметима националне традиционалне културе и визуелним представама са националном и историјском тематиком.Doctoral dissertation Art and Court Culture in Serbia 1872 – 1903 deals with the study of art and court culture at Serbian courts ever since prince/king Milan Obrenović formally came to the throne in 1872 until the murder of his successor king Aleksandar Obrenović in 1903. The topic encompasses The Old and the New Palace in Belgrade, palaces in Niš, Kragujevac, Smederevo, and Takovo. The palaces, like the rulers` residences, are presented considering historical circumstances and the symbolism of geographical areas where they were founded, through architecture, functions, and their furnishing. The paper analysis the following: the personal role of rulers and their wives in founding court collections, court art patronage, furnishing the court with period and personalized furniture, the portraits of rulers, and paintings covering national and historical topics. The aim of the paper is to display the development, idea forming, and basic features of art and court culture in Serbia between 1872 and 1903, starting from their foundation in 1872, over the developing period until gaining their final features. The research methodology is based on the complex connection between historical methods with the multi-disciplinary approach of contemporary historical-artistic and cultural-historical studies. Prevailing characteristics of court culture in Serbia of the time, considering architecture and furnishing, are visible in their harmony with general forms of European court styles at the time, especially in Vienna and Paris. At the same time, the continuity of the dynasty was cherished at the courts and the national identity of the Serbian principality/kingdom was pronounced together with the rulers` images, furnishing the space using objects from Serbian traditional culture and paintings and pieces of art with national and historical motifs

    The modulatory effect of estradiol benzoate on superoxide dismutase activity in the developing rat brain

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    The sensitivity of copper,zinc (CuZn)- and manganese (Mn)-superoxide dismutase (SOD) to exogenous estradiol benzoate (EB) was investigated in Wistar rats during postnatal brain development. Enzyme activities were measured in samples prepared from brains of rats of both sexes and various ages between 0 and 75 days, treated sc with 0.5 mug EB/100 g body weight in 0.1 ml olive oil/100 g body weight, 48 and 24 h before sacrifice. In females, EB treatment stimulated MnSOD activity on days 0 (66.1%), 8 (72.7%) and 15 (81.7%). In males, the stimulatory effect of EB on MnSOD activity on day 0 (113.6%) disappeared on day 8 and on days 15. and 45 it became inhibitory (40.3 and 30.5%, respectively). EB had no effect on the other age groups. The stimulatory effect of EB on CuZnSOD activity in newborn females (51.8%) changed to an inhibitory effect on day 8 (38.4%) and disappeared by day 45 when inhibition was detected again (48.7%). In males, the inhibitory effect on this enzyme was observed on days 0 (45.0%) and 15 (28.9%), and then disappeared until day 60 when a stimulatory effect was observed (38.4%). EB treatment had no effect on the other age groups. The sensitivity of MnSOD to estradiol differed significantly between sexes during the neonatal and prepubertal period, whereas it followed a similar pattern thereafter. The sensitivity of CuZnSOD to estradiol differed significantly between sexes during most of the study period. Regression analysis showed that the sensitivity of MnSOD to this estrogen tended to decrease similarly in both sexes, whereas the sensitivity of CuZnSOD showed a significantly different opposite tendency in female and male rats. These are the first reports indicating hormonal modulation of antioxidant enzyme activities related to the developmental process

    The effects of a human food additive, titanium dioxide nanoparticles E171, on Drosophila melanogaster - a 20 generation dietary exposure experiment

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    In this study, fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) were exposed to an estimated daily human E171 consumption concentration for 20 generations. Exposure to E171 resulted in: a change in normal developmental and reproductive dynamics, reduced fecundity after repetitive breeding, increased genotoxicity, the appearance of aberrant phenotypes and morphologic changes to the adult fat body. Marks of adaptive evolution and directional selection were also exhibited. The larval stages were at a higher risk of sustaining damage from E171 as they had a slower elimination rate of TiO2 compared to the adults. This is particularly worrisome, since among the human population, children tend to consume higher daily concentrations of E171 than do adults. The genotoxic effect of E171 was statistically higher in each subsequent generation compared to the previous one. Aberrant phenotypes were likely caused by developmental defects induced by E171, and were not mutations, since the phenotypic features were not transferred to any progeny even after 5 generations of consecutive crossbreeding. Therefore, exposure to E171 during the early developmental period carries a higher risk of toxicity. The fact that the daily human consumption concentration of E171 interferes with and influences fruit fly physiological, ontogenetic, genotoxic, and adaptive processes certainly raises safety concerns

    Preliminarni rezultati gajenja kumina u agroekološkim uslovima Srbije

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    Commercial cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) seeds were sown on the field in village Mošorin, Serbia, in early April of 2014. The vegetation period lasted 98 days. The average height of the cultivated cumin plants was 18.5 cm, with 13 umbels 2.75 cm in diameter, containing 19.33 seeds per umbel. Plant weight was 1.26 g, yielding 0.54 g fruit per plant. Plants from India had essential oil content of 3.32%, while the plants grown in Serbia contained 5.31% essential oil. Essential oil obtained from the fruits of Indian cumin plants consisted of 19 compounds, while 30 compounds were found in essential oil obtained from cumin grown in Serbia. Essential oils were primarily composed of: y-terpinene-7-al, cuminaldehyde, B-pinene, y-terpinene and a-terpinene-7-al.Komercijalno seme začinskog kumina (Cuminum cyminum L.) posejano je u Mošorinu, početkom aprila meseca 2014. godine. Vegetacioni period kumina je trajao 98 dana. Prosečna visina biljaka je bila 18,5 cm, jedna biljka je formirala u proseku 13 štitova, prečnika 2,75 cm, sa 19,33 zrna u štitu. Masa cele biljke u proseku je bila 1,26 g, a prinos ploda po biljci 0,54 g. Nakon žetve određene su kvalitativne karakteristike kako početnog semenskog materijala, tako i dobijenog semena, pri čemu je ustanovljeno da je sadržaj etarskog ulja u plodovima kumina iz Indije bio 3,32%, a iz Srbije čak 5.31%. U etarskom ulju plodova kumina iz Indije identifikovano je 19 komponenti, dok je u etarskom ulju iz Srbije ustanovljen značajno veci broj komponenti (30). Najzastupljenije komponente u oba etarska ulja su bile: y-terpinen-7-al, kumin-aldehid, B-pinen, y-terpinen i a-terpinen-7-al

    Application of green technology to extract clean and safe bioactive compounds from tetradesmus obliquus biomass grown in poultry wastewater

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    Microalgae are capable of assimilating nutrients from wastewater (WW), producing clean water and biomass rich in bioactive compounds that need to be recovered from inside the microalgal cell. This work investigated subcritical water (SW) extraction to collect high-value compounds from the microalga Tetradesmus obliquus after treating poultry WW. The treatment efficiency was evaluated in terms of total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), phosphate, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and metals. T. obliquus was able to remove 77% TKN, 50% phosphate, 84% COD, and metals (48-89%) within legislation values. SW extraction was performed at 170 degrees C and 30 bar for 10 min. SW allowed the extraction of total phenols (1.073 mg GAE/mL extract) and total flavonoids (0.111 mg CAT/mL extract) with high antioxidant activity (IC50 value, 7.18 mu g/mL). The microalga was shown to be a source of organic compounds of commercial value (e.g., squalene). Finally, the SW conditions allowed the removal of pathogens and metals in the extracts and residues to values in accordance with legislation, assuring their safety for feed or agriculture applications.Serbia 142-451-2576/2019-02; 337-00-00227/2019-09/72 (Serbia); project ALGAVALOR—Lisboa-01-0247-FEDER-035234; LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-022059; Red CYTED P319RT0025—RENUWAL;info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio