18 research outputs found

    WIKIMEMO: A Portal for Italian Language and Culture Heritage Conservation

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    Le parole sono ponti: risorse digitali per l'integrazione in contesti multilingui

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    Learning the language of the hosting country is a key factor for the integration of people coming from abroad but this objective could be achieved only if political institutions promote initiatives in this direction. Researchers in the field can cooperate, providing their expertise. In this paper we present two research activities concerning the use and the production of multilingual resources developed at the Institute for Computational Linguistics “Antonio Zampolli”. More specifically, we report on the creation of a multilingual glossary of difficult terms extracted from forms that people submit to the municipality of Genova to access public services. We also describe the experimental use in a primary school of ImagAct, a multilingual lexical resource focused on action verbs consulted by pupils to create a vocabulary of food preparation in Italian, English, Chinese and Spanish

    Bibliometric Network Analysis on Rapid-Onset Opioids for Breakthrough Cancer Pain Treatment

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    Background and Objectives. Proper breakthrough cancer pain (BTcP) management is of pivotal importance. Although rapid-acting, oral and nasal transmucosal, fentanyl formulations (rapid-onset opioids, ROOs) are licensed for BTcP treatment, not all guidelines recommend their use. Presumably, some research gaps need to be bridged to produce solid evidence. We present a bibliometric network analysis on ROOs for BTcP treatment.Methods. Documents were retrieved from the Web of Science (WOS) online database. The string was "rapid onset opioids" or "transmucosal fentanyl" and "breakthrough cancer pain". Year of publication, journal metrics (impact factor and quartile), title, document type, topic, and clinical setting (in-patients, outpatients, and palliative care) were extracted. The software tool VOSviewer (version 1.6.17) was used to analyze the semantic network analyzes, bibliographic coupling, journals analysis, and research networks.Results. 502 articles were found in WOS. A declining trend in published articles from 2014 to 2021 was observed. Approximately 50% of documents regard top quartile (Q1) journals. Most articles focused on ROOs efficacy, but abuse and misuse issues are poorly addressed. With respect to article type, we calculated 132 clinical investigations. The semantic network analysis found interconnections between the terms "breakthrough cancer pain," "opioids," and "cancers." The top co-cited article was published in 2000 and addressed pain assessment. The largest number of partnerships regarded the United States, Italy, and England.Conclusion. In this research area, most articles are published in top-ranked journals. Nevertheless, paramount topics should be better addressed, and the implementation of research networks is needed. (C) 2022 American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Un sistema ipermediale per la storia della matematica

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    Il presente lavoro si riferisce ad un progetto che riguarda l\u2019ideazione, la realizzazione e la valutazione di un sistema ipermediale, il sistema IPER-3, in cui vengono presentati tre problemi \u2018classici\u2019 della storia della matematica (trisezione dell\u2019angolo, quadratura del cerchio, duplicazione del cubo) e alcune delle questioni matematiche sviluppatesi intorno ad essi. Come \ue8 noto, l\u2019interesse che nel tempo si \ue8 manifestato intorno a questi problemi \ue8 legato al fatto che essi non sono riconducibili alle cinque costruzioni elementari primitive di Euclide (costruzioni eseguibili con riga e compasso) e al loro ruolo nella nascita dell\u2019algebra moderna. Notizie su di essi sono nei trattati di storia della matematica. Obiettivo del lavoro \ue8 quello di studiare le opportunit\ue0 offerte dalle tecnologie informatiche, ed in particolare dai sistemi ipermediali, per affrontare argomenti che rivestono un interesse per la formazione degli insegnanti e/o per il lavoro in classe, sfruttandone la possibilit\ue0 di presentazione non lineare e di rappresentazione di informazioni eterogenee, la flessibilit\ue0 di utilizzo, la possibilit\ue0 di modularizzazione e di incremento

    Características distributivas do Espanhol de Cuba a partir da análise de dois estudos linguísticos

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    Hypermedia as a means for learning and for thinking about learning

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    The paper refers to a project aimed at designing, implementing and evaluating a hypermedia system, IPER-3, facing the three \u2018classical\u2019 problems in the history of mathematics (trisection of the angle, quadrature of the circle, duplication of the cube). The aim of the project is to study the opportunities offered by this kind of technology to the presentation of mathematical topics both in teacher training courses and in classroom work


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    Il glossario \ue8 stato realizzato dal CNR nell\u2019ambito del progetto \u201cAscolto Accoglienza Azioni Offresi\u201d, finanziato dal Fondo Europeo per l\u2019Integrazione di cittadini di paesi terzi del Ministero dell\u2019Interno. Ha lo scopo principale di fornire un supporto, a un cittadino di un paese terzo, nella compilazione della modulistica dei servizi demografici del Comune di Genova e di agevolare il front office dei servizi demografici nella comunicazione con l\u2019utente