338 research outputs found

    Large images for Galois representations attached to generic modular forms

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    Treballs finals del Màster en Matemàtica Avançada, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona: Curs: 2022-2023. Director: Luis Victor Dieulefait[en] The aim of this project is to study a theorem of Ribet stating that the images of the Galois representations attached to modular forms without Complex Multiplication are large for almost every prime. Firstly, the needed background is introduced in the form of some definitions and basic properties of modular forms and Galois representations. Later, the subgroup classification of general linear groups over finite fields is presented, as well as other useful results from group theory. Finally, Ribet’s theorem is stated and proved using all the tools from algebraic number theory and group theory developed in the previous chapters

    Experiències en una assignatura optativa no convencional: introducció als nous materials a l'arquitectura

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    L’assignatura “Introducció de Nous Materials a l’Arquitectura” de 5 crèdits es realitza al segon quadrimestre del pla d’estudis vigents de l’ETSAV per a alumnes matriculats a partir del 5 quadrimestre. Aquesta assignatura es planteja com un “training” prop de la innovació, això és, desenvolupar l’aplicació de nous material a l’arquitectura.Peer Reviewe

    Analysis of floating marine garbage in Barcelona using representation tools in Python language

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    Microplastics on coastal waters around the world are every day a bigger concern to the popu- lation. This project studies the litter concentration on Barcelona coastal waters by using repre- sentations tools in Python language, with calculation libraries written in C++. This project is based on a previous study called LOCATE, that uses the Lagrangian simulator Parcels, which is capable of predicting the movement and accumulation of floating debris in coastal waters, by combining wave and current data with simulations of the movement of rubbish particles. The objectives of the project are to understand how the LOCATE model works, implement and analyse the data of the project Surfing for Science, as well as improve the simulation by working the Stokes drift. In order to carry out the objectives, it is explained how the Lagrangian simulation (Parcels) works, and it is put to practice. The project starts by improving the numerical simulation, work- ing on the Stokes drift. Then, it implements the microplastic data collected by the project Surfing for Science, and numerically simulates it. The model predicts the movement of virtual particles and provides the potential fate and origin of the microplastics. Once the numerical simulation has been run, it is seen that beaches act as microplastics reser- voirs, since 80, 13% of microplastics have their potential origin on the different beaches, and 83, 56% have their potential fate on the same locations. In this thesis, the effect of beaching mod- els and a possible anti-diffusion component in order to better find the origin of the microplastics are discussed. To conclude, the project has a positive environmental impact, since it allows finding and erad- icating the potential microplastics’ origin, opening other lines of future investigation and im- provement to make the simulation more accurate.Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::6 - Aigua Neta i Sanejamen

    Ceramic macromembrane for tangento-axial micro- and ultrafiltration water systems

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    An innovative proposal of tangento-axial filtration based on the concept of macromembrane (large size) is presented in the context of micro- and ultrafiltration ceramic membranes. The macromembrane is made of Al2O3–TiO2 by slip casting. It includes an internal system for rotating the fluid trough a propeller which enhances the tangento-axial filtration. This filtration yields better than the cross-flow filtration in conventional extruded ceramic tubes of small diameter. The reasons are, first, its larger sizes relative to the extruded tubular filters, and second, that it can work at higher pressures, resulting in better operational performance. Furthermore, costs of industrial-scale production could be lower. In this study, the conceptual basis, pilot plant, first experimental results, and proposals for improvement of the system to continue the project are presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Los Censos en España : entre continuidad y cambio (1857-1970)

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    Este artículo analiza los censos de población realizados en España desde 1857 hasta 1970 con el objetivo de examinar los cambios, pero también las continuidades, que éstos han presentado a lo largo del tiempo en lo referido a los conceptos, las variables y las clasificaciones presentes en los mismos. En concreto, se analiza la evolución experimentada por los censos respecto a la población de referencia; el domicilio, la naturaleza y la nacionalidad; el estado civil; el nivel de instrucción; la clasificación de profesiones o actividad económica; el número de hijos nacidos vivos de las mujeres casadas y viudas, y, finalmente, las desagregaciones territoriales y de edad utilizadas. Ello ha implicado sistematizar y analizar la información que se proporciona en las tablas numéricas de cada volumen de las estadísticas censales, información que se ha resumido en forma de cuadros resumen.This paper analyses Spanish population censuses between 1857 and 1970. Concepts, variables and classifications used in each of them are examined to find both differences and similarities through time. More specifically the paper studies changes in the definition of: reference population, legal address, place of birth, nationality, marriage status, education level, profession / econòmic activity, and children ever born to married women or widows. Changes in age categories and spatial units are also analysed. To this aim, the information contained on the tables published in each of the census volumes has been systematised, analysed and summarised in synoptic charts.Este artigo analisa os censos de população realizados na Espanha desde 1857 até 1970 com o objetivo de examinar mudanças e continuidades que estes têm apresentado ao longo do tempo quanto aos conceitos, variáveis e classificações. Mais especificamente, é analisada a evolução do censo quanto à população de referência, domicílio, naturalidade e nacionalidade, estado civil, nível de instrução, classificação das profissões ou atividade econômica, número de filhos nascidos vivos das mulheres casadas e viúvas; e, finalmente, desagregações territoriais e de idade utilizadas. Para isso, a informação contida nas tabelas numéricas de cada volume do censo foi sistematizada, analisada e sintetitzada em quadros resumo