20 research outputs found

    Introducing of plant species through the sowing of crops in the Balearic Islands

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    Creating new populations of <i>Apium bermejoi</i> (Apiaceae), a critically endangered endemic plant on Menorca (Balearic Islands)

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    Apium bermejoi is a stoloniferous plant endemic to the island of Menorca (Balearic Islands). It is found only at one locality, and it is listed as Critically Endangered (according to the IUCN criteria). We describe the main results of population restoration actions undertaken under the Recovery Plan for this species, including the following: 1) introduction at two new localities (2008), 2) reinforcement of the original wild and the introduced populations, and 3) a programme for monitoring population dynamics (including both wild and introduced populations) spanning four years (2006-2010). The plant material for the introduction and reinforcement projects was generated from seeds gathered in the wild. We carried out a monthly census of all of the individuals/patches and emerged seedlings, from which we assessed their survival at 3-4months. The survival rates of the planted individuals in the two new localities after three months were found to be 59.0% and 56.3%, and more than 80% of the surviving plants produced fruits. A seasonal pattern was observed based on the minimum cover values recorded in the censuses taken at the end of summer, with an increase detected during autumn, and maximal cover values recorded during May/June. The A. bermejoi populations showed large inter-annual fluctuations in both the number of patches and area of occupancy. The number of seedlings varied across the study years, and their survival was linked to specific meteorological events, such as severe storms and dry and hot spells during autumn. The initial phase of introduction for this species has been overall successful, but a final evaluation can only be made on a longterm basis.Apium bermejoi, planta estolonífera endémica de Menorca (Islas Baleares), de la que se conoce una sola localidad en el medio natural, está considerada en Peligro Crítico de extinción (según criterios UICN). Se presentan los principales resultados de las acciones de restauración de las poblaciones previstas en el Plan de Recuperación de esta especie que, entre otras, constaba de: 1) introducción en dos nuevas localidades (2008), 2) re - for zamiento de la población original y 3) programa de seguimiento de la dinámica de todas las poblaciones (naturales e introducidas) a lo largo de 4 años (2006-2010). Para la introducción y reforzamiento se utilizaron plantas germinadas a partir de un lote de semillas de la población original. Se realizaron censos mensuales de todos los individuos/manchas y de las plántulas emergidas, de éstas se evaluó su supervivencia a los 3-4 meses. La supervivencia de los individuos plantados a los tres meses fue del 59,0% y del 56,3% en las dos nuevas localidades; más del 80% de estas plantas fructificaron. Se observó un patrón estacional con valores de cobertura mínimos en los censos de finales de verano, incrementos durante el otoño y valores máximos en el censo de mayo/junio. Las poblaciones presentaron una elevada fluctuación interanual tanto en número de individuos/manchas como en cobertura. El número de plántulas emergidas fue muy variable entre años, su número y supervivencia se relacionó con eventos meteorológicos puntuales, como lluvias torrenciales y periodos secos y cálidos durante el otoño. La fase inicial de las introducciones ha sido globalmente exitosa, aunque la evaluación final deberá hacerse a largo plazo

    Helosciadium × clandestinum un nuevo híbrido aparecido en Menorca (Islas Baleares)

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    Se describe el nuevo híbrido Helosciadium × clandestinum Rita, Capó & Cursach nothosp. nova (H. bermejoi × H. nodiflorum) que se ha encontrado en la naturaleza en una población producto de una traslocación (Mongofre Vell, Menorca, Islas Baleares) y también en el Jardín Botánico de Sóller.Helosciadium × clandestinum a new hybrid found in Minorca (Balearic Islands). The new hybrid Helosciadium × clandestinum Rita, Capó & Cursach nothosp. nova (H. bermejoi × H. nodiflorum) is described. It was found in the wild in a locality where H. bermejoi´s population was originated with a translocation (Mongofre Vell, Menorca, Balearic Islands). It was found in the Botanical Garden of Soller as well

    Creación de nuevas poblaciones de Apium bermejoi (Apiaceae), un endemismo críticamente amenazado en Menorca (Islas Baleares)

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    Apium bermejoi is a stoloniferous plant endemic to the island of Menorca (Balearic Islands). It is found only at one locality, and it is listed as Critically Endangered (according to the IUCN criteria). We describe the main results of population restoration actions undertaken under the Recovery Plan for this species, including the following: 1) introduction at two new localities (2008), 2) reinforcement of the original wild and the introduced populations, and 3) a programme for monitoring population dynamics (including both wild and introduced populations) spanning four years (2006-2010). The plant material for the introduction and reinforcement projects was generated from seeds gathered in the wild. We carried out a monthly census of all of the individuals/patches and emerged seedlings, from which we assessed their survival at 3-4months. The survival rates of the planted individuals in the two new localities after three months were found to be 59.0% and 56.3%, and more than 80% of the surviving plants produced fruits. A seasonal pattern was observed based on the minimum cover values recorded in the censuses taken at the end of summer, with an increase detected during autumn, and maximal cover values recorded during May/June. The A. bermejoi populations showed large inter-annual fluctuations in both the number of patches and area of occupancy. The number of seedlings varied across the study years, and their survival was linked to specific meteorological events, such as severe storms and dry and hot spells during autumn. The initial phase of introduction for this species has been overall successful, but a final evaluation can only be made on a longterm basis.Apium bermejoi, planta estolonífera endémica de Menorca (Islas Baleares), de la que se conoce una sola localidad en el medio natural, está considerada en Peligro Crítico de extinción (según criterios UICN). Se presentan los principales resultados de las acciones de restauración de las poblaciones previstas en el Plan de Recuperación de esta especie que, entre otras, constaba de: 1) introducción en dos nuevas localidades (2008), 2) re - for zamiento de la población original y 3) programa de seguimiento de la dinámica de todas las poblaciones (naturales e introducidas) a lo largo de 4 años (2006-2010). Para la introducción y reforzamiento se utilizaron plantas germinadas a partir de un lote de semillas de la población original. Se realizaron censos mensuales de todos los individuos/manchas y de las plántulas emergidas, de éstas se evaluó su supervivencia a los 3-4 meses. La supervivencia de los individuos plantados a los tres meses fue del 59,0% y del 56,3% en las dos nuevas localidades; más del 80% de estas plantas fructificaron. Se observó un patrón estacional con valores de cobertura mínimos en los censos de finales de verano, incrementos durante el otoño y valores máximos en el censo de mayo/junio. Las poblaciones presentaron una elevada fluctuación interanual tanto en número de individuos/manchas como en cobertura. El número de plántulas emergidas fue muy variable entre años, su número y supervivencia se relacionó con eventos meteorológicos puntuales, como lluvias torrenciales y periodos secos y cálidos durante el otoño. La fase inicial de las introducciones ha sido globalmente exitosa, aunque la evaluación final deberá hacerse a largo plazo

    Experiences of historical introductions in Majorca: the case of "Ranunculus weyleri" (Ranunculaceae)

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    Conservation translocations did not begin to be documented until the late decades of the twentieth century in Spain. However, there is evidence that some endemic species were translocated in 1958 in Majorca (Balearic Islands) because the blasting of the highest mountain peak on the island for the installation of an American radar station could have endangered the survival of these endemic species. This is the case for Ranunculus weyleri Marès ex Willk., a threatened plant that consists of a few subpopulations with disjoint distribution. The aim of this study was (i) to search the personal documents of the botanist Jeroni Orell Casasnovas (1924-1995) —delegate of the Societat d’Història Natural de les Balears for the protection of the Puig Major flora before the blasting in 1958— to obtain information about this introduction and (ii) to perform a demographic census of its current conservation status. After the introduction in 1958, monitoring of the translocated plants in the following years 1963 and 1964 confirmed that the establishment was successful; currently, this subpopulation consists of 63 adult plants. Overall, the conservation translocation of R. weyleri sixty years ago was successful. Finally, we underline the utility of field notebook data for historical botanists who gathered valuable information but did not publish it elsewhere and the importance of publishing the results of current translocation actions, whether they succeed or not.<br /

    Biologia de la conservació de plantes endèmiques amenaçades de les Illes Balears. El cas d’Apium bermejoi L. Llorens (Apiaceae), Naufraga balearica Constance & Cannon (Apiaceae) i Ranunculus weyleri Marès ex Willk. (Ranunculaceae)

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    [cat] En aquesta tesi es descriuen els trets més rellevants de la biologia reproductiva i la dinàmica de les poblacions naturals de tres endemismes de les illes Balears (Mediterrani occidental) amenaçats segons els criteris de la UICN: Apium bermejoi, Naufraga balearica i Ranunculus weyleri. S’han realitzat seguiments demogràfics per analitzar la dinàmica poblacional i, quant a la biologia reproductiva, s’han realitzat estudis in situ (esforç i èxit reproductiu, pol•linització, dispersió de llavors, supervivència de plàntules) i ex situ (sistema reproductiu, sistema de creuament, germinació). A. bermejoi –present a una sola localitat– és altament fluctuant i la introducció a noves localitats disminueix el risc d’extinció; N. balearica es troba en declivi i R. weyleri es manté estable o en expansió, almenys a les poblacions estudiades. Aprofundir en el coneixement de la biologia reproductiva i analitzar els factors que influeixen en la dinàmica de les poblacions (herbivorisme, competència interespecífica, clima) ha permès contribuir a un millor disseny d’actuacions encaminades a la seva conservació.[spa] En esta tesis se describen los rasgos más relevantes de la biología reproductiva y la dinámica de las poblaciones naturales de tres endemismos de las islas Baleares (Mediterráneo occidental) amenazados según los criterios de la UICN: Apium bermejoi, Naufraga balearica y Ranunculus weyleri. Se han realizado seguimientos demográficos para analizar la dinámica poblacional y, en relación a la biología reproductiva, se han desarrollado estudios in situ (esfuerzo y éxito reproductivo, polinización, dispersión de semillas, supervivencia de plántulas) y ex situ (sistema reproductivo, sistema de cruzamiento, germinación). A. bermejoi –presente en una sola localidad– es altamente fluctuante y la introducción en nuevas localidades disminuye el riesgo de extinción; N. balearica está en declive y R. weyleri se mantiene estable o en expansión, al menos en las poblaciones estudiadas. Profundizar en el conocimiento de la biología reproductiva y analizar los factores que influyen en la dinámica de las poblaciones (herbivoría, competencia interespecífica, clima) ha permitido contribuir a un mejor diseño de actuaciones encaminadas a su conservación.[eng] This work describes the most relevant traits of the reproductive biology and population dynamics of three endemic plants from the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean) which are threatened according to the IUCN criteria: Apium bermejoi, Naufraga balearica and Ranunculus weyleri. We performed demographic monitoring to analyse population dynamics, and we realized studies both in situ (reproductive effort, reproductive success, pollination, seed dispersal, seedling survival) and ex situ (reproductive system, mating system, and germination) to study the reproductive biology. A. bermejoi –just one known locality– is highly fluctuating, and the introduction into new localities reduces the extinction risk; N. balearica is in decline, and R. weyleri is stable or even increasing, at least in the studied populations. Deepening the knowledge of the reproductive biology and analysing the factors that influence on population dynamics (herbivory, interspecific competition, climate) has permitted a best actions design from a conservation perspective

    Creating new populations of "Apium bermejoi" (Apiaceae), a critically endangered endemic plant on Menorca (Balearic Islands)

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    Apium bermejoi is a stoloniferous plant endemic to the island of Menorca (Balearic Islands). It is found only at one locality, and it is listed as Critically Endangered (according to the IUCN criteria). We describe the main results of population restoration actions undertaken under the Recovery Plan for this species, including the following: 1) introduction at two new localities (2008), 2) reinforcement of the original wild and the introduced populations, and 3) a programme for monitoring population dynamics (including both wild and introduced populations) spanning four years (2006-2010). The plant material for the introduction and reinforcement projects was generated from seeds gathered in the wild. We carried out a monthly census of all of the individuals/patches and emerged seedlings, from which we assessed their survival at 3-4months. The survival rates of the planted individuals in the two new localities after three months were found to be 59.0% and 56.3%, and more than 80% of the surviving plants produced fruits. A seasonal pattern was observed based on the minimum cover values recorded in the censuses taken at the end of summer, with an increase detected during autumn, and maximal cover values recorded during May/June. The A. bermejoi populations showed large inter-annual fluctuations in both the number of patches and area of occupancy. The number of seedlings varied across the study years, and their survival was linked to specific meteorological events, such as severe storms and dry and hot spells during autumn. The initial phase of introduction for this species has been overall successful, but a final evaluation can only be made on a longterm basis.Apium bermejoi, planta estolonífera endémica de Menorca (Islas Baleares), de la que se conoce una sola localidad en el medio natural, está considerada en Peligro Crítico de extinción (según criterios UICN). Se presentan los principales resultados de las acciones de restauración de las poblaciones previstas en el Plan de Recuperación de esta especie que, entre otras, constaba de: 1) introducción en dos nuevas localidades (2008), 2) reforzamiento de la población original y 3) programa de seguimiento de la dinámica de todas las poblaciones (naturales e introducidas) a lo largo de 4 años (2006-2010). Para la introducción y reforzamiento se utilizaron plantas germinadas a partir de un lote de semillas de la población original. Se realizaron censos mensuales de todos los individuos/manchas y de las plántulas emergidas, de éstas se evaluó su supervivencia a los 3-4 meses. La supervivencia de los individuos plantados a los tres meses fue del 59,0% y del 56,3% en las dos nuevas localidades; más del 80% de estas plantas fructificaron. Se observó un patrón estacional con valores de cobertura mínimos en los censos de finales de verano, incrementos durante el otoño y valores máximos en el censo de mayo/junio. Las poblaciones presentaron una elevada fluctuación interanual tanto en número de individuos/manchas como en cobertura. El número de plántulas emergidas fue muy variable entre años, su número y supervivencia se relacionó con eventos meteorológicos puntuales, como lluvias torrenciales y periodos secos y cálidos durante el otoño. La fase inicial de las introducciones ha sido globalmente exitosa, aunque la evaluación final deberá hacerse a largo plazo

    The role of landscape composition and heterogeneity on the taxonomical and functional diversity of Mediterranean plant communities in agricultural landscapes

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    The expansion of agriculture is a major driver of biodiversity loss worldwide, through changes generated in the landscape. Despite this, very little is still known about the complex relationships between landscape composition and heterogeneity and plant taxonomical and functional diversity in Mediterranean ecosystems that have been extensively managed during millennia. Although according to the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis (IDH) plant richness might peak at intermediate disturbance levels, functional diversity might increase with landscape heterogeneity and decrease with the intensity of disturbance. Here, we evaluated the associations of landscape composition (percentage of crops) and heterogeneity (diversity of land-cover classes) with plant taxonomical diversity (richness, diversity, evenness), local contribution to beta diversity, and functional diversity (functional richness, evenness, divergence and dispersion) in 20 wild Olea europaea communities appearing within agricultural landscapes of Mallorca Island (Western Mediterranean Basin). In accordance with the IDH, we found that overall plant richness peaked at intermediate levels of crops in the landscape, whereas plant evenness showed the opposite pattern, because richness peak was mainly related to an increase in scarce ruderal species. Plant communities surrounded by very heterogeneous landscapes were those contributing the most to beta diversity and showing the highest functional richness and evenness, likely because diverse landscapes favour the colonization of new species and traits into the communities. In addition, landscape heterogeneity decreased functional divergence (i.e., increased trait overlap of dominant species) which may enhance community resilience against disturbances through a higher functional redundancy. However, a large extent of agriculture in the landscape might reduce such resilience, as this disturbance acted as an environmental filter that decreased functional dispersion (i.e, remaining species shared similar traits). Overall, our study highlights the importance of considering several indices of taxonomical and functional diversity to deeply understand the complex relationships between ecosystems functions and landscape context.This study was supported by project CGL2017-89254-R financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Feder founds and the Spanish Research Agency (Call 2017). AL was also supported by a Ramón y Cajal contract (RYC-2015-19034) from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, the Spanish State Research Agency, European Social Funds (ESF invests in your future) and the University of the Balearic Islands. CGM was supported by an FPI predoctoral contract financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (FPI PRE2018-083185)

    Demographic variation and conservation of the narrow endemic plant Ranunculus weyleri

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    International audienceRanunculus weyleri is a narrow endemic protected plant from Majorca Island. It is known from only five populations located in two mountain areas 48 km apart. Using demographic data collected from 2007 to 2010, we assessed the demographic status of two populations e font des Coloms (FC) and talaia Moreia (TM) e using Integral Projection Models (IPMs). We showed that none of the two populations were declining under a deterministic model. Population FC was stable (l ¼ 1.026, CI95% ¼ 0.965e1.093), while population TM showed sign of demographic expansion (l ¼ 1.113, CI95% ¼ 1.032e1.219). Plant survival, flowering probability and the mean number of seedlings per floral peduncle were lower in TM, whereas growth and the number of floral peduncles per reproductive plant were lower in FC. Elasticity analyses showed that management strategies increasing plant survival and growth would be the most efficient to increase l for both populations. Herbivory pressure by goats has been shown to be high in TM, resulting in high predation rate on floral peduncles. Controlling goat pressure may thus represent a promising management option, provided that we can demonstrate a negative impact of herbivory by goats on survival and growth which are the most critical parts of the life cycle in this species. Meanwhile, initiating a long-term monitoring is of crucial importance to get more insights into the relationships between environmental variation, plant performance and population dynamics