39,645 research outputs found

    A third HI 21-cm absorption system in the sight-line of MG J0414+0534: A redshift for Object X?

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    We report the detection of a third HI 21-cm absorber in the sight-line towards the z=2.64 quasar MG J0414+0534 (4C +05.19). In addition to the absorption at the host redshift and in the z=0.96 gravitational lens, we find, through a decimetre-wave spectral scan towards this source, strong absorption at z=0.38. We believe this may be associated with "Object X", an additional feature apparent in the field of the lensing galaxy and lensed images, on the basis of its close proximity to the quasar images and the possible detection of the [OIII] doublet in a published optical spectrum. If real, the strength of the [OIII] emission would suggest the presence of an active galactic nucleus, or a gas-rich galaxy undergoing rapid star formation, either of which is consistent with the strong outflows apparent in the 21-cm spectrum. Although this is the strongest intervening 21-cm absorber yet found, simultaneous observations failed to detect any of the 18-cm OH lines at the 21-cm redshift. This suggests that, as for the lensing galaxy, this is not the primary location of the intervening material responsible for the very red colour of MG J0414+0534.Comment: 5 pages, accepted by MNRAS Letter

    Localised HI 21-cm absorption towards a double-lobed z=0.24 radio galaxy

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    We present the results of a mini-survey for associated HI 21-cm absorption at z < 0.42 with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope. Our targets are radio galaxies, selected on the basis that the 1216 Angstrom luminosities are below 10^23 W/Hz, above which there has never been a detection of 21-cm absorption. Of the three sources for which we obtained good data, two are unclassified active galactic nuclei (AGN) and one is type-2. Being a non-detection, the type-2 object is consistent with our previous result that 21-cm absorption in radio sources is not dictated by unified schemes of AGN. In the case of the detection, the absorption only occurs towards one of the two resolved radio lobes in PKS 1649-062. If the absorption is due to an another intervening galaxy, or cool HI gas in the intergalactic medium, covering only the south-west lobe, then, being at the same redshift, this is likely to be gravitationally bound to the optical object identified as PKS 1649-062. If the absorption is due to an inclined disk centred between the lobes, intervening the SW lobe while being located behind the NE lobe, by assuming that it covers the emission peak at 150 kpc from the nucleus, we estimate a dynamical mass of ~3 x 10^12 solar masses for the disk.Comment: 5 pages accepted by MNRAS Letter

    Rediscovery of Ooline, Cadellia pentastylis, near Gunnedah : notes on the habitat and ecology of this dry rainforest tree

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    Cadellia pentastylis F.Muell., (family Surianaceae), a dry rainforest tree with a conservation listing of Vulnerable at state and national levels, was first collected from the Gunnedah area by the botanical collector J.L. Boorman in 1907. We report the first record of Cadellia pentastylis from the Gunnedah area (30°58’49’’S, 150°15’15’’E) since 1907, and provide details of the community and habitat where it occurs, on the lower slopes of Black Jack Mountain. Although this population is one of the smallest in New South Wales, it is significant as it is at its southern distributional limit, and is found adjacent to semi-evergreen vine thicket, another type of dry rainforest, on the same hillslope. We list the New South Wales occurrences of this species and discuss aspects of its flowering phenology

    On the detectability of HI 21-cm in MgII absorption system

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    We investigate the effect of two important, but oft neglected, factors which can affect the detectability of HI 21-cm absorption in MgII absorption systems: The effect of line-of-sight geometry of the coverage of the background radio flux and any possible correlation between the 21-cm line strength and the rest frame equivalent width of the MgII line. Regarding the former, while the observed detection rate at small angular diameter distance ratios is a near certainty, for an unbiased sample, where either a detection or a non-detection are equally likely, at ratios > 0.8 the observed detection rate has an 8 sigma significance, suggesting that the mix of ratios values at z < 1 is correlated with the mix of detections and non-detections at low redshift, while the exclusively high values of the ratio at z > 1 contribute to the low detection rates at high redshift. In DLAs, the correlation between the 21-cm line strength and the MgII equivalent width is dominated by the velocity spread of the 21-cm line. This has recently been shown not to hold for MgII systems in general. However, we do find the significance of the correlation to increase when the MgII absorbers with MgI equivalent widths of >0.5 A are added to the DLA sample. Large values of the angular diameter distance ratio may explain why the absorbers which have similar equivalent widths to the detections remain undetected. We do, however, also find the neutral hydrogen column densities of the non-detections to be significantly lower. Applying the 21-cm line strength/equivalent width correlation to yield column densities for the MgII absorbers in which this is unmeasured, we find no evidence of a cosmological evolution in the neutral hydrogen column density.Comment: 9 pages, accepted by MNRA

    Spectra info & resources

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    Resources and info updates for the Spectra Roadshow. SPECTRA LOGO for use on posters, etc..

    'Comments on Larry May's 'Limiting Leviathan: Hobbes on Law and International Affairs'

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    Larry May makes some important arguments about Hobbes on law and particularly about the significance of the notion of equity for Hobbes, both as a moral law and as a (possibly limiting) requirement of a sovereign’s lawmaking authority. I am generally supportive of May’s project while remaining sceptical about the conclusion that a self-restraining sovereign is a genuinely limited sovereign.</jats:p

    Quantum Exchangeable Sequences of Algebras

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    We extend the notion of quantum exchangeability, introduced by K\"ostler and Speicher in arXiv:0807.0677, to sequences (\rho_1,\rho_2,...c) of homomorphisms from an algebra C into a noncommutative probability space (A,\phi), and prove a free de Finetti theorem: an infinite quantum exchangeable sequence (\rho_1,\rho_2,...c) is freely independent and identically distributed with respect to a conditional expectation. As a corollary we obtain a free analogue of the Hewitt Savage zero-one law. As in the classical case, the theorem fails for finite sequences. We give a characterization of finite quantum exchangeable sequences, which can be viewed as a noncommutative analogue of sampling without replacement. We then give an approximation to how far a finite quantum exchangeable sequence is from being freely independent with amalgamation.Comment: Added comments and reference [8], final version to appear in Indiana Univ. Math. Journa
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