
Rediscovery of Ooline, Cadellia pentastylis, near Gunnedah : notes on the habitat and ecology of this dry rainforest tree


Cadellia pentastylis F.Muell., (family Surianaceae), a dry rainforest tree with a conservation listing of Vulnerable at state and national levels, was first collected from the Gunnedah area by the botanical collector J.L. Boorman in 1907. We report the first record of Cadellia pentastylis from the Gunnedah area (30°58’49’’S, 150°15’15’’E) since 1907, and provide details of the community and habitat where it occurs, on the lower slopes of Black Jack Mountain. Although this population is one of the smallest in New South Wales, it is significant as it is at its southern distributional limit, and is found adjacent to semi-evergreen vine thicket, another type of dry rainforest, on the same hillslope. We list the New South Wales occurrences of this species and discuss aspects of its flowering phenology

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