130 research outputs found

    Distribution of Planorbulinacea (benthic foraminifera) assemblages in surface sediments on the northern margin of the Gulf of Cadiz

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    The distributional patterns and related environmental parameters for four species of benthic foraminifera of the Superfamily Planorbulinacea occurring in surface sediments from the northeast Gulf of Cadiz are discussed. Their distribution is related to bathymetry, in the case of Hyalinea balthica (Schröter, 1783), and to the texture of the sediments in the area for the other three, Cibicides refulgens (Montfort, 1808), Lobatula lobatula (Walter and Jacob, 1798) and Planorbulina mediterranensis (d´Orbigny 1826). Two characteristic assemblages were differentiated with Q-mode analysis: F1 (H. balthica), affected mainly by water depth; and F2 (C. refulgens and L. lobatula), related to the substrate, typical of high-energy/low sedimentation rate environments.Se ha determinado el área de distribución de las cuatro especies de foraminíferos bentónicos de la superfamilia Planorbulinacea encontrados en los sedimentos superficiales del margen septentrional del golfo de Cádiz. Su distribución está relacionada, en el caso de Hyalinea balthica (Schröter, 1783), con la batimetría, y las otras tres, Cibicides refulgens (Montfort 1808), Lobatula lobatula (Walter and Jacob, 1798) y Planorbulina mediterranensis (d'Orbigny, 1826) con las características texturales del sedimento. Hay dos asociaciones características: F1 (H. balthica) afectada principalmente por la profundidad en el dominio del agua noratlántica central y F2 (C. refulgens y L. lobatula) relacionada con el substrato, propia de ambientes de alta energía y baja tasa de sedimentación.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    The recent uvigerinids (benthic foraminifera) in the northeastern Gulf of Cadiz

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    The distributional patterns and related environmental parameters for nine Uvigerina (benthic foraminifera) species occurring in the northeast Gulf of Cadiz are discussed. A new species (Uvigerina pusilla n. sp.) is described. Two assemblages (F1: Uvigerina peregrina and F2: Rectuvigerina phlegeri) are characteristic of the distribution of uvigerinids in this region, related to bathymetry and the mud-sand substrate in North Atlantic Superficial and Central water.Se ha determinado el área de distribución de los uvigerínidos (foraminíferos bentónicos) en el noreste del golfo de Cádiz, donde se han encontrado nueve especies. Su distribución está relacionada con las características texturales y geoquímicas del sedimento. Se ha descrito una especie nueva (Uvigerina pusilla nov. es.). Mediante análisis factorial y regresión multilineal se han diferenciado dos asociaciones, F1 (Uvigerina peregrina) y F2 (Rectuvigerina phlegeri) relacionadas con las características batimétricas y geoquímicas del medio, en la zona de influencia del agua superficial y central noratlántica.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Pasivni integrirani radioodašiljači za markiranje vrtnog puha Eliomys quercinus

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    In our field study on the ecology of Eliomys quercinus we marked the animals with Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tags. Animals were captured in a larch woodland at 1600 m of altitude, inside the Val Troncea Natural Park (Piedmont region, Turin district). Garden dormice were trapped using 144 Sherman live traps, from May to September, during 1995-96. A total of 44 animals was marked. The high number of first recaptures occurred one or two nights after the implanting of the PIT tags and allows us to think that the animals did not modify their behaviour for the marking experience.In our field study on the ecology of Eliomys quercinus we marked the animals with Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tags. Animals were captured in a larch woodland at 1600 m of altitude, inside the Val Troncea Natural Park (Piedmont region, Turin district). Garden dormice were trapped using 144 Sherman live traps, from May to September, during 1995-96. A total of 44 animals was marked. The high number of first recaptures occurred one or two nights after the implanting of the PIT tags and allows us to think that the animals did not modify their behaviour for the marking experience

    Barcoding a partir de posos de café - Explorando la biodiversidad de gasterópodos pterópodos a partir de posos de frascos de colección

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    Despite their cosmopolitan occurrence and massive plankton sampling during expeditions, the genetic diversity within Pteropoda Cuvier, 1804 is still largely unexplored. In this study we present a next-generation environmental barcoding approach to zooplankton bulk samples, which were collected during the circumglobal 2010 Malaspina expedition to evaluate pteropod diversity. We introduce a technique that avoids destructive procedures and leaves material intact for further morphological investigations. We extracted DNA out of the dregs (organic material such as mucus or body parts) of 27 sample containers for molecular barcoding (average 100-260 bp of COI). We were able to identify 7128 operational taxonomic units corresponding to the species composition contained in the examined samples. Among them were three species of thecosome pteropods, Creseis acicula, Creseis virgula and Cavolinia inflexa, which are discussed with respect to their taxonomy and their geographic distribution. Unidentified gymnosomes were also present in our samples from warmer regions in oceanic waters of the southern Indian Ocean. To facilitate identification of species, it is beneficial to create a better database of pteropod COI barcodes. Furthermore, gathering environmental barcoding data on a broad global scale will help to better understand species abundance and distribution of pteropods in the world’s oceans, and potentially those of other planktonic organisms.A pesar de su presencia cosmopolita y las actividades de muestreo masivo de plancton durante las expediciones, la diversidad genética dentro de los Pteropoda Cuvier, 1804 está todavía inexplorada en gran medida. En este estudio se presenta una aproximación desde el barcoding ambiental aplicada a muestras generales de zooplancton recogidas durante la expedición circumglobal “Malaspina 2010”, con el fin de evaluar la diversidad de pterópodos. Se introduce una técnica que evita procedimientos destructivos de tal modo que el material permanece intacto para futuras investigaciones morfológicas. Extrajimos ADN de los posos (material orgánico como moco o partes del cuerpo) de 27 recipientes de muestras para el barcoding (promedio de 100- 260 bp de COI). Se pudieron identificar 7128 “OTUs” correspondientes a la composición de las especies contenidas en las muestras examinadas. Entre ellas se encontraron tres especies de pterópodos tecosomados, Creseis acicula, Creseis virgula y Cavolinia inflexa, cuya taxonomía y distribución geográfica son discutidas. Gimnosomados no identificados procedentes de regiones más templadas de aguas oceánicas del sur del Océnao Indico también estaban presentes. Para facilitar la identificación de especies, es beneficioso crear una base de datos ampliada de códigos de barras COI de pterópodos. Además, la recopilación de datos de barcoding ambiental a una escala mundial amplia ayudará a comprender mejor la abundancia y distribución de especies de pterópodos en los océanos del mundo y de otros posibles organismos planctónicos

    High-grade vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia and risk of progression to vaginal cancer. a multicentre study of the Italian Society of Colposcopy and Cervico-Vaginal Pathology (SICPCV)

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to analyse the women with high grade vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (HG-VaIN), in order to identify a subset of women at higher risk of progression to invasive vaginal cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The medical records of all the women diagnosed with HG-VaIN, and subsequently treated, from January 1995 to December 2013 were analyzed in a multicentre retrospective case series. The rate of progression to invasive vaginal cancer and the potential risk factors were evaluated. RESULTS: 205 women with biopsy diagnosis of HG-VaIN were considered, with a mean follow up of 57 months (range 4-254 months). 12 cases of progression to vaginal squamocellular cancer were observed (5.8%), with a mean time interval from treatment to progression of 54.6 months (range 4-146 months). The rate of progression was significantly higher in women diagnosed with VaIN3 compared with VaIN2 (15.4% vs. 1.4%, p < 0.0001). Women with HG-VaIN and with previous hysterectomy showed a significantly higher rate of progression to invasive vaginal cancer compared to non-hysterectomised women (16.7% vs. 1.4%, p < 0.0001). A higher risk of progression for women with VaIN3 and for women with previous hysterectomy for cervical HPV-related disease was confirmed by multivariable logistic regression analysis. CONCLUSIONS: A higher rate of progression to vaginal cancer was reported in women diagnosed with VaIN3 on biopsy and in women with previous hysterectomy for HPV-related cervical disease. These patients should be considered at higher risk, thus a long lasting and accurate follow up is recommended

    I costi della sepsi in Italia

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate additional hospitalisation costs and intangible costs (mortality) in patients with sepsis (intended as severe sepsis or sepsis shock) in Italy. The evaluation is based on clinical data from the Italian Sepsis Study, a prospective, multicentre study conducted in 99 Intensive Care Units (ICUs)located across Italy. Each ICU enrolled the first two (or three) patients admitted each month, during the year April 1993 to March 1994. In particular, data collected included the Average Length Of Stay (ALOS) in ICU and later in the regular ward, and the mortality within four weeks and in hospital. Out of the 2,946 patients enrolled, 2,641 never developed sepsis and were considered as the control group (comparability was confirmed based on gender, age, and comorbidity). The additional (respective to the control group) ALOSs of the patients with sepsis were valued in monetary terms using per diem full costs, inflated to 2000: 1,033.43 Euro for l day in ICU (published data) and 299.54 Euro for l day in the regular ward (estimated data based on published materials). Statistical significance was tested with Student t test. The hospitalisation cost of a patient with sepsis (21,571.88 Euro) is significantly higher (+86%) than that patient without sepsis (11,590.84 Euro), due to a longer (+ 163%) stay in the expensive ICU, not balanced by shorter stay in the regular ward. Also intangible costs are significantly higher: the risk for an ICU patient with sepsis to die in hospital is 3 times higher than that of an ICU patient without sepsis. In particular, those patients developing sepsis after admission are more costly and with a higher mortality risk

    Druževna organizacija, životni prostor i kretanje vrtnog puha Eliomys quercinus

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    In order to provide information on the ecology of the garden dormouse in the alpine habitat, a field study was started in 1995 using the capture-recapture method. The research was carried out in the Val Troncea Natural Park, situated in the Western Alps (Piedmont region, Turin district). During the two yera study, 30 adults and 23 juveniles were caught: 14 adults and 9 juveniles in 1995, 20 adults (four of them were also caught in 1995) and 14 juveniles in 1996. The mean movement of adults during one night was about 50 m, with a peak of 209 m. Differences through the months were not significant, for neither males nor females. Males appeared to be more mobile than females, especially in August. Movements during the trapping period showed the same pattern for males: they were little in June and increased in August. Home ranges were greater for males (mean 0.8 ha, N=2) than females (mean 0.62 ha, N=%); a female not reproductive exhibited a bigger range (1.04 ha). Adults resident in the study area frequented the same part of the grid in 1995 and 1996.In order to provide information on the ecology of the garden dormouse in the alpine habitat, a field study was started in 1995 using the capture-recapture method. The research was carried out in the Val Troncea Natural Park, situated in the Western Alps (Piedmont region, Turin district). During the two yera study, 30 adults and 23 juveniles were caught: 14 adults and 9 juveniles in 1995, 20 adults (four of them were also caught in 1995) and 14 juveniles in 1996. The mean movement of adults during one night was about 50 m, with a peak of 209 m. Differences through the months were not significant, for neither males nor females. Males appeared to be more mobile than females, especially in August. Movements during the trapping period showed the same pattern for males: they were little in June and increased in August. Home ranges were greater for males (mean 0.8 ha, N=2) than females (mean 0.62 ha, N=%); a female not reproductive exhibited a bigger range (1.04 ha). Adults resident in the study area frequented the same part of the grid in 1995 and 1996

    Dehalogenation of polychlorinated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers using a hybrid bioinorganic catalyst

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    The environmentally prevalent polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) #47 and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) #28 and #118 were challenged for 24 hours with a novel biomass-supported Pd catalyst (BioPd0). Analysis of the products via GC/MS revealed the BioPd0 to cause the challenged compounds to undergo stepwise dehalogenation with preferential loss of the least sterically hindered halogen atom. A mass balance for PCB #28 showed that it is degraded to three dichlorobiphenyls (33.9 %), two monochlorobiphenyls (12 %), and biphenyl (30.7 %). The remaining mass was starting material. In contrast, while PCB #118 underwent degradation to yield five tetra- and five trichlorinated biphenyls; no less chlorinated products or biphenyl were detected, and the total mass of degraded products was 0.3 %. Although the BioPd0 material was developed for treatment of PCBs, a mass balance for PBDE #47 showed that the biocatalyst could prove a useful method for treatment of PBDEs. Specifically, 10 % of PBDE # 47 was converted to identifiable lower brominated congeners, predominantly the tribrominated BDE 17, and the dibrominated BDE 4, 75 % remained intact, while 15 % of the starting mass was unaccounted for