36 research outputs found

    Primary splenic angiosarcoma: a rare entity often associated with rupture and hemoperitoneum

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    Primary splenic angiosarcoma (PSA) is a rare neoplasm of vascular origin associated with aggressive behavior and poor prognosis. The clinical presentation is usually non-specific and is mostly characterized by a wasting disease with anemia and splenomegaly, mimicking a wide range of entities. The authors present the case of an 80-year-old woman with cardiovascular comorbidities with a 6-month history of weight loss, fatigue, weakness, pallor, and abdominal pain. The physical examination showed massive splenomegaly and pallor. After a thorough evaluation that ruled out lymphoproliferative diseases, the working diagnosis was a myelodysplastic disorder. A few days after discharge, she returned to the emergency room with severe abdominal pain, worsening fatigue, and a remarkable pallor. Point-of-care ultrasound showed free intraperitoneal fluid. Spleen rupture was confirmed by abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan, and an emergency laparotomy with splenectomy was performed. The postoperative period was uneventful, and the patient recovered in a few days. The histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of PSA and the patient was referred to an oncological center. Two months later staging CT demonstrated liver and peritoneal metastases, and despite the chemotherapy she died 6 months after the diagnosis

    Using geostatistics to evaluate the environment of "wean to finish" swine housing

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    O "wean to finish" é um sistema de criação de suínos que ainda é novo no Brasil, e não existem muitos estudos a respeito do ambiente onde estes animais são criados. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o ambiente térmico e aéreo por meio da técnica da geoestatística em galpão de suínos criados no sistema "wean to finish", na fase de terminação, nos horários das 09h, 12h e 15h. A variabilidade dos atributos foi baseada na estatística descritiva dos dados de temperatura, umidade relativa, velocidade do ar, concentrações de amônia e dióxido de carbono, obtendo-se: média, mediana, coeficiente de variação, assimetria e curtose, com o teste de normalidade de Kolmogorov-Smirnov, através do programa estatístico Minitab 15. Para a determinação da existência ou não da dependência espacial, utilizou-se do exame de semivariograma, através do programa GS+, e, na elaboração dos mapas de distribuição espacial das variáveis, foi utilizado o programa Surfer. Os atributos de velocidade do ar e as concentrações dos gases NH3 e CO2 apresentaram alto coeficiente de variação devido aos dados serem heterogêneos, pois a instalação apresentava ventilação natural. O uso dos mapas de krigagem permitiu observar a diferença espacial da distribuição das variáveis avaliadas com diferentes números de animais/baia e em diferentes horários.345800811FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPSem informaçãoThe "wean to finish" is a new pig production system in Brazil. To date, few research have investigated the environmental conditions of this pig farming system. The aim of this study was to evaluated the thermal environmental conditions and gases concentration using geostatistical techniques of a wean-to-finish barn during finishing phase at 9AM, 12PM e 3PM. The data variability was evaluated by the descriptive analysis, of the temperatures, relative humidity, air velocity, ammonia and carbon dioxide concentration. The results showed the average, median, coefficient of variation, asymmetry and curtosis and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test with the software Minitab 15. To determine the spatial dependence, the semivariogram exam was done, with the software GS+. The air velocity and gases concentration showed the highest coefficient of variation. This has happened because of the heterogeneity of the data caused by the natural ventilation. The Krigging maps showed the spacial differences of the pens with different numbers of animals in different hour of the day

    Hydrogen peroxide production regulates the mitochondrial function in insulin resistant muscle cells: Effect of catalase overexpression

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    AbstractThe mitochondrial redox state plays a central role in the link between mitochondrial overloading and insulin resistance. However, the mechanism by which the ROS induce insulin resistance in skeletal muscle cells is not completely understood. We examined the association between mitochondrial function and H2O2 production in insulin resistant cells. Our hypothesis is that the low mitochondrial oxygen consumption leads to elevated ROS production by a mechanism associated with reduced PGC1α transcription and low content of phosphorylated CREB. The cells were transfected with either the encoded sequence for catalase overexpression or the specific siRNA for catalase inhibition. After transfection, myotubes were incubated with palmitic acid (500μM) and the insulin response, as well as mitochondrial function and fatty acid metabolism, was determined. The low mitochondrial oxygen consumption led to elevated ROS production by a mechanism associated with β-oxidation of fatty acids. Rotenone was observed to reduce the ratio of ROS production. The elevated H2O2 production markedly decreased the PGC1α transcription, an effect that was accompanied by a reduced phosphorylation of Akt and CREB. The catalase transfection prevented the reduction in the phosphorylated level of Akt and upregulated the levels of phosphorylated CREB. The mitochondrial function was elevated and H2O2 production reduced, thus increasing the insulin sensitivity. The catalase overexpression improved mitochondrial respiration protecting the cells from fatty acid-induced, insulin resistance. This effect indicates that control of hydrogen peroxide production regulates the mitochondrial respiration preventing the insulin resistance in skeletal muscle cells by a mechanism associated with CREB phosphorylation and β-oxidation of fatty acids

    Vacinação para influenza em idosos na pandemia COVID-19: estudo de base populacional em 133 cidades brasileiras

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    Influenza vaccination coverage in the elderly was analysed during the COVID-19 pandemic through the EPICOVID-19, a population-based study conducted in 133 cities from the 26 Brazilian states and Federal District. Twenty five census tracts were sampled with probability proportional to the size of the tract, 10 households by census tracts and one random person interviewed. A total of 33,250 people were interviewed being 8,262  ≥60 years old. The elderly were asked whether they had had a flu vaccine in 2020. Vaccination coverage was 82.3% (CI95%=8 0.1-84.2) with no difference by sex, age, and region. Higher vaccination coverage was observed in the richest compared to the poorest (84.7% and 80.1%; p=<0.001), and among those with higher schooling (87.3% and 83.2; p=0.007). The indigenous presented lower coverage (56.9%) than other ethnic groups (>80%) (p=0.056). A positive association existed between vaccination coverage and number of comorbidities for men, but not for women. Most of those who were vaccinated (97.5%) received the vaccine in the public health system. The private was chosen mostly in the south, by the rich and by those with more schooling. Vaccination coverage was seven percentage points lower than the government target, and inequalities should be reverted in future campaigns.Avaliou-se a cobertura vacinal para influenza em idosos na pandemia COVID-19 através do EPICOVID-19, inquérito de base populacional realizado em 133 cidades sentinela dos 26 estados brasileiros e Distrito Federal. Selecionou-se 25 setores censitários por cidade com amostragem proporcional ao tamanho, 10 domicílios por setor e uma pessoa por domicílio, aleatoriamente. Foram entrevistadas 33.250 pessoas, sendo 8.265 idosos. Perguntou-se aos idosos se haviam sido vacinados contra gripe em 2020. A cobertura foi de 82,3% (IC 95% 80,1–84,2), sem diferenças por sexo, idade ou região. Foram observadas maiores coberturas no quintil mais rico (84,7% contra  80,1% no mais pobre; p<0.001) e naqueles com graduação completa (87,3% contra 83,2% com fundamental incompleto; p=0.007), e menor cobertura nos indígenas (56,9% comparado a coberturas superiores a 80% nos demais grupos étnicos) (p=0,056). Houve associação positiva da cobertura com número de comorbidades entre homens, mas não entre mulheres. A maioria vacinou-se na rede pública (97,5%), sendo a rede privada mais utilizada na região sul, pelos mais escolarizados e mais ricos. Conclui-se que a cobertura vacinal ficou sete pontos percentuais abaixo da meta governamental, e que desigualdades devem ser revertidas em futuras campanhas

    Lupus en Argentina. Pacientes no respondedores al tratamiento estándar y belimumab como posible opción. Datos del registro RELESSAR

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    Introducción: el lupus es una enfermedad compleja y varias veces de difícil abordaje. Alcanzar la remisión es uno de los objetivos, incorporando opciones terapéuticas. Objetivos: describir las características generales de los pacientes según el estado de la enfermedad y el uso de belimumab. Materiales y métodos: estudio de corte transversal, registro RELESSAR. Se definió el estado de la enfermedad como: remisión: SLEDAI=0 y sin corticoides; baja actividad de la enfermedad: SLEDAI >0 y ≤4 y sin corticoides; control no óptimo: SLEDAI >4 y cualquier dosis de corticoides. Resultados: se incluyeron 1.277 pacientes, 23,4% en remisión, 12,6% en baja actividad y 63,8% con control no óptimo. En este último grupo eran más jóvenes y con menor duración de la enfermedad; presentaban mayores índices de actividad y cronicidad, y mayor empleo de inmunosupresores. Solo el 22,3% de los pacientes con criterio potencial de uso de belimumab (lupus eritematoso sistémico activo a pesar del tratamiento estándar) lo recibía en ese momento. Las variables asociadas a hospitalizaciones fueron: terapia con corticoides, ciclofosfamida y mayor SLICC. Conclusiones: se refleja la complejidad del manejo de estos pacientes y se visualizan aspectos estructurales como la desigualdad. El uso del belimumab resultaría beneficioso en los pacientes seleccionados

    Effects of Raloxifene Combined with Low-dose Conjugated Estrogen on the Endometrium in Menopausal Women at High Risk for Breast Cancer

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    OBJECTIVES: To compare the effects of low-dose conjugated estrogen (CE), raloxifene, and the combination thereof on the endometrium of postmenopausal women. METHODS: Postmenopausal women between 45 and 60 years of age, with Gail scoreX1.67 and no endometrial disorders, were randomly assigned to receive low-dose CE (0.3 mg), raloxifene (60 mg), or combined therapy for 1 year. Transvaginal ultrasound was performed at baseline and every 3 months; the Kupperman Index was assessed at baseline and every 6 months. Endometrial biopsies were performed if endometrial thickness (ET) was X5 mm or if vaginal bleeding occurred. The primary outcome was the occurrence of ETX5 mm over the one-year period. RESULTS: Seventy-three women were randomly assigned and analyzed on an intent-to-treat basis. Eight, three, and four women in the CE, raloxifene, and combination groups, respectively, exhibited ETX5 mm. No genital bleeding was reported in the combination group. Endometrial biopsy revealed atrophy or polyps in all groups, with one patient in the CE group exhibiting a proliferative endometrium without atypia. At 6 months, there was a progressive increase in mean ET in the CE group, but not in the other two groups, with statistically significant differences at 6, 9, and 12 months. Mean scores for vasomotor symptoms and Kupperman Index favored the CE and combination groups over raloxifene. CONCLUSION: Combined raloxifene and low-dose CE decreased the severity of menopausal symptoms to a similar extent as CE alone and had similar effects as raloxifene alone on the endometrium

    Histological and immunohistochemical characterization of the integument and parotoids glands Rhinella bergi (Anura: Bufsonidae): Development and differentiation

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    A detailed description of the tegument and parotoid glands of pre-metamorphic, post-metamorphic, juvenile and adult individuals of Rhinella bergi is presented to provide an exhaustive analysis of the integumentary characteristics of this species. Fragments of the tegument were fixed in Bouin solution and preserved in buffered Formol 10%. Subsequently, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed to characterize the macroscopic structure of these regions. Microscopic observations were made from histological sections stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin, Alcian Blue (pH 2,5), PAS-H, Coomassie Blue, Oil Red, and Bielschowsky Impregnation. There were three types of protuberance: warts, tubers, and thorns. These structures became evident from post-metamorphic stages. The ventral surface shows elevations similar to flat warts; however, tubers and spines are absent. Histologically, each structure consists of a spongy dermis of lax connective tissue and dense and compact dermis, associated with granular glands and a keratinized epidermis. The latter, in the dorsal region, forms projections called thorns. The granular glands accumulate, and their alveoli increase in size progressively. This work provides a morphological and histological description of the integument and the parotoid glands during the larval and post-metamorphic stage of the genus Rhinella, with aspects described for the first time in the genus.Fil: Olea, Gabriela Beatriz. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Investigacion y Tecnología en Reproducción Animal; ArgentinaFil: Cheij, Esteban Omar. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Naturales y Agrimensura. Departamento de Biología. Laboratorio de Herpetología; ArgentinaFil: Curi, Lucila Marilén. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Naturales y Agrimensura. Departamento de Biología. Laboratorio de Herpetología; ArgentinaFil: Cuzziol Boccioni, Ana Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Naturales y Agrimensura. Departamento de Biología. Laboratorio de Herpetología; ArgentinaFil: Cespedez, Jorge Abel. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Naturales y Agrimensura. Departamento de Biología. Laboratorio de Herpetología; ArgentinaFil: Lombardo, Daniel Marcelo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Investigacion y Tecnología en Reproducción Animal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Signals from predators, injured conspecifics, and pesticide modify the swimming behavior of the gregarious tadpole Rhinella dorbignyi (anura: bufonidae)

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    Tadpoles detect chemical signals released from predators and conspecifics,aswellasthosepresentintheenvironment, and adjust their behavioral responses. This study evaluated the swimming activity of Dorbigny’s Toad(Rhinella dorbignyi (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)) tadpoles exposed to chemical signals, including cues from a predator fish, the marbled swamp eel (Synbranchus marmoratus Bloch, 1795), and an injured conspecific; sublethal concentration of insecticide cypermethrin; and their combination. Swimming behavior (total distance moved, mean speed, global activity, number of contacts between tadpoles) was evaluated in an individual (1) and groups of different size (3, 5, 7, and 10 tadpoles) using a video-tracking software tool. Predator exposure modified behavioral parameters, reducing encounters with predators and, therefore, mortality. Total distance moved and mean speed increased in trials involving 1 tadpole and 3 interacting tadpoles exposed to injured conspecifics, whereas global activity increased in all group sizes, showing that gregarious tadpoles may be affected by alarm cues and their behavior may be disrupted. The insecticide treatments (alone and combined) increased parameters in all group sizes, causing hyperactivity due to its neurotoxic effect. The different responses observed after exposure to alarm cues and environmental signals in the different group sizes modified the normal behavior and the ecological dynamics of gregarious tadpoles.Fil: Curi, Lucila Marilén. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ictiología del Nordeste; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Cuzziol Boccioni, Ana Paula. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas. Laboratorio de Saneamiento Ambiental; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Peltzer, Paola. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas. Laboratorio de Saneamiento Ambiental; ArgentinaFil: Attademo, Andres Maximiliano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas. Laboratorio de Saneamiento Ambiental; ArgentinaFil: Basso, Agustin. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas. Laboratorio de Saneamiento Ambiental; ArgentinaFil: Leon, Evelina Jesica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas. Laboratorio de Saneamiento Ambiental; ArgentinaFil: Lajmanovich, Rafael Carlos. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas. Laboratorio de Saneamiento Ambiental; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin