13 research outputs found

    Inclusione e integrazione. Modelli alternativi o correlati di organizzazione?

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    In current educational and social practices it has been widely affirmed the policy of implementing operability based on sound pedagogical principles used with the hiring of a coherent prospect of success. An operation whose level of success, in terms not only quantitative but also qualitative, appears closely linked to the respect of systematic constraints, with the adoption of action models adaptable to the multiplicity and diversity of contexts of reference, with the foresight to systematically monitor and critic of its development, with the wealth ofcollaborative convergence and last but not least, the sustainability of its materialize with really available means. The organizational and management models of that practice are effective representation in two basic concepts, including their relatively dissimilar: that of “integration” and that of "inclusion”. Both certainly effective, but that give rise to each specific application, especially on the organizational and management level, but also on that of prospection outcomes. Unfortunately, the sense of their meaning is not always clear, somuch so that often are conceived in terms of synonymy with the effects certainly limiting for the same quality of services (educational and social) in place. Hence the need to dwell, albeit in an essential way, the respective meanings, on the principles that underlie them and their real usefulness.Nelle attuali pratiche educative e sociali si è ormai ampiamente affermato il criterio di mettere in atto una operatività fondata su solidi principi pedagogici posti in essere con l’assunzione di una coerente prospettiva di esito. In tale contesto, il livello di successo, sul piano sia quantitativo che qualitativo, apparestrettamente connesso al rispetto dei vincoli di sistematicità, con l’adozione di modelli d’azione adattabili alla molteplicità e alla diversità dei contesti di riferimento, con l’accortezza di un controllo sistematico e critico del suo svolgersi, con la ricchezza della convergenza collaborativa e, non ultima, la sostenibilità del suo concretizzarsi con i mezzi realmente disponibili. I modelli organizzativi e gestionali di questa pratica trovano efficace rappresentazione in due basilari concetti, tra loro relativamente dissimili: quello di “integrazione”e quello di “inclusione”. Entrambi certamente efficaci, ma che danno luogo ciascuno a specificità applicativa, soprattutto sul piano organizzativo e gestionale, ma anche su quello della prospettazione degli esiti. Purtroppo il loro significato non sempre è ben chiaro, tant’è che spesso vengono concepitiin termini di sinonimia, con effetti certamente limitativi per la qualità stessa deiservizi (educativi e sociali) posti in essere. Da qui la necessità di soffermarsi, seppure in modo essenziale, sui rispettivi significati, sui principi ad essi sottesi e sulla loro reale utilizzabilità

    Il mediatore turistico, per un turismo di qualitĂ 

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    Il livello di accesso alla pratica turistica e la qualità della sua piena fruizione rappresentano due interessanti declinatori della qualitàdei sistemi di servizio che il sociale fornisce alla persona in risposta a bisogni che questa esprime: bisogni di esistere, di essere, di agire, di godere, di affermarsi.Di qui la necessità di fornire un fondamento teoretico alla prassi turistica, nel sua relazione domanda/offerta, che si presti ad essere di qualità, ossia in grado di garantire ai suoi utilizzatori lo svolgersi di ogni possibile forma di fruibilità, senza alcuna esclusione. Ilche richiede unitarietà d’intenti, visione integrata dei problemi, forte interazione istituzionale, disponibilità di professionisti dotati di competenza professionale “mediativa”, di tipo pedagogico, e il cui filtro progettuale ed operativo è rappresentato da una matura coscienza sociale a base inclusiva/integrativa

    La musica oltre... la terapia. Uno strumento educativo per l'inclusione

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    Music is an integral part of every person’s life. Scientific research has shown the effectiveness ofmusic in medical-rehabilitation contexts to the extent that it is considered, for some categoriesof people (disabled, socio-cultural, elderly), for the exclusive use of the psychotherapeutic field.The purpose of this review is to demonstrate the importance that music has also in the educationaland didactic field to “exploit” its peculiarities, “beyond” the therapeutic component toinclude the many different contexts of life. Among these, the “digital environments” make musicthe protagonist of a “world 2.0”, within which, starting from the strengths of the differentiatedMethod of Maria Montessori, it is possible to create a union between pedagogy and musicaleducation.The last section deals with deafness and music as a specimen, highlighting how theoretical andempirical research on this topic has dealt with it from a threefold perspective: on the one hand,music as rehabilitation therapy for deaf people; on the other, music’s contribution in the overalleducation of the deaf; finally, music as entertainment and its enjoyment as an expression ofquality free time for deaf people

    Libroterapia e dislessia: oltre la valenza compensativa dell’ebook

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    This paper aims to demonstrate the effectivenessof book therapy in treating the emotionaldisturbances of people with DSA.Since the early 1900s today, book therapyhas been experiencing unceasing and widespreaddevelopment, so much so that it isincreasingly used in hospitals, prisons, schools,libraries and psychiatric clinics. Wherepossible, it is not uncommon to use Booktherapy instead of, pharmacological treatments.With the development of technologythe traditional paper book was joined withthe digital book (ebook). Both, with theirown characteristics and potential, can contributeto the treatment of emotional disturbances.The last part of the work is focusedon the pedagogical and formative value ofnarration and autobiography. Through a detailedanalysis of the literature, the articledocuments how the ebook, in case of presenceof DSA, is able to be more than just a“compensatory tool” and become a real therapy.Il presente lavoro si propone di dimostrarel’efficacia della pratica libroterapica nel trattamentodei disturbi emotivi delle personecon DSA. Dai primi del 1900 ad oggi la Libroterapiaha conosciuto uno sviluppo incessantee capillare, tanto da essere impiegata,sempre più frequentemente, presso gliospedali, le carceri, le scuole, le biblioteche,le strutture psichiatriche; laddove possibile,non è infrequente l’utilizzo della Libroterapiain sostituzione, o in ausilio, di trattamentifarmacologici. Con l’avvento dellatecnologia il tradizionale libro cartaceo èstato affiancato dal libro digitale (ebook). Entrambi,con le proprie caratteristiche e leproprie potenzialità, possono contribuire altrattamento di disturbi emotivi. L’ultima partedel lavoro è incentrata sulla valenza pedagogicae formativa della narrazione edell’autobiografia. Attraverso un’analisi dettagliatadella letteratura presa in esame, l’articolodocumenta come l’ebook, in presenzadi DSA, riesca ad andare oltre lo “strumentocompensativo” e diventare una vera e propriaterapia

    Emotional Competence and Affective Computing as Factors of Formation of Individual and Social Identity

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    This experience of psycho-emotional education is part of more extensive international researches based on the hypothesis that the “emotional experience”, if inserted in the daily conduct of the school curriculum, especially in the nursery school one, represents an excellent training opportunity, since it fosters the learners' best perception of the self, thus strengthening their expressive and communicative attitude. On the basis of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) principles and inspired by a previous experience carried out by the Department of Human Science for training, this experimental project has been put into practice by some nursery schools in RC, thus providing very interesting data for the confirmation of the hypothesis. It has been also developed a study on the affective computing and the cognitive computing pursuing a new perspective that exceeds the traditional vision of what is defined as artificial intelligence and analyzes intelligence and aspects of perceptions, often neglected, with a methodological approach considering the emotional processes as important as the cognitive ones

    Il silenzio di Antonio. L’approccio integrato per incrementare la produzione verbale e migliorare le abilità di lettura e di scrittura

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    The present work describes a case study, inspired by the principles of Total Communication and is based on the assumption of the existence of a close interconnection between the cognitive sphere and the motor sphere. The main objective is to favor, in a didactic and / or therapeutic situation, the learning processes of people with communicative difficulties due to a defect / absence of verbalization.With this study, of whom Antonio is the reference subject, through a qualitative analysis, we wanted to demonstrate how an integrated methodological approach, structured in synergy betweenthe various activities proposed (Do.LS, psycho-educational approach, bimodal teaching, motor activity) is able to increase the verbal production and to favor the development of phonological andmetaphonological skills, with consequent positive effects on the quality of learning, especially the one related to reading and writing skills, and therefore on the same literacy and socialization processes.The present work describes a case study, inspired by the principles of Total Communication and is based on the assumption of the existence of a close interconnection between the cognitive sphere and the motor sphere. The main objective is to favor, in a didactic and / or therapeutic situation, the learning processes of people with communicative difficulties due to a defect / absence of verbalization.With this study, of whom Antonio is the reference subject, through a qualitative analysis, we wanted to demonstrate how an integrated methodological approach, structured in synergy betweenthe various activities proposed (Do.LS, psycho-educational approach, bimodal teaching, motor activity) is able to increase the verbal production and to favor the development of phonological andmetaphonological skills, with consequent positive effects on the quality of learning, especially the one related to reading and writing skills, and therefore on the same literacy and socialization processes

    Regolazione emotiva e metacognizione nei bambini e negli adolescenti

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    As literature indicates, people experience emotions following the evaluation of a real or perceived event (Frijda, 1986; Zajonc, 1998; Davidson, Scherer & Goldsmith, 2003; Barrett, 2006; Brackett, et al., 2006; Izard, 2007; Panksepp, 2007). These can cause difficulties in emotional regulatory mechanisms that cause distress in relationship to oneself, to other people and to the world, occasionally resulting in full-blown psychopathology (Stults- Kolehmainen & Sinha, 2014; Extremera & Rey, 2015). Diverse theoretical currents report outcomes of altered metacognitive fuction both in learning (Flavell, 1979; Cottini, 2004), evaluating and monitoring thought (Wells & Matthews, 1995/2014), as well as in the expression of reasoning in terms of mental status on oneself and others behavior (Fonagy, 2000). The goal of this study is to examine whether disfunction of emotive regulation in children causes “metacognitive errors” that leads to development of severe psychopathological diseases.La letteratura riporta che, a seguito della valutazione di un evento reale o immaginato, le persone sperimentano delle emozioni (Frijda, 1986; Zajonc, 1998; Davidson, Scherer & Goldsmith, 2003; Barrett, 2006; Brackett, et al., 2006; Izard, 2007; Panksepp, 2007). Queste, se intense possono causare difficoltà di regolazione emotiva (Stults-Kolehmainen & Sinha, 2014; Extremera & Rey, 2015). Ne consegue disagio nel rapporto con se stessi e con il mondo e talvolta sofferenza psicopatologica (Cohen, Janicki- Deverts, & Miller, 2007). Diverse teorie a confronto registrano esiti di un alterato funzionamento metacognitivo sia nell’apprendimento (Flavell, 1979; Cottini, 2004) sia nella valutazione e monitoraggio del pensiero (Wells & Matthews, 1995/2014), nonchè nell’espressione della capacità di ragionare sul proprio e altrui comportamento in termini di stati mentali (Fonagy, 2000).Questo lavoro mira a esaminare fonti secondo cui la disfunzione della regolazione emotiva nei bambini comporta “errori metacognitivi” che conducono allo sviluppo di disturbi psicopatologiciimportanti. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di esaminare fonti a sostegno della tesi, già ampiamente documentata per gli adulti, secondo cui la disfunzione della regolazione emotiva nei bambini comporta “errori metacognitivi” che conducono allo sviluppo di disturbi psicopatologici importanti

    Detenzione parentale e comportamenti delinquenziali nella prole: quale possibile intervento*?

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    Research on the health of children after one of their parent’s imprisonment is relatively poor despite studies that link adverse experiences of childhood to a series of physical and mental health conditions. In this review, several clinical trials have been examined to examine the risks of child exposure to an unstable and dysfunctional family structure due to detention of one or both parents. Among the aspects related to detention, the one most concerning for prisoners is the separation from the family, and in particular from the children. From the offspring point of view, the detention of one parent translates to a loss of a stable reference point, which over the years leads to them taking less advisable choices that in turn make detention more likely. Studies have shown that, over the years, minor children of detainees develop acceptance towards parental detention, with normalization of event up to ignoring the socially shared concept of “detention” which morphs into the idea of what delinquency represents in micro and macro criminality contexts. It becomes important to foster relationships with children and with the prisoner’s family, but it becomes even more important that the prisoner embarks on a path that leads them to regain the parenting role, which allows them to feel like a person with resources to protect and with relationships to cultivate

    La radio come mediatore inclusivo: a scuola tra musica e libertĂĄ

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    "How to respond to the negative effects on learning caused by the emergency state ‐ COVID 19 and, in particular, to" un‐expected "Special Educational Needs? "How to become resilient to process changes and transform them in order to express oneself to the fullest and grow in harmony as an active protagonist of one's life?" The answer is "learn to smile at life". Radio as an opportunity for cheerful and fun mass media communication, as much as music as a universal language, have both proved to be mediators capable of eliminating any type of barrier, becoming effective tools for creating an inclusive community that also teaches students to deal with anxieties and fears. in a different way that creates acceptance, sharing, and recognition of the other. The radio in particular has proved fruitful from a pedagogical point of view, proposing itself as an intimate living room in which it is possible to talk, discuss and become the protagonists of a project aimed at educating and educating oneself with a smile

    Music Beyond...Therapy. An Educational Tool for Inclusion

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    Music is an integral part of every person’slife. Scientific research hasshown the effectiveness of music in medical-rehabilitation contexts to the extent that it is considered, for some categories of people (disabled,socio-cultural, elderly), forthe exclusive use of the psychotherapeutic field. The purpose of this review is to demonstrate the importance that music has also in the educa- tional and didactic field to “exploit” its peculiarities, “beyond” the therapeutic component to include the many different contexts of life. Among these,the “digital environments” make music the protagonist of a “world 2.0”, within which, starting from the strengths of the differentiated Method of Maria Montessori, it is possible to create a union between pedagogy and musical education. The last section deals with deafness and music as a specimen, highlighting how theoretical and empirical research on thistopic has dealt with it from a threefold perspective: on the one hand, music asrehabilitation therapy for deaf people; on the other, music’s contribution in the overall education of the deaf; finally, music as entertainment and its enjoyment as an expression of quality free time for deaf people