248 research outputs found

    Intersectionality and Feminist Pedagogy: Lessons from Teaching about Racism and Economic Inequity

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    This paper utilizes Rochester, NY, as a case study to argue that approaching race intersectionally and across disciplines creates a stronger model of feminist pedagogy. It is based on our work in the classroom and on the Fisher Race Initiatives—a series of three interactive workshops we created on our campus to create change in the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, MO, and in the subsequent rise of the #BlackLivesMatter movement. Our goals were to promote dialogue on race, to expose participants to factual information on race, and to emphasize the intersectional causes of poverty in the Rochester region. We use the framework of Gunnar Myrdal’s vicious circle theory about the perpetual cycle of black poverty and white racism to present how racism engenders and promulgates economic inequity, and we describe that framework here in the context of the Rochester region. We look at historical and current examples in the housing and education markets as specific examples of institutionalized racism and how it perpetuates the cycle of poverty. We conclude our paper by reflecting on how this intersectional interdisciplinary approach provides valuable lessons for faculty and students on diminishing unaware/unintentional racism and white privilege and promoting a more equitable campus committed to social justice

    Public Attitudes to the Sharing of Personal Information in the Course of Online Public Service Provision

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    The research focused on the following question: What are attitudes of different members of the New Zealand general public towards the collection, management, and sharing of personal information in the course of online public service provision? In order to find answers to this research question we used a qualitative research approach to empirically explore attitudes of a variety of New Zealanders in their service relationships with New Zealand public sector organisations. The research was conducted from March 2010 until August 2010, using the following research methods: • A review of international and New Zealand-based literature in the area of information sharing, privacy, and the management of citizen identity information in e-government service environments; • Semi-structured interviews with New Zealand public sector staff about the characteristics, conditions, and strategic developments in online integrated public service provision in the New Zealand public sector; • Ten focus groups with representatives of the New Zealand general public

    What\u27s In A Label? The Effects of Substance Types and Labels on Treatment Considerations and Stigma

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    Visitors (N = 579) to a science center read selected scenarios and evaluated the most likely outcome for a hypothetical substance abuser. Respondents were randomly assigned to one of six scenario conditions: a person with one of three different substance abuse problems (alcohol, tobacco, or cocaine) was crossed with two labels reflecting high or low substance dependence. Results indicated that: (1) cigarettes were viewed as a less serious substance abuse problem than were alcohol or cocaine (a person who smoked cigarettes was rated as more likely to recover from his problem, self-change was regarded as more appropriate and less stigma was associated with smoking than with the other two drugs); (2) non-abstinent recoveries of all types were greeted with skepticism; and (3) recovery was rated as more likely to occur from treatment than from self-change

    A Search for High-Energy Counterparts to Fast Radio Bursts

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    We report on a search for high-energy counterparts to fast radio bursts (FRBs) with the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM), Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT), and the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory Burst Alert Telescope (BAT). We find no significant associations for any of the 23 FRBs in our sample, but report upper limits to the high-energy fluence for each on timescales of 0.1, 1, 10, and 100 s. We report lower limits on the ratio of the radio to high-energy fluence, frfÎł\frac{f_{r}}{f_{\gamma}}, for timescales of 0.1 and 100 s. We discuss the implications of our non-detections on various proposed progenitor models for FRBs, including analogs of giant pulses from the Crab pulsar and hyperflares from magnetars. This work demonstrates the utility of analyses of high-energy data for FRBs in tracking down the nature of these elusive sources

    Alcohol Consumption and Incident Stroke Among Older Adults.

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    Objectives: This study examines the relationship between alcohol consumption and incident stroke among older adults and tests whether alcohol consumption contributes to observed race and sex differences in stroke. Method: Data are from a U.S. national cohort of black and white adults aged 45 and older, the REasons for Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) study. Current and past drinking levels were reported at baseline (2003-2007). Participants who had never had a stroke were followed for adjudicated stroke events through September 2015 (n = 27,265). We calculated Cox proportional hazard models for stroke, adjusting for demographic, socioeconomic, behavioral, and health characteristics. Results: Participants, mean age 64.7 years, consumed on average 2.2 drinks/week and experienced 1,140 first-time stroke events over median 9.1 years follow-up. Nondrinkers had a 12% higher risk of stroke than current drinkers; the risk of stroke among nondrinkers largely reflected high risks among past drinkers; these differences were explained by socioeconomic characteristics. Among current drinkers, light drinkers had significantly lower stroke risks than moderate drinkers after accounting for demographic, socioeconomic, behavioral, and health characteristics. Implications of alcohol did not differ between blacks and whites but did differ by sex: Especially among women, nondrinkers, and specifically past drinkers, had higher risks; these differences were largely explained by health characteristics and behaviors. Alcohol did not explain race and sex differences in stroke incidence. Discussion: Among older adults, those who used to, but no longer, drink had higher risks of stroke, especially among women; current light drinkers had the lowest risk of stroke

    CARE: from periphery to centre

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    Cataclysmic Variables in the First Year of the Zwicky Transient Facility

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    Using selection criteria based on amplitude, time, and color, we have identified 329 objects as known or candidate cataclysmic variables (CVs) during the first year of testing and operation of the Zwicky Transient Facility. Of these, 90 are previously confirmed CVs, 218 are strong candidates based on the shape and color of their light curves obtained during 3–562 days of observation, and the remaining 21 are possible CVs but with too few data points to be listed as good candidates. Almost half of the strong candidates are within 10 deg of the galactic plane, in contrast to most other large surveys that have avoided crowded fields. The available Gaia parallaxes are consistent with sampling the low mass transfer CVs, as predicted by population models. Our follow-up spectra have confirmed Balmer/helium emission lines in 27 objects, with four showing high-excitation He ii emission, including candidates for an AM CVn, a polar, and an intermediate polar. Our results demonstrate that a complete survey of the Galactic plane is needed to accomplish an accurate determination of the number of CVs existing in the Milky Way

    Biochemical characterization of protease activity of Nsp3 from SARS-CoV-2 and its inhibition by nanobodies

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    Of the 16 non-structural proteins (Nsps) encoded by SARS CoV-2, Nsp3 is the largest and plays important roles in the viral life cycle. Being a large, multidomain, transmembrane protein, Nsp3 has been the most challenging Nsp to characterize. Encoded within Nsp3 is the papain-like protease domain (PLpro) that cleaves not only the viral polypeptide but also K48-linked polyubiquitin and the ubiquitin-like modifier, ISG15, from host cell proteins. We here compare the interactors of PLpro and Nsp3 and find a largely overlapping interactome. Intriguingly, we find that near full length Nsp3 is a more active protease compared to the minimal catalytic domain of PLpro. Using a MALDI-TOF based assay, we screen 1971 approved clinical compounds and identify five compounds that inhibit PLpro with IC50s in the low micromolar range but showed cross reactivity with other human deubiquitinases and had no significant antiviral activity in cellular SARS-CoV-2 infection assays. We therefore looked for alternative methods to block PLpro activity and engineered competitive nanobodies that bind to PLpro at the substrate binding site with nanomolar affinity thus inhibiting the enzyme. Our work highlights the importance of studying Nsp3 and provides tools and valuable insights to investigate Nsp3 biology during the viral infection cycle

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.23, no.10

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    Keeping Up With Today, Marilyn Clayton, page 2 Victory Canning Corps, Corinne Cunningham, page 3 Posters for South America, Frances Kerekes, page 4 Choosing Your College, Clara M. Brown, page 5 For Random Reading, Lila Mae Hummel, page 7 Wanted: More Home Economics, Victoria McKibben, page 9 Teaching Field Broadens in Scope, Norma Shellito, page 10 Food Customs from the Phillipines, Soledad Payawal, page 11 Sheer Simplicity, Josephine Ahern, page 12 Association Benefits Graduates, Zoe Wilson, page 14 Forecasting Textile Supply, Elizabeth Peterson, page 15 What’s New in Home Economics, Mildred Krogh, page 16 Packaging for Post War Foods, Virginia Carter, page 18 Challenge from Latin America, Delores Stewart, page 19 Designed for Individuality, Gertrude Richards, page 21 More Products from Plastics, Mary Elizabeth Lush, page 23 Fashions in Weeds, Marilyn Baker, page 24 Across Alumnae Desks, Harriet Keen, page 26 Rehabilitation Challenges Home Economist, Marian Hoppe, page 28 Alums in the News, Patricia Maddex, page 30 Electronics Change Food Flavors, Barbara Reader, page 3

    Rethinking Equality in the Global Society

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    The future of affirmative action, especially in the area of American higher education, has been called into question by the 1996 decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in Hopwood v. State of Texas, requiring race-blind admission to state universities in Texas, and the passage of Proposition 209 in California. The seemingly endless American debate on this issue almost entirely has ignored the fact that other countries faced with comparable problems of remedying the effects of past discrimination have developed programs and acquired experience from which Americans might learn. Further, the legal debate has not been adequately informed by the social science disciplines. This conference was intended to expand discussion at a critical moment by introducing these missing perspectives
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